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Czari Zenovka

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Everything posted by Czari Zenovka

  1. Dartagan Shepherd wrote: You give me chills. Shades of the announcer in "Paradise by the Dashboard Light", which overall is descriptive enough to be the theme song describing our relationship with LL. Will you love me forever? Hey Dart, check out the RL section of my profile. *Grins* I'll give you a hint: "On a dark summer night would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?" As to your question..."Let me sleep on it." LOVE Meatloaf's music!!
  2. Bay City has a good neighborhood/community feel but last I looked the parcels there were VERY expensive - however they are double prim parcels. I haven't been to Nautilus lately, but I've heard of people who loved living there. Good luck in your search.
  3. I feel for you - having stuff spam you is no fun. I've lived on mainland for the majority of my 5+ years in SL, most of that time on the same sim, and one constant I have found is that griefers/bad neighbors never stay long. Of course I wouldn't want to put up with that spam for one day, but if I may offer at least a temporary solution... By choice I have always lived in the sky. I also have my workshop in the sky and the lag is a LOT less than at ground level, depending largely what is one the ground. I would recommend that you rez a skybox or even just a 1-prim platform at 1,000-4,000m. Grab a lm there, tp someplace else then tp back and see if you're still getting spammed. If not, then perhaps placing your home, etc. in the sky until this person leaves or is dealt with by LL might be one way to avoid the spam.
  4. For those of you having difficulty getting Magic Box inventory to show up on the Marketplace, there's one step that is easy to forget/miss. From the menu at the top of the Marketplace Home Page, select My Marketplace -> Merchant Home. On the left side of the page under Inventory, click on Magic Box Status. That will take you to a new page. Click "cancel" if the black text box shows up, then at the bottom left of that page it will list all the Magic Boxes you have rezzed with their locations. Select "update" for the Magic Box/es. That has to be done in addition to resetting them physically and synchronizing with the Marketplace. *Note - Your products will show up on the upper right side listed as "Unassociated Inventory," but that's just there from the Xstreet to Marketplace transition awhile back. As for Direct Delivery, it's not a new box. It involves placing your items for sale on the Marketplace in the Merchant Outbox, which is a folder in your inventory, depending on the viewer you use. It requires using the newest viewers (SL Viewer 3, Firestorm - there may be others). I'm still using Magic Boxes but there are a number of threads on these forums that give step-by-step instructions. Here's a great .pdf created by Darrius Gothly: http://www.dgp4sl.com/Updating_a_Direct_Delivery_Product_on_the_SL_Marketplace.pdf
  5. Sassy Romano wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: One way to safely check it out is to use (or make) an alt and only have a tiny amount of lindens on the alt. Have the alt rez it and say yes to the big yellow drop down box. That way if it is not safe you haven't compromised your account. Of course if the vendor isn't transferable, that won't work. Was thinking of how I pre-tested items that asked to be able to withdraw funds in the past. If I were scripting a malicious vendor, I would write it such that it didn't do anything nefarious if there wasn't enough money worth taking thus testing with an account with nothing in wouldn't reveal it's plans. Well bah! There goes that idea. Thanks, Sassy So would putting like 100L on an alt do it, or even more?
  6. One way to safely check it out is to use (or make) an alt and only have a tiny amount of lindens on the alt. Have the alt rez it and say yes to the big yellow drop down box. That way if it is not safe you haven't compromised your account. Of course if the vendor isn't transferable, that won't work. Was thinking of how I pre-tested items that asked to be able to withdraw funds in the past.
  7. Update: I sent a polite note to my neighbor and he responded promptly with a kind IM and rearranged the builds on his land, pulling them back much farther than I expected. It is a pleasure to meet nice neighbors. Thank you all again so much for your info and help.
