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Imnotgoing Sideways

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Everything posted by Imnotgoing Sideways

  1. Prim build + unprofessional textures + real time shadows = lag. () That said, this most recent client is one of the fastest shadow rendering client I've ever seen. () I basically jack up my settings to the point I'm still able to see motion without observing it jitter frame-by-frame. For the human eye, this can be anywere between 20 and 40 FPS. LCD monitors refresh at generally 60fps. So, processing any faster simply means the remainder of the frames get dumped to a null output. () Given that would be optimum, there's still a matter of taste. FPS gamers probably want things as smooth as possible. FPS games deliver this by having as much optimized artwork as possible. Often coming in with 1/4th of the tris used to render a single scene in SL. Properly created mesh work will achieve this, but, we remain in prim land. It's polygon count through the roof. () That said, I'm an Anime nut, so 15FPS is plenty fine for me. () And, yes... Shadows + AA = crash. It's an old bug with no good solid solution yet. (._.)
  2. Mines is kinda all over the place. () http://darkly-cute.com ()y
  3. "Your world. Your Imagination" ... I miss that a lot. (._.)
  4. I do believe it was a result of the bounding rules being inconsistent. Not just for sculpts, but also cut and sliced prims. Their centers could be near the parcel line, but, cut away so that they wouldn't actually encorach. The code was too simple to know the difference and needless returns would be possible. (>_<)
  5. It's good to know the difference between a test, practice, and build. I can easily write scripts in LSL that can shut down a whole sim just to calculate 2+2. Does that mean LSL has no point? () Mesh, when used properly... Hang on, let me emphasize >> when used properly << ... can and will save on rendering costs, prim counts, and improve overall detail in builds. () Mesh won't replace sculpties. They'll work fine side-by-side. () Mesh won't replace prims. They'll work find side-by-side. () Just like sculpties didn't replace prims. =^-^= We're getting more creativity tools, not less. Why do so many people choose to ignore this? ()
  6. Be as tall or short as you want. Just be hawt doing it. =^-^= ... And, a meter = 1 meter. Watch out for that prim! ()y
  7. Truth hair comes unscripted and looks better than most of what's out there. () And, sooooo many people (myself included) have written 1-script resizers. Why ain't anyone using them yet? ()
  8. It seems to be a pretty general bug at the moment. Even a TPV, Kirsten's S21(8) exhibits blackouts while underwater with shadows enabled on my machine. (>_<)
  9. I've been enjoying heightened stability using both Catznip and Kirsten's. =^-^= Catznip is currently a bit behind in development, so, there are some recent updates not included. I also face a frequent crash while taking snapshots and while exiting. (>_<) Kirsten's over-the-top stable and fast for me. My only problems at the moment are Nvidia error 4 and 8 while running ultra + shadows graphics. But, that crash is in the latest Snowglobe as well, so, the room for improvement is in the Labbie's hands. ()y
  10. Marigold Devin wrote: And that's just the crux of it. So often those playing small are playing out being the victim. "I'm 5'2" in RL, I'm 5'2" in SL, I'm not a kid, I'm age verified" said one, at a kid-friendly area, the white ankle socks, mary jane shoes, cutesy AO, lollipop, and then the groups on profile "Tie Me Up Daddy", "F*ck Me Daddy". I find that offensive. Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong (but I'm not wrong and LL need to sort it out) I went from a 5'1" cyberdoll to a 5'0" human lately. What does that mean? It means I'm as tall as 80% of the human population of my RL neighborhood. () Though, you know what they say about men with big hands and big feet... Right? =^-^= --- --- --- Yeah, big gloves and big shoes! Rawr! =^-^= Though, you won't find me in any of those "dadday" groups because... well... it's not my thing. () People can play the victim in any roleplay. In fact, most RP sims I'm aware of require a certain part of the population to be consistently victims and/or submissives and/or slaves and/or objects... regardless of height. If you want to be offended by that, I won't let it be my problem. (=_=) If I ever chose to RP with someone, I'd start with being darned well shure I at least came up to his/her chest. Otherwise, the height difference does put me in a situation that makes me feel highly uncomfortable. I may request someone to shorten up so that we can be properly scaled and even. If the other refuses, I refuse to play. Simple as that. I'm typically far more interested in sculpting, building, and scripting anyway. =^-^= Boobzilla Frankenbarbie and Hulk Manchunk have no place in ~MY~ SL. In my point of view; they're deformed, shallow, cookie cutter, and often quite ignorant. No, human legs are not 2x the size of the torso. No, arms do not stop at the waist. Speaking of arms, your entire head should not be able to fit inside one of them. Boobs are round, often wide, and obey gravity. I know that shoes are made for size 0 feet, but, a size 99 avatar would surely crush those micro-ankles. (=_=) Be a super hero, I don't care. Be a giant among giants, I don't care. Be proud of those size 99 boobs with that polygonated shape that makes them look like they can turn Allen screws. I'm going to be as short and cute as I feel inside. And, if you've got a problem with that, it's not ~MY~ problem. ()y
  11. Marigold Devin wrote: I get so annoyed with people who complain about amazonian avatars. Amazonian size IS the scale in SL. Just like Barbie is the scale she is, she fits her car, she fits her house, etc. Buildings are taller in SL, avatars are to their own scale. Whereas I get annoyed that people are in denial that a meter is a meter. If things were supposed to be out of scale, they should have been called Slilimeters, or something. (=_=) Barbie... Wonderful example. A totally exaggerated male fantasy ideal. Some people are short and fat, you know? Not everybody likes how Barbie looks. (=_=) You'd bump your head on my to-scale doors. () But, if you like being 7'10", more power to ya'... Just realize that you really are 7'10" and that's not "normal". () In fact, I'd go as far as arguing that overtall avatars are the perverted party. While most of the concious grid create themselves in believable scale, the tall mob keep themselves up in their lofty 'superior' form. Now, given the context at hand, which is more disturbing? The person small enough to be the victim? Or the person big enough to be the agressor? Plain Jane nobody? Or big bad Father Feelemep? (=_=)
