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Czari Zenovka

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Everything posted by Czari Zenovka

  1. Hey Darrius! I checked the transaction history you pointed to as well as the MP transaction history. In this respect I have to blush. I checked historical records and for some oddball reason that apparently made sense to me at the time I did price the Japanese room at 85L. It was meant to be sold at a 30% discount from purchasing each item separately so I will have to address that when I'm not as tired. Fortunately all my sales transactions synch up properly and I was paid for each. One of the items that had the incorrect item name/designer has now completely disappeared from my listings, while the X-rated one is still there along with another. Re: your comment of "The Devs at LL get real-life paychecks, payment for real life work," that made me think of something Oz Linden said in this interview with Jessica Lyon from Phoenix re: the new TPV policy: http://treet.tv/shows/specials/episodes/firestorm-07mar12 At one point, to explain/justify why LL can't just let TPV devs do what they want he said (paraphrased) - SL *IS* the business; it is what allows us to feed our families, send them to school, etc. (again, paraphrased) I am willing to bet there are many SL merchants to whom this *IS* their business as well and possibly pays for food, etc. I wonder what the reaction would be at the 'Lab if something borked badly to the point it affected THEIR wallets, hmmm? Actually, if this whole DD thing isn't resolved like yesterday AND an apology to the Marketplace merchants issued, this very well may affect some LL employee paychecks. Or they'll just let go 1/3 of their staff like they did a year or so ago.
  2. Super String wrote: ". Don't be too upset if someday we need to migrate to another new virtual world...(I told this to myself)... And I can pretty much guarantee this whole DD fiasco is current fodder for another virtual world that I won't mention the name of so I don't get this post deleted. Last year their forums were replete with "SL sucks" (in so many words) posts. I was a lone voice saying, "Hey! Some of us LIKE SL, please stop the hating." (Again, greatly paraphrased for brevity.) Yeah...that earned me a "scolding" from the other world's owner.
  3. My items will remain boxed as well, provided we're able to sell anything without major issues. (See my recently created FYI post).
  4. Many merchants have discovered this evening that some of their listings are messed up: wrong prices, wrong item names, a different creator listed for the item, etc. Several of my listings are affected, including one that has a XXX-rated description for my G-rated product. We have no idea how long the listings have been like this. Many support tickets have been submitted as well as a jira. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4587
  5. Submitted a ticket and voted for the current jira with comments and screenshots. Heading into SL to post a warning on my profile. Good luck, everyone!
  6. Hey! I get to play too. After reading angel6's post and that she had not changed over from the Magic Box, I ran over to my listings. Oh the joy! Wrong prices on items (my convertible futon sells for 100L, but the listing for an entire Japanese room is now 85L - gah, no wonder I sold one the other day...lol. 10 or so items are showing up as unassociated (keeping in mind I have not touched anything in my MB or on the MP website) and, yes...some items with different names, prices and designers. A closeup: I It's hard to read but the description under the welcome mat says: "Cute neko outfit with tank..." etc. Then one I just had to laugh at: These are both wrong but the description for the Victorian Hearts...GAH!!!!!! Also notice the pricing - the first mat was 99L, no price for the Victorian Hearts and 10L for the Love Hearts mat that has been "renamed" to Dark Red and sold by Colleen Later. Customers must think we've gone mad!!!! Ticket and jira time and I must say - we are not amused!!!!
  7. Pamela Galli wrote: Darrius Gothly wrote: However, as I said earlier, if time starts slipping past and they don't actually solve anything, or they go back to the "Deadly Silence" approach, yeah .. I'll light 'em up again with the rest of youse guys. Those of us who endured the Deadly Silence era have a much more positive attitude towards this team. It's all relative. I endured the Deadly Silence. My stance is a middleground between the two Josh mentioned. I'm adopting President's Reagan's stance - "Trust, but verify."
  8. It could be a problem with the viewer you are using. Only 3 that I know of support the direct delivery outbox - the most recent LL viewer, Firestorm 4, and another one with which I'm not familiar. None of the version 1 viewers (Phoenix, etc.) support it as far as I know. Someone else with more direct knowledge will likely answer soon.
