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Kylie Jaxxon

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Everything posted by Kylie Jaxxon

  1. I have it rezzed...what am I looking for? ETA: Divider only shows this: https://gyazo.com/9d6b1fe547ec604b29c1000d22e61fd9 Throw only shows this: https://gyazo.com/e21e5002f8c11e373fd704797d2991ee
  2. Yes, haven't seen any available for a few days now It seems when they release these regions, that they do OW & OP first, so they have been taken earlier then the OL ones. Will need to wait it out for other new regions to be released or someone abandons one here or there....
  3. Well, I think your work is gorgeous!! Have a good day!
  4. Yes!! Have to give her credit for sticking with the agenda I also love the fact that she doesn't do rares for the holiday gacha at the place that I won't name, lol. Nice & cheap for all. Kudos to Cory Edo, she is not in it for only the money, but truly enjoys giving us a bang for our buck. I always support her for that fact alone!
  5. I am a big Nutmeg fan, along with my other faves, Apple Fall, Dust Bunny & Hive. I constantly mix these guys up!! Marianne, maybe do the opposite....style a room with mostly others, and add a Nutmeg piece or two to compliment? Worth a try, have fun
  6. Apple Fall has the Lily Seating. Comes in sofa or chair. If I remember correctly, the wicker has 3 or 4 different wood tones The print I love is the "Vines" that might work for you, also has a sailor stripe which is adorable. Might be worth checking out!!
  7. Some type of wall unit w/decor already filled or a kitchen hutch or something on that big wall by the table & chairs
  8. Ohhhh....where is that long floating table from? If you don't mind....
  9. I just now got sent to Palmetto Shores once, and two different ones @Lei Miz....Stilt on water though
  10. It confuses me to think why do they make them in that proportion? Go figure...
  11. Lol, slowly but surely, I'm learning all these tricks of the trade
  12. 4 times in a row, same one...how does it even get out of maintenance so fast, a matter of seconds?
  13. I'm not targeting anywhere in particular, really don't care if new release or abandoned...just don't want to get the same place three times in a row, out of my 5 tries
  14. Yes, something is either messed up or they have changed things If results are not better over the weekend, they are going to start losing money with me, lol. Will downgrade my alts... ETA: For me, only seems to be for the SoL...the others are not happening that way.
  15. I don't mind using my 5 tries on new, and not like them, but I feel like I'm wasting the tries on all that I've seen before...going to have to wait a few days to try some more, it's frustrating the other way
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