  8. The first thing this topic made me think of is a book called "The Virtual Community" by Howard Rheingold. Written in 1993, it is a classic work on the subject of the internet as a community unto itself. It is now available in an online version here: http://www.rheingold.com/vc/book/ I have been a "Netizen" since the mid-1980's, having first worked as a sales representative for a franchise that sold the first IBM Personal Computers when they were first introduced in 1981 which led to my interest in computers; then was introduced to "the net" while in grad. school and had a free (dialup) internet account through the university. I conducted a large part of my research online via the internet prior to browsers. The term "hyperlink" was a big deal then. During that time was also when I discovered IRC, a text-only chat medium, and was introduced to "the virtual community." My experience re: how others view my involvement online is similar to Freya's. From the outset my mother viewed being online as a waste of time and that the internet ushered in porn. She and I had many heated discussions with me trying to explain that the people I met and became friends with in chat rooms (many of whom I later met in RL) were just as "real" to me as friends I see "in person" and that porn was around long before the PC, and her hanging onto the stance that only "losers" were online. At one time we actually had an "agreement" not to mention computers/internet because it invariably led to an argument. Years later when I joined SL her opinion had not changed but we'd pretty much come to a "detente" on the subject by then, with her occasionally expressing her disapproval of the internet and relaying horror stories of people who were stalked and/or murdered from online interactions, etc. to me. Fast forward to the present. This issue with us has been ongoing for 20 years...lol. However, a couple of things slowly began changing her view to realize there are many positive aspects to being online in general and SL in particular. The first real breakthrough was several years ago when I enrolled in a SL Spanish language class offered by a RL school that now operates in SL as well. The instructor has a Ph.D. in linguistics and is otherwise extremely credentialed in acedemia. What was great fun, a wonderful learning experience, and only possible via the interrnet - the instructor lives in Spain. This was something to which my mother could relate, whereas internet "chat" or games was not in her frame of reference. The second thing that contributed to my mother having a better view of the potential of the internet was when I began attending a SL church of my RL denomination. The ministry is overseen by and under the diocese of a Bishop in England. The people who lead the worship services are either retired ministers of the church or studying for the minstry so, once again, a "bonafide" RL presence online. One of our members wrote a doctoral thesis on "Religion in Virtual Reality." My SL business does not pull a RL profit to date, but it enables me to enjoy a very nice SL without putting any USD into it. I was telling my mother about how in operating a SL business I need to not only create products, but make the ads, think of how to best present my products in my shop, and how to market them. This struck a chord with my mother as she loves merchandising and worked for many years in high-end women's clothing boutiques. For me, my main issues have not been anyone in RL not understanding my SL business but, as related, just being online in general. Interestingly, the people who don't understand my interest in having a SL business...are other SL residents!!! One of my SL friends tells me I need to get out more to "have fun." When I try to tell her that, for me, having a SL business *is* fun, it just doesnt' compute. (No pun intended.) A guy I see on a semi-regular basis only comes to SL to dance and I can tell doesn't get it. I actually had another guy "break up" with me because, quote: You're a businesswoman and the thought of building something bores me to tears." Interesting topic, Deja. Thanks for starting it.
  9. Thank you all so very much for your great responses and info and to the link for details on the parcel encroachment return. I had no idea this was available. I took another look at the area of encroachment today and realized that it is not just water effects that is over my land, but a megaprim that contains an entire island, complete with gazebo, walkway, rocks, and waves. The outline of the prim shows it is placed diagonally on my neighbor's land, thus forming a diamond shape with the bottom triangle of the diamond being the part that is encroaching. Will be contacting the neighbor and hopefully he will be an agreeable type.
  10. Gadget Portal wrote: If the prim is on your land, it's encroachment, there's no gray area. I generally start by sending an IM or something to the owner. If that fails, on mainland you can return it now (at least, I think that got rolled out everywhere). If not, you have to AR it and wait. That's the thing...the prim itself that results in the flowing river effect isn't on my land. I checked the land box for any items owned by others on my parcel and there isn't any; it's just the overflow from that prim. @Gadget & Rival - It sounds like you're both saying there is a way to return encroaching megas; I'm assuming by your posts I can do so even if there is no prim owned by my neighbor showing in my land box? I need to do a search for this feature...sounds very helpful. Will definitely talk to the guy first, just wasn't sure if I had any "footing" so to speak if the prim wasn't on my land. Thank you both.
  11. Thanks for posting the link to the UG transcript. Very interesting reading and VLM seemed to be met with a positive response from the Lindens in attendence. I had another thought I'm throwing out there to those following this thread/proposal - to try to get the word out to as many SL residents as possible, in addition to posting the sign/notecard giver in my shop, I plan to also put the texture and info about VLM in my profile. Anyone who has some extra space in their profile picks who loves this idea may want to do that as well. Just a thought that came to mind earlier today.
