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Czari Zenovka

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Everything posted by Czari Zenovka

  1. Dartagan Shepherd wrote: Oops, replied to myself instead of you, Czari. Hail, queen of netsplits. You're probably a channel war vet too. I think SL was using IRC as their group chat in the early days. We still see the remnants of IRC commands like /me emotes. Probably should have stuck with it, group chat still isn't stable. Awesome story, a plus for SL fulfilling the more immersive experience we were looking for in these other places. I think that's something they don't get about a portion of their users. They didn't hook us on the experience, we were already involved in "heavy" experiences such as games, IRC, MUDs, etc. We just wanted something with better scenery and an endless supply of props. We were already creating the experiences we create here socially. Of course LSL still reminds me of TCL scripting for eggdrop IRC bots. IRC is actually part of virtual worlds history. Originally IRC was meant to be a MUD, thus the concepts of "rooms" (which became channels), until it formed into pure chat. MUDs of course were the forerunner of virtual worlds with all the features of say SL, minus the 3D. Later VRML mixed with user content until we finally ended up here. Phil thinks he invented the stuff as an idea in the bathtub in 1952 while playing with err ... legos and that virtual worlds didn't exist before 2003 when what they set out to create with SL originally wasn't a virtual world at all, but a test for hardware. Thinking if SL came from people with experience in the actual history of virtual worlds, SL would have been much greater than it turned out, but it still beats many alternatives that don't have all the props. We understood what people were trying to "do" with things like turning an IRC channel into a game, or a social space for various niches, etc., and that's always been the missing link with SL. They don't get it. They get startups and monetization. Sort of. "Queen of netsplits" - like it. I should use it as my signature, except a large part of forum readers wouldn't get it. Oh yes...one reason I/my group moved from Dalnet to Effnet to several other nets was because the splits were getting so bad on Dal, then got bad on Effnet, etc. Some of the now funny times, looking back, but frustrating at the time, was when some rp "ceremony" was going on, kind of like a SL "wedding" a split would occur and invariably take the two principal parties to separate...wherever we went when we split. It got so bad that prior to ceremonies we would all make sure we were on the same server so we stayed together. I obviously enjoy SL or I wouldn't still be here, but initially it was difficult to get out of the mindset of typing in our actions ie. "/me walks in measured steps across the crowded <wherever>, vermillion tresses catching the sunbeams peeking through the window slants...etc., etc." since in SL we just walk over. I can usually detect when someone has been involved in rp on IRC or one of the other chat venues due to their generally more descriptive emotes in text. After 15 years of "/me stretches a bit lazily then looks over my porcelain shoulder to...blah, blah, blah" breaking that habit took some time, again in rp. (I was in rp with someone in SL once and they asked, "Are you an author or something?" lol) Agree with the rest of your post. Honestly, especially as I do feel I express myself sometimes better with the written word, I miss IRC. I used to pop in every so often to visit old friends (some of whom even back in 2007 couldn't get it to run on their PCs and others who just have no interest in leaving IRC) but haven't done so in a long time. Maybe it's time to make an appearance.
  2. Quick off-topic derailment: I love your new forum photo, Erin. I really need to do one. :matte-motes-bashful:
  3. Carl Thibodeaux wrote: I don't entirely think this is a scam. Many people look for sugar daddies/ moms to spoil them all the time. This could be a instance. That's what I was thinking as well.
