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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. And it's been done! https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Ancient-art-Relief-of-Lupa-nursing-Romulus-and-Remus/4074777
  2. Hah. While I in fact have produced images that are thematically related to all of this -- one on RL child sexual abuse, and another very explicitly on a*eplay in SL -- neither employed nudity or explicit visual sexual imagery. I can't imagine a context in which I'd require a naked child avi, in or out of a sexual context, for an image, so fortunately I'm pretty sure none of this will be restricting my creative freedom. Putti are cute, but not really my style!
  3. It had occurred to me that the famous statue of the Capitoline Wolf, which shows a she-wolf suckling the infants Romulus and Remus should now be completely banned in SL: it shows two naked infants with full frontal genitals, and no less than eight wolf teats! Although I suppose some enterprising content creator could bake in some modestly layers? I am actually assuming (hopeful thing that I am) that no AR against a Renaissance painting featuring naked putti is going to be taken seriously?
  4. And this kind of thing is an example of why I hate this word. It should be possible to discuss all of this without boxing people up into obnoxious and condescending categories that posit some kind of stupidly mythical "culture war."
  5. I may be misunderstanding Miss Sweet's question, but I don't think she's asking about using alphas to hide naughty bits. She's asking if it's ok to use alphas as one normally does, to ensure that the body is properly hidden beneath mesh clothes, even when that obscures and hides the baked-in undies on the skin.
  6. I actually knew a feral dog here a long time ago. He was a forumite, and a really sweet man. I met up with him a few times in-world. And I never even thought to look!!!
  7. Yes, it is. That's the point. There was at least one child avatar at the meeting who was upset that being banned from Adult regions meant no longer being able to join in combat RP. They wanted the rules for Moderate regions changed so that "extreme violence" -- and combat RP -- was permissible there. It's not going to happen. It was just a really stupid ask, which is why I commented on it.
  8. Very true. And, again, there is an add-on that smooths it. Although that, I suppose, is "removable." (As is, in fact, pretty much EVERYTHING in SL, except for the default system avi.)
  9. I could totally do that!!!!! I DO have an open world space exploration game I got two Xmases ago that I've never really played. Not No Man's Sky or Starfield; it's sort of quirky and funny, with tiny little planets. Outer Wilds I think? I could try that, I suppose.
  10. I'm really not up on my furry avatars, so I don't know . . . I know that anthropomorphic furries have attachments and such, and can be VERY "Adult" indeed -- but how prominent are the genitals on most feral furries? Do we need to put little baked-in "X"s on all those kitty butts? (I'm sure you're fine as long as you don't wave those spores around too prominently.)
  11. I'd have to kick my partner off his computer, as I don't have it! I'm sure I can make it worth his while if I feel so inclined though.
  12. I don't have OCD, but can relate to this. Also, movies. Even really bad ones. Occasionally one is so horrific that I am compelled to turn if off (there's one scene in Trainspotting that stopped me cold: excellent movie though it is, I couldn't watch further, and have never finished it, and likely never will). At this point, the wheels are turning and there's not much more here to be said anyway -- until the newest iteration of the rules and/or FAQ drop, which won't be immediate. I think it's safe to take a holiday! Me, I'm trying to think of "adult" things (but not "Adult" things!) that I can do as a sort of remedy!
  13. I thought it was telling that Keira didn't repeat in a dogmatic way "the end of June," but rather spoke much more vaguely about a deadline for this. My guess is they are rethinking the original deadline. It's even possible they may be reconsidering the original policy.
  14. That's not going to happen. And rest assured, if anyone tried . . . well, if you think the kids