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Sassy Romano

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Everything posted by Sassy Romano

  1. Drake, linking things to rigged mesh doesn't screw up anything. All that happens is that if it's not rigged, it sits where it's attached, as should be expected.
  2. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/95570?&search[sort]=price_desc As far as little or no configuration, bear in mind that any inworld scripted item CANNOT trigger a marketplace redelivery, asked for... those deaf ears must be hurting by now from all the things that have been falling on them but that's another story. Thus, to configure, you have to have an inworld "server" which contains the items that are to be delivered. Not a difficult task really.
  3. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: What is the point? Because unlike SL, for some, there'd be no need to buy a p*nis extention if they could take it with them?
  4. Cort Callahan wrote: You can imagine how can be uncomfortable have almost 12 years and log in "SL2" and have 1 day. No, I can't imagine that being uncomfortable at all. No different from signing up to any different game. From what can understand and interpret, I can't imaging Sansar being anything like Second Life anyway, different aims.
  5. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: (and im not sure that saying such thing on and on in the forum, is really the best thing to do ... really. The more you say, the more ppl will know and at some point this can be taken as an incitation to steal intellectual property. Did you think to it ? ). i was not talking either about color change and "old resize script" . If its just about adding a new texture then u dont need to buy a dress ready to wear, but just a template that will come with AO and UV map. That's my point. Last item, yes fine if the item is also sourced from a template but i'm not limiting the disussion to that. As for discussing the absolutely dire way that Linden Lab fails to provide any security about how texture assets are stored in the local viewer cache, that has been discussed in a different thread in detail. Obfuscation is not a route ot security! Good security is open to analysis and open scrutiny, that's how it's supposed to work. Weaknesses are identified and addressed...except for Linden Lab who really do demonstrate very poor approach to security throughout.
  6. I said ADDING and removing. I'm not talking about colour change or old resize concept scripts with a delete once used. Think more widely. Linking a non rigged object to a rigged item is absolutely fine. if I want say an unrigged sword in the hand and a dress that's rigged (not a great example but..) that's easy to do. Link them and wear the sword in the hand. The weighted vertices will go where they're supposed to go. Similarly, someone else wanted to cut down on attachment points. Linking two rigged items is also fine, they go where they're supposed to go. There's no issue at all as long as you understand it. I was talking about the attributes of textures that someone may wish to substitute, this has nothing to do with full perm textures at all! Just to be pedantic, you don't really have that much of a choice anyway, your textures are being delivered to cache full perm to everyone that sees the item but that's a totally different issue.
  7. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: When you buy a dress in RL i challenge you to change the fabric. Im not talking for non rigged items, which are different needs regarding perms. But for rigged meshes, really i dont see the need, except rare exceptions. I will also point to you that i never said my textures are "work of art" but they are creations, mines, hours of work, mine and i decide if want to let ppl distort them or not. SL is huge, there is room for all kind of merchants. I force noone to buy my stuffs if they want smth to modify and play with. And i have no pb with that at all. Of course the fabric of a RL dress can be changed, altered, bits added, parts removed. Scissors... Whole industries exist to modify clothing. Rigged items, you've been given examples of. Adding and removing scripts, linking objects, changing textures and other attributes about those textures. The *only* thing that can't be changed is the size and shape. Yes, you have a choice about who buys and for everyone who doesn't there's one less advert and one less example of the item on display.
  8. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: But i think that s again the debate between modelers vs texturers. Why the hell a texturer, someone who spend hours of work in creating the best texture s/he thinks for the clothe would like to allow ppl to distort his/her work after they buy ? When you buy something in RL, there's no such thing as no mod. ANYTHING I buy I can choose to change or destroy at will simply because it's mine at that point, not yours, mine. No mod is simply an alien concept. Don't delude yourself into believing that the texture is a work of art. It's just part of the product. It doesn't matter whether it's a texture that has had hours of work, a model that has had hours of work, a script, an animation or a sound that have all had hours of work in the making, they're NOT works of art but when put up for sale, merely products. You mention creating the best texture he or she thinks for the clothes but guess what...there's someone better who may want to improve it for personal use or sell their extra texture and if someone likes their texture, they need to buy your product. I'm nor arguing that people have a choice just as much as a creator can choose to set items no mod but really, many of them should come down from their pedestal, it's lonely up there at times. Is it better that someone buys a no mod item with that "work of art" texture, only to get fed up that they can't do anything of their choice with it and it sits in inventory for nobody to see that "art" or merely gets deleted? If that happens, aren't you upset that they and nobody else gets to see that piece of art or is it ok because you have their money at that point and if so, a re-evaluation of principles is perhaps in order.