  12. I live on a mainland water sim that is bordered on two sides by protected Linden ocean. The parcel I'm on is the corner, thus is also bordered on two sides by ocean. I prefer to live in a skybox so I do not go down to "water level" very often; however, the estate sim that my business is on is being sold so I am moving my shop to this parcel. I had intended on placing it on the water to have the ocean view as part of the ambiance. Since the last time I came down from the sky the parcel directly behind me has been purchased by a guy that has some sort of sim extension or a similar item on his land. I discovered it when I was building a platform for my shop last night and several times when I tried to texture a side of the platform, an unknown object kept showing up in my edit window. I couldn't figure out how I was doing that but CTRL+ALT+T illuminated the issue. A large triangular portion of this extension overlaps into my parcel by quite a bit. The extension makes the water on the border between our parcels a different color as well as scripted to flow like a river, which is odd seeing basically a river on an ocean...lol. This river water flows into a portion of my parcel although the prim itself is not on my land. My question is - does anyone have any knowledge on how LL views this issue? On the one hand my neighbor does not have any prims, per se, on my property, but the "result" of his prim is. I plan to send a polite IM to the neighbor asking him to pull the extension back off my parcel but in case he chooses not to I wanted to get a "feel" for how LL would deal with a potential support ticket about this. I hope to not have to go this route but the topic of sim extensions is one I've wondered about for some time. The neighbor next to me has one about 200m or so in the air and a part of it laps over onto my land as well but I never addressed it since I live higher up and it was never an issue. The extension is quite pretty - it makes that area look like it's in the alps. I visited the store of its creator to check them out and he puts "warnings" in his description cards that say the extensions should only be rezzed on sim borders (which this neighbor does live on, the one behind me does not) and that the creator is not responsible for neighbors' complaints, so that would seem to indicate there have been "issues" with these. Thank you for any feedback on this.
  13. Casandra Kumsung wrote: I cannot even get that far When I try to drag my inventory to the merchant out box it will not let me. Tried to drag a folder and items from the magic box after coping to inventory. Hope they still support the magic box for a while. The most recent update from Commerce Team Linden is that Magic Boxes will be operable until Oct. 1.
  14. Darrius Gothly wrote: Right after Direct Delivery was first rolled out, I wrote up a complete set of instructions on how to update an existing product on the Marketplace. For future reference, you may wish to download and save this: Updating a Direct Delivery Product on the SL Marketplace Got it bookmaked. Thanks, Darrius.
  15. SinfulPrince wrote: Solaria Goldshark wrote: There is no nice way to put this: When your real life photo ends up in your SL (avatar) tab, you''ve missed the point. When your focus is on an avatar's real life sex makes you cringe, you've missed the point. When you've lost your ability to use your imagination, you've missed the point. When you make SL a dating service, you've missed the point. When you make this life similar to your own, what's the point? If a sense of escape is not the point, let's shut the whole thing down. If you've been disappointed by your experience, let's shut the whole thing down. If you've been heartbroken and can't go on, let's shut the whole thing down. If you've felt cheated, angry or felt that the world owed you something, by all means, let's shut it down. Grow up dear residents. I'd be willing to bet that the best of you take chances, make connections, and form lasting friendships despite any expectations of a person's real life situation...and the latter being the icing on the cake. The real risk being disappointed on what you might find on the other side. If you are, leave it at the door.....do not judge the pregnant wife, the slave, the wolf, the vampire, the **bleep**, the tranny, the manwhore, the prostitute, the warrior, the saint, the surfer, the slacker, the fashionista, the builder, the players...for they are all us, and we are legion....and we do not make excuses for our fetishes and fantasies, for that is the point. Welcome to the escape. I'll clear my plate for a serving of humble pie if I'm wrong. My god I think I love you LOL. Where have you been girl? **APPLAUDS WILDLY. I couldn't have said it better. And while I know there are a fleet of people who will agree with Amethyst, I think what Solaria is getting at really is inferred (at least when I hear it) in the name itself ; SecondLife. She didn't make up that name. Neither did I. It"s creators did. And it smacks of "not your real life", " other than your real life". Other wise they could have just called it Pixel Chat, or The Extention of Life. They however, honest to god , named it "Not Your Life" (if you look at the wording itself) since your life is not a "second" version &already being lived. ....we hope. Maybe our flaw is that we are literalists. Solaria, meet Sinful; Sinful meet Solaria. Sounds like you two would make a good couple. Re: this statement: Solaria is getting at really is inferred (at least when I hear it) in the name itself ; SecondLife. She didn't make up that name. Neither did I. It"s creators did. And it smacks of "not your real life", "other than your real life". Other wise they could have just called it Pixel Chat, or The Extention of Life. They however, honest to god , named it "Not Your Life" (if you look at the wording itself) since your life is not a "second" version &already being lived. ....we hope. That's *your* interpretation of it. A dear friend of mine used to say (and have in her profile), "SL is my "do over" - how I would like to live my life if I could do it all again. "SecondLife" to her didn't mean "not real life," it meant "a second chance." We had been friends for 15 years and she had been very ill for most of that time. In the last few years of her life, SL *was* her "life" as she was bedridden; it was her sole outlet for socializing, being the businesswoman she had been in RL, etc. Unfortunately she died last Nov.
