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Sy Beck

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Everything posted by Sy Beck

  1. Madelaine McMasters wrote: I might just turn up in the outfit we all have in common. ;-) Give or take a few distinct accessories though. ;-)
  2. Kylie Jaxxon wrote: Hippie Bowman wrote: Far out! Post you new threads here as you get them! Dig? Peace! :smileysurprised: Now Hippie, you ought to know that girls are funny about that sort of thing...gotta make the grand entrance on the given day :smileytongue: I look forward to seeing you all turn up on the day in the same outfit and glaring at each other. :smileyvery-happy:
  3. Seems the most simple cost efficient solution all round would be for you to turn off your "watch" and email notification then bookmark the JIRAs you are interested in and visit them once a week. If they were to be moderated it only means that some techie is going to be lumbered with the job thus taking them away from their work or a present forum moderator will be assigned that role too. Bickering is human nature and if it's offensive trolling then it can be reported through the usual channels. [ETA] Even if they were moderated it wouldn't stop your inbox being full would it? The email I presume is sent at the moment of posting or would you want all new postings reviewed before being sent because that would be unfeasible.
  4. Ellyn Elan wrote BTW, since it does seem to be official nit-picking day, then the suggestion to buy their own sim is equally wrong from your own words. You could still see the view. If the sim is on the same server then they'd still be maxing out the sim resources. Since they now own the sim you would have LESS recourse to do anything about it. Just saying. Playing devil's advocate since apparently folks are doing the same to my post. Hardly. If they want to buy a sim then they are not "freeloading" off of other people's "paid" shared resources. If they own the sim then there is a known owner(s) of that sim that can be held responsible so therefore we have MORE recourse or an established method of addressing their actions to LL. Just saying, no need to take it too personally.
  5. Ellyn Elan wrote: Venus Petrov wrote: Ellyn Elan wrote: If the battle griefing is consentual then... How hard is it to find a sim in SL without people on it at any given time? Go there. Have your fun. Leave other people alone. Or do as others have suggested and make your own. SL doesn't owe you a thing! That's ridiculous. This suggestion cannot be serious. So, if no one is on the sim where my home is, griefers should go there and start their particle war, leave, and, when I return, I have to deal with the crap? Or worse, they have crashed the sim and I cannot get there without requesting a restart? No thanks. While the suggestion was serious, you are correct, I didn't go far enough in my explanation of what I was talking about. I meant an empty sim, devoid of property. "Leave other people alone" includes other people's property. Sorry to jump on your back too along with Venus, but she was correct in the first place and I would suggest that your explanation is also wrong. There may be abandoned sims and parcels with all activities permitted, but that doesn't mean it should be used as a sandbox for "fun and consenting" griefers. If you lived on the neighbouring sim or lived on the sim I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate the view of a sim piled up with unwanted prims and objects with scripts running and maxing all the sim resources. The OP's premise is just plain wrong and if they want that then, as has been mentioned, they should buy their own sim and see what a PITA it is to clean up a sim after a day of happy consensual griefing that is open to all comers.
  6. Maryanne Solo wrote: Well Perrie that is really unfortunate I am sad to hear I am premium and I've never had a home. I can't even afford pixel food most weeks. I just tell people I work out lots to stay a nice shape, when in reality, I'm just one hurl away from that last white cloud ^.^ The economy is in such a mess that I have to don a disguise and beg outside my own shop. I even smothered my 1000L boots with dirt and smeared it all over my face to hide my rAvon makeup too and still I get peanuts.. In my case It's all due to the desperately poor slave worker avatars in third world sims like open sim/inworlds etc wanting better conditions. So my manufacturing costs have skyrocketed. I'll im you when I am in world next and well go get you a shopping trolley for all your stuff. Then I'll show you the best spot by the river to bang your clothes on rocks to get them clean. The only way I have found to scrape through is to go to clubs and stand close to the tips jars. When you see someones beam coming toward it you quickly jump in the way and if youre lucky & they don't notice.. you get the tip *winx Life's pretty tough out there :matte-motes-confused: That is just too funny from start to end. Glad to see they couldn't strip you of your dignity and humour.