  9. Better still, teach her to edit or dump her and find one that already can
  10. I disagree about a TOS breach. Users are solely responsible for the use of the account and confidentially of credentials. Nowhere does it state that they cannot be shared. Further, I call rubbish on an account being supposedly locked due to access from a different location. As well as extensive travel, I regularly use VPNs with various endpoints so may appear to pop up in all sorts of countries within minutes. It would be a nice feature if it did work like some where you could whitelist but LL don't care about security really. After all, you're solely responsible, it must be you fault...
  11. Beyond tint, I'm happy to provide a UV map and AO map because I understand that some customers have an interest in making and applying their own textures. I have no problem supporting their creativity. Plus as the other poster said, scripts and linking are valid requirements. No mod has very little use case.
  12. Yes but the layout of your script makes it difficult to explain. Instead of one line per if statement, you broke it down into a more expanded style, inside your { } section, after the message to the user you would include llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast. I'm only replying on a phone so can't give an example easily.
  13. I've seen this too. I can edit hair while worn, set it to alpha blending and it will work. Detach and wear again and it has reverted. I gave up in the end and just ignored it as I couldn't figure out what was tripping it.
  14. Oh I don't know Innula. While many may not care what they look like, many of the interactions in SL are social and humans base a lot on appearance. Take an example of an SL couple going to ac dance. She dresses up in her best, recently purchased high poly dress and extra detail jewellery, seeking to impress her partner. First thing he says is "nice jellybean outfit!" Next example, a singleton goes to a club/dance venue wearing their best high detail outfit in the hope of looking attractive and to meet someone. To everyone else, she's a jellybean and nobody says a squeak to her. Next example, go to a role play sim and nobody speaks to her because they're rather engage with someone who looks appealing instead of a jellybean. I'm curious how this will be as an experience.
  15. I can't help you find any but i'll answer your question. There aren't many because mesh takes a long time to make stuff. You're after a niche item for a very niche avatar, someone who did create such boots would get very little return on investment in their time. Far easier to make for the mass market, the effort is the same.
  16. Ooh that's easy! Make a HUD driven game, sort of like Bloodlines where players go around "killing" unsuspecting victims with high poly. We will also need LSL API to set the render profile in the viewer and to derender victims that we kill. The game will also need a web system that looks the render weights and each player in the relevant clan will have a target of render weight that they need to collect from victims. On this site it will also show who took whose render weight from them (and thus derendered them). A derendered victim can buy back their render soul and once again be visible. In fact if we had an LSL interface to derender people, that could be turned into a grid wide collaborative pre emptive derender system along the lines of Redzone. The more i think on the possibilities, the more that it becomes clear that LL have gone about this in the most boring way, devoid of the potential dramatainment that could have been provided.
  17. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Second-Life-Improvements-What-s-New-amp-What-s-Coming-Soon/ba-p/2973598 This will be interesting. Too many shoppers are aiding the perpetual cycle of seeing "high polygon" clothing as "detailed" and thus good, further encouraging creators to make inappropriately dense items. Looking at one main creator... Stop modeling every hole in full mesh buttons, button stitching, modeling holes in leather belts. What are you thinking? No wonder that when rezzed, the item was 148 LI and a display weight of over 67,000. Try a normal map instead. A comment from someone in groups chat yesterday when being gently challenged about the detail of their item was "normal maps are for rich people with expensive graphics cards" so instead she made boots totaling 40k+ vertices. Maybe when people discover that their coveted stupid detail items that they paid for aren't being rendered, it might cause a change in behaviour? We've had the ARC drama and the script drama, next up... Derender drama! Can't wait, it'll be fun :)
  18. The OP is the recipient. They cannot receive but can buy their own. That's the discrepancy and since there's no age verification anymore, a ticket is probably the best course of action.
  19. but the original object owner gave someone who clearly shouldn't have been trusted, edit permission. There's a big DUH! in there. There's really no need to add features to protect people from their own stupdity, lessons are there for this purpose. Can you tell that i'm not exactly sympathetic?
  20. More fool the dope who left their house modify for anyone to mod. Or was it a case of them just putting prims right next to it which is different, just return objects. In answer to your question, no.
  21. What's the tune that accompanies this?
  22. I don't have to re-think any maths. If I want to sell quickly, i'll just offer at L$1 better than the current trend, i'm really not going to lose sleep over the tiny difference that it really is.
  23. Except that a normal business model is to make a profit too. That's not the usual aim of a charity.
  24. Tari Landar wrote ...but that made me chuckle. Sole objective of my post
  25. I can't think of any benefit of an unlinked prim wearing a rigged object with a linked prim attached to the right place is the same effect. Rhys, I think that's the best you'll get, if it's a hidden item, I doubt the particle system appearing in not exactly the right place will be obvious. In other words, model the actual thing so that it rigs properly and have a hidden particle linked prim.
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