  16. Sassy Romano wrote: I've always maintained that there are two types of people in SL. I classify these into "inny's" and "outy's" and from my experience the two do not mix well. My profile states this clearly and has a simple question which determines quickly which sort they are. "Where are you now and what are you doing?" An inny will typically reply "I'm at a ballroom/beach/shop/whatever and i'm looking at <insert inworld thing>". An outy will usually reply something like "i'm in my office looking out of the window, drinking a beer waiting for SL to rez on my PC". In my classification, inny's are INworld whereas an outy is OUT of world, just using SL rather than being immersed. There's nothing wrong with either but from my personal experiences they just don't mix well and the following sort of discussion ensues:- Me: "Hi" Him: "Hi, where are you from?" Me: "Cape Romano, it's a short teleport from here" Him: "I'm Bjorn from Sweden" (immediately I think he's blond and sings Abba songs all day) actually I can't be bothered to write the rest of the conversation but it rapidly degrades into phrases like:- Him: "but I really want to know where you live, something about the REAL you, so that I can better connect with someone" and a total failure to disconnect from that and do something different. As I said, neither is right or wrong, just that they don't gel well together. Your encounters are priceless, Sassy. Seriously, you could write a book or do standup comedy with some of the situations you encounter. Love it!
  17. Due to having a smaller monitor, to save screen space I keep local chat minimized, which is to say I don't have a local chat window open unless I go someplace I expect to be greeted such as dance venues, special events, etc., therefore someone can speak to me in local and I never even see the chat if I'm not looking at the bottom of my screen at that precise time. I may be standing at a store entrance and appear to be doing nothing, but I am actually camming around the store to locate what I'm looking for, thus also not paying attention to a brief flicker of chat in local that appears on my screen momentarily and disappears. If someone wishes to speak to me, the best way is to IM as that produces the *ding* sound and my IM window pops up. Of course doing that just to say hi with no other purpose tends to annoy many people; but if someone would like to ask a question, etc. that is the method that I am sure to notice. I'm an avid profile reader and I have noticed on many profiles people stating that they rarely watch local chat so please IM to get their attention, so I'm apparently not alone in this. Then thre are so many potential factors involved. You said there was a couple and the lady ignored you. Did the man/other person say hello? When I'm out in SL with a guy, especially if it's a "relationship," I'm totally focused on that person. As someone else mentioned, I may even be in voice with them. There is no way to know if the person a) even saw your local chat b) something was going on in IM, even with her chatting in local; in fact she could have been buried in IMs c) or just isn't the type of person who responds to "Hi." (I see that a lot in profiles as well...getting a "hi," in IM with no other conversation really irks a lot of people.) I don't know how long you've been in SL, but people who have been in SL for years have often been approached by new residents who ask for money, sex, you name it...lol...and have gotten to the point that they just ignore, if they even saw, a "hi." Getting back to the relationship angle, when I was partnered, we could be wearing our "tags" that indicated we were a couple, have it all over our profiles, be dancing someplace and women would still IM my partner to proposition him. Had this happen in local chat right under my nose once. My partner and I were in a maze during Halloween. The corridors were very narrow and difficult to navigate with a lot of dead ends. My partner told me to stay where I was and he'd check around the corner to see if that led anywhere as he had a faster PC. As he turned the corner I heard a woman in local say, "Hey baby," and walked around to see my partner in another dead end against the wall and this woman standing right in front of him. He didn't say anything and I was waiting to see if she said anything else. Then she rezzed a yacht (I'm not kidding) in the maze and poofed, thus making it impossible for anyone to complete the maze. This is just one example of many we experienced. So, it's possible some couples feel it "safer" to avoid arguments back home, by not responding to people they don't know. I'm not talking about people who ask for help, directions, where did you get that outfit, etc., but a "Hi" can mean all kinds of things...lol. One final example - people often come into my store when I'm there working, arranging merchandise, etc. I welcome each person and say if they need any assistance finding something or have any questions to please let me know. I would say it's a 60/40 split - 60% of the people say hi, thank you, etc.; the other 40% say nothing. I could take that as rude, but again, they may be like me, don't have their chat window open and possibly didn't see my comment. Your post sounds like you were simply being friendly and greeting people as you would where you live. As another poster said, so many different countries/cultures/customs are represented in SL. In RL in large cities people don't go around saying hi randomly. In small towns where people know each other, it's a different situation. It's human nature to bring what one knows of how to interact with others, according to *their* RL experiences into SL. Bottom line, I wouldn't immediately draw the conclusion the person was "ignorant." If they *were* deliberately ignoring you for a jerky reason...there's lots of people in SL...don't worry about it.
