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Czari Zenovka

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Everything posted by Czari Zenovka

  1. Will pathfinding be an automatic new "feature" on mainland sims with no way for individual parcel owners to turn off? A notice was sent out by the organizer of one of the hunt groups I'm in suggesting that merchants turn off pathfinding on their *estate* parcels during the hunt duration to allow the hunters a better hunting experience ie. less lag. Instructions to do so were included. I can't use the newer viewers yet (hopefully soon!) and the method to turn off pathfinding is likely not included in older viewers for obvious reasons. The notice caused me to wonder if pathfinding can be turned off on invidual parcels or if it has to be sim-wide. If the latter, then that leaves owners of mainland parcels no choice in the matter. As a side note - I have no idea if pathfinding has been turned on for my mainland sim, but I suspect it has. I am no lagging a lot in my skyhome at 3,000m when I had no lag up there for years. Thanks for any insight into this.
  2. Ceka Cianci wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: Storm Clarence wrote: If that's not the stupidest ban ever...gah. I heard on the news good ole Blumberg now wants to ban baby formula in hospitals to basically force women to breastfeed. Talk about trampling on women's rights. they are doing it in chicago as well..or something like it..and baby formula.. well there is no reason for 6 month old children to be obese.. fructose is what they are going after.. so much salt is added to sodas that they use so much fructose to hide the salt..which really ends up being nothing more than drinking salt that will just keep making you thirstly.. a can of soda does about the same thing to the body as a can of beer does... mainly because of the fructose in it.. that's also in baby formula.. that's probably why they are going after baby formula.. fructose is nothing but poison to the body.. it will be interesting to see if they do ban it or not from hospitals.. Not debating how bad fructose is for a person, just that this whole issue begins eroding freedom of choice and that's not a road I wish to go down.
  3. JeanneAnne wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: JulesMatriarchy wrote: I hereby propose the following amendments to the SL TOS. It should be forbidden to: Post, display or transmit Content that is obscene, misogyny, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable; Post, display or transmit any material, object or text that encourages, represents, or facilitates sexual violence and abuse against women. Let's start the debate. I thought the purpose of Zindra was partially for this type of content. i went to Zindra for the 1st time 2day .. it was dead !! i used the map to find green dots .. 1 place was some hookers just standing around .. they were rude to me .. said freelance wasnt welcome LoL .. then another place there were a bunchuv avatars just standing around .. they werent dancing or chatting or anything .. just standing there i guess waiting for some1 to proposition them for pixel sex .. it was the stupidest thing ever .. so i flew & TPed around & saw all these deserted sex shops & slex places w/ no1 in em .. honestly .. whats the point ?!? Jeanne Too funny, Jeanne...and sad. Maybe you were there too early and the activities hadn't fired up yet...lol. Seriously though, from my understanding of all the topics surrounding Zindra when it was first created - its purpose was to gather all the shops, rp venues, strip clubs, escort services, etc. that exceeded M rated land and/or constituted violent content and other material mentioned by the OP. This was also during the same time frame that LL closed down the teen grid and opened SL to kids...16+, iirc. Thus the two were supposed to be complimentary moves that kept certain "content" within SL while making Zindra A rated and inaccessible to those underage. (In theory - as we all know a certain percentage of underage kids have always roamed the grid.) How well that worked out is anyone's guess. I think I landed in Zindra once during a hunt or something and only knew I was in Zindra by looking at the info at the top of my screen.
  4. Zaphod Kotobide wrote: Is this the place where we gripe about how the old forums were so much better? I believe this post fits within the category of "general discussion". Thank you for opening the discussion! Yes I, and obviously many others who left the "old forums" before the blogorums were put into place MUCH preferred the previous ones. My top three reasons are: 1. As pointed out in another thread, those forums actually became a community which expanded out into SL in world with The Forum Cartel. Those of us who bantered regularly with each other on the forums could meet and socialize "in person" there. One solid rule - none of the forum arguments/debates were to be brought into the Forum Cartel. 2. The long-running Advice on Sales thread launched many new business from their first tiny shops into well-known, profitable businesses. That thread was all about sharing info and merchants helping merchants. 3. There was a classified area for merchants to post their new releases.