  9. Mickey Vandeverre wrote: I'm not sure, but a group of us have been looking in the seat cushions for a few months now: If you find the living room suite, especially the big leather chair I just loved, or the one-of-a-kind sculpture created by the artist for an event that I won, or my entire folder of Victorian attire, let's see, I'm sure there are more...anyway...if you see any of those that disappeared into the SL ether...please let me know. *grins*
  10. Pudenta Magic wrote: It's unlikely that Phoenix or other V1-based viewers are going to fix this ... think of it as one of the first "breakages" of V1 viewers. It will be interesting to see what happens. I use Phoenix and absolutely love it. I cannot upgrade to any of the viewers that work with the DD outbox function due to my PC not having SSE2 capability. I decided to upgrade to 1.6.1 and as the install program began to download I briefly saw the "SSE2" show up in part of the description. Sooooo, apparently I now cannot even run the Phoenix latest update, never mind Firestorm. On a related topic, I watched the hour and a half interview of Oz Linden who is the LL TPV person (forget his official title) and Jessica Lyon of Phoenix. (http://treet.tv/shows/specials/episodes/firestorm-07mar12) The topic was the recent LL policies re: TPVs. Jessica asked for clarification of some major points based on questions from Phoenix developers and users. The interview is well worth watching albeit a bit tedious at times. A question Jessica asked that had my ears perking up was - what about users of 1.xx versions of TPV viewers who cannot upgrade to newer versions. Her exact words that followed were, "Are accounts at risk?" which I took to mean users who, if they couldn't use newer viewers would soon not be able to access SL at all. Oz Linden's response was an emphatic "No" which does give me hope that the v1 viewers will still be operational for the time being. As a sidenote, Jessica also asked about privacy features such as the "true online status" and tags of what viewers people are using being visible in SL that were part of the Phoenix viewer. LL had announced they would be broken. One of them, and pretty sure it's the tags, Oz said that it has been put on the back burner (paraphrased; words to that effect) and was not being addressed immediately. From my years of watching various LL announcements - it seems there is a pattern of policy changes and it's a toss up as to which ones are actually implemented and which ones fade away. Case in point: items on the MP that were 0L were going to be charged some fee or deleted altogether, I forget exactly now, but some policy after LL purchased SLX which resulted in the last migration and, in part, began the exodus of many merchants to other virtual worlds. I will say I was very pleased with Oz Linden's response re: v 1.xx viewers. If I cannot sell on the MP until I get a new PC, at least I can still run my in-world store and participate in SL.
  11. I've been spending a lot of time on the Merchants Forum trying to get answers re: the new DD system and wondered if customers are aware of the change yet so hopped over here. All the frustration expressed here is being expressed by the merchants big time. IMO the Magic Boxes were working just fine overall. I'm also a bit intrigued that some people may opt to not have an in-world store now, thus contributing to the current glut of unsold land. Even if people just needed to host their Magic Boxes some land was needed. One merchant even posted that this new system would save her money as she wouldn't need land anymore. So, why would LL do something that potentially could cost them revenue? The privacy/inventory issue is something I'm not real happy about either. I haven't researched that specifically on the Merchant Forums yet and haven't seen any thread titles addressing that yet so it may be covered...somehow. Beyond that, I try to keep a streamlined inventory and store seasonal items I only list periodically, etc. in storage boxes. Now, if I'm understanding this correctly, all my merchandise will need to stay in my inventory in its entirety. Currently this whole thing is a moot issue for me personally as my PC will not run the viewers necessary to list on the MP via DD. Any viewer still operational in SL can be used to purchase, but only the latest versions of the SL viewer...I think it's v3, the newest Firestorm and one other must be used to list; therefore, unless I purchase a new computer (due to its age, a simple upgrade is not possible) prior to the cutoff date for the Magic Boxes, my MP listings will be temporarily gone. Anyway, as a merchant, consumer, and SL resident, I do hope the new MP system is debugged soon!!!
