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Pussycat Catnap

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Everything posted by Pussycat Catnap

  1. Qie Niangao wrote: If folks are engaging in Mature-rated conduct on those Linden sims, that would be explicitly forbidden if the land switched to a G rating... but as I mentioned, I suspect that conduct was already forbidden by rules applying to Linden land regardless of the sim rating. Such rules only exist where signs are posted. Like in most but -not all- infohubs.
  2. Take a look at my blog for some help on initial things to do to get up to speed easier: http://catnapkitty.wordpress.com/2010/08/08/getting-started-in-second-life/
  3. If the entire sim is linden owned might be best as G otherwise M conduct is appropriate there, such as nudists.
  4. I noticed in the landmark that came for today's Bay City meeting (during US working business hours so people with jobs in North America can't go BTW); that's its on 'M' land. Now that a large amount of Bay City is G land, and much of that up until recently owned by teens, who might still be major owners of portions of it... should not the meeting place be moved to G land somewhere so all residents without gainful employment in the western hemisphere at least have the ability to come?
  5. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: Mature / Moderate: Feel free to dance the can-can in lingerie while doing drugs. No sex or nudity though. Nudity is perfectly fine on Mature land. Even publicly so. ToS specifically notes this under info about various lands. Most nude beaches and some strip clubs are on M land. Its sex acts in public that are not allowed on M land. Nudity designed to 'get a sexual rise out of people' is not allowed, but plain old nudity is fine.
  6. I think its just patently obvious to most folks that if they'd meant the meter to be something other than a meter they would have called it something other than a meter. Reasons why the meter was not followed in so many avatars are plenty. And its patently obvious the people who failed to follow it had no idea what they were doing just by noticing how wrong their proportion choices are, even within the many varying scales they do use.
  7. Just like in RL, sometimes in SL it helps to naked for a few minutes. Just consider yourself having taken a bath and being ok now.
  8. Penny Patton wrote: >But pretending that they are (or have been) anything but complicit in the use of the Linden meter as a unit substantially shorter than a metric meter is pure denial.  Your position is that LL deliberately went about with the intent of making a system where the "linden metre" as you put it is shorter than a standard metre by intent and design. My position is that LL simply didn't put much thought into the visua design side of SL at all when it comes to scale. >Again, I think I should point out the heights of the Lindens themselves. What is the secret message, and why should we listen or not listen? I can assure you no professional artists were employed in the creation of most Linden's avatars. With very few exceptions. This may have something to do with it and SL's other visual problems. I seriously suspect that the first generation of Lindens didn't even think people would be interested in detailing their avatars much at all. To them it was probably more fascinating to read a text-code dump of what was happening in the grid than to actually be in it. And if in it, they were busy in sand boxes experimenting with prims and talking about William Gibson while pretending to be Avante Guard. The idea of a poseball and sexbed was probably a complete miss for them. The idea that hordes of women (and men) would come in here and dress up barbie dolls in fancy outfits and pay through the teeth to do it was probably something they lacked the mental ability to see, even after it happened. Ps: half the lindens I've met were Tinies or on quad-animals of tiny size. So if the Lindens are an indication of the proper scale, we're all -WAY- too big.
  9. Josh Susanto wrote: For one thing, the tape measure kit that tells people the normal sizes of things sets avatar height in such a way as to suggest the meter is closer to 2.5 feet, as it does with ceilings and door frames. Tape measure kit? That's not any normal height meter then. Most height meters and height sticks say or mark 1m for every 1 SL meter, and convert to feet using the standard metric to hill-billy, erm American convertion system found in any math book. Josh Susanto wrote: Also, consider the only known counterargument at this point; that the Linden meter is the metric meter, and everyone is supposed to have a giant avatar living in giant buildings etc for no reason at all. Ego has driven it up. People with a fixation on being bigger than others. Or people who want long legs and don't understand anatomy enough to do it without stretching the entire avatar. Furthermore, sheer lack-of-awareness has driven it up; people just dialing the dials up to stretch out of the badly made defaults, without using any reference to see what they had. The edit appearance window telling you how tall you are is new. In past people had to rez a prim, size the prim, and compare - and that's too complex for a lot of people, let alone newbies.
  10. Ian Undercroft wrote: Over the last 2 or 3 weeks I find that I'm frequently being told that I appear dwarfed and have sprouted little boobies. On occasions, I'm sent pics to prove this. Should I celebrate and embrace my mixed sexuality by using avatar physics to give my little boobies some bounce? You should see what this all did in furry town. Some of my avatars have been told their eyes are popping out of their heads like floating glowing spheres. But others are just fine and dandy. No idea why it only messed up some of them. But SL has so many female avatars, that I guess with the newest version of V2 they decided being female would now be mandatory for everyone.
  11. That would actually be an improvement if they could also keep those names from being visible anywhere. Account creation ought to have an account name, and then a name for your 'first avatar' with this account, and let each account create 'X' number of avatars. In world and profile wise, those account names should be unable to be found. Only LL's should ever see them. - The system could have switched to this by making all the old residents with 2 names have their account name be X.Y Which in fact it did... but it then left our display names alone, making this non-obvious, and allowed our account names to be visible... so that we see the '12345 Resident' of the new people and can even search for '12345'... New people should not even get past the creation screen without picking a display name. Just have two fields: Account name: [____________] (this is how LLs support will know you, and is unique to you.) Avatar name: [______________] (this is different from your account name, and can be anything. You can change it later.) Only complication is people pretending to be other people... and I presume that is why we still see account names. - If I could mentally figure out how to avoid that without seeing account names I would suggest it. And I'm sure that if I could figure it out, it would have been figured out and we would not have the mess we have right now.
