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Ciaran Laval

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Everything posted by Ciaran Laval

  1. Yes it was the blank post that prompted me to ask, it's a known issue with the Lithium software but compatibility mode is the current fix, glad you figured it out.
  2. There are other leagues too, I'm advertising with St Etienne in another league! Do you know if you all use the same scripted system or do the leagues have different systems too?
  3. FB is a poisoned chalice, people really should handle with care and that includes companies. However SL's weak point is social networking, so I can see why there's an appeal and Facebook does have a lot of eyes on the prize.
  4. Lots of good points and congratulations on your patience, once my arse started going ten to the dozen I decided I'd better stop and go and read the knowledgebase article, which I'd recommend everyone who wants to mess around with this does anyway: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Enhanced-Avatar-Physics/ta-p/798525
  5. Void Singer wrote: it strikes me that LL has a very schizophrenic relationship with PG G content guidelines that they want to portray to the public.... PS That's not a complaint, but I'm sure some of us are wondering, if we as a society at large, and a community in microcosm, are going to fetishize and sexualize content, why aren't there dangly swinging bouncy ken doll "packages" as well? (not that I have any desire to see that, but in the name of equality and truth in advertising....) Once it all settles down and people get over their obsession with certain wobbly bits....which admittedly may take a while, this has potential to develop into a very useful feature, especially for machinima I'd imagine, it adds some depth to the avatar.
  6. It brings a whole new view on the expression "Does my bum look big in this?" even for male avatars! Good grief it gets jiggly in there!
  7. A new beta viewer has been released whereby we can we play with avatar physics: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Tools-and-Technology/Introducing-the-Updated-SL-Viewer-Beta-with-Enhanced-Avatar/ba-p/803711 Quote from the blog post: "Of course, we continue to smash bugs and make strides in viewer stability and performance, but we figured that you would be much more interested in avatars bouncing and jiggling." Very funny guys!!!!:smileyvery-happy:
  8. If your tier is being paid to Linden Lab then it's dependent upon the size of your parcel or how much land you're donating to a group. If the size of the parcel or group land donations isn't changing, then you should see no increase in fees, you can put prims in the sky happily.
  9. Well there's a forum here with some good tips: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Art-and-Photography/bd-p/ArtandPhotography There's also Torley's guide in the wiki: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Snapshot_Help
  10. Technically no you can't, however as Peewee points out you can sell them on the Lindex and then they are converted into US dollars which can be used to pay for your premium account. Read here for more details and further links: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Linden-dollars/ta-p/700107#How_to_sell_Linden_dollars
  11. You're not alone, Europeans are having problems too. Look here for help: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Local_Payments_Help
  12. Well done, that's more like it and I notice a few other Lindens are posting relevant info in the correct forum, keep it up guys.
  13. I've very rarely found the ticket system to be excellent, sometimes good, largely slow. Live Concierge chat does seem to have improved recently in my opinion.
  14. Irene Muni wrote: PeterCanessa Oh wrote: Note especially from that list that basic accounts can't raise tickets regarding log-in to Second Life itself...... For example if your avatar is "ghost" in Mainland ("the system is loggin you out right now...). A frequent situation. And there is no ticket for Basicc acounts for Manual Age Verification. And you cannot request an Account Closure. And you cannot ask for Goups Issues (although you paid for creating the group). And ... But in my opinion, the most serious (and the most stupid for LL) is that Basic Accounts cannot fill a ticket about "Real World Payment Method Issues". If you want upgrade to Premium and you have issues... you cannot fill a ticket and LL losts a Premium resident. This is often a case of being bass ackwards. The issues basics should be helped with are payments and age verification, these are issues LL should want basics to engage in because it gives LL information on who they are, it's quite frankly absurd that they can't file tickets on such issues.
  15. Are you using a funky password with special characters or a long password?
  16. Angel Harmison wrote: After all it is less then 10.00 a month to play.. miss a lunch out or skip a grandee latte or something. The added revenue to LL would actually allow them to hire more employees or maybe invest in some decent hardware/software or something. I know people will hate my opinion but after all it is mine to have and I know I am right .. :smileywink: laffs The point this argument always misses is that plenty of basics do pay to play, they buy Linden Dollars, which LL make money off and they buy content or rent private land, which in some form trickles back to Linden Lab. I'm not sure how asking people to pay more would increase Linden Lab's revenue, some people would simply stop playing if they were required to pay extra.
  17. Deltango Vale wrote: There seems to be no way to set up payment through the viewer. The option is unavailable. Attempting to purchase L$ through the viewer results in a message to go to the website to set up payment through the viewer, for which no option exists. This means inworld L$ purchases have been disabled, so, one must purchase L$ manually via the website. Yes, the system is smart enough to use the info supplied for membership and tier payments, but you have to go to the membership page to see it. I have options for recurring fees, buying L$ on the website, buying Linden dollars in the viewer and increasing my Linden dollar balance. I have to associate a payment method with all of those to use all the features.
  18. I agree that it's ludicrous, I age verified in concierge beta, at that stage you could leave the passport or driving licence field blank, and it verified me on name and address. I would not give Aristotle my passport or driving licence number as I checked with the UK passport agency as to how they could verify me with that info, and they told me, they can't. If you've had an account with SL for a number of years, you should be age verified.
  19. Giant Snail Racing is marvellous! Lots of fun and a really friendly crowd.
  20. It might be worth asking in the scripting forum, it's in the content creation section.
  21. Robin by a country mile .... oh wait! Blondin these days.
  22. You can try submitting a support ticket, as explained here: http://ld.auctions.secondlife.com/lin/faq#problems1 However I imagine it may be too late now.
  23. One account x amount (where x is a number) of alts per account and then paid fees for people who want another set of x alts associated with an account might work, support is a costly business and someone has to pay for it. I can't see the problem with linked alts selling on the marketplace, if they're linked, they go back to someone with real life details registered by Linden Lab, so they're not anonymous.
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