  12. Or... as my estate covenant says... This sim is to be constructed to-scale. Meaning the meter will be honored as-is and "short" avatars will be considered proper adult height. Avatars taller than 1.8 meters in real prim height will be considered creatures of fantasy and lore and will NOT be used as reference in order to falsely accuse properly scaled avatars of being depictions of children. ()y
  13. I've been known for having 'purple days'. =^-^= And, I have more 'traditional' stuff. =^-^= But, really, I'm all about the red left eye. =^-^=
  14. It can also be referred to as Harajuku style, named after the region where much of the scene gathers. It's also a slightly better name for people who deviate from directly Victorian themes... Such as myself. () Though, needs more red. =^-^= Oh, speaking of... Look out for the red left eye! (O_@) =^-^=
  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lolita_fashion It's mostly a Japanese fashion trend/fad. Mostly adopting quasi Victorian style clothing with influences from punk and goth scenes. () =^-^=
  16. Ann Otoole wrote: ...You actually CAN do this in one prim, but it might take some ...skills. Dolars never were earned easily. Prove it. Hows about this? () Though, LOD will be a bear. This is NOT what I consider good use for a sculpt. (>_<) Oh yeah... Given the method I used, I had enough 'spare' vertices to include a spoon. =^-^= Source files here: http://www.darkly-cute.com/images/Soup%20Pot%20And%20Spoon.blend http://www.darkly-cute.com/images/Soup%20Pot%20And%20Spoon.tga ()y
  17. You do realize that a properly created mesh will reduce lag compared to prims and sculpts, right? () That, and, the rendering engine hasn't really been updated since Windlight. If anything, I've seen better FPS rates than ever with the latest run of V2 clients. ()
  18. I know someone who has written over 20 blog pages about how "bad" I am. Their core complaint is that I follow the rules in a way they don't like. Yet... They continue to stalk me. () Some people just don't know how to change the channel. ()y
  19. I'd risk to say that it's a result of the genrally curvy form of the pot. This is a good reason why I tend to tell people that sculpties aren't going away. Even for the kludge they are, they're quite nice for making reasonably basic organic shapes. Which, in my point of view, that pot is a perfect example. And, yes, I can surely make that pot with handle and soup from a single sculpt as well. () But, make a "precision" sculpt. Say... Walls to a house, timbres for a bench, or a bookshelf... And keep it LOD safe. A lot of faces are lost in clustering LOD culled vertices so that square objects stay square from a distance... Or even to make square edges in the first place. I personally make sculpts that can't be impacted by LOD to spite the (frankly horrible) sculpt makers who suggest people have to jack up renderVolumeLOFactor for their sculpts to look right.. Ask me about my park bench and my 'One heck of a 1 prim shelf'. =^-^= I don't think anyone is considering mesh the proverbial 'cure for cancer'. Mesh, in combination with prims and sculpts will make for the most efficient builds. To focus on any one tool as "the best" is sheer ignorance. We don't use any one material to make things in real life, why do we think we need to do so in virtual? A table can be contructed of wooden slabs and poles, steel screws, and a polymer finish. While you can make an entire table using each material alone, each will have their shortcomings. But, the combination of the right parts and tools for the job will genuinely optimise the final product. ()y
  20. Hm? Dunno if it does what you want, but, it has a chance of compiling. () float RadarRange = //insert range constant here; float ScanRate = //insert rate constant here; key ExpectedKey = //insert key constant here; default { state_entry() { llSensorRepeat("",NULL_KEY,SCRIPTED,RadarRange,PI,ScanRate); } sensor(integer detected) { integer loop_iterator = 0; for(;loop_iterator<detected;loop_iterator++) { if(llGetDetectedKey(loop_iterator) == ExpectedKey ) { llSay(0,"cat"); } } } } 
  21. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Storm Clarence wrote: Are 'weird' user names keeping many new residents from making friends? Of late, there seems to be a proliferation of OP's asking/seeking friends; stating the difficulty in meeting people. Is there a direct correlation to the weirdness of user names and making friends? SL has run out of first names. Nuuuu! I created the account named BloodyStumps just this weekend. I can do another, but, I already have too many alts. People just lack imagination, is all. () Can't fix stupid. ()y
  22. These past couple weeks have been plagued by grid-wonk. But, otherwise, teleports are getting faster and faster... Even to the point that the TP "swoosh" doesn't even have time to complete before I've arrived and the new location starts rezzing. () Vehicles and simlines are still an issue, but, it's not getting worse. It's just staying the same. () Walking and simlines have gotten nice. So nice, in fact, I've built a causeway between my main sim and homestead. I and my friends have walked across it dozens of times. Only the most heavily scripted AVs rubberband and, to date, nobody has taken a swim on the other side. () Also, the latest mesh beta client has a major upgrade in shadow rendering which makes it reasonably possible to run full-time shadow rendering on a GTX2xx series Nvidia card. (Dual GTX295 here) () Have you tried out the Kirsten's client? ()y
  23. Storm Clarence wrote: Immy I found some display names are no better than that of the original non display name. That's a reasonable opinion, but, is that more the fault of the display name system or the dufus who decides to screw with it. () ... Much I have to say about silly account names, anyway. =^-^= Though, I ran an experiment when people were griping on SLU and attempted to make an account name with no numbers or odd alpha combinations. I was able to find a name and create an account on the first try. () Now... I'm gonna have to figure out what to do with BloodyStumps. ()
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