  12. I assume this is a viewer issue. Look at the same sign posted twice here: The difference is flipping 'Basic Shaders' on or off in v2 preferences. Location: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Campion/164/1/138 Shader on: Shader off: If normal glow does this depending on shader settings I've missed it in past. But if its not just that, is there someting else it could be or some way to avoid this without having to turn shaders off?
  13. Zindra - Its a horrid fascination of watching a disaster and being drawn to the eye of the storm. I love to 'hate' the builds I find there... and can't seem to manage to avoid getting pulled back to the place.
  14. Marianne McCann wrote: It will be dealt with, eventually. The South and Western edges are kept open (save for the odd island) for possible future expansion. Don't those private estates prevent it from being dealth with? LL's would have to non-consenually move those folks to do it. I suppose the ToS for private estates probably says 'subject to changes at LL's discretion' but if I was one of them I'd probably be rather ticked not only at getting moved, but even at how Bay City is now so close to me. Of course as an owner of a piece of Bay City my own desire -is- for them to move, but I can see how that would also face reasonable resistance.
  15. WannaPiEcE Crabgrass wrote: The highest point in mainland is Campion. Yeah we figured that out a few posts back. This thread actually caused me to buy part of that peak. I'm about 1m lower than the highest spot now. I could terraform myself up by 1.01m and plant a flag on it... but that would just be silly. And last Thursday another 7000m or so of Campion went up for sale for 0.5m/L (but not the peak), so now I'm suddenly swimming in prims over there... (there's a horse breeder in the sim, so anyone with a ground build lives in lag death).
  16. Leeee wrote: Hiii I've got a lover . . . I don't know what to talk about HELP ME Um... WTF? Even the teen grid folks can figure this one out.
  17. Dizzy Tearfall wrote: it seem slike everyone in second life nowadays, are LIARS! What are we all lying about to whom and when or why?
  18. Monica Querrien wrote: Before everyone became a "Resident" I didn't see thjat many numbers next to people's names. Now it seems like so many people have numbers. All the good names are taken. Its pretty much over for SL for good names at this point. It only took a few weeks into 'Resident' to happen. Odd or unusualy names are mostly gone, silly names are dissapearing. These won't last much longer though. This is one major fiasco that will do serious harm to SLs 'brand' (what little of such there may be)...
  19. Books and many blogs are somewhat out of date. But here's one I've put together that is only marginally old (a year): http://catnapkitty.wordpress.com/2010/08/08/getting-started-in-second-life/ - 99% of its still relevant.
  20. Would love to see some attention to the far western end of Bay City, though I understand that the presence of what on my map looks like private estates just one sim block away makes it hard to put ocean and beaches in between. Nonetheless the way western Bay City just drops off into a void ought to be dealt with at some point.
  21. Structure it right. Make voting based on 1 vote per per group per account that owns land in a system, proportionate to percentage of land owned that has at least one whole cut which is equal to or greater than 512m, but which requires at least 5 votes to be eligible for the system to 'turn on'. - 1 vote per group per account is a messy way of saying: Each group gets one vote. Land owned by an individual gets one vote. But if an account is present in more than one group on a sim of rank to have any land permissions above rezzing, only one of those groups gets any votes. Inside of a group, voting would be among group officers or group owners - set by the group. Apply the system to some test sims and see if they become points of attraction or flight. And then expand it over time but never to more than 30% of the grid -IF- it turned out to be a point of attraction. ********************** The other opton is to start establishing standards for what is blight, and then returning builds that violate that standard on an AR basis. A lot of people like to claim 'everyone's standards are different' but when it comes down to it 90% of the blight complaints are over the exact same kinds of things - so a majority standard already exists. Its a false claim that there would be no agreement. There would be disagreement over the finer points and over the 'edges' - but in the core central part of what is blight, you could easily find a majority of agreement. And human judgement of the lindens responding to such ARs would help refine the 'letter' of the policy into something people could predict and comprehend. Initial standards could be hammered out in office hours, polls on this website, and discussions. You'd have to weed out the maniacs that claim its socialism to not have anarchy - but in the slamly voiced end of the debate, you'd find some themes. ************************* Presently mainland has tyranny of the one against the entire whole of the rest of the sim and any sims within visible range. This flips that to tyranny of the majority which is also not perfect, but much better. My suggestion might not be ideal - so lets hear a better one.
  22. I'd favor a no-blight system. Let neighbors 'vote' out builds of others below 800m - including at ground. Though perhaps a greater majority needed for ground, and people who haven't logged in for a certain while would not be considered for the number of votes needed to either pass or fail a vote. - Do that to maybe 30% of mainland sims, people who want some anti-blight control would migrate to them. People who don't would avoid them. But a blanket ban would cause too many issues.
  23. I do the same actually. Its helpful when you know where your land is and just need to be clear on the edges. But the OP seems to not even know where half the land he bought is located. So he's going to want to the 'smack you upside the head' version of 'Yo, here's your land!' Since this trick also shows land for sale as yellow, and when you select a piece of land and right click border lines grow up from the ground around it - the two combined can help a buyer ahead of time from accidentally buying a split lot.
  24. This is sadly not a ToS violation. So its become a very popular way to get neighbors to move so you can buy their land... - and if you can prove they did it for that reason you can AR it. But otherwise you're out of luck unless you can find some other violation. Most people are violating a rule somewhere, so just start going over those people with a fine tooth comb until you find something. THAT IS... assuming talking fails. Some people will intentionally put objects in places that are hostile to neighbors because its 'their land and they can' and not be polite when approached, even if approached in the most friendly manner. Because its their land... and they think that means they not only can be rude, but are required to be rude... But many others will try to work with those around them to build a better community for all. Suggestion is to move around SL until you land on a sim with mostly people like that, and where the one or two rude ones can be mostly ignored.
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