  12. Darrius Gothly wrote: Yup, it's been working good for me. But then again I'm running on a laptop that has barnacles on its dust bunnies, so I'm used to opening a web page and grabbing a smoke while it loads. LOL But it apparently runs SSE2 so my puter is older than your puter...nyah, nyah...oh wait...why am I bragging about this. Errrrrmmmm...nvm.
  13. Darrius Gothly wrote: Morgaine Christensen wrote: [...] What I would have purchased from MP vendors went to In-World Vendors of similar items, [..] I had exactly the opposite happen to me this past weekend. Someone came to my store In-World and stayed for over an hour, then went to my Marketplace store and bought 4 things from there. LOL Just shows to go ya! I've mentioned previously that 99% of my sales are from the MP. What I find interesting is often the customer shows up on my store visitor counter but then buys from me on the MP. That is the number one reason I keep an in-world store (there are, of course, others); I like to have my bestsellers in-world where one can see and use them. I can't vouch for this past weekend, but just sayin' *smiles*
  14. I agree with Marcus re: your post, Darrius and thank you for that explanation. Geez...never even thought of people abusing it like that. When I initially read the TOS on delisting, I was scared to delist anything, even to make some improvements to it since I obviously didn't grasp the intent. Then I feel like I read, although it was a long time ago, that an object *could* be updated and relisted so then I felt safer in doing that...lol.
  15. Agreed! And I didn't even factor in Passover/Easter with Good Friday & Palm Sunday - some churches have services each night between Palm Sunday & Easter. Yes, timing was definitely WAY off.
  16. Okkkaaayyyyy, this is weird. I was in the middle of replying to you, Toysoldier, and got a message that the post to which I was replying didn't exist! I went back to the main page and found it moved with me as the OP. Anyway, I'll start again.... Hi, Toysoldier - and thank you so much for your response. The delisting policy as you outlined it makes sense. After reading that long ago, and I admit to not checking it out recently, I was always hesitant to delist anything. For seasonal items I made them inactive, but I am glad to know you have delisted/relisted items successfully. Since my last post on this topic I did receive another response from LL - from Dakota Linden. For anyone who may also be concerned about this issue, his response was as follows: "As long as you do not delete the existing listings, once you are able to upload the products to the Marketplace using the Merchant Outbox/Direct Delivery you will be able to associate the existing listings to the Direct Delivery uploads of the items." I too wonder what the rush is for this transition. At least I did get an answer from LL, well, Dakota.
  17. Random Sixpence wrote:On top of that it is against TOS to delist and the list an item again. This very issue is my No. 1 concern as I may not be able to utilize the DD system before the cut-off date for Magic Boxes due to an older PC and a financial situation that negates purchasing a new PC immediately. So, I submitted a ticket. I did get a prompt response, but one that was entirely useless. The question I clearly asked in my ticket was what will the status of my products on the MP be considered if I cannot make the transition before Magic Boxes are broken? I will not voluntarily delist them due to the above TOS. Will they just poof and then will I be able to relist them when able since I did not voluntarily delist them. After a paragraph that explained the DD system with a link to how to transition, the response ended with: "I am not sure if magic box items will be unlisted or just won't work after the 2 month deadline. For now there is a migration process in place to easily move MB items to DD. I apologize for any inconvenience you have encountered. Thank you for your patience and understanding." To recap, someone on the LL support team "is not sure if magic box items will be unlisted or just won't work, etc." I would think that should have been already thought through before launching the new system. The ticket was closed and promptly re-opened by me saying in a nutshell that if that person "is not sure" of the answer then I respectfully request my question to be sent to someone who can answer it. Haven't received a response from that one yet. Iirc, the TOS on not being able to delist then relist an item mentioned something about the "identical" item, implying that an item that has been updated in some way would be acceptable. I was in the process of updating many of my items prior to the DD announcement so I would assume that *if* my items are considered "delisted" (by LL, again I will not delist them) then relisting them in their updated versions would be ok. I realize this may not be pertinent to other situations, but it's the route I plan to take, in case.
  18. Josh Susanto wrote: Don't bother to migrate until doing so constitutes an actual upgrade of some kind. What's unclear about this? Why are people already migrating if it reduces market utility? I really like how you think. *smiles* IF I decide to continue in the MP, I'm sure as heck not doing the migration until it's working well...or at least working.
