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Kylie Jaxxon

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Everything posted by Kylie Jaxxon

  1. Multiple premium accounts, yes, I would think twice about dropping some down...especially if you have like, um, 20 of them or something Although still, in comparison to what they already put out for those 20 accts, the state tax is nothing most likely
  2. "Note, I used to think 2 levels were plenty, but since they're raising the the cost of Premium by now adding state and local sales tax, I think many users will just downgrade to Basic." I don't know about that. For the state I live in, it will cost me $0.71 more per month for premium...that's peanuts ETA: they won't be missing me as a subscriber
  3. Yes, been that way from the start of release, someone made a big error. All 512's are only 175 prims....
  4. As an aside...funny, haven't seen any rooftop gardens yet, or any helicopters
  5. I've had this problem with homes from other creators too, not just Newbrooke....you definitely have to rez on a prim
  6. Wow...loving the one with the outside steps :P
  7. @Marianne....I would move the firepit up under the trellis with the couches, then put a long planter with colorful flowers, not plants, where the firepit used to be. To take away that big open cement feeling, I would throw down some dead leaves, lol
  8. @Patch Linden Wow!! I was first disappointed with the reveal and thought no way, this is not my style. BUT, I just picked one of the new release up and absolutely LOVE it!!! Thanks so much to you & the crew. Excellent job...hugs
  9. The draw to SL is not sexual for everyone. I don't partake, but any of the words you cited is not the reason...mine is no drama needed
  10. Not foolish at all, we all have to learn sometime In Firestorm, you right click on whatever object you want to derender, and look at the pop-down for the derender option. If using the SL viewer, I'm not familiar with it, but I'm sure someone will come along behind me and advise.
  11. Hi Whirly, and thanks for the reply...one was sent when I was offline, but the one yesterday was while I was logged in, weird Will look at the link you sent.
  12. Hi all Yesterday & again today, I get an invite to join a group and hit join, but it does not show up in my list of groups and my group tag doesn't change. Anyone know if there is a problem lately with this? ETA: I have group slots available
  13. "If you meet a few unfriendly people in your life, it's probably them. If everyone you meet is unfriendly, it's probably you." ^THIS^ Perfectly stated, Maitimo
  14. Yikes!! Reading what everyone else has posted, I don't even want to say how much I put into SL
  15. You did, and I "haha"ed it....but no longer there
  16. I received my gift today...thank you so much, Wishing you a wonderful holiday season. Hugs
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