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Madeliefste Oh

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Everything posted by Madeliefste Oh

  1. Other shot, other texture as well Hint: 476 is not close
  2. The game is about guessing the LI of a mesh object you see on a picture. Someone posts a picture of a mesh. Others can guess what the landimpact is of the object. The first one who guesses the right LI is the one who posts a new picture of a mesh. It must be a mesh made by yourself. I will start with one that is not too hard to guess, I guess
  3. Nice banner, Irene. I think exactly the same. You can upload a gif as banner, but not an animated gif, this is only allowed in this one specific window.
  4. Toysoldier Thor wrote: Your actions do not match your beliefs Gavin. Then he is not alone Toysoldier Thor wrote: As for a user having or not having PIOF... that is the merchants choice and no one should question why. I personally didnt want to have PIOF and only did it eventually in order for me to withdraw my profits from SL.
  5. Swobbly Minogue wrote: i could UVW unwrap the cube and Render a UVW Template load it into photo shop and put the texture together but that seems like a lot of work for something that should be simple. That is how I do it. Then upload the texture separate. Applying textures to a not unwrapped UVW has never worked for me in SL. You just get some sort of blurry color....
  6. What is happing with profile feed? It takes minutes before my profile shows up. And for several hours now I cannot upload images to my profile. I contacted live chat. They guy there did not even know you can post snapshots to your profile. He kept asking me what file format I use. When he finally understood that I don't actually upload anything, but post directly from snapshot to profile, then he went SL to try out for himself. He had the same result, he could neither upload a snapshot to his profile. He suggested me to wait till it will be possible again to post something to your profile.
  7. I wonder... when you update your existing products for a lower LI, are you going to offer an update to the customers who have brought the product in the past? Or do you offer it as a new product, that the customer must buy again to profit from the lower LI?
  8. Toysoldier Thor wrote: This might not work for all mesh markets but for example, IF in the future its feasible to sell mesh landscape terrains (it isnt right now), then why wouldnt a mesh maker make the initial model 1m x 1m x 1m in size on rez? When the model scales in size - the LI will skyrocket but since the listing only reports LI on initial rez - the listing will look good and competitive. Another sleezy trick is for the builder to provide scripts to the build as seperate items and optional add-ons to the listing being sold. Normally these scripts would have freely and with no thought added to the object, but since scripts in a mesh model impacts LI, why not take them out of the object and include the scripts in the item sold for the buyer to decide if they want to place it into the object? So now you see another issue in LI that would have to be figured out on Marketplace.... setting an agreed standard of what a mesh LI is measured at when posted on a listing. Without these rules / standards, I see LI being gamed by smart creators that could increase sales by how they build their items to manipulate LI on Rez. The LI field should be linked to a size field. It should not be possible to put in a LI number, without also filling in the size field. There could also be a field that can be checked for scripts, like 'no scripts', 'scripts included in object', 'scripts available but not included in object.
  9. Ask in the mesh forum, there might be someone around who if familiair with Zbrush
  10. Medhue Simoni wrote: The whole concept of copyright has been completely misused. The point was to stop people from copying, not broadcasting, and definitely not broadcasting to a small group. How the heck does any of that have to do with copying? What time are you talking about when you say 'the point was to stop people form copying'? Before the invention of the radio and television maybe? I don't know how it is arranged in US exactly, but in my country 'the right to broadcast and to public perform' a work is in the hands of the creator since 1912 already. It is illegal to broadcast without permission or license since then.
  11. You can list them, but it is not possible to mark them as '100% mesh' or 'partial mesh'.
  12. That depends how big your house is, and how many people you invite. In most cases it is just allowed, however it is not allowed when a substantial number of persons outside the normal circle of a family and its close acquaintances is present. Because when that is the case you come in conflict with the rights of public performance, broadcasting and communication to the public.
  13. I was not aware that you need the have PIOF to be able to list something as partial mesh. But you can still list it and use your product description to tell your buyers that it is partial mesh, or more exact which parts are mesh and which not.
  14. What you must watch out for is that not both of you are at your maximum tierlevel. When that is the case one of you both must agree to go to a higher tierlevel, before he is able to buy the land. Once you have bought the land, and sold the land you want to sell, you cannot put this tierlevel back. You will be stuck with double tier next month, before you can change it again. Even if you owned the parcel just 5 minutes.
  15. Porky Gorky wrote: I think Chosen Few should render up a few hundreds mini copies of himself so we can all carry one around in our pockets, It would make life so much easier. Unfortunely he has chosen just to have a few around.
  16. Rene Erlanger wrote: I hear what you're saying Madeliefste....but your case could be isolated one and might not be replicated right across the entire Mainland Continents.Then again it could be the norm, because of the popularity of Linden Homes with new Premium subscribers. The last data i read was from Tyche Shepherd...that 40% of Mainland was empty (or Linden owned)..but that was in early 2011. Yep, that is well possible that mine is an isolated case. I'm not much of a traveller, and when I go out most of the cases it is with an aim to see something specific, an artshow or a sim that I will love according to friends. So I never travel to get an impression on how mainland is doing. I might well be the case that people choose to buy some land in a neighbourhood where some live is a around, then in a complete abandonned sim. And yes, it might also be the cases that the new population is coming from Linden Home owners who grew out of their home.
