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Ciaran Laval

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Everything posted by Ciaran Laval

  1. Does having a security device reduce your sales? Do you let people know you have a security device? If you hide your security device would you be embarrassed to tell your customers you have one for fear of losing sales or do people happily tell people they have security devices, especially ones that scan people and add them to a database, would it be bad to advertise your security device does that?
  2. Eddy Shah wrote a novel that was related to virtual worlds, I honestly can't tell you if it was any good though.
  3. Yup Denver, Redzone isn't dead and nor are its users giving up the fight, as exemplified by vanishing threads that invite them to proudly advertise their business is protected by Redzone, this sure hasn't gone away yet.
  4. This has happened a couple of times now, I click reply and end up back at the blogs. When I return, I can reply to that message just fine.
  5. I mentioned something similar in this thread: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Community-Feedback/Second-Life-Answers-Feedback/td-p/700445 There's a distinct lack of consistency.
  6. That's really disappointing to hear Phil, although not really that surprising, yes some folk will take their status too far, I've seen this on the Jira too for quite a few years.
  7. Take a look at this Jira issue and see if any of the advice there helps: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-20199
  8. Dilbert Dilweg wrote: Eh I guess I dont really see too much with ranks It is good to see people who have reached Acheivment and ranking I Answered a question in Answers the other day to help a resident, And the solution was good.. Several Minutes later a "contributer" came and answered the Question with my exact same solution lol.. He/she got the "Solution Points" and I didn't lol. Maybe that should change a bit lol Pretty funny That's part of the potential problem with ranks Dilbert, someone with a higher rank being deemed to be the best answer to bother to read.
  9. The group is fine Sid, it's setting the event via the events page that has proven a pain but Cinn posted an ideal solution, when it's over 750M it doesn't even appear as an option.
  10. I've always answered questions when I pass by Suella, I'll continue to do that but I'm disinclined to click the link, I've started spending more time in the Jira instead, I won't be going to the off topic forum often either as that's a recipe for disaster, I'm a shy boy Suella, I don't like badges and prizes and never have.
  11. There has been a long time bug whereby events with a landing point of over 750M can't be posted, how do you handle this? I had one a fortnight ago and I have one tomorrow, I set the landing point to a place near a notecard giver advertising the event, this is far from ideal, I do include the exact landing point co-ordinates in the event description, but does anyone have any other ideas?
  12. I don't disagree with you Jura, but I think we'd just like a wee bit of support here from Linden Lab, I personally loathe the unimagantive adverts that are keyword city, but the reduction to 256 words forces me in that direction, it's not fun, and it's certainly stifling creativity in advertising. I've always tried to create adverts that are human readable, but we are being forced down the road of adverts that are machine readable, it's taking the fun out of inworld advertising, there's absolutely loads of potential for a great advertising system if LL let us free.
  13. I'll be frank, I didn't bother much with SL Answers on the old forum because I despised the points system, I dislike the ranks system even more so I'm even less likely to participate. Having said that, the comments system is confusing at first glance, it's not consistent with the rest of the forum and people will miss posts, even if you could display the first line of a comment and require someone to click to see the whole comment, it would probably catch people's eye more.
  14. Irene Muni wrote: Ann Otoole wrote: In my opinion... There are issues that have a much farther reaching impact than forum badges to worry about. I would rather put my energy on community activism and organizing for issues that have actual importance to the success of the entire platform. Like Privacy and things like Jira voting (albeit a lost cause). Of course there are issues that "have a much farther reaching impact". But what's the problem in "watch" a JIRA and "put your energy" in activism about other JIRAs? It's an exercise in futility that's what's wrong with it. I can "watch" Jiras without clicking the watch button because of the filters we have access to on the Jira but to show my support for it I have to officially watch it and then setup a mail filter to throw emails to my trash, whereas now I can just click vote. Completely pointless removing voting.
  15. Ann Otoole wrote: In my opinion... There are issues that have a much farther reaching impact than forum badges to worry about. I would rather put my energy on community activism and organizing for issues that have actual importance to the success of the entire platform. Like Privacy and things like Jira voting (albeit a lost cause). Taking away voting on the Jira is just plain silly and a complete waste of time as people will replace voting with watching, an exercise in futility if ever I saw one. Ranks on the forum are also silly and should be ejected, they will be be a cause of strife.
  16. Dnali Anabuki wrote: No, a thousand times no to having a General Discussion Forum...There are plenty of alternatives. I love SLU. http://www.sluniverse.com/php/ The General Discussion Forum just becomes the social meeting place of the few at the expense of the many. Please no General Discussion Forum. Good information gets lost and put in the wrong place while peeps with jobs that seem to allow them to post all day just run amok. Form a group inworld, communicate via Skype...please anything but here. Don't read the general discussion forum then, it's better to have a place for it than one of the forums ending up as the unofficial home, which is what happened with Resident Answers on the forums before the last ones.
  17. Good question, I think the comments, blog posts and tweets also helped with this one, however the number of votes very likely did factor in. I have no idea what I'm going to follow on Twitter now if this dies down, heck I might have to follow Charlie Sheen!
  18. Any chance of a sticky regarding the wiki section Brooke, here or in the roundtable would be useful.
  19. Lexie as for best practices, how long will the Wiki contain information such as that? There's info in the Wiki but if it's being moved anytime soon it would be better to wait than link to soon to be out of date information.
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