  5. Spica Inventor wrote: "Uhm ok...Again I say...have you actually read the intent of this survey? Obviously those who read the original post can see the only point was too track in world traffic so how exactly are in world results of an in world study totally not valid? And how does it relate to a marketplace search at all? I know I haven't made any guesses as to how easy it is too find me via a marketplace search". It wasn't obvious at all. In fact you seemed to go out of your way to not mention that the statistics where to be based exclusively on your inworld store purchases. I'll try this one more time and speak more slowly...in Deja's first post she said: "I realize this information is probably only interesting for an inworld store owner, this isn't going to help any of you MP only shop owners." Thus indicating clearly (for anyone with a scintilla of common sense) that this was strictly for her in world business. Argue on, Spica...I'm out of this thread.
  6. Spica Inventor wrote: "The first post in this thread states: "I realize this information is probably only interesting for an inworld store owner, this isn't going to help any of you MP only shop owners." Nods, and your point, Czari? My *point* Spica, is exactly what you quoted - Deja's survey had NOTHING to do with the MP, which your posts railed about. What was your point?
  7. Storm Clarence wrote: If that's not the stupidest ban ever...gah. I heard on the news good ole Blumberg now wants to ban baby formula in hospitals to basically force women to breastfeed. Talk about trampling on women's rights.
  8. Alicia Sautereau wrote: Still miss a few names I know of several of the "oldbies" who left SL, others are in IW or other grids, and, according to what one of the former regulars tells me (who is now in IW), some of the oldbies are on SLU. Wish we could round some more of them up and start another undying thread. *Grins*
  9. I don't want CTL to even *think* about doing something else to muck up...errrr *enhance* the MP until they get the mixed listing issue corrected (still have 4 of those on my store), fix the issue that no copy items can be sold via DD, and several other related jiras that popped up over 4 months ago that are still languishing. Part of me is getting to the breaking point with the whole deal...
  10. Kenbro Utu wrote: Those forums even gave merchants a place to post new products and events. A lot has changed since then. YES!!!! I've always wondered why that was not included with these Blogorums. Another case of LL shooting themselves in the foot??
  11. Marianne McCann wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: I sooo miss the old forums and agree that it was a community. I joined SL on May 1, 2007 and began reading the forums regularly. I remember Pie, the Forum Cartel, Trout's "s1ut ratings," the Undying Thread, etc. Many of the people who were regulars then are likely on SLU. Those were the days. Never seemed to happen after the old forums were replaced with the JIVE based ones, then these ones. The old crowd moved on. Woot!!! Marianne!!! /waves wildly
  12. Valen Serpente wrote: JeanneAnne wrote: how do you random teleport Valen? Jeanne I just open ye 'ol map, move it around a bit and click any old place. :smileysurprised: Oh, just reread this again and thought you said to open the map and click on where green dots are...sorry about that. Caveat to this for the OP, if you see two green dots overlapping on the map, I wouldn't recommend teleporting there.
  13. Valen Serpente wrote: JeanneAnne wrote: how do you random teleport Valen? Jeanne I just open ye 'ol map, move it around a bit and click any old place. :smileysurprised: Which is the story I got on what happened to my partner once when he went down from our skyhome to land level to pay the rent and a naked lady dropped out of the sky, landing on him, and said, "Hey Baby!" A similar thing happened some months later in a Halloween maze, but this time a fully-clothed lady fell out of the air, said "Hey Baby" then rezzed a yacht (I'm not kidding) in the maze that trapped everyone in the maze from going any farther. We did the "rez a box, sit on it, edit and pull through walls" trick until it wasn't fun any longer. See how much there is to do in SL???
  14. Ceka Cianci wrote: Parhelion Palou wrote: According to your argument, real life is a game too. The rewards and punishments are somewhat greater. well ya it's a game.. see? \o/ Thank you so much for posting that, Ceka! I LOVED that game. A friend of mine had it and I sooo wanted it as well, but I was given Monopoly for Christmas that year. (Still have that set - keep waiting for it to become a collectible...lol.) As a child, I thought Monopoly was boring but Life had the cool spinning thing and such.
