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Pussycat Catnap

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Everything posted by Pussycat Catnap

  1. Dustine Underwood wrote: Does how a shop look define it? Do you leave shops that dont have a good design or layout? What is important when your out and about on shopping excursions, do color, shop size, and location REALLy make a difference? Yes. Your products will be interpreted in the light of the environment in which they are seen. A good environment can help drive a sale, a bad one can help deter a sale. This is also true for imagry that shows off the products. Show outfits worn on models that look well shaped and textured. Consider mixing up the variety of models. Especially in terms of ethnicity. But also in terms of species - How's that going to look on a furry with digitigrade legs for example? Or on a Na'vi? Or on a Neko? Or on a human... You can never have too much ethnic diversity in models. Its very rarely going to drive someone away. But a start lack of diversity can drive away even people of the ethnic group you use for models. If you're not selling clothes - this is also true for gender of models that appear in product displays. In the Real World this tends to mean include more women in the imagry, in SL I'd say it means put in some men. Layout of the shop is critical too. Make it easy to get around. But also don't put things together that squick their respective buyers. If I'm shopping for your garden plants, you might not want to sell those on the same wall as your 'forced XXX RP kits'... (not to say you sell those lines - just by way of random clashing examples). Make it easy for people to get around too. Let them teleport about your shop. If I want to come to you regularly to buy your do-hickeys, let me LM the spot right to your wall of do-hickeys. Don't deter a regular shopper by forcing me to land at your landing point half a sim away... The landing point is where your first time buyers go.
  2. Penny Patton wrote: Also, when someone else speaks, repeat what they just said in the form of a question. Wait, so when someone else speaks its a good idea to repeat what they said in the form of a question?
  3. Milo Meridoc wrote: hey all, i have noticed sometimes people walk out of chat range while i am still typi /teleport. IM: Oh were you saying something? Try starting with a short buzz-piece to catch attention, then throw in War and Peace with your second or third comment.
  4. I thought this referred to griffons - the animal from mythology, and not griefers. Ask for a sim restart. You might be seeing some kind of ghosting. If not, if you folks own a whole sim do you get some kind of boosted support? Concierge? Use that or live chat and tell them what's going on.
  5. If you create a group with yourself and one alt, and then buy the lot for your group, you can buy 560 as groups get a 10% bonus. That will let you buy this person's lot. Because of that bonus, its actually smarter for land to be cut into 560 lots rather than 512s, but its usually harder to make a nice shaped 512.
  6. Ericc Carter wrote: Releasing abandoned land this way is bad. It probably looked great on paper but this is an awful move. Land is a very important aspect in Second Life and decisions which impact it should be thought out carefully. There is already a huge overabundance of land. There are not enough real end users to occupy and use this abundance of land. 'Supply and Demand'... the value of land now is practically nothing. SL is meant to be used and enjoyed - for people to gather and create communities for various interests, explore other's creations, and build ones own. Its not some real-estate simulation and not a market simulation. All goods in SL exist solely for the purpose of supporting people's creativity and social activity. So I see nothing wrong at all with collapsing the value of the land market to nothing.
  7. Well I'm often a furry. Check out my profile / interests: https://my.secondlife.com/pussycat.catnap And fill in your own with more detail. Also, enter each of your interests separately, not with commas. They're not searchable the way you did them now.
  8. I was once even told by a Linden that it was against ToS for me to send a log to a Linden. In that case, I was sending the log to that very linden because in the log I had people suggesting I ask him for advice on a matter and I just sent the log so he could see what it was I wanted advice on.
  9. I can relate to this and have been considering a post a little similar to the OP for a while now. I'd say the list of people I've known dwindles a little bit every few months. Forum Cartel is probably not a bad place to kick start yourself back in if you can find an angle on relating there. You kinda have to figure out your interests and find someone who shares enough of them. I'm a bit of a builder - but not much so. I'm a reggae nut, but on the roots/faith side. I'm highly political and a leftist - but I rarely sync with liberals who lack the inner-city-conflict roots I come from. Rarely feel relaxed around males. And I waver between furry and neko, having phases in SL where I'm very PG or running around sans-threads. I'm a bit of a tough mix to take there... - You're probably going to need something like that for yourself. A bit of a description, one that sells you better than mine does me - but which will get attention from the right sorts of people. V2 also now has searchable interests, which can also be filled via the web profiles. Make good use of those and refine them often to sync with more people. Right now your interests just says: "cats".
  10. Ah ok. Must just be a lot of action there recently. Half the place is up for sale and half is still owned by Chung. The layout is... well... very unmainlandish...
  11. A curious auction I noticed led me to visit "Flyingroc Chung" - which appears to be a sim with most of the land owned by Anshe Chung, but a mainland descriptor and covenant, selling in mainland auctions, in a spot on the map that I've never seen before. Is LL's buying back estates and converting them to mainland or am I misreading this?
  12. Corrugating Cardboard wrote: I hope that LL will add more regions with saleable parcels to the old Teen Grid continent and mark them as General in keeping with the continent's current rating. Would be good for parents wanting to interact with their own children in the same grid space. About 60% of old-teen Bay City is still unsold and nowhere near M land. Sadly one reason it remains unsold is land barons bought it and jacked the prices into space. If you scan my picks for my 'PG Outlet' of Catbox Curios: http://world.secondlife.com/place/c29e53e1-b99b-2fa0-ef23-7f9ac12402e8 - That's on the far eastern most sim of G-rated Bay City. I have almost no neighbors, and of those I do have none are active. I'm surrounded by land for sale or rent on my sim and the sims around me. All of it PG.
