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Sassy Romano

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Everything posted by Sassy Romano

  1. A private key known only to the receiving script does nothing since my original statement was that the texture would still end up in cache with the filename being the UUID. Obscuring the communication inworld adds no security.
  2. Thanks for checking that, saves me the bother. I didn't think it had changed since the introduction of SSB. That really was a half hearted and huge fail as far as I'm concerned. Especially since it arrived when mesh was really starting to take off. The need for SSB diminished and the problem of floating heads, transparent bodies, failed downloaded mesh, slow to download mesh textures arrived and SSB didn't even deliver only a single baked result but still seems all textures.
  3. Yes I realised that after my reply but on a phone, couldn't be bothered to edit. I'm going to have another look but am away from home at the moment, I can't remember when I last looked at this, whether it was pre or post ssb to be honest. One thing though, depending on the clothing item and the texture, a baked version would still work anyway, just fine. Think about it, wear just the clothing, you end up with skin plus clothing bake, which you then apply to the mesh, which would also have the same skin texture.
  4. This is about an applier of a texture to a mesh body, ssb has no play here. Reading a script from a notecard, no problem, intercepting a channel, not always a problem either.
  5. ChinRey wrote: duLuna Bosatsu wrote: here's the response I was given to put that sentence into perspective: "The catch is that while a clothing layer and an applied texture are exactly the same texture, when they were made into a clothing item, they were flagged and cannot be used in any other way..." Whoever told you that was wrong. As Sassy said, ripping a texture off a piece of clothing is a relatively easy. No nearly as easy as ripping a texture from an applier though. Those textures are stored as UUIDs in notecards and notecard text can't be protected from reading and copying in Second Life. For a hud for one of my items, I hard coded the UUID's into the script, for entertainment, I encrypted the communications between the hud and clothing object but it was just for fun because:- a) The textures are kinda useless for anything else given that this was a mesh piece of clothing with a specific UV map and more importantly b) No matter how they're sent in world, when you view a texture, they're downloaded to your SL cache, the file names are the UUID.
  6. I know nothing about Mac's so apologies if this is obvious but why don't you install this? Mac Latest version http://www.firestormviewer.org/mac/
  7. duLuna Bosatsu wrote: "Why has LL made it impossible so easy to copy find the UUID off of a clothing layer to apply to an object.. Fixed that for you. Not related to mesh in particular, it has always been somewhat trivial.
  8. Soft Linden wrote: And yes, a proper SSL certificate has been in place for as long as llRequestSecureURL has existed. We do operate our own CA rather than using a public CA, as generic web browsers aren't the intended consumers for back end LSL APIs. I hope you did a Jedi hand wave while saying that sentence "You are not the customers we are looking for..." I understand what you're getting at but this approach to a CA is somewhat immature and usually only considered for internal work on an enterprise basis. While we may not be the customers that you're looking for, the fact that the services are accessible publicly, people will use them in ingenious ways and while that happens, it's not unreasonable to expect a more mature approach to your PKI, one where your internal issuing CA is an intermediate from an existing trusted root CA. The issue apart from the extra hoops just to import a Linden Lab root CA certificate is the sentence where you said "if you generally trust us". Of course, that's what it's all about and one could reasonably ask the question "why are you connecting if you don't" but there's a difference between trusting you NOW at this present time and not trusting you after a compromise to your issuing CA, where the customers that you aren't looking for, have been forced to set up a point of trust to a subsequently compromised system. There's a reason that existing roots exist. Which of the following is true? a) A bean counter said "How much?" when presented with the Purchase Order for a suitably issued signing root CA certificate. b) A developer lashed an internal CA together and said "this will do". Just curious, it has already been established that we are not the customers you are looking for
  9. Easy solution, set the unpacker hover text to say "if u can read this, fly up to 100m, then touch to unpack" Have the script reset on owner change and in state entry, clear hover text.