  18. phaedra Exonar wrote: That makes sense, I hope the hiccups on the marketplace go away soon, I had them really bad in RL today too lol I what a script that will tell me when the market place is working correctly lol (Emphasis Mine) That would be worth its weight in gold..or lindens...or "tokens"...anyway...valuable.
  19. Couldbe Yue wrote: <snip>... different people want different things out of the objects they buy in second life... There's enough people catering to each taste that this shouldn't be an issue. At the beginning I used to sell items with a choice of either perms but it took to long to set both up that when I made a choice of only selling one version I went with the perms I'd want. The percentage of sales of each set of perms was pretty well the same - so there was no overwhelming demand for copy. Very true. Up until very recently I sold my items (small home furnishings) mod/trans because years ago I would sell items I no longer wanted in yard sales or gave them away. Earlier this year I began thinking about that again and started a thread to get an idea if people preferred mod/copy or mod/trans. The people who responded to that thread were split with the majority wanting copy but some who also preferred transfer and there were good arguments to be made on both sides as a couple posters have indicated. I've had situations where I purchased a no trans outfit for my alt, then really wanted it for my main and wished that it had transfer permissions, but at the time I purchased it the situation was different. I made the personal decision to change my items to mod/copy with a sign in my store that says I will provide mod/trans upon request. Couldbe, I rememer way back on the Resident Answers forum that a merchant purchased an expensive vending system that offered either choice. She was very pleased with it, but I'm with you; that gets to be just more work when I can accomodate a choice if one wishes.
  20. Hermione Lefevre wrote: worsed thing that happened to me is I bought a dance pavillion..no copy..rezzed it ( no rezzbox)and wanted to take it back in my inventory after a while..it came apart in pieces..so I had a big puzzle to connect..i was so mad lol so what do sellers think..I say `great,let me buy another`??? That's inexcusable on the merchant's part *unless* there were instructions included that specifically state the item is "soft-linked" and then proceed to give instructions on how to properly rez, move, and take back into inventory a soft-linked item. It doesn't sound like there were any such instructions since the pavilion was not in a box. Sometimes merchants put instructions inside an object if it is purchased "from the floor" ie. not from a vendor, but one can't expect customers to look for that. I write clear step-by-step instructions for my products and if one is soft-linked (made in parts) I stress that at the beginning of the instructions (and give complete instructions on how to rez, move, take into inventory) such an item. If someone chooses to not read the instructions, which I have labeled as "IMPORTANT!! PLEASE READ!!" then what happens...happens. In my case, if a customer contacted me I would replace it regardless (and then give instructions on how to handle soft-linked items). But as for the point of this thread...if the item had been copyable...the first time you tried to take it and saw it was in parts, you would then know how to deal with the next one you rezzed. So yes, I'd be really peeved if that happened to me.
  21. That's so cool that you actually got to sit down with some Lindens and present your idea! Great work! Really hoping this gets implemented.
  22. phaedra Exonar wrote: I don't sell any thing set to transfer, is there some issue with selling transfer good that I'm unaware of, that this deals with? All my items are copy/mod except packages of some items people might want to buy and give pieces of the unit as gifts. I use it only on my MP items due to the recent erratic nature of the beast. If someone purchases one of my items from the MP, for example, I get the notification of it via email. If I don't get the rez notice in maybe a week, I check the MP transaction list to make sure the MP didn't hiccup and the customer didn't actually receive it.
  23. I use the one offered for free from Artizan and LOVE IT!!!!
  24. I was referring to tags that LL used to provide for merchants to use in their keyword listings, like when they began the Linden homes there was tagMeadowvale, tagOsami (not the right sims, but you get the idea). They also had keyword tags for holiday, promotions, etc. I know at some point in time I saw a page where LL had all of the tags listed somewhere, but apparently didn't bookmark it. Thanks for responding...was starting to get lonely on this thread...lol.
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