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Kylie Jaxxon

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Everything posted by Kylie Jaxxon

  1. I'm surprised the Estate owners aren't screaming over this, Might be a big reason why LL won't change the criteria for getting a HS
  2. For me, anything outside of SL where I can't take my inventory with me, is a no-go for me....I have too much invested $ wise
  3. @Coffee Pancake Although I am not tech savvy at all, and don't interact or attend community meetings, I do agree with all you say. This place erupted into something that they never thought of at the beginning. I am amazed that it has survived as long as it has, and I believe it has done so, only because of people like you & I who are too stubborn to give up on it, lol. Even as uneducated as I am in this field, I feel this place needs a complete retooling, from the bottom up to keep viable in the future. Not sure they will take that expense on. My previous comment was aimed more at the interaction here, among us forum regulars and the moles, Lindens who grace us with their presence & comments. I almost feel they are better off not saying anything...it seems to get them in hot water a lot.
  4. With all due respect....I've been here since 2007, through a multitude of changes, plans, ideas, etc from LL. In some cases, I don't blame them. I've seen them hounded with questions, ridiculous ideas thrown at them, criticisms and so forth. I get that they don't want to answer certain things repeatedly and suffer from blowback all the time. They are under no obligation to discuss future plans/ideas. Linden Lab is a company. Just like all others, their focus is the bottom line and what makes them money. Sure, it's a balancing act for profit and still keeping people around, but it's all about the might $ in the end.
  5. Whomever brought the Belli idea to the table, hope he/she got a huge raise....for sure, it's a big moneymaker for LL
  6. That's too convoluted....Just have the houses go to the bottom of the queue, no matter who releases them. If we get them back within the 5 rolls, we know that is all that is available at that time....
  7. I agree with your Anthem comment, BUT...I love that they charge a nominal fee for those. It stops the event from being slammed with people who have no interest in anything other than the gifts.
  8. Wouldn't bother me to live by one...they add something different to the landscape
  9. It's just the light wood...I think the pic is showing shadows
  10. Wow!! Blast from the past! I was one of the original members when Chris started it, under my original avi, AsheWriter. Those were the fun days Hadn't been back in years. Will try to stop by again when something is going on.
  11. https://gyazo.com/e87f15bcd476dbc86620d43fec03f5d0
  12. So, I've been holding out for a waterfront in Newbrooke, but landed this cutie this morning in Notta Brook. Even though it only has a small pond, I can see a lot of it if using the Conistan model, but I absolutely love no close neighbors on either side of me, the pond in the back and that neighbors house is sidways to me, and the house in the front is pretty offset. I love it and going to keep it
  13. So the pillow print probably has nothing to do with it, in regards to clues.
  14. Or the pattern on the pillows, which are so obviously placed. IDK, I'm stumped.
  15. Wondering what is the print/pattern on the other pillow Squeaky is holding? Pink in color... Lol, this is going to keep me up tonight trying to figure it out
  16. Looks tropical to me...the plant leaves, the drinks for a hot & sweaty day. But they just did a water theme with stilts, so that doesn't make sense
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