  7. Kenbro Utu wrote: Kiss of Death -- make a gangster threat of retaliation in your profile for messing with your friends or family. Good one! I did lol
  8. /me sighs, "Just tap your shoes together Dorothy" P.S Glad to see they're red as well :smileywink:
  9. Ariel Vuissent wrote: .......Edited because I can't type today... Well they do say it'll turn you blind :smileywink:
  10. Madelaine McMasters wrote: ... "balanced journalism". The idea is that every argument has two sides which must be equally represented. This is, of course, wrong. It both oversimplifies and actually unbalances issues. If you have 999 experienced individuals behind one idea and one dissenting opinion, it is hardly balanced to give a half hour to each side in a debate. Yet that's exactly what we often do as we pat ourselves on the back for being "balanced" and protecting the little guy. The end result of this thinking is that many arguments winnow down to two talking heads. And the moment that happens, personality trumps everything else... I can't tell you how much this annoys me Madelaine and in some respects I feel sorry for credible news media who feel they have to represent all sides of a debate and their proponents equally. It just appears to me sometimes that they give a minority view equal representation not to inform a debate, but to enflame it and create "good" television, which in short means conflict. I have seen some serious scientific issues debased, twisted and cause death and suffering because some uninformed idiot was given airspace all in the name of balance. If the weather reporter comes on to say, "Tomorrow will be sunny with few clouds." then we don't expect to have some talking head brought in to present an alternative forecast in the name of balance even though there's ample scope to have an alternative. I'll cite an example from the UK though it was a worldwide story.. 1. MMR Vaccine One rogue scientist believes he has proved a link between autism and this commonly given child vaccine to prevent measle, mumps and rubella. His findings are flawed and he is found to have several conflicts of interest in his research and his findings can never be reproduced by any other researchers. The problem was his story was out first and caused a widespread scare amongst parents who then decide not to give their children the MMR jab. Parents of autistic children start clamouring for proof and tests that the MMR caused their children's autism. It's a big news story and everytime a credible scientist is put up to disprove it the rogue scientist or "concerned parent" is again given time to expound his or their views fuelling more scare and worry leading to even more parents not allowing their children to be given the jab. As expected, incidences of measles, mumps and rubella rose hugely in the child population causing disabilities, suffering and even death. All because, even though the overwhelming scientific evidence and opinion said there was no proof the news media felt that they had to represent the two sides of the argument evenly and thus fuelled a scare that led to deaths and disabilities. Of course every minority view must be given airtime, but it has to have some proportion to it and be balanced in terms of credibility.
  11. Ruth Babe - Rez inworld Ruthed Good Grief! -TP Home/Orbit a griefer Mega-Dim - Rez sim wide prim on a 512 plot Duck a l'Orange - Walk around with no AO and default skin for a day Rubbernecker - Rubberband yourself for at least 1 minute IM Stupid! - Put a TOS Disclaimer in your profile Pet Cemetary - Invest in a breedables scheme
  12. Asset Hogster - Have an Inventory of 20K Wardrobe Meister - Have an inventory of 40K Fetch me a Kitchen Sink! - Have an inventory of 80K Edward Boxhands - Wear a shopping bag instead of opening it Dual personaility - Create an alt Personality Disorder - Forget the password of at least 2 alts Two Faced - Texture everything else as well as the face you meant Grab Your Balls - Have your first dance Prophet - Predict the impending demise of SL
  13. In an earlier thread concerning this matter a BB officer explained it as such in reply to a question of whether it was a specific group mod bot, ========================================================================================= 10-21-2011 03:50 PM The 'Glitch' was indeed a bot that was developed in house. The bot was developed to help us with group membership functions because the existing LL tools would not work with a group this size (group would not load, etc). Anywhoo.... the recent SL server OS upgrades as many know where causing a marked depreciation in sim performance, especially at busy times such as during classes or when several people TP into a sim at once. it was during one of these times that the bot seemed to get stuck in whatever it was doing at the time, and caused it to mass eject, We dont know the exact reasons why yet, it is still under investigation. I hope this clarifies the situation **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-happy.gif" border="0" alt=":smileyhappy:" title="Smiley Happy" /> ========================================================================================== This is the thread if you wanted to read it in full.
  14. In fact, cats go into balls really easily, here's one I didn't even have to grease up first.
  15. Jo Yardley wrote: Nacy Nightfire wrote: The point is he has such a hot bod he doesn't NEED a belt. He has a butt to keep his pants up. Every man needs a belt, or suspenders. If not, eventually their trousers will slide down and expose their shirt or if they are completely brain dead nutcases with no style, class or taste, they are not wearing a long shirt and their underpants will be on public display. I know, sounds insane, but some "men" walk around like that. I keep warning them about that but it appears to be on purpose! /me shakes her head. I reckon style died somewhere in the 1940s. You forgot to mention that no gentleman worth his salt should be seen outside without some appropriate headwear and to be well versed in how to doff it at the fairer sex.
  16. Uh oh, is the sky falling too? If you see four guys on skeletal horses then I wouldn't renew any magazine subscriptions for a while.