  4. Dartagan Shepherd wrote: Lamah is IRC-speak for lamer, but pronounced like llama. http://onlineslangdictionary.com/meaning-definition-of/lamah Example, going in the Ruby on Rails chat room on IRC and asking: "Hey, we adapted a Spree shopping cart to a virtual world and we broke it. Can you help?" In which case a room moderater might type: /mode #rubyonrails +b *!*@lindenlab.com "Try rm -rf / lamah". ... which means, we can only hope that you actually try that command to wipe your hard drive, lamer. Your domain is now banned from this room. Ahhhh...great memories!!! I spent about 15 years on IRC - first online social program I used...before mIRC existed. I recall the wonder and excitement of seeing colors in text! Interestingly, 5+ years ago, someone wandered into my home channel and started telling us about SL. Our response (meaning the group in general) was - "We've been on IRC as this channel for 15 years and we're not about to move, thank you." The head of that group was pretty much computer illiterate and had no desire to go to a virtual world. A couple months later I was curious so made my account and came to SL to check it out. Another member joined me and for about a month the two of us hung out and explored SL, actually renting a home together. The funny part of this was that he and I didn't really get along on IRC (it's a long story and more related to our particular rp group than any personal issues). Renting a house together, going dancing, cuddling...was a bit of a surreal change. Bit by bit the rest of our group came over, minus a few who came, said "This sucks" (after they got caught in lag or couldn't figure out how to get the box off their head) and returned to IRC.
  5. I haven't checked relevance - not really sure how to check it - but I'm noticing something another poster said in another thread - I'm seeing swings of people purchasing my less expensive items for a few days...then no sales...then the more expensive items. Rinse/Repeat. And when I say "less expensive" - it's one item that I didn't think worth even putting on the MP. I made it basically as a cabinet to display other things on in my store, then set it at 10L or 15L just in case someone wandered by and liked it. Recently put it on the MP and was astounded to see it sell!
  6. Thinkerer Melville wrote: I have not seen any SL messages like this, but I have seen a few IMs that sound the same. I just block the sender. I haven't heard of this type of message either and was a bit surprised when I read the OP, but I guess there is a first time for everything. What I do receive is quite a bit of spam email about someone imminently dying and leaving their "fortune" to me if I first send X amount of money to them.
  7. Marigold Devin wrote: Lilith Roddenham wrote: Sudenly when I logged in I saw my avatr sorrounded by some kind of sheep that says on them "Linden Seep" I cant detach them or do anything to stop it, the creator of the object is eniefild and the creator is MIssing Magic, I have a premium account but in my other avatar, what should I do? Edited to add - the kids have broken up for the long summer holidays; I guess we can expect a lot more of these griefing attacks, so everyone REMEMBER TO PUT AUTORETURN ON LAND!!!!!!! :smileyvery-happy:  Starts counting the days until school is back in session. Edit to add - Not that I want to be griefed at all, but these sheep look a lot more benign than the monkey faces that used to be one of the griefing standards. Ugh. Could have nightmares about those things.
  8. abe86 wrote: here Hello Dear How are you today dear friend, My name is (Miss Angela ) I am new here and looking for love and ..blah..blah..blah.. i got this on my inbox,maybe this is an ordinary case of spam/scam.my question is how they get my username and/or my email address?is it any action to prevent any message type? *ive been search for"scammer' in this forum but didnt find it Do you have the option checked in your viewer to send IMs to email? If so, and the person sent this to you as an IM, it will show up in your email as From: <Person's SL Name>/Subject: Message From SL. If it shows up as a regular email, what is the sender's return email? Just from the info you provided, I think a random spammer saw you someplace, got your name from a group list, who knows...and sent an IM to you that showed up in your email if you have that option selected. If that is not the case, then figuring out how the person got your email is a separate issue.
  9. Shelby Silverspar wrote: and I sure miss those good times, this place has gotten sorta bland ever since... Me too. So many of the forumite regulars went to third party forums and some to other virtual worlds. I miss Trout's "**bleep** Ratings," The Never Ending Thread; I learned soooo much from the "Advice on Sales" thread that was still going strong for a year+ when the plug was pulled on thosse forums, and so many other people's posts I enjoyed. Edit to add - After I posted I saw that the first word in Trout's ratings was replaced with **bleep** although on the old forums it was bandied about regularly. Interesting. Anyway, the word was s1ut. Edit to my edit - For those reading this not around during those "ratings," wanted to make clear this was all in fun and those who wanted the "rating" voluntarily participated and many used their "rating" as their forum signatures. At first I was a bit surprised anyone would want that particular moniker, but as time went on and I saw how Trout did his "ratings" - I saw it in a slightly different light. Interestingly a few days ago I pulled up someone's profile to find a particular store and in the person's profile picks was her "Trout Rating."
