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Czari Zenovka

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Everything posted by Czari Zenovka

  1. jwenting wrote: I happen to like green. St Patty's day stuff is green... :smileyhappy: You and me both. Part Irish here.
  2. Bernmarie wrote: This is so funny cuz I found myself in this situation just the other day while shopping for flowers for landscaping. I came across a section of the store that had items for Easter, X-mas...ect. And I found myself annoyed at having to go thru this section full of items I clearly wouldn't need for months to come.....Then I gave in and started looking at a few items and was happy to find a few beautiful items that I purchased for X-mas :matte-motes-bashful:...I say keep them on display.:matte-motes-wink: Thank you so much for this perspective, Bernmarie - it combines what I was concerned about (annoying a customer) and the possible outcome.
  3. phaedra Exonar wrote: In general I don't see why not to leave them up, but one reason I could see for wanting to unlist seasonal items is that we don't have control over the order of items listed on our store fronts, if out of seasonal items dominate the first page of a shop listings then it might be good to remove them or remove them until other items take up the first page again. I think seasonal items are a great example of some thing that would benefit greatly form being able to chose the order of items listings you own storefront on the marketplace. (Emphasis mine) Good point, phaedra. I need to pay more attention to what shows up on the first page of my listings. Generally it seems to be the items that sell most often but these days almost anything can happen on the MP. I think I'll list them and then monitor where they "land."
  4. Thanks Melita Wasn't sure if it would annoy MP shoppers...but then I think a lot (I know I do) put in search terms for what they want and would likely not even see them. But if I got the occasional sale off-season from a seasonal item, it would be great.
  5. ...being offered on the MP year 'round? My seasonal items (ie. Christmas, Valentine's Day, Halloween, Easter, etc.) are only "visible" for sale in my Marketplace store during the specific holiday/season. However, I've been running across MP stores where all seasonal items are always visible for sale. How do you, as customers, feel about that? Does anyone buy something for Christmas in July? Or Halloween items in April. Thank you for any feedback on this. And any merchants reading this - how do you handle your MP seasonal items?
  6. You hit the nail on the proverbial head, Tiffy!
  7. Millennium Sands wrote: Hi LaGataLoca, Linden Lab eliminated several ways to make money and even ruined the land market, so earning L$ has become significantly harder over the years. That doesn't look to me like the Lab focuses on people who want to earn money for their 1st Life. People who earned a significant amount of money in SL were always a very small minority anyway, and LL never made a secret out of this fact. Most creators, club or shop owners etc. don't run their business to make money. They do what they do for fun. It's their way to play the game. Their earnings are often only a way to compensate a part of their expenses, and a small mark of recognition. But basically they are players like you and me. (Emphasis mine) Ditto this too ^^
  8. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: And how is it the merchants fault that LL does not accept some forms of payment? The merchants have no voice in that decision. I can also assure you that if it were up to the merchants, they would be happy if LL accepted these things. Further merchants get no breaks from LL. Every feature and benefit that they receive is open to you too. If you don't care to use these features how is that the merchants fault? Right now merchants are pulling out there hair because of LL's failure to communicate and fix bugs on the Marketplace. Take some time to read the commerce forum's merchants thread and you'll see that merchants are getting no special treatment and are as frustrated as you are. Seems to me your blaming your inability to use a payment source or use one conveniently very unfairly on the merchants. If you have problems take it up with the LL billing department. If they can't help you no one can. Ditto this ^^
