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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Yeah, layering is the problem, isn't it? Most of the V.e. stuff, which is often very nice indeed, is a single outfit -- shirt, vest/tie, AND slacks -- so mix and match is almost impossible. Generally, the lack of "collision" (as my niece, who is studying concept art and currently learning Unreal Engine, calls it) means that we're always going to get clipping. (I'd cheerfully cosh someone on the street if it meant I could steal the one at bottom left from them.)
  2. It's a good peeve, but there are some options. I think I have about 5 or 6 suit-and-tie pant suits, and at least one with a skirt? I think most of them are by either Valentina e. or Lux Aeterna (now sadly defunct). Ison makes a not bad over-the-shoulder jacket (top left, below), but it's a separate, and hard to match with tops.
  3. I don't think LL believes you. And they are counting on many of those pronouncing Jeremiads now to be bluffing. And, yes, perhaps also on being able to improve viewer performance somewhat. I am certain we will lose, or have already lost, some people. I think Firestorm will HAVE to improve: it's by far the slowest viewer now. But I think you're being unfair to them: the FS viewer is a fully-loaded and, I'm sure, very complicated beast.
  4. Anyone figured out what language this is yet? Cuz Google Translate doesn't recognize it. And this is a bit of a problem, isn't it? And more or less what Arielle in fact said: that they are more likely to listen to those they see as major and important "stakeholders." LL is a corporation, not a democracy, and I don't think anyone expects them to operate otherwise. That said, I think they would actually benefit by listening a bit more carefully to what those whom they may not "take more seriously" have to say.
  5. How on earth do you collect fashion and not get at least partial nudity? I'm impressed! What I find annoying is that I also collect some fashion, and get adverts for clothing (disguised as pins, of course) as a result, and all the stuff I get offered is soooooooo boring! How can Pinterest think so little of me??? There's Dernier. Sometimes Rowne. Asteria occasionally. And Zibska for accessories and makeup. Who am I missing?
  6. And, in fairness, I have never seen outright porn on Pinterest. What one does get is the occasional upskirt pic (ick!), and some pretty tame middle-class erotica of the "woman bends over and her bodice falls open" or "woman in pretty white sheer dress silhouetted in lit doorway" thing. Although, actually, now I think of it, I have seen a handful of porn things -- all dating from the 17th, 18th, or 19th centuries (hello Boucher!) Anyway, at some point, someone is making a judgement call about nude photos and artwork, and being, to my mind, a weeeeee bit puritanical.
  7. Dahling, if I called you, it wouldn't be impromptu anymore, would it?
  8. This is a terrible pic. I really really suck at impromptu candid pics, particularly of large events and crowds. But anyway . . . today I was at an event at Artsville's "Canvas and Chill" lounge, where they cycle, once a month or so, showcasing one pic each from four guest "artists," of whom I am currently one. It's a kind of a cool idea, and the particle spam aside (which is because of the DJ), it's a pretty nice space -- very noir. And of course ALL of the hipsters were there. ALL OF THEM. On the bright side, I sold a whole two copies of the pic (WOOT!!!), which is the cost roughly of a hair FP!
  9. Guilty as charged! My boards are all overflowing with smut!!! (Did Titian REALLY need to show Venus's boobs? REALLY? And isn't that girl getting cold lying there? What if she moves her hand!!!)
  10. I liked your idea of auto-generated alpha masks. It would certainly beat the astonishingly annoying process of searching through scores of different alpha layers to find the right combination that would work for a particular garment. (I was as much a fan of Slink as anyone, and I gave Siddean points for attempting to abide by one of the articulated justifications for BoM, the end of alpha cuts, but even I gave up on my Slink body after a while. Putting together alphas for each new outfit was often enormously time consuming.) What such a system might require, or should require, is a standardized and agreed-upon set of alpha cuts adopted by all garment creators. We know that LL is allergic to doing work it can dump onto residents instead reluctant to coordinate such efforts, yet alone impose standards, though, so . . . I don't know that this would work.
  11. Yes. It's literally called Project 2025. And it's the unofficial program of a certain political party in the US. Nuff said.
  12. And just to demonstrate how frighteningly pervasive are the cookies and such that track us down online -- some paintings by Boucher appeared on my Pinterest "Recommended for you" feed shortly after I typed that. ☹️
  13. Well, there you are. A private resident is doing what LL itself should have done in the first place. I guess they were right all along: eventually we WILL fix their screw-ups for them.
  14. Pinterest is working overtime right now, for some reason, removing pins that it deems "adult." I've now had 6 pins removed within the past three weeks, and 3 gone within the past two days. They've been a mix of oil paintings and vintage photos. I now want to fill an entire board with the ruder works of Boucher and Fragonard, just to see if I can't break the algorithm.
  15. This dress is the "Louise" (named after the 20s film star, Louise Brooks) by Grasshopper St. It's new, and it's PBR, but with back up legacy textures so everyone can see it. It's really lovely, and the texturing is superb.
  16. What makes you think this will happen? When BoM goes PBR? Or because of 2K textures? Surely appliers would have the larger texture size available to it as well? And no one is going to get rid of the alpha slices: people are too reliant on it. Like everyone, I wear a reasonable amount of BoM clothing. Undies certainly, occasionally a tee or blouse, socks, and very occasionally jeans. The problem is that they just don't, and won't, even with 2K textures, look as good as mesh because they are still mostly painted (which I suppose means "better fitting"?) directly on to the body. Maitreya's BoM add-ons help with that a bit, smoothing out a few things, and making look as though tops aren't clinging quite so much to the breasts -- but even so, they just don't have the depth and complexity of mesh. And not every mesh body has the add-ons; Legacy doesn't (much to my annoyance). Creators will still be making mesh under pieces for jackets and hoodies and such, because, well, they just look nicer.
  17. This is really lovely! What a delightful composition!!
  18. I FPed it. It's a lovely dress. Neve has always been good, but they've produced some fantastic stuff of late.
  19. In fairness, I must admit that it's been ages since I was hit on by a hotdog. I used to really relish those moments.
  20. So, I think I've posted a very different version of this photo already somewhere, but here's the final version -- "Patchwork Girl."
  21. One can go the Roman way, of course, and eat everything with garum, which was made from fermented fish guts! In general, I like things like Worcestershire Sauce, HP Sauce, Soy, Hoisin, and so forth, but I do have a problem with fish sauce. Ick.
  22. You're more than welcome! And have fun with it (photography, I mean -- PBR is a pain)!
  23. Oh, I have no particular objections at all to GTFO as a community. I am sure you're right, and that it's been a boon to the mainland in some ways. It's mostly harmless, keeps people busy and happy, and contributes to SL's upkeep, so why not? And honestly, it would have to make a real effort to make parts of the mainland look uglier than it already does. I don't even hate hate hate the hub next to me. It's just a bit of an eyesore, and nearly impossible to derender because it's huge. If they put the land up for sale, I'd snatch it up, but they're quiet and unintrusive neighbours.
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