  10. Dillon Levenque wrote: You mentioning IM'ing Void and following up with your suggestion reminded me of a thread of hers; I just necro-posted it back. It would be a very good place to start on your '20 Questions' theme. Void's Links Oooooo, I never saw that before but now have it bookmarked. Thanks for posting that, Dillon.
  11. I think we should find good representations of the top 20 questions regularly asked on the forums (preferably ones that include at least one serious answer - depending if one is possible), bookmark them, and when someone asks one of the "Big 20" - just respond with the link corresponding to their question.
  12. Amaranthim Talon wrote: /me still hugs the old thread... /waves wildly to Amar!!!
  13. IM'd Void and she replied that unfortunately that script does not work on these forums due to the current forum architecture. Yes! Keeping track of who was ignoring whom so as not to quote them became an art form unto itself...lol.
  14. Ceka Cianci wrote: ya i think once we went to the blogrums..they didn't have an ignore..but if i remember right Void made a couple of scripts for those..one for forum color change and also an ignore script that we could get if we wanted.. it would be nice if we could get scripts for these forums and have the choice like that.. if we wanted.. i don't even know where to find my IM one..hehehehe Ahhhhh, someone who remembers the term "blogrums." Remember when people used to request not quoting someone in a post because said person was on their ignore list and, while they didn't see the person's actual posts, *another* person quoting them of course was seen. (This non-quoting request was generally for one or two VERY controversial/mean-spirited types who, come to think about it, I haven't seen on the new forums. Maybe the person went to one of the third-party forums.) Do you know where to get one of the scripts, or maybe I should just IM Void personally. Thanks, Ceka.
  15. Dartagan Shepherd wrote: Just an extention of the way things have always been that they'd rather have the millions they can't reach more than the ones they have. Thanks for the info though, hopefully they're really not just seeking a new customer base and excluding the old one, but that's the way it appears. A friend and I were talking about this just the other day. What LL doesn't seem to grasp is that, as opposed to when SL began and was pretty much the only game in town, consumers now have a buffet of VW's and "social media" from which to choose. Some may find something within SL that keeps them here long term, but a great many, generally the younger set who LL seems to be trying to reach, will hop around from venue to venue - either looking for what interests them, or just because the mindset is to do the "next cool thing." Those of us "oldbies" who have ties to SL - businesses, friends, etc. - are more apt to grit our teeth over all the LL picadillos and soldier on. LL *should* be addressing their marketing efforts (if they have any) to not only reach new customers but hang on firmly to those that have been loyal customers through all the bad LL decisions.
  16. lucagrabacr wrote: Took me minutes to understand the joke, lol The randomness of this forum confused me sometimes. Random you say? The epitome of forum randomness is immortalized in this (in)famous thread - Just Ignore and Let This One Die. http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/327/85/252954/1.html When I looked it up on Google I found this commentary: "This has the makings of the longest lasting thread in the whole universe." When the old forums were closed, losing this thread alone was part of the angst. Snickers Snooks made T-shirts that are still available for 0L on the MP: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Marketplace/515987 Ahhh...good times.
  17. MoiselleErin Teardrop wrote: Dillon - DAMN GURL you are NOT BS'ing! I hate dem women who do that! Damn hoes be comin up in my face be thinkin I was messin with they MAN and I am like "B**** I gots my OWN man and don't need yo needle-d*** excuse of a man who don't pay his chil suppot on dem 3 kids he had with dat hoe who lives down the street!" Dem hoes better RECOGNIZE. *Wipes water off the monitor*
  18. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: The forum ignore fuction mutes the other party's private forum messages, nothing more. What is my Ignore Users List and how do I add users to it? If you are receiving messages that you'd prefer not to receive, you can add the sender to your Ignored Users list. The system blocks all messages from users on your Ignored Users list. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/help/faqpage/faq-category-id/pm#ignorelist That's what I figured. Was just hoping. Thanks, Griffin.