  10. My anecdotal evidence supports what Chinrey offered. There was a time when my top selling product was on the first page when searching for just the letters "RLV" and then suddenly it changed. No difference in my sales numbers but searching just on RLV then returned about 2 pages of items which were all in about the L$2000 price range (give or take a bit) and then the next 10 pages were almost all exclusively L$0 items. This gave rise to me thinking that they factored in that items that were "affordable" but of a high enough price would yield more commission for LL but then throw in a bunch of freebies to make everyone else happy. That's certainly what it looked like because had it been that freebies by sales number were higher, then they'd always have been higher before this sudden change. Don't get me started on the fact that nobody "sells" a freebie in the first place! At this point, out of curiosity, I decided to create the L$1,000,000 RLV pose ball with only that as the title and keywords as I didn't want to add any other potential skew. It didn't appear at the front of the "RLV" only phrase listings so I figured it was because it was outside the qualifying price range considered affordable to tempt. However, on the day that it did sell 27 times, it rocketed to number one "best seller" on MP. What we can infer from this is that "best selling" isn't by quantity as others will have sold far more in that time so "best selling" results must be a product of price x quantity and i'd expect that they do the same for relevance in results. (of course they may have changed things since then)
  11. EstellaSerrano wrote: Can anyone advise me on how to do this, or which tutorials are actually good? I like all the ones by that Gaia woman The other thing i'd say is that the Blender interface is completely customisable and has changed between versions. The FIRST thing that i'd suggest is to go through lots of tutorials that just cover the absolute basics of the Blender interface and don't go rushing into making a piece of clothing otherwise you'll just be in for grief. Once you can understand the interface and how to customise it, it will be much easier because then when you watch a tutorial where someone has their interface set up in an unfamiliar way, you should at least be able to find things and concentrate on what they're actually trying to do. From an instructional point of view, tutorials and such like should really use software in the default layout and not personalised custom prettyness.
  12. Write them in some obscure language, that will entertain them.
  13. Macadamia1 wrote: Do you know of other people this has happened to? what did they do that was the issue? I cannot think of anything I've done that could be the cause of the rather final response I recieved without any reason. My account was once put on admin hold due to LL's failure to put in place suitable business logic in the Marketplace to prevent innocent people (that would be me) from being the RECIPIENT of alleged fraudulently obtained funds. They never did prove it, I think they owe me the L$27,000,000 from the mystery shopper.
  14. Occulus Rift... Dictating hardware requirements for a niche product when they don't have a retail product themselves.
  15. Linden Lab has chosen to balance their liability due to fraud against their losses due to unhappy customers. The result is what exists today. This is a normal reply from a credit card holder. I can understand your frustration but as equal residents, all we can do is tell you what's available and if I recall, other methods of payment were listed already.
  16. Let's move on beyond Bitcoin because it appears you don't want to read or understand. It also seems like there is a history of bad credit and thus a gripe about anyone who has successfully been issued a credit card. Here's how I use mine... To leech interest free credit, to provide up to £15,000 protection by leveraging the benefits of the consumer credit act. To provide insurance, access to certain locations and many more reasons. Do I wave it around with the intention of persecuting those with bad credit? No, does the credit card co get money from me? No. From your earlier post, I don't choose to support money lenders, I choose to avail myself of benefits for no cost. Move past the sour grapes please.
  17. Anyone doing that would be breaching the TOS, however. There's nothing to stop someone offering to sell you a cube on MP for a specific amount. You could purchase this using PayPal and then ask for a refund which they could pay in L$
  18. How did you create the model and exactly how did you export it. I have a good idea but prefer not to guess in the absence of good information.
  19. 21 million... Worldwide, I never mentioned anything about the US or otherwise.
  20. You may have read about bitcoins but you don''t appear to understand the concept of a crypto currency, what mining actually is and ultimately why a limited number will be in circulation. https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Controlled supply (you need an underscore between controlled and supply, not finding that on my mobile keyboard) Anyway, bitcoin is limited to 21 million in circulation.
  21. Choosing infringing rights is a dead end and has been for a long time. Try it, it just says that you must be the copyright holder and to file a DMCA.
  22. Yes it's retarded. If your a merchant, you then get all sales emails in that language too. Utterly ridiculous. Wouldn't it be comical if when LL staff clicked on a link to say an Indian website, their salary was then paid in Rupees instead of US dollars but without changing the numerical figure.
  23. You could always go on a power trip and use a priority 5 animation
  24. Without having a clue what the scripts in the kit do, we can only guess. It's quite possible and also trivial to implement a licensing system that would check and only execute scripts if authorised. It could easily be that the licensing system was offline or that it's not recognizing data from the beta grid. It's simple for a system to determine where it's running, aditi or agni. Further, LL allowed their SSL certificate to lapse on the beta grid the other day, that may have been a factor, who knows. My obvious question now is, what did the folk behind TMP say when they were asked about it? They were asked right?
  25. Just like any currency, you can't "just make more" and especially not like bitcoins which ultimately have a limited number in circulation. Since you're premium, contact live chat.
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