  15. Last communication from Commerce Team Linden is here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Marketplace-and-Direct-Delivery-Update/m-p/1562745#M25446 As it stands, Oct. 1 is the new cut off date, but in another notice CTL said they would give a 4-week prior notice. This bit is what I'm watching: "Limited Quantity Support (Merchant does not have rights to copy the items for sale): This is currently being worked on. Magic Box migration will not be required until this is supported. (Note that Merchants can sell items that have next owner rights set to “No Copy”.)" IMO, this is what will push back the cut off date if not in place prior to Oct. 1.
  16. JulesMatriarchy wrote: I hereby propose the following amendments to the SL TOS. It should be forbidden to: Post, display or transmit Content that is obscene, misogyny, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable; Post, display or transmit any material, object or text that encourages, represents, or facilitates sexual violence and abuse against women. Let's start the debate. I thought the purpose of Zindra was partially for this type of content.
  17. Kenbro Utu wrote: I've been around a while. I read the old forums, did not post a lot, but I do miss them. There was very lively discussion. It was a real community. I never thought of them as being rowdy, as was their reputation. I cut my social teeth on Usenet. Everything is calm compared to that. I sooo miss the old forums and agree that it was a community. I joined SL on May 1, 2007 and began reading the forums regularly. I remember Pie, the Forum Cartel, Trout's "s1ut ratings," the Undying Thread, etc. Many of the people who were regulars then are likely on SLU.
  18. Spica Inventor wrote: "Not really. We each participate in the activities we enjoy in SL. I'm not a shopper - shopping to be shopping bores me silly. However, I enjoy games and challenges so hunts, for me, are a lot of fun". Yes, I know. And I can see how it might be fun at times, but this goofy study is pushing ideas of inworld merchant finding/shopping preferences that are totally not valid. The only thing useful about the study might be the relative ratios of different methods for INWORLD merchant locating. Any idea that it is hard to find merchants via a Marketplace search that this study implies is pure nonsense. (Emphasis mine) The first post in this thread states: "I realize this information is probably only interesting for an inworld store owner, this isn't going to help any of you MP only shop owners." Deja clearly indicates that her survey was to determine, in your words, "the relative ratios of different methods for INWORLD merchant locating." That was precisely the point - to get an idea of how her inworld traffic found her store. I don't see anything that suggests it is hard to find merchants via a MP search. The first post also says: "The biggest surprise to me is the number for the Marketplace. The Marketplace currently varies each month to consist of anywhere from 40-50% of my total sales. So to see that only 15% of my visitors found me on the Marketplace, caught me off guard. I thought it would be quite a bit higher." (Emphasis mine) The bolded part might be where the confusion is. I don't read this as it was hard to find Deja's MP store. If that were the case 40-50% of her sales would not come from there. My interpretation of the MP inference (and Deja, please correct me if I'm off on this) is that, considering a healthy chunk of Deja's sales are from the MP, she was surprised that it only translated into 15% of that number coming to her in world store as a result. Based on my own experience with MP sales of my products plus my own shopping habits (when I shop...lol), I would say many MP shoppers, especially those who shop exclusively on the MP, rarely go to in world stores thus not being present to take the survey in the first place. With this info, Deja's post went on to say that she used to devote more effort into inviting her MP customers to come check out her store inworld, and that, based on these figures, she plans to do so again.
  19. Dillon Levenque wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: Going to a club alone is perfectly normal here; in fact in my experience that IS the norm in most venues. There is no requirement to speak to anyone (unless you're spoken to; common courtesy would suggest a reply). You've explained you're a guy, so you won't have to deal with all the IM hitting solo females encounter. (Emphasis mine) LOL. I was about to post that since he's a guy, all he has to do is appear at a club of his music choice, stand for about 5 minutes, or less, and be hit on by a female. My male friends say this happens a lot. When I was partnered, with our names in each other's "partner slot" on the profile *and* wearing tags that identified us as partners, women would still come up and "proposition" him right in front of me...heh. Okay, that gave me a laugh. I stand corrected; I was just going on comments I've heard from females both inworld and on the Forum. I've never heard a male complain about that but then I guess that's to be expected ;-). I'm a t-girl so for me it's not much of a problem—I think I pretty much just confuse everybody. LOL...yeah...guys tend to brag about being hit on.