  19. The only griefing I encounter is "in your face" griefing (very occasionally as I now avoid hotbeds of griefing). The most recent occurred in a sandbox; I know - sandboxes are notorious griefing territory but some are better than others. This one occurred in the sandbox owned by the Ivory Tower of Primitives. I usually rez a platform and go up at least 1000m in sandboxes but this day I just wanted to rez something quickly and move on. The sandbox was pretty much empty. I go about my business and then see a green dot on my mini-map coming toward me. I cam around and see no one. Now I know things take awhile to rez in for me, but I would at least be seeing the name tag. While I'm pondering if the avatar is using some type of cloaking device, a flying vehicle of some sort lands ON me (explaining why I didn't see anyone camming "around" - it didn't occur to look up - and I get an IM from a "Lure Pod" (something like that but the first part of the object's name was definitely "Lure") saying, "Come with me." As the pod encompasses me, I note a naked male avatar piloting it. This sandbox has HUGE signs with rules - one of which is no nudity...and of course no griefing. I moved away from the "pod", rezzed a prim, sat on it and proceeded to AR naked dude with "Lure Pod." Next thing I know, naked dude is sitting ON the same prim I rezzed. Lovely. I changed the prim Z co-ordinate to 4000m, stood up (planning on sending dude on an unscheduled flight, wondering if I could be AR'd in return) but before I hit enter on the coord...dude got up too. Darn!!! I did an edit on the "Rules Sign" to get the owner's name and send a note to him as well and saw the pod was hovering over me again, spamming me with "Come with me" IMs. Tp'd out at that point, while thinking - "Griefing has gone high tech in the last few years. In the past one just had a cage thrown over them."
  20. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: I have seen mesh via a good friend taking photos to show me various mesh items. You have your opinion, I have mine - they are both valid, eh? To have an opinion requires informed awareness. Only opinions backed by experience or evidence are valid. If you try mesh, see it inworld, and then reject it - that's a valid opinion. Its one I could disagree with, but still find valid, unless it also called for taking away mesh from those who do enjoy it. Wiser to reserve judgment until able to form a valid opinion from experience. Such as once one has a computer capable of viewing and interracting with mesh. Don't be too stuck in the mud over this. I started out rejecting mesh - until I'd tried it. I find its better in life to try a thing or examine a thing before I judge it. I forget to do that at times - which can leave me backtracking on a stance I'd made. But its important to not draw a conclusion until you sample it for yourself. Good point. I'll get my new PC, put on some mesh clothing, rez a piece of mesh furniture, then continue boycotting mesh. Yes, I'm stubborn. *Grins*
  21. On the old forums, or maybe it was the old, old forums...anyway...when someone was placed on ignore their posts were not seen. I have a person on ignore (no one in this forum...it's a whole different level, as it were) but I can still see the posts; not if someone replies and quotes this person, but posts the person began, replied to, etc. I double-checked the settings and it does show this person on my forum ignore list, but is the function to not see their posts gone now?
