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Ciaran Laval

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Everything posted by Ciaran Laval

  1. LL's word filters are extremely childish, you're going to have to delete word by word, but as suggested above, Hooker looks a likely candidate.
  2. Have you tried to re-enter your information?
  3. BabyLuv Lane wrote: Would you buy a full perm item if the seller also sells the same item for personal use? It would depend upon where you sell it and whether you have rules on minimum resale pricing, you'll be competing with your own customers so it will put some people off. You might want to consider getting into affilates and having people resell under your brand.
  4. You can try and add payment methods from your account billing page: https://secondlife.com/my/account/billing.php
  5. Couldbe Yue wrote: meta name="mat" content="PG_NOT" / If you have then check your objects that show in search as there'll be a naughty word in either the object name or description. What should it say there? content ="PG"?
  6. Imnotgoing Sideways wrote: In my point of view, it never happened. My two mainland stores are both on obscure 512 parcels and rarely if not never had a problem landing page 1, even with competition like Curious Kitties and Dilly Dolls. () It definitely happened, I had a shed load of small parcels that disappeared into oblivion in search terms when people started discussing the large parcel bias.
  7. The land is owned by different groups, the 232 parcel is owned by the staff group, the main club is owned by a different group, the group owner has to set a role to allow people to create events, it looks like they have for the staff group but not the other group.
  8. Yes it's allowed, just be sure you know you bought the item from a legitimate source in the first place. The two brands you mention have certainly been victims of people selling illegitimate versions of their items.
  9. I haven't been paying much attention to inworld search lately but tonight decided it was about time I took a look at how the land lies, performing a search that results in over 1,000 results, I find on page one parcels as small as 320M, so is this a freak result or has the parcel size weighting disappeared again?
  10. Are you from the same country your licence was issued in? Have you moved recently?
  11. If you're using the Windows version, double click the file you downloaded, it will be called something like: Second_Life_2-6-0-225006_Setup.exe
  12. This isn't quite right, it depends upon what you're tiering down from and to, but if you sell land and don't adjust your group contributions then you will not be able to tier down.
  13. I find this guide on the wiki useful, it doesn't cover everything though: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Viewer_2_Moves
  14. If you're using viewer 2 click world, then click my land, and any land you own will show there, you can then click the parcel name and teleport there.
  15. The calculation is generally automatic, how much land does the website tell you that you can acquire without additional fees? There are radio buttons next to the tier steps, you can click a lower one and click save changes but if your calculations are off, you'll be charged a higher fee, don't forget that group land gives a 10% bonus.
  16. Well first of all, where have you set the landing point? That's what your landmark will be based upon. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/About-Land-window/ta-p/700159#Land_Options Also if you want to force it, you want to set the teleport routing. Also be aware that for an event to be able to use a landing point, the parcel has to be set to show in search.
  17. Be afraid, be very afraid, any object that has not been set to the group when rezzed will be returned.
  18. Void Singer wrote: I see some missing logic in the list of reasons for an against inworld/infora meetings such as... infora attendence encourages more casual users to add to the topic, but also contributes to noise on a topic. larger infora participation (and across a broader time) means more work for the involved lindens to answer questions, both in volume and in time lack of clear boundaries for time, and inherent lack of focus. that's not an argument against, but it is a start towards a more balanced view. I'd be happier with a bit of both, the inworld meetings can be useful and should be encouraged but there should be room for dialogue from those who can't get to the inworld meetings. There are folk who attend inworld meetings who don't like using the forum for discussion.
  19. FJ Linden wrote: Rest assured that everyone who was not able to provide payments, due to this system issue, are having their accounts manually restored as we work to fix the larger issue. Those accounts are still in good standing and these customers will not lose their status or land as a consequence. We will soon publish a blog post that provides additional detail about this program and what to expect going forward. Thanks to everyone for your patience as we roll out updated billing systems. The blog post will be important because whereas you can offer these assurances, there are people with landlords who won't give people time to pay up, partially because those landlords are unaware there is an issue with customers being able to buy Linden dollars.
  20. If you're using Internet Explorer 9 you need to run it in compatability mode to work with Lithium.
  21. Amyy Acer wrote: Hello i just bought my first Sim last week and had it delivered and set up:smileyvery-happy: Now i need to know where I can go to pay the $295 so i can be ahead a bit? I have been searching and cant find it:smileysad: You're always ahead with private estate tier unless there's a billing error, estate tier pays for the next month's tier, the first month is included in your land store purchase price. Mainland tier works the other way round and you pay for land you owned in the previous month.
  22. Shockwave Yareach wrote: Forget the advertizers, the people you work for want to stick their noses into your personal private lives. It's routine now and they even admit to doing it. And now, here we are, in this mad world where anything you say or think can and will be used against you at work, home, church or court, and SL wants to let allll these people know what I do in SL for fun. They want to allow these intrusive pests to be able to press a key in their office and get a list of all the things you are involved in in SL. Yes and no, my workplace has a social networking policy that basically amounts to don't bring shame on the workplace and you're fine. Now if I had to link myself to Facebook it would greatly restrict what I could do in Second Life.
  23. If you're going to eat the cost, you could delete it but the merchant may be on holiday or having computer troubles, it won't hurt leaving it in your inventory.
  24. It's a shiny that makes people giggle and generates publicity, better things will come of it I'm sure and thanks for mentioning the pupperteering project, hopefully that can be revived at some point.
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