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Ciaran Laval

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Everything posted by Ciaran Laval

  1. There have been a few blog posts since the new system went live, unfortunately you won't know this unless you scroll down the list as the featured news ones at the top haven't been updated, they really should have latest blogs at the top and then the sections. There hasn't been a blog post about the new community standards.
  2. Venus Petrov wrote: Excuse the silly question, but why did you purchase her a plot directly adjacent to a M-rated sim? When I did it, I didn't realise the sim next door was mature, I was naive obviously, it didn't even cross my mind that that was a likely scenario.
  3. Dak Deed wrote: Honestly those who complain usualy have something to hide or fear they are being stalked etc. Every single time you do anything someone can harvest your ip address. The loudest whiner about people using redzone I have seen is an Admitted Copy botter. I bought and put in redzone cause I had a neighbor who was copybotting all my builds... and contacting the lindens was useless... They admitted he was copybotting... but they said there was nothing they could do about it. So tell me oh haters of redzone.... and I use it only on my sim I build upon.. not sell upon... How else am I supposed to protect my builds since Linden Labs and their employees wont help us? I did move. Also... just a fyi... the copy botter complained to the Lindens because I had done the tortured alpha prim around my building platform/box, and the Lindens forced me to remove it. Aparently its against the tos to try and block perv camming. DMCA! That's what it's for, that's exactly what it's for and it has far more powers than Redzone ever will.
  4. I gave up a PG parcel a couple of years ago for this very reason, a gentleman's club appeared next to my parcel, there was no adult land at this time, confused I stepped onto said mature business parcel and realised for the first time that mature and PG sims on mainland bordered each other.
  5. Plurk and Twitter are far better for SL social networking but people should be plugging the inworld experience most of all, that's where you find things are happening. Hamlet's Facebook obsession is bizarre.
  6. Doreese Dufaux wrote: How are we going to be able to tell what words we use or NOT use so that our listings don't automatically get listed as an adult item? Certain words that are in the filters should not be there. Just becaue someone uses the word "stripper" doesn't necessarily mean that the item is an adult item etc. Is it to much to ask to get a list of words that LL considers "adult" without spending hours or days fixing our listings after every update? You don't know what words not to use, it's trial and error and if you try and help out a fellow merchant here or on the Jira by telling them the problem word you're likely to have your post pulled or edited.
  7. Eva Ryan wrote: How are the letters F, U, and D being ***bleep*** out on my post. Who makes up these banned words? The fear of offending the teens is extremely large.
  8. Phil Deakins wrote: Ciaran Laval wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: Dartagan. What you wrote is more-or-less correct but don't you find it disheartening or annoying that the "platform" provider works hard at undermining your inworld business because they created a financial interest in people buying elsewhere? If LL have a need for more sinks, then yes the marketplace is the way to go and as Supply Linden sales were well down, it does seem that they need more sinks, but the marketplace is a means to indirect income for Linden Lab, it's not direct income as in land tier, they can't bank those commission fees, so it would seem to be a risky business to try and put too many of their eggs in the marketplace basket. So you don't mind LL selling you a product (land for your store) and then doing its best to undermine the business you set up on the land, while continuing to collect rent on it form you? I certainly mind such bad practises. No Phil, I wasn't saying that at all, indeed I raised concerns about LL owning the marketplace and its potential to do damage to inworld stores pretty soon after they bought SLX and OnRez and it's a concern I've raised since more than once.
  9. I will ban Redzone and all alt detecting services when I get time and I'll make it clear in my covenant and rental agreements. I had someone ask me about using an unnamed alt detection system before all this blew up and told them no, they were fine with that.
  10. Deltango Vale wrote: ChuckBaggett wrote: I do not enjoy seeing animated gif files in forums, they wear out their welcome in one cycle at most Agree. I find flashing images very annoying. Thankfully, one can at least disable signatures. Yup, disabling signatures was one of the first things I did, it's also a signal that the system has logged you out, they reappear when you're logged out.
  11. Take a look at this Jira Issue and see if any suggestions there help you: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-18705
  12. What do you mean about only being able to go to the welcome area? There are plenty of general rated sims on the grid, you should be able to access them without changing your maturity level, type something into search and you should be able to teleport to plenty of places.
  13. This is an old bug, although I think the longest period I had this was four days, you could file a support ticket or try resetting your sim or simply keep checking, it generally rectifies itself eventually.
  14. Agreed, new posts should bump a thread back to the top of the list.
  15. It's interesting that instead of accepting the new community standards, Redzone users are continuing to look at ways to get around the rules, their latest bright idea being to host music streams that collect the data, it says a lot about those who use the system that they want to break the rules rather than comply.
  16. The Blogs don't stand out as much, for example I've just noticed Torley has been blogging about new community features, but it's way down the list and whereas it's not a great hardship, it's probably going to mean some useful blogs get missed, is there a way of at leasting moving the latest couple of blogs further up the list?
  17. Phil Deakins wrote: Dartagan. What you wrote is more-or-less correct but don't you find it disheartening or annoying that the "platform" provider works hard at undermining your inworld business because they created a financial interest in people buying elsewhere? If LL have a need for more sinks, then yes the marketplace is the way to go and as Supply Linden sales were well down, it does seem that they need more sinks, but the marketplace is a means to indirect income for Linden Lab, it's not direct income as in land tier, they can't bank those commission fees, so it would seem to be a risky business to try and put too many of their eggs in the marketplace basket.
  18. The content creator can file a DMCA takedown if they have been acquired illegally. Linden Lab can't enforce her TOS unfortunately, it's the content creator herself who needs to try and enforce this.
  19. DMom2K Darwin wrote: William Gibson's Neuromancer is a good one. Heavy going though, I love William Gibson but you really do need to be prepared to get into some heavy geeky stuff.
  20. I stick a permissions check in mine to make sure people have the right to sell them, lovely script though.
  21. Eidolon Aeon wrote: As a customer: stores using RedZone lost my business. Stores spamming me with their copybot-protection-chat drove me away. If it doesn't infringe on my privacy or annoy me, I don't care. As a merchant: I do not personally waste money on "security devices." Well I'm not looking to name names of devices here, but thank you for naming a couple, I'm trying to understand the balance between security and reach, and you have pointed out admirably that some devices impede reach.
  22. Porky Gorky wrote: Haha. I used to have a great security device. It was K9 out of Doctor Who. He used to zoom around the welcome area keeping an eye out for Daleks, greeeting customers and randomly saying whatever stupid quotes I could think off. Didnt seem to reduce my sales at all. Is that the sort of thing you are on about? :smileywink: I love this solution!
  23. DQ I'm primarily a landlord, so I've dealt with various security solutions, I absolutely understand why people want them, but residential wise they are generally advertised and obvious. I agree with you that store owners who hide them, seem to have something to hide, I'm just wondering why.
  24. Wilhiam Hydraconis wrote: Not a novel on virtual reality, but I smiled a lot at South Park's 'You got 0 friends.' .. "Make love not Warcraft" episode is sort of about a virtual world, it was bloody funny too!
  25. Toysoldier Thor wrote: Feel better now Denver? Changed the title for ya. PS - off topic - how is the growing list of forum members getting a new special blue MEMBER avatar in the forums? Member of what? This is a useful new avatr icon in the forums when someone is a "member" of ....?? Ranks are partially explained here Members get extra features such as posting youTube videos!!!.
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