  19. Morgaine Christensen wrote: Lag was horrible in-world as well. Places that are usually low lag were as bad as big venues.. I am sure the lag had to be connected with market place issues. I do hope they get this fixed and soon I experienced this in-world lag issue as well. One of my friends could not get her inventory to load. I didn't connect it to the MP fiasco, but that is likely a factor now that you mention it...as well as weekends historically being whacky re: SL issues.
  20. garey Solo wrote: Well personally I think its disgusting. The marketplace will now be flooded with new items from creators who dont even need a sim to rez a magic box. Get ready for a huge infiltration of crap everybody. This will slowly but surely phase out in world shopping. Pretty counter productive for the Lindens I'd say. No shops, no land sales. Its a slippery slope. else at Turning a fast buck wont work & it will affect SL massively. I've been saying this for days but no one seems to agree...glad there's another likeminded soul. *smiles* I didn't think about an infiltration of crap though. People seem to think this is going to "weed out" the ... errrr I think "hobbyists" was used. Hobbyists who have been in business 3 years+, mind you, but I like your thinking. This very possibly will have the result you mention.
  21. Mickey Vandeverre wrote:Are you sure the way the current system is acting, that a magic box will still work? Many have reported that their sales are way down. I've still been getting my usual amount of sales per day from my Magic Box. Of course just having relatively few items and being a "hobbyist" and all.:smileywink: BUT...I'm getting sales!!
  22. I agree with you 100%, Gadget! A merchant who does that to me gets put on my "never buy from again list."
  23. I may get one to have my own bonfire. *grins*
  24. Ann Otoole wrote: so a few select merchants that magically have code that works are now going to consolidate all the hobbyists under their LL allowed umbrella? Very interesting. Excuse me??? I have no earthly idea what you've got yourself all in a flap over and let's not be flinging the hobbyist word around as a pejorative. I have received comments from many of my customers about "large merchants" who won't give them the time of day when they have an issue with one of their products. I'm not saying you're one of them, but just because I CHOOSE to have a small shop and enjoy helping my customers any way I can, including house calls to help them fit drapes, etc. does not make me "less." It's called providing personal service.
  25. Mickey Vandeverre wrote: Czari - I would let you do that in a heartbeat through my store, but it looks like I might be in time frame and/or technical bind, too, so can't offer that confidently to someone else. sorry about what you're going through in physical world, you hang in there. one day at a time is sometimes all you can do. Mickey, you don't know how much your willingness to let me list my items for DD via your store means to me. You've got this mess to sort through as well, so don't worry at all about not being able to offer that to me atm. I have another friend I'm pretty sure you know, or know of, who only keeps minimal items in the SL MP now, so if it comes to that, I think she and I could work something out. In the meantime I submitted a ticket to LL to ask if there would be a problem in relisting my items via DD if I am unable to meet the deadline. I'm also checking out PCs that would run the needed viewers that I can afford. Thank you for your thoughts re: my RL situation. Mickey Vandeverre wrote: You were one of the very first people to set foot in my rinky dinky store over 3 and a half years ago, and one of the first friends I made through the store experience. Ya'll supported me and many others, for many years, and I appreciate that. Even if I were to personally work out tech issues....I don't really care to watch another village of people be forced to shut down their joys in the virtual world. That stinks. Going to evaluate that a bit. It gets old. I'm re-tweeting pleas to The Man on my twitter timeline - click the link below - many people beyond this forum insisting on a longer time frame in order to get ducks in a row. *Grins* I don't think your store was EVER "rinky dinky." I recall the wonderment of seeing your escalators the first time. I still think those are just too cool!! I'll never forget the "Advice on Sales" thread where so many of the merchant friendships were formed, including ours. LL, in their "wisdom" shut that down as well (not just our thread, but the entire forum structure) to usher in the "new and improved forums" that sent so many of the regulars to 3rd-party forums. Yeah, how did that work for you, LL? What is the link you refer to so I can add my input to "the man?" Thank you once again for your kind words and support, Mickey.
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