  9. Czari Zenovka wrote: Nalates Urriah wrote: You do not need to file a new JIRA. HOWEVER, do check that the one you filed is still open. If it is not, update the information and reopen it. Publish the JIRA number in the forum with a good title so people with the same problem can add to the JIRA comments. Publish the number in the Merchant's/Commerce group in-world. Do that every couple of days for a week or so. You want everyone to know about it, so if they have the same problem they can add to the comments. Also on the JIRA click WATCH. It makes no, or little, difference if you click VOTE. Make sure to add new viewer and server version numbers. Make sure you have a step-by-step for how to create the problem. If the Lindens cannot repeat it, they can't fix it. The jira I posted on was the one that Pearl began about 4 months ago: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4587 If I start a new one, LL will likely delete it as it's the same issue but, as Josh said, that's about the worst they can do. Just posted the new mixed listings on my MP site - well new since the original mixed listings from March were removed after a ton of support tickets closed by "Scouts" - then apologized for by Dakota, etc. Since this is the same jira issue but different mixed listings, I added the info on the current situation. For some reason I couldn't add photos to that comment (tried several methods as well as the "attach" feature at the top of the jira page, but gave the URL. I plan to file a support ticket but am waiting until Monday because, from past experience, the Scouts will close it or tell me to file an inworld AR. (That was actually the response to one of my tickets on the first set of mixed listings. I'm still wondering who I would AR. lol)
  10. Rival Destiny wrote: Couldbe Yue wrote: you know, it's quite possible that they're considering doing a forced migration for people who still have MBs but have left sl or can't be bothered moving over. A forced migration would have two benefits for them; those items that are still selling can continue to make money and they can do a forced switchoff of the mbs without having a sharp decline in the number of items on offer. It's quite possible that they're testing it and you fell into the pool because your stuff sells yet because it's in a mb they think you don't pay much attention. For 99% of people that would probably be the case and they appear to have some kind of shared delusion that their software deployments are perfect and never cause issues. Whatever it is, I'd say that anyone left on a mb should probably do their own migration as we know that LL will never get it right and won't care enough to fix it. hmmmm....would the money for the merchant that has left sl and abandoned their MP store simply accumulate in their account? I know if you cancel an account, you have several months where you can still come back & reactivate it. Makes me wonder what happens if they simply leave without shutting things down. If an account is Premium and the person leaves, ie. doesn't pay the fee, the account is wiped. There is currently a post on General about someone who did this in 2009 and has recently returned. In that case, I would *think* the MP of that person would disappear as there would not be an associated account. However, a Basic account person can leave and their account remains open. I'm not sure LL does any "sweep" regularly to determine how long an account has been inactive, but based on the hundreds of blank profiles I see dating back years, it doesn't seem like it. In this case if the Basic account holder had a MP store and didn't delist anything, it could be possible for items to sell and add up on the account's linden balance. Good question, Rival. I'd love to know how LL handles those things.
  11. Couldbe Yue wrote: you know, it's quite possible that they're considering doing a forced migration for people who still have MBs but have left sl or can't be bothered moving over. A forced migration would have two benefits for them; those items that are still selling can continue to make money and they can do a forced switchoff of the mbs without having a sharp decline in the number of items on offer. It's quite possible that they're testing it and you fell into the pool because your stuff sells yet because it's in a mb they think you don't pay much attention. For 99% of people that would probably be the case and they appear to have some kind of shared delusion that their software deployments are perfect and never cause issues. Whatever it is, I'd say that anyone left on a mb should probably do their own migration as we know that LL will never get it right and won't care enough to fix it. I wouldn't doubt this at all. If SL does this prior to me getting a new PC...that will wipe out my MP store (which is 98% of my sales) until I do. If they have set a date, they should be "honor bound" to adhere to it. *Should* being the operative word. I better not see my items forcibly migrated over prior to the October date. OTOH, perhaps, as has been discussed over the years and actually said to me by the organizer of a hunt - LL makes things as hard as possible for small merchants. They want to run me off...they may get their wish.