  13. I've thrice successully AR'd people for doing exactly what you describe, only they had smaller blight objects - only 40m on 2 of them (same person 2 lots in same sim at two separate times), and only 30m or so on another (in Zindra a good year ago or so). AR it, and see what happens. A lot of people claim LLs is unreasonable in not doing anything - but those same people then never even try to get LLs to do anything...
  14. Ceera Murakami wrote: Same as any individual. Linden Lab eliminated the education/non-profit discounts, about a month into this most recent school year. (And after most school budgets were already cast in stone and unchangeable.) After seeing how at least 2 of those were abused for ethically questionally purposes, I kind of agree with the notion of cancelling that discount.
  15. Wildcat Furse wrote: OMG Marianne!! it looks like you have really thought about this .... amazing, ty for sharing!! :smileywink: She just has all her lots in a place she can manage to get into one camming of the map I think I'm on 5 continents.
  16. Perrie Juran wrote: My little skybox just above the clouds on the Mainland. I'd recommend moving higher for 3 reasons: 1, Neighbors might not like the view being cluttered by a square above their heads. You can address this by using a built that looks more facny instead, like a floating rock or a tiered hanging gardens. 2. At that hight, you're still picking up 'render lag' from the ground objects your camera is having to deal with. 3. Lack privacy. You're at a height that encourages strangers to drop in. Try above 1500m or so for privacy, or above 900 for lag avoidance. And look for a spot with no neighbor sky-builds in camera range.
  17. I've thought about investing into a DJing setup, though not seriously. Though my style would be Roots Reggae (spiritual side of reggae) - and definately not Dancehall or Dub. IYC can be ok to hang out in, but they only allow nudity - they don't require it or even 'highly encourage' it. Much like 'Sexy Nude Beach' - I'd be likely to be the only nude person there. And I'd feel uncomfortable being nude if I was not in furry outfit just because while there's no Furry only policy the scene is definately mostly furry. I do have my own G-rated furry-hangout spot, albeit an inactive due to lack of promoting; as furry is what I go to when in a 'G-rated-SL' mood. I end up in IYC on days when I'm looking to dance or hangout - though usually only pass through once I hear the stream, but not on my 'nudist' days.
  18. Peewee Musytari wrote: Maybe the skin creator just forgot to paint them. It happens, It happens a -LOT- One reason to always checks demos before buying.
  19. Wild Coast is one of the places I quoted above. Most definately not welcoming by their policy. I'd say every 6 months I forget this fact and try to go there... Not as the furry you see in my AV pic, but in my neko form you can see in the avatar forum under the Vanity thread: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Your-Avatar/The-VaNiTy-ThReAd/m-p/835607#M4278
  20. if you're thinking Blue Mars I wouldn't take them so seriously anymore - they seem to have been blundering through their beta for just a bit too long now. First it couldn't run on any system cheaper than those in NORAD, now it wants to run as a tomogachi app in one of those supermarket quarter machines... and it still has AV's locked into a 'California surfer' Amer-asian mix look. But if there's somebody else now, that would warrant concern. The idea behind a competitor to SL should in theory be very easy, but as yet it hasn't happened. Even if it does, it'll face the innertia problem. Everyone's already over here with all their loot. So the customer base has to be 'enough people not currently using VW's to make those of us currently in them insignificant'. (And I'm not talking about my Jetta either. )
  21. Wildcat Furse wrote: good idea to share a sim with friends, always good fun :smileywink: .... a pity to have a 'troublemaker on-board but hey keeps second life a viable environment :smileyvery-happy: *meows* Definatley can be. My neighbor to the east is a friend and that eases many worries having her there as her preferences for the land, while different; are not extremely so. In past I lived on a sim next to another friend however and our differences over how land should be set up almost ruined our friendship (and in fat led to us growing much more distant since). So it can work or it can backfire.
  22. Was rushing out of the house when I posted this morning so I only got up a quicky of my ground place. Here's the real areal shot of home: A small skybox that could fit a 512. For a long time I had a much larger one, but found I wasn't using most of the space. Wanted something cozy, so I put this together. Originally intended as just a product I would sell, I quickly found it just right and made it my home. Despite appearances the bedroom down in the bottom of the 'main acorn' is spacious enough to fit a bed (-not- a sexbed, but one I got from a PG place), a posing stand, and a few pictures. And until this morning, a box I rezzed months ago with something I'd bought in it that I'd just never bothered to clean up...
  23. The lot was originally only 2/3rds as wide as it is now (top-bottom), but always this long (side to side). Road to south, my 'meditation building' to north. Shop at top. Top right corner has a gazebo and a giant mushroom. A sign along the road there gives a LM to another of my lots. I 'live' in the sky. This layout was chosen due to the size and dimensions of the land cut. Its also wider than it looks - that's I think a 3200m lot or so.
  24. Yeah IYC has long been in my LMs list - and is great for furries, but when I'm not on my furries not as much so. They unfortunately don't play music I like (they play mostly some version of heavy metal) - but I've gone there and just kept the sound off simply for the hangout. Fur Pleasure I'm not sure. I originally thought it was a place I knew of, but on second thought it might be a new name for me, so I'll go check at some point.
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