  17. Josh Susanto wrote: Since people are apparently going to continue reading this whole thread no matter what happens, I guess this is as good a place as any to ask what you all think of charity casinos. I've mentioned before that, as a capitalist, I have ethical objections to gambling. I do not have ethical objections, though, to people making charitable donations of most kinds, and I'm frustrated that I don't see easy ways to do that inside SL, since I don't have any other convenient way to do it, myself. I'm not sure what the legalities are, but I see basically 2 possible ways of bringing back some form of gambling in a way that produces more benefits than problems. One way would be to have a gambling machine in which losses are paid to a specific RL nonprofit. The other way would be a gambling machine in which winnings are paid out to a specific nonprofit, rather than to the player. Obviously, I favor the former, but I would also like to see the latter if it should happen to be a better legal option. The nonprofits would obviously have to be licensed by LL, and LL could administer the whole casino at a small net loss, under the assumption that the good press and other indirect benefits are of some practical value. The benefits to the player are that gambling a little bit is fun (although I don't much like it, personally), and if administered correctly, not very expensive under normal use conditions, and that they are provided an easy way to make microdonations to any of various nonprofits any time they feel like it. The benefits to the nonprofits are both the donations themselves, and the publicity of being represented in a venue that is specifically about making donation decisions fun and easy for donors. The benefits to LL are that they get some of the better aspects of gambling culture to grow back, but with fewer of the problems associated with it. Does this sound possible or impossible? This sounds so much off topic that I would advise you to start a different thread for it.
  18. Rene Erlanger wrote: ....now factor in all the abandoned Mainland plots during 2011, which we have no public figures for. ness model is very fragile in it's current state. I'm sure they have crunched the numbers with "what if" scenarios. I don't know any figures about mainland either of course. But I do see what happens in my own neighbourhood. 2007/2008 no land available, everything was full, a mix of residential and commercial. 2009 everybody left. One plot after another was put for sale or just abandonned. Green grass as far as I could see from my place, except for two longtime residents who are there since 2005 or so. Now and then a 512 parcel was bought by someone, and then left within one or two months again. 2010 still very much green land, but here and there were parcels sold to breedable owners. First rabbits, then horses. I doubled my land, it was attractive because I could buy parcels next to mine for a low price. 2011 Most horses got sick and died, and business is coming back to mainland. I have a neighbour with a mall now, not sure he is doing well, I never see someone shopping there, I have a neighbour who has build homes for residental use. One has a few renters in skyboxes. And I doubled my land again, I think I paid about the same price for it as for my first 512 parcel. Landprices have dumped to almost nothing. At this moment there no land available anymore, at least not land that surrounds me. Here and there a smaller parcel that does not border my land. So when this pattern that I see goes up for whole mainland, then mainland is doing pretty well.
  19. Toysoldier Thor wrote: I agree with you on the EVENTUALLY. This slowwww adoption of Mesh I predicted last August (I said Q2 2012 but now even I think I was far too optimistic) was so easy to predict for those that looked at the world pragmatically. I'm selling meshes since september. The first monthes they did do nothing but catch dust on the selves. This has changed since December, since then they started selling much better. Guess this has to do with the meshviewer Phoenix release. Also I often get customer request to make things. Few months ago, when I asked a customer "Do you mind if I make it in mesh in stead of sculpt" the answer was always: "No, I want a sculpty". That has also changed in a few months time. People still start asking for sculpties, but when I think that a mesh is better for what they want (which is not always the case) and I explain them why I remark that people are more and more open for the mesh alternative, and some are even very enthousiastic about it. In my sales since January this year I see no signifaction difference between the sales of sculpties and the sales of mesh, they both sell as well. Some meshes are doing better then others, but that is the same with sculpts. I don't know how it is along the rest of the grid, but the adoption of mesh by customers is has been going must faster then I had expected.
  20. It's more or less off topic in this thread, but since it is never off topic in your personal live, I like to wish you all best with your health, Luna. Take care, girl.
  21. Toysoldier Thor wrote: Thanks to those on this thread that gave me a lot of hints and clues and ideas on how to get the basics of bringing in my first MESH from my 3D tool. Since then I have been really strucggling to grasp the development pipelines. Not only trying to learn how what and how to best reduce the topology on Voxel type 3D modeling tools like SCULPTRIS, or how to best create a proper UV Map. I also put a lot of effort in trying 3D Coat which seemed like an amazing tool but I ran into some basic functions that didnt work. Turns out I discovered that the TRIAL version of 3DCoat has a lot of these valued features not available so I had to abandon 3DCoat. I am not sure why a company releases a TIMED TRIAL and then also removes leading edge functions from the trial. Now I have to walk away from it. Happily, yesterday I went through my first successful (sorta) end-to-end MESH creation, texturing, and import into SL with pretty good results. Here is the result of what I created. Toy... nice you are working with mesh You could improve the anatomy of your statue. The underlegs are relatively thin compared to the rest of the body, and the size of the feet is also rather small.
  22. Come back on the grid in about 5 years time. I bet your work will be pretty hot by that time because most of it is delicious old school building style with prims.
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