  12. mtwtfss71 wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: mtwtfss71 wrote: Toy, Thank you for this post! I noticed something weird in my log yesterday. I had a customer buy the same product twice (actually, they only bought it once but it shows as being delivered twice) from the marketplace. This item is still in my MB. I have 1/2 my products on DD and the other half in MB. On the log, it shows being delivered from MB and then almost an hour later, delivered from DD. The customer says they only got it once. The attempt to redeliver from DD even though it isn't on DD is weird. This sounds like someone introduced a bug. I'm going to migrate the rest of my stock this weekend. This supports my theory on another thread that something, either automated or manual, is somehow doing a "check" for lack of a better word on merchants who have their products divided between the two delivery systems. I'm starting to sound like Josh. I don't think you are paranoid at all! The jury is still out on Josh though! Kidding Josh! It seems to me that they may have implemented (as a prep perhaps?) some kind of check for products being in MB still or having been migrated to DD. My deliveries are happening. It's just sending double ans to my vendor backend. One from MB and the other from DD. ONLY on the items I still have in MBs though, interestingly. Thanks *Adjusts tinfoil hat just in case* I still haven't had any MB sales since Monday and this is the longest in the "no sales cycle" since DD was introduced. Starting to get a tad concerned.
  13. Out of curiosity, have you tried creating an alt avatar (new one)? It sounds like you prefer to use this one, and I don't blame you, just wondering if a newly-created avatar would have any of the same issues. Probably not as it does sound like some kind of corrupted database, but would be interesting to try. I hope this straightens out for you and welcome back.
  14. Hi ender I don't have an answer to your question but hopefully someone will come along soon who knows about this subject. Just wanted to respond to let you know someone is at least reading your post. If you're in the Second Life Commerce group in world I would suggest asking there as well. (If you're not in the group you may want to join it. )
  15. Tiffy Vella wrote: Here I am, wondering if "Mountain Lion" is some obscure holiday location with dodgy internet connections. I obviously have some googling to do. You and me both, Tiffy. My first thought was a Disney movie - guess I was thinking of "Lion King."
  16. Deja Letov wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: Marcus Hancroft wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: Marcus Hancroft wrote: I strongly suggest everyone still using magic boxes to convert to direct on the double quick! Those of you who sell breedables and don't have full permissions on what you sell cannot yet, but the rest of you can. Correction - Those of you who sell breedables and don't have full permissions on what you sell and people who do not have have PCs capable of running the DD viewers cannot. ETA: And before someone jumps in and thinks I'm not buying a new PC "just because" (as if...lol), there are reasons. Also, mega-thanks to those of you who have talked with me privately and offered some great suggestions. *Hugs* Howdy, Miss Czari! Yes, if your computer can't run Firestorm or the Linden Lab V3, that's a problem. I'm assuming you've tried both and either crashed immediately or was so lagged you couldn't even bring up your inventory. I wish I had a solution for you on this issue. Have you tried logging into an empty water sim like Koscina using Firestorm? Maybe with nothing to rez the viewer would work just well enough to get things uploaded? Hi, Marcus Ok, the situation is that I have a PC that does not have SEE2 which, according to Wiki, was introduced by Intel in 2001 with their Pentium 4 and rival chip makers adding this in 2003. This is an integral element required to run the DD viewers as well as being able to see mesh, which is noted on the Cool Viewer website. Anyway, my PC was built by techies at a small PC store and over the years I just upgraded components as needed. I upgraded the motherboard at least once, the graphics card a couple of times, added more RAM, etc. Based on the 2003 date above, I apparently have a 9-year-old PC, chip-wise. Now the reason I can't just buy a new PC (impossible to upgrade this one because new graphics cards are not compatible with my motherboard, etc.) is due to medical/financial reasons. However...good news on the horizon. A family member has offered to provide funds so I am in the process of PC-hunting to find the best one for the money. I would actually like to try my hand at building one but with a lot of other things swirling around my head RL plus the DD deadline for MP, I don't want to risk buying expensive components and shorting out something. Before I realized why certain viewers would not even load on my PC (ie. SEE2) I tried SL V2 (which had previously run on my PC fine, but apparently when it was upgraded to V3 and I tried to run V2, it must have updated itself