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kali Wylder

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Everything posted by kali Wylder

  1. I lucked out and I wasn't there for the crash, so got in easily just after the crash. I thought it went pretty well considering how crowded it was. Good speech by Patch Linden and great commentary by Strawberry.
  2. Thank you @Marianne Little!!! I followed your tutorial today and made my first mesh. I messed it up a bit but that was my own impatience/incompetence but still I took 67 prims into blender and came out with only 6 land impact to wallpaper the entire Doyle Lindenhome. Now I am tweaking the 67 prim thing so that it will fit a bit better and I'm gonna try it again. I never thought I'd ever have the courage to use Blender but your tutorial made it easy. Second try worked better and now only 1 land impact!
  3. Thanks I made them myself. Well really, I just slapped the texture on a prim. I found the texture in my inventory in a folder full of lace textures but I'm not sure where I got them from.
  4. I'm not the bravest person in the world, but I used to use RLV and nothing I didn't want ever happened to me, you don't have to give up control to everyone or anyone, can limit it to just those you can trust.
  5. I never think of myself as a girly girl but I really liked this. That nice lamp from Apple Fall fits in well with the set.
  6. Great topic! My inventory was a real disaster area for years and years. I just didn't have time to keep up with it and so I had "to be sorted" folders scattered throughout my main folders. Then at the beginning of the covid epidemic, my real life came unglued. I had planned to retire in March of 2019 and move from California to New England. All my plans went on hold and I kept working until July, then decided to take the plunge and go ahead despite the lockdown. My desktop went into storage and I was homeless for a few months. I went from logging in daily for hours to sporadically logging in once every couple of months. My inventory just sat there in the unkempt state I'd left it in. Then I got sick. Real sick. In the hospital and facing end stage renal disease. No time for SL. Life went on, my health became more stable. No longer homeless. My desktop didn't survive the trip and the months in a hot dusty storage facility but now I have my desk with my laptop and my big monitor hooked up and a space where I can log into SL again. But I'd lost the habit. I had retired from my SL job hosting and I just didn't know what to do with myself in SL. The last thing I wanted was to look at my inventory mess. Through out all the turmoil, I still would check into the forums. You guys are my people, I like the way you think. And I happened to see the thread about inventory changes to come and it inspired me to log in and just see where things were. Suddenly I had something to do in SL again. Putting my inventory in order is strangely satisfying. There's the fun of discovering cool things I had picked up and forgotten about. There's the pleasure in following simple guidelines. If it's not clothing, it's stuff. Stuff gets broken down further: There's the exciting thrill of realizing I don't want something, that I'll never want it, that I can delete it. There's a place for things I don't want or know what to do with, but am not ready to delete, my WTF folder. For the past few days, I've been playing in my Furnishings folder. I had so much fun, it inspired me to play Game of Homes again. I successfully managed to return my trad in Sweetmarsh and then turn around and get it back again under my alt. Changed house styles and redecorated. Now I'm house hunting and picking up content creation packs for all the home styles I haven't lived in before. I've even done a little bit of shopping! And my new stuff is already put away in the proper folders. I still have more work to do with my accumulation of stuff to be sorted: 2017 was quite a year for acquiring stuff, there's over a thousand items in that folder, and I've already put away hundreds of things. 2018 is another 2,000 plus items. Inventory management is like dirty dishes. There's always going to be more to do. But right now my sink is clean and it feels good.
  7. I thought there was a choice in prefs somewhere. It seems to me that I turned off that dead doll look back in 2009, and it never came back after who knows how many viewer changes and upgrades since then.
  8. For many years I was a beach bum in SL. If I wanted privacy, I'd just rez a skybox in a sandbox.
  9. I agree it's very annoying. I always rename all my landmarks to eliminate the ,.!~** but sadly, can't do that with groups. I think at one time it was an effort to get more exposure by getting to the top of the alphabetical list but it doesn't work now since so many have done it.
  10. Just when I thought I had a handle on my inventory, I discovered a bunch of folders, named by month and year, filled with stuff going back to 2017. 5 years worth of stuff, mostly clothes that I'll have to try on before I can figure out where to put them.
  11. I'm still unpacking the impulses I bought between about 2014 and 2020. When I retired from hosting I pretty much quit shopping too. Then I was just not logging in for most of 2021. Now that my real life seems to have settled down and I have time for SL again, I shop around in my inventory. There's so much that I bought and never unpacked. It's fun.
  12. There needs to be a balance between freedom and responsibility. How to achieve that, I have no idea. Perhaps they should go back to teaching civics and rhetoric in school.
  13. I indulge my impulses in SL where they are considerably cheaper than RL.
  14. Whining is it's own reward I guess. There are places one can fly over freely and there are places that people have paid for the right to say, "Nope, not here". Choose to fly over private places and whine about being ejected. Threaten to leave SL because it's "unfriendly". Or just let it go. You're never going to win this one.
  15. I've lived in many areas of SL, some moderate, some adult. In my experience, flashers are not as prevalent anywhere as they used to be. I wouldn't call that experience a griefing, just rather startling. People have a tendency to believe what they want to believe regardless of the facts. I think when you generalize you are generally wrong. I've been in that particular belli location for over a year and that was my first experience with an unwanted intrusion.
  16. I don't really care that much about this issue but here's my 2 cents: Ya pays yer money and ya takes yer chances. If you own a parcel in SL (on the mainland) you get to say what the rules are on that parcel. People will break rules if they can. You can boot them if you want to. If you haven't paid any money and you want the freedom to fly by without incurring security demons, well, it sucks to want things you can't have. I do like to fly over the terrain of SL. Getting booted or warned and booted is inconvenient but it's not earth shattering. The other day I was playing in my yard in Bellisseria and somebody came along and was suddenly standing next to me and said Hello. I started to say hello back when I realized the person was wearing an oversized ***** that dangled outside of their clothing. So instead of talking with the person, I tp'd away to my skybox and it suddenly occurred to me that I'd never set up security in my Belli home. I had to go digging in my inventory to read up on this and I decided I would give the 15 seconds as suggested which is more than enough time to fly through my little parcel.
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