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Ciaran Laval

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Everything posted by Ciaran Laval

  1. SL Capex is a stock exchange not a bank and they are still allowed, I'd forgotten all about SL Capex until I got a notecard from them the other week, it has been a long time since I've seen anything from them. However, yeah, the best place for the OP to ask these questions is on their website.
  2. Yes you need to buy first as I recall, as you need a credit history with Linden Lab, your selling limits start from seven days after your first buy.
  3. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: When you send data using llHTTPRequest() the owner's name and key (and the object's name and key) are automatically included in the headers SL sends. Which means there's no need for you to include it in the body of your message and, in turn, that you probably don't need to record it in your script. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlHTTPRequest I didn't realise this! Not that I've done much with using a webserver but I did play around a little with getting the owner name and key in the body and felt it would be too easy to fake, having it in the header has piqued my interest again in that little project.
  4. No it doesn't souund like hacking, it sounds like group liabilities. Groups have a feature called pay or receive group liabilities, liabilities can include paying for show in search places, which costs L$30 a week and comes out of group funds. By default this feature is on for all group members and some people who create groups don't realise this, some do and want group members to share fees. The best way to check this is on your account page, there's a link called transaction history, click the Second Life logo at the top of this page, login, click account from the menu on the left and then click transaction history, you will see payments you made and if it is group liabilities, which group it is.
  5. Quite possibly if you post the full listing, but the answer may get censored as LL don't like us pointing out false positives.
  6. Unless something has changed, Landing points don't apply to parcel owners, which makes it a tad confusing when trying to test them.
  7. Pep wrote: Do vendors in SL licence the objects they sell to allow this? Pep (would be surprised if they did.) Some do Pep, but when other grids started appearing many updated their terms to state items are for use within Second Life only, if you contact a merchant some will come to an arrangement with you.
  8. Have you got Quicktime installed on your computer?
  9. Domitan Redenblack wrote: Ciaran Laval wrote: Right click your object and near the bottom you should see "Next owner permissions" you can set it to copy + transfer there. Thanks, but does "Next Owner Permissions" also apply to the scripts and notecards inside the vendor? Are they protected? Ah well it's just the prim, you can right click on the individual items in the contents tab of the prim inventory and set their perms there too, I always do this just for peace of mind to make sure everything is set how I want, and then transfer it to an alt to check again!
  10. Domitan Redenblack wrote: Okay, I have on_rez doing an llResetScript, and this then captures the current owner's name from the llGetOwner key. Assuming that to transfer ownership the object has to be taken into inventory, and then rezzed again, the owner should never change in-world (without re-rezzing), except: 1. owner account closed - what should I do here? Nothing you can do there unless you plan on running something that checks whether an account is still in the database, why would you want this feature? Domitan Redenblack wrote: 2. I want the vendor to be copy + transfer + noMod, but not sold - how do I set those perms? Right click your object and near the bottom you should see "Next owner permissions" you can set it to copy + transfer there.
  11. The update was mandatory, so disabling auto updates wouldn't have made much difference in this case.
  12. It's only supposed to work if they're in the same sim. llRequestAgentData should work if they're offline or not in the sim, but it's supposedly slower.
  13. Yes Dilbert is right about selling the Linden dollars on the Lindex. However, my billing reminder tells me I don't have to do anything, I will be automatically billed, I wonder if the OP has changed their payment details during the course of the year.
  14. What devices have you got attached to your PC? I was getting a blank search screen but then noticed my wacom tablet was throwing up an error in the background, once I cleared that, search worked again, so I wouldn't be surprised if other devices are causing issues.
  15. Ima Rang wrote: Exactly! It is too sterile. I understand, to some degree, the desire for everyone to play nice, nice...but honestly, there just is not that much entertaining about nice, nice. It also does not encourage reflection or creativity or a sense of community. There must be something between anarchy and 99% full on censorship? When D ick Van D yke ends up being **bleep** van **bleep**, you know the censorship has gone too far.
  16. Ima Rang wrote: The new forums just feel ick. Like you can't find your peeps...a community split...I miss you guys:smileysad: I have noted that since the new forum has been implemented, that I have spent less and less time in world. Anyone else? Feels like some huge disconnect took place and that only seems relevant to me as I was least liked on the forums, can't imagine how the people that were actually highly regarded must be feeling....What's going on? Techcrunch recently introduced Facebook comments on their blog, it has reduced trolling, it has reduced comments too, these forums feel the same, if everyone wants a Stepford Wives forum, then this is the place to be, for those of us who don't mind mind a wee bit of debating and giggles, it's sterile.
  17. Mags Indigo wrote: It also struck me as quite funny that when in another thread I referred to myself as a... female gay person ... the word got bleeped out by auto bleeper. It appears that 'kids' are to be sheltered from normal language too - if it even hits as something someone might find offensive. I can't help but wonder does that mean that I am offensive simply by my existance on the forums. There's an episode of Family Guy that the mods and Lindens should watch, it's all about too much censorship, **bleep** Van **bleep** has the **bleep** and **bleep** censored out. haha and it's censored out here too, if you're wondering what I'm talking about, think Mary Poppins, American actor, known for his awful cockney accent and just like that family guy episode, his name is censored here! Unfortunately this is another example of the issues that merely allowing the kids to come here has caused and again, it's not the fault of the kids.
  18. Edit and untick phantom. This is a good overview of menu options: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Building_Tools#Object_Tab
  19. I sent a support ticket in when I had this problem, when I searched for my display name it wouldn't show my avatar, even under people search. Unfortunately my support ticket didn't generate a written solution, so I don't know how it was fixed, but now I can be found in search under my display name and my display name does appear on my prims, even my prims created before Display names were introduced. If I search for Chari Skale Carter O'Neill under people search you do show up.
  20. Mags Indigo wrote: With all the discussion regarding the arrival of the 16-17 year olds in SL. Has it made any difference on the ground at all? (Anti Spam Thread) I'll tread on eggshells and respond, what do you mean by on the ground? There are loads of problems due to the kids, events, search, word filters, marketplace listings, none of these are directly due to the kids, I haven't seen any issues from them, it's LL being scared to death of the kids finding inappropriate content and not planning properly that are causing the problems.
  21. It sounds like someone who was donating tier to the group no longer is, hence the -2048.
  22. General discussion seems to be considered off topic, so you can post that in the off topic forum. Alternatively you can try answers.
  23. Look in your inventory for an object that has a slightly different looking icon to the rest of your objects, the name may be object rather than what you're expecting.
  24. They're not going to limit people to creating two threads a day, the only way your posting is going to be restricted is if you're acting like a complete numpty.
  25. If you're looking to have it appear as one setting to user 1 and another to user 2 at the same time, then no. If you want to make a build, save it with everything in position and then take it into your inventory, there are building aids such as Rez-Faux, Rez-Foo etc. that allow you to do this to a degree. It sounds to me like you want an instancing solution, which I'd love to see myself, but it isn't available.
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