and I got an error message - it doesn't even try to run. Ditto Firestorm, the newest Phoenix Viewer (I'm currently using Phoenix v., Cool Viewer, etc. I hope to have a new PC prior to the MB cutoff. In addition to being able to migrate to DD, considering I have to run my viewer on 64m draw distance to move and even then am majorly lagged when I go someplace with a lot of textures, and definitely can't see any of the Windlight-introduced features - I will see a whole new SL - if LL doesn't tick me off sufficiently to pack it in....heh. If you end up not getting a PC for some reason, you might even see if you can get a trusted friend to login for you and do it or borrow their computer for a day to get it all uploaded. Hi Deja Yes, the *Hugs* I was giving out earlier were to wonderful people, both new friends I've met via this forum and some longtime SL friends, who have offered this option to me. One who even went way above and beyond for a relative stranger - which was so very much appreciated. I do have the option of also going to my parents home and uploading to DD on my fathers PC if I haven't acquired a new PC by the MB cutoff date - just, well...you know how sometimes family situations can be. But they would allow me to do this, I'm sure. My preference is to have another PC built for me like the one I've had for so long rather than purchasing a brand name since I love being able to swap out components easily. The shop that built my current PC and where I went for like 18 years (the owner/techs greeted me by name and knew my PC *very* well) is now closed and the owner just does commercial on-site business now. I'd go back there in a heartbeat, even though I now live a 2-hour round trip distance. So, I do have one estimate from a shop in town. It is a bit over budget. There is another shop I want to get an estimate from, determine which shop I prefer overall, then see what components to pare down on to stay within budget. My main objectives are the best graphics card I can afford and a motherboard that allows for RAM expansion.
  17. Marcus Hancroft wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: Marcus Hancroft wrote: I strongly suggest everyone still using magic boxes to convert to direct on the double quick! Those of you who sell breedables and don't have full permissions on what you sell cannot yet, but the rest of you can. Correction - Those of you who sell breedables and don't have full permissions on what you sell and people who do not have have PCs capable of running the DD viewers cannot. ETA: And before someone jumps in and thinks I'm not buying a new PC "just because" (as if...lol), there are reasons. Also, mega-thanks to those of you who have talked with me privately and offered some great suggestions. *Hugs* Howdy, Miss Czari! Yes, if your computer can't run Firestorm or the Linden Lab V3, that's a problem. I'm assuming you've tried both and either crashed immediately or was so lagged you couldn't even bring up your inventory. I wish I had a solution for you on this issue. Have you tried logging into an empty water sim like Koscina using Firestorm? Maybe with nothing to rez the viewer would work just well enough to get things uploaded? Hi, Marcus Ok, the situation is that I have a PC that does not have SEE2 which, according to Wiki, was introduced by Intel in 2001 with their Pentium 4 and rival chip makers adding this in 2003. This is an integral element required to run the DD viewers as well as being able to see mesh, which is noted on the Cool Viewer website. Anyway, my PC was built by techies at a small PC store and over the years I just upgraded components as needed. I upgraded the motherboard at least once, the graphics card a couple of times, added more RAM, etc. Based on the 2003 date above, I apparently have a 9-year-old PC, chip-wise. Now the reason I can't just buy a new PC (impossible to upgrade this one because new graphics cards are not compatible with my motherboard, etc.) is due to medical/financial reasons. However...good news on the horizon. A family member has offered to provide funds so I am in the process of PC-hunting to find the best one for the money. I would actually like to try my hand at building one but with a lot of other things swirling around my head RL plus the DD deadline for MP, I don't want to risk buying expensive components and shorting out something. Before I realized why certain viewers would not even load on my PC (ie. SEE2) I tried SL V2 (which had previously run on my PC fine, but apparently when it was upgraded to V3 and I tried to run V2, it must have updated itself and I got an error message - it doesn't even try to run. Ditto Firestorm, the newest Phoenix Viewer (I'm currently using Phoenix v., Cool Viewer, etc. I hope to have a new PC prior to the MB cutoff. In addition to being able to migrate to DD, considering I have to run my viewer on 64m draw distance to move and even then am majorly lagged when I go someplace with a lot of textures, and definitely can't see any of the Windlight-introduced features - I will see a whole new SL - if LL doesn't tick me off sufficiently to pack it in....heh.