  22. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: Dilbert Dilweg wrote: LOL 6 years in world here and had no idea that land impact was prim equivalence till I started making mesh and optimizing it for LI 3 months ago lol. Yea call me a bonehead. or what ever lol. Hey, you're ahead of me. To begin with, my computer won't run the viewers that "see" mesh (don't ask); therefore, I'm seeing some really odd things in SL lately - especially in clothes. I personally see no reason for mesh (which I have seen echoed in several posts). To me it's the "next cool thing to jump on" whether it's actually useful or not. If you could see mesh, and tried some mesh items out, you'd be more prepared to see why it is of such geat value. Or at the least, make an informed statement about it not being an advance. As for sculpty confusion - LOD issues still abound; which is not a valid arument for doing away with Sculpty. Likewise, facelights and default lighting still exist, which is no excuse for doing away with Windlight. After using mesh, I no longer buy pre-mesh clothing. Its just not as good in performance or appearance. I've been working to replace furniture, buildings, and vehicles with mesh items as well. They hold textures much better, have crisper edges, and often come in at much lower land impacts -when done right-. They also burden my system less. I get higher FPS the more mesh and less sculpty is around me. Sculpty is a gimmick: its a texture map, that the system then reads the values of and uses that to move a preset number of vertixes to specific locations. The number of vertixes present is always the same no matter how detailed or undetailed the item. This results is warp-points where too many vertixes cluster, or not enough are present to define a curve or angle properly. The same results in extreme comlexity is creating the UV map for texturing - which itself must be made as all one face, one map, resulting in a loss of available detail. They also have bounding boxes that are somewhat arbitrary - resulting in spots where you poke through or float above. Mesh lets the object itself be the bounding box, or a custom made bounding box - it will be solid right where the maker told it to be. SL really should have gone prim -> mesh, skipping sculpty. But we have sculpty, and its got too much legacy. Not enough end-user systems were ready for mesh back when sculpty came around (though MOST of them are ready now). So despite how burdensome it is on SL's engine; sculpty is here to stay. I have seen mesh via a good friend taking photos to show me various mesh items. You have your opinion, I have mine - they are both valid, eh? I restate I will not buy mesh products...and I think a couple other posters on this thread have said the same thing. As a builder I understand sculpties and textures, but thanks for the lecture.
  23. MoiselleErin Teardrop wrote: But, But, but, mesh is the truth, the life, and the way! It is perfect in every way! When the F*** are SL'ers going to realize that the new advances and even the old ones are not going to make the lag and prim issue vanish? many ways to save prims out there but each has a cost. Want to use an Alpha layer on a fancy texture? GREAT, less prims but the overshadowing with other alphas looks ridiculous. Want to use mesh? You better very well know what you are doing, and keep in mind that you are completely blocking out the sector of SL who CANNOT use mesh (like if our computers won't run V3) Plus it may not cut down on prim counts.With clothing, is it REALLY necessary to have mesh for clothes when sculpts work well? I will say this - I have completely quit going to certain shops (and not spending money there) cause all their new stuff is mesh. I cannot use or see it so their mesh crap is completely useless to me. Want to use sculpts? Good luck trying to texture THAT unless you really know what you are doing with a GOOD graphics program. Oh and what about that box around it? Oh yeah just make it phantom, and then you just need a rezzer script. Maybe I am in the stone age but honestly - the standard prim is still the best comprimise of everything. I understand sculpts ARE needed at times. I have used and made them myself. However, people care about only ONE thing it seems - prim count. The hidden lag from scripts, awkward shapes and textures etc, well none of that seems to matter now DOES it? I feel like framing this post!!! After 4 months of being basically told I'm living in the stone age because I own a PC that can't run the viewers needed for the MP Direct Delivery system (the implementation of which may not be the causal factor but it sure unearthed a lot of MP issues) - nevermind there are valid reasons why I and others cannot at present do so, then not being able to see mesh - not that I mind, it has caused some amusing moments in people watching - it is refreshing to see that I'm not the lone voice crying in the SL forum wilderness. Preach it, Sister!!!
  24. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: I notice no difference myself. You can set up the UI for Firestorm is a lot of different ways using preferences. It you didn't customize your earlier version and just used it in default mode the default may have changed with the new relase and that is why it is different looking. Just go to preferences and set up where and how things like toasts, chat boxes etc. appear to your liking. You should be able to set it up the way you like as it is very flexible. Phoenix offers free classes in world if you need help doing that. See their web site for more information about how the customizations work and what the class schedule is. The new Firestorm serves toast??? :matte-motes-agape:
  25. Perrie Juran wrote: All of the above are reasons why I am of the opinion we should all be boycotting Mesh till Linden Lab gets it's act together and does it right! Yeeaaaa!!! I'm not alone!
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