  17. There would undoubtedly be commercial reasons to develop these sensory addons/plugins. I see online clothes selling getting a boost for one. If you ever look at a woman clothes shopping she will never stop touching the fabric while she checks out it's pattern, colours and price tag. This tactile inspection is of course an impossible task online along with a virtual changing room to see if the garment fits as I've been informed, told, left in no doubt "educated" that 99% of clothes' size labels are false and always display a size two sizes larger than the garment in question. Apart though from commercialisation and an improvement in online retail experience there would be a personal benefit too. When I was a young boy there were only photos and diaries to record your life experiences. Now we have videos and soundtracks to accompany them, but what if we could add smell and touch to them? Maybe I'm strange, but a smell of something can evoke a memory within me with physical effects. If I ever stand near honeysuckle I'm instantly reminded of my father's funeral as we all had to step back and into a honeysuckle at the entrance to the church to let the cortegé through. I feel like that 7yr old boy again, frightened and confused; a physical and emotional reaction all set off by a smell. The smell of my children's hair when they were newborns is something I would love to smell again, there is something almost primal about that smell that I can't explain. If you could also capture the sense of touch to add to this futuristic diary, being held by your parents, your very first kiss (however disasterous and messy), again, your children's first grasp around your finger and so many others you could think of from your own life experiences. The demand for this "all in one sensory record" would be insatiable. I remember seeing a film when I was young, I think Christopher Walken starred in it and I can't be bothered to look up the name, where a scientist had developed such a product on tape and people would put on the obligatory immersive headset and could relive their own recorded experiences or experience somebody else's. It was one of those things along with living on the moon I thought humankind would tick off on it's technological to do list very soon, but alas no. I do think though that it is something I shall see and experience before I finally curl up my mortal coil. Any such recording device shall of course be banned from my funeral. [ETA] The Christopher Walken film was Brainstorm. Ironically, not one I think he would want to relive.
  18. Parhelion Palou wrote: I was referring to the Parametric Deformer Project from the original post. The Parametric Deformer Project involves modifying the avatar code in the SL client so that mesh clothing will conform to the avatar mesh. The client has has to have access to to the avatar mesh since the client is where your avatar is drawn/baked. Sy wondered if the source code could be used to create something that would modify other objects. I don't believe that will be possible. Thanks Parhelion. So the open source code once it's available can't be used/modified to perform the same kind of mechanic on any other object? Anyhoos, I can sense that this topic is soon going to start to go over my head so I'm going to fall back on that wise adage, "It's better to shut up and appear stupid than to open your mouth and confirm it.". So I shall go sit on the sidelines with matron and the wheezy boys and watch and listen.
  19. Madelaine McMasters wrote: in part ....the way you'd want it to work is for the SL engine to accept "delta" mesh descriptions, which somehow allow you to define a mesh only as a deformation from some underlying thing, not as an absolute.... OK, that would make sense or at least it made sense to me. I suppose that leads me to the question that when the code becomes final and is open source how easy would it be to make that cast or mould, as it were, absolute.
  20. I quickly checked your products and indeed as far as your creations are concerned I don't think this project has any application for you unless you wanted to update all your prim and sculpt products to a mesh product by grabbing their shape with a deformer as a base for a new mesh version of them. This project is being initiated as a solution for better fitting mesh clothes, which it would undoubtedly improve. On the other hand it is creators like yourself who might be affected by the negative application of this project. I'm ambivalent about it at the moment, but am just wondering if this negative application of it is at all possible.
  21. I'm not sure if you are understanding my premise. Let's say that you are a furniture creator and have made an exquisitely detailed table in either prims, sculpts or even mesh, you've made it no copy and no mod and it sells very well. I buy one of your tables and then using a mesh deformer I'm able to wrap a mesh around it to match your table exactly. I can then take your table back into inventory or delete it. I now have a perfect copy of your table bar any textures or scripts you might have had in your original. My copy would, because it was my mesh, be full perms. Therefore I can now have your table with that checkerboard texture I always wanted and I can make more copies of it if I wanted to and maybe I could even sell them to. Like I said, I'm only speculating as to whether this is possible somewhere down the line with this deformer.
  22. Some of you will be aware of the Parametric Deformer Project, which in a nutshell will allow mesh clothes to wrap exactly to an avatar shape. The eventual project will be open source software for others to adapt for other mesh uses within SL. Now, given that you'll be able to wrap a mesh to an avatar, which is for all intents and purposes an object, how much of a jump is it to be able to wrap a mesh around any object in SL? If it is or will be possible then there are some distinct advantages for sure. All retailers of products will be able to update their products to mesh by simply wrapping them with this new procedure and texturing them again. I'm sure it won't be that simple, but I'm also sure it would be quicker than rebuilding all their products from scratch in mesh. So that would be an advantage, but there is something that I've been pondering, which might open a can of ugly worms. If somebody owns an object created by someone else and they wrap a mesh around it and texture it then are we not into another round of copybotting and DMCAs? Would no copy/no mod items be a thing of the past if people started to use this wrapping for their own needs and not even for illegal reselling? To be honest I'm thinking out loud and maybe extrapolating too much about the possibilities of this project. Maybe some of you know more about what is and what is not possible and where this can be taken in the future. It may well be that LL could put some code out that would make it impossible to do legally. I'm just airing my thoughts so wiser more knowledgeable people than me can put me straight on the facts and possibilities.
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