  18. Flea Yatsenko wrote: And by the way, I feel the reason that it affects some people and not others is that there are several different servers running different people's stores and that some have issues while other do not. Now that's interesting...I never thought of that possibility.
  19. Josh Susanto wrote: I also understand that this incident comes immediately before the only recently postponed 1 August box shutoff, so it's probably just one more thing originally intended to convince you that you "need" to stop using your boxes . (Emphasis mine). What this is doing to me is "convincing" me that I should pack up my shop and, since currently it is the only thing keeping me in SL, leave. And LL wonders why they are having difficulty with user retention. *shakes head* (Think I'll head back to WoW, join a guild, and get my Paladin leveled up so I can join a group to complete the final quest to rescue my raptor hatchling. )
  20. Josh Susanto wrote: As long as I'm still not banned again, let me just squeeze in the fact that my store is showing almost 100 fewer items than it did an hour ago, and all my boxes seem to be working correctly. How is this happening? And, more importantly, why does it KEEP happening? If I wanted items delisted (and deleted) I could certainly delist them myself. And considering that it's still impossible for me to get anything permanently off my unassociated inventory list, I would think it shouldn't be so easy for stuff to just up and disappear from the SLM, from my boxes, and also (at least temporarily, yes, the same items) from my inventory, without even leaving a trace. Ok, that's scary, and right up there with Toy's 6 items being "magically" transferred to DD, except he still has his items....and you have disappearing items from the MP??? If I understand you correctly, the items are still in your MBs but have been delisted or deleted? Still haven't sold anything since Monday. Hope it's just a sales slump, but who knows.
  21. Marcus Hancroft wrote: I strongly suggest everyone still using magic boxes to convert to direct on the double quick! Those of you who sell breedables and don't have full permissions on what you sell cannot yet, but the rest of you can. Correction - Those of you who sell breedables and don't have full permissions on what you sell and people who do not have have PCs capable of running the DD viewers cannot. ETA: And before someone jumps in and thinks I'm not buying a new PC "just because" (as if...lol), there are reasons. Also, mega-thanks to those of you who have talked with me privately and offered some great suggestions. *Hugs*
  22. Nalates Urriah wrote: You do not need to file a new JIRA. HOWEVER, do check that the one you filed is still open. If it is not, update the information and reopen it. Publish the JIRA number in the forum with a good title so people with the same problem can add to the JIRA comments. Publish the number in the Merchant's/Commerce group in-world. Do that every couple of days for a week or so. You want everyone to know about it, so if they have the same problem they can add to the comments. Also on the JIRA click WATCH. It makes no, or little, difference if you click VOTE. Make sure to add new viewer and server version numbers. Make sure you have a step-by-step for how to create the problem. If the Lindens cannot repeat it, they can't fix it. The jira I posted on was the one that Pearl began about 4 months ago: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4587 If I start a new one, LL will likely delete it as it's the same issue but, as Josh said, that's about the worst they can do.
  23. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Marketplace-and-Direct-Delivery-Update/m-p/1562745#M25446 We have extended the Magic Box migration to October 1, 2012 and will be providing a more complete Marketplace/Direct Delivery update within the next couple of weeks. We’d like to remind those of you who see any issues to please file a JIRA or contact support with your issue so we can confirm and address any problems. #### Ok, so does that mean to file *another* jira/contact support if the issue that I contacted them about 4 months ago is still there???
  24. Maryanne Solo wrote: I have the exquisite cover of our beautiful antique family bible on some of my clothes inworld. It is a nice way to express your belief/s without having to be too concerned about religion/s, Actually I have many beautiful crosses on clothing, but that one is the best. This method of display/personal expression can apply to most religions and doesn't seem to raise anyones ire. That is a really lovely idea! I appreciate you posting that here...and gives me some ideas too.
  25. Totally agree with your post, Trinity, and I'm sorry I gave the impression to you that I meant you..or anyone here. Re: the IM to email thing...as Couldbe pointed out, with LL one just never knows...lol. And you're right...the OP was about a particular person trying to contact a particular merchant. I'm known to veer off on "streams of consciousness" often.
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