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Sassy Romano

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Everything posted by Sassy Romano

  1. I think we need to understand your problem better. You've posted in the right forum, you've identified that you need the RLV API. Freya posted a link to the API and then you asked how you'd use it. Have you read it? Do you already write scripts? If the answer to both of these is yes then I can't identify the knowledge gap but you'll be looking at using the APIs for clothing or folder wear.
  2. You right click and add. In other words you wear it, as far as I can tell from that product, it's a fashion accessory and nothing more. There are "wind up dolls" that tend to be scripted items for the purpose of fetish play and they usually work best with a viewer enabled for RLV.
  3. JustinMichael Torok wrote: Is a review less than 5 stars considered negative like most commerce websites? If so, are customers made aware of this in any way? I can't get my head around the idea that anything less than 5 stars (assuming out of 5) is to be treated as negative. 4/5 is a level of positive above the median in anyones book.
  4. Elinah Iredell wrote .A simple kind word would change that. I guess nobody here understands that feeling. Yes, we understand the feeling but let me explain how this works. You've made something that you put love and care into, you did it while learning and accept it for what it is but it's still your baby. You're emotionally invested in the creation of the item but essentially have chosen to put little financial value on it in terms of price. Someone buys it for next to nothing and there's the rub, THEY have invested next to nothing financially, thus to them it has next to no value. They don't know what emotions you have about it, nor should they need to, they're your customer, nothing more and to be blunt, they have placed no value on your item. Of course we all enjoy the feedback, hopefully taking the criticism with the gratuitous fawning over a product but it's rare. Assume that unless you hear otherwise, every customer is happy, if they take the time to tell you it's a thrill. Now, as to Pam's earlier question, do you phone up the CEO of every company to tell them you're happy? No, equally, have you contacted every customer to say "Thank you!" for their purchase of your L$1 items? It works both ways. I used to try to do this with customers in the early days and the feedback was always of value. I'm not around much anymore but basically, if you want to play "merchant" in SL (or anywhere else for that matter), you would do well to learn to disengage the emotional investment that you have from the product. Of course it will always be there but you have to detach from it all the same. If you want more people to say thank you, charge more.
  5. The PC crashed, writing in notepad wouldn't have helped. Saving every couple of minutes would have gone a long way though.
  6. Sarcasm is not the same as saturating the obvious, which if you read is simply what I suggested.
  7. Yes, expired certificate for *.aditi.lindenlab.com. Good one, LL, way to go on lifecycle management of a certificate. Expired 27/9/2015 @ 16:24:12 GMT
  8. Ask the person you know who had them... yes really. Either that or we have to discuss this as a group, given that you posted in "General Discussion Forum"
  9. Ren Toxx wrote: Do propose a tamper-proof method to share logs The tamper proof part is easy. After logging in for the first time, the viewer would enrol a digital certificate from LL. The private key of which would be used to hash IM logs, verifiable against the public key. Do we need it? Nope Do we need to share logs? Nope
  10. Here's one way:- You open Blender and import the SL avatar model. You assign the texture to the mesh. You bake out the result to the UV map. Sounds simple but that's kinda the way that you do it so that the texture on the model can happily cross seams while the baked result is the outcome on the 2D UV map. That's the thing you're trying to paint on and in effect trying to do the completely opposite process to arrive at a lined up solution which as you've discovered, is quite hard. This shows what I mean in a very simplistic way, drawing on the model on the left, crossing seams and the texture result on the right. You won't struggle if you're trying to do something simple with few seams crossings but if you're trying to do say fishnet across the seams, that's a different challenge altogether. 
  11. Unless i'm mistaken, the web profile that is displayed by default doesn't show classifieds. (I have have this wrong, I never use the web profile view)
  12. So when I read that... I was like...WOW! freaky.
  13. Indeed Rhonda, after all it's Friday and anyone who failed to spot the irony in my post... Well...
  14. So, let's discuss this little word, it's an adverb, a conjunction, a pronoun, an interjection and an adjective but nowhere can I find it said that it should be used in place of a capital letter! What's with everyone beginning sentences with "So"? Look around the forums, "So..." It's not right, stop it, just stop it right now! Next people will be replacing full stops with exclamations all over the place as if to overly emphasise their point!
  15. Also, just to be pedantic, linking another prim does not change the creator name of the full perm item. All you're doing is attaching a different root object which shows as the creator of the linkset. It's still trivial to inspect the linkset and see the creator of every component. That was probably already understood but just wanted to make it clear
  16. I concur, L$676 screams of either ridiculously dense mesh, low lods with far too much detail or an inappropriate physics model. Over L$12 gets me realising something wasn't right.
  17. Nope no sarcasm from me. Stopping role playing a victim is sound advice. It's an online GAME!!! Stalking in RL is a problem, being followed around a virtual platform when you have mute and de-render? not even going to come close to being a problem Systems that use URL's need media on... unless you'd care to document or otherwise reference these magic URL's that exist that do this for people? A URL on its own does not by itself track anything, it's a text string.
  18. Those are typically scripted objects which play back short sound clips (though sometimes many sequenced to make a longer tune). They're usually REALLY flipping annoying because some moronic turd has suddenly decided to inflict their usually unwanted taste in music on everyone else nearby. It's not a problem though, that's what the mute function is for and it works very well. I'm still waiting for a viewer add on though which will insta-mute gesturbators and sound spammers, that would be an awesome viewer feature
  19. There's a collective list of combat systems in the SL wiki. He's specifically asking about Gorean Meter of which the creators are listed in the webpage I supplied.
  20. Ok I misunderstood your post but a very quick Google of "second life gorean meter scripts" yielded this support portal http://gm.mivabe.nl/
  21. A question of passing curiosity then. If you have multiple layers, do you not find z order transparency flipping issues? This would happen a lot with the likes of mesh breasts so with a little camera work, the breasts would flip from covered in a bra or top to then flip to nude. I would expect the same z order transparency sorting issue to affect mesh layered avatars.
  22. Pleasure, happy to help, glad you found the information and suggestions useful and supportive.
  23. It sounds like it's a boat that you wear as an attachment? Old style where you rez a vehicle for the movement part and wear an attachment to get around the 30 prim physics limit or whatever it was exactly. If you wear an attachment and edit the scripts, sometimes they do not get serialised back to inventory. Alternate answer, your boat has a rezzer which rezzes a boat object and the one that you're editing is in effect a non permanent boat. Thus when it deletes, it has gone. You'd need to extract the object from the rezzer thingy, edit that, take it to inventory and then replace the one in the rezzer thing. You cannot edit scripts which are inside a nested object. Or, you're simply not taking back to inventory a boat with the edited scripts or if you are, you keep rezzing the older copy. It's one of those three problems or something like it. Scripts are saving but the object is being lost.
  24. I'm sure the approach will be well received but while this isn't a particular comment about the blog, here's what baffles me about the fanatacism over mesh bodies. First we had a mesh avatar and system clothing (yes the SL avatar is mesh) Then we had sculpts (stiff but gave depth and greater realism) Next came mesh and finally better realism and flexible objects that move with the avatar. Then along came the mesh bodies that clear up a few areas that some aren't happy about but in the process have gone back to painted on equivalent to system clothing! It's this last part that I don't understand at all and i'm probably not looking for an answer as it's a simple case of each to their own but if having spent a bunch on a mesh avatar, is painted on clothing that desirable? (Consider this more of a discussion please or just ignore. I don't have any desire to buy a mesh body only to restrict options to a few).
  25. Marketplace, search "Pregnancy test".
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