  20. Sea Warcliffe wrote: In Gimp 2.6X yes - you can save as... and flatten to remove the alpha if making a png. Unfortunately in Gimp 2.8 its not that simple, and removing the alpha is a whole added step now as far as I can tell. And unlike Photoshop, when you save a tga in Gimp, you do not get the 32 or 24 bit option in the save dialogue. Thank you for the info re: this issue on Gimp 2.8. I'm still using 2.6x. I'm one of those "If it works for what I want to do I don't see the need to upgrade" type of person. I've received a bit of info on 2.8 from the Gimp groups I'm in, but haven't yet gone to the website to check out any new features that would be of interest to me. The alpha deal alone is enough to make me stick to 2.6...lol.
  21. Pamela Galli wrote: I have not found anyplace where merchants are better informed than here. Not even close. There is the inworld group Second Life Commerce Merchants, which has some well informed ppl. Definitely agree. I'm in that group as well, however, I find the majority of questions are approximately a week behind what we've already been discussing on the forums. I generally respond with, "You can find that info/discussion on the SL Merchant Forums." I had one person say I didn't have it listed in my groups and how could s/he join? /facepalms I think it took about three tries to get the person to understand I was talking about a "forum" not a "group." I know I should be after 5 years but I am still amazed at the percentage of SL residents who have no idea a SL forum exists.
  22. Spica Inventor wrote: Speaking only for me, I find the vast majority of new stores in hunts. **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-wink.gif" border="0" alt=":smileywink:" title="Smiley Wink" /> God, you have alot of time on your hands don't you, Czari? hehe ;-) Not really. We each participate in the activities we enjoy in SL. I'm not a shopper - shopping to be shopping bores me silly. However, I enjoy games and challenges so hunts, for me, are a lot of fun. I've done hunts with another person, groups of people, have met people during hunts that have become friends, etc. The time I spend going to hunts, and I didn't say I went to a lot of them - far from that - is spent by others doing different things in SL. My point was that I personally find new stores, since I don't like shopping, via hunts. Coupled with the experiential evidence that most of my recent in world purchases are from hunters underscores one of the elements of Deja's survey.
  23. Ingrim wrote: More along the lines i can't separate my feelings for someone IRL and somethings that have happened in SL and im getting hurt by them, so its best i quit. I can somewhat relate to this. I was partnered for the first 3 years of my SL and we did everything together. After we split, no matter where I went, it reminded me of him. I created an alt and she became my "social avatar" while my main (me) buried myself in my little SL business, if I brought that avatar on at all. As weird as it sounds, going to the same places I used to go with my former partner but as an alt, was less hurtful. Just another suggestion.
  24. Dillon Levenque wrote: Ingrim wrote: its not that i refuse, its that nothing i have found is interesting to me, my hobbies, dungeons and dragons, Magic the gathering (card game), art, music (listening to, not making) and i do consider myself to be one boring sob IRL. Ive tried the RP sims, didn't work out so well for me, and havent found anything to do other than fly around and take random pictures and thats boring as hell. the clubs i don't like going to by myself cause it feels weird even in SL, and im really shy and that shows through even in SL. or any onine game ive played. I don't care for sports, automotives of any kind. and the zombie and vampire games are boring as hell too. Going to a club alone is perfectly normal here; in fact in my experience that IS the norm in most venues. There is no requirement to speak to anyone (unless you're spoken to; common courtesy would suggest a reply). You've explained you're a guy, so you won't have to deal with all the IM hitting solo females encounter. (Emphasis mine) LOL. I was about to post that since he's a guy, all he has to do is appear at a club of his music choice, stand for about 5 minutes, or less, and be hit on by a female. My male friends say this happens a lot. When I was partnered, with our names in each other's "partner slot" on the profile *and* wearing tags that identified us as partners, women would still come up and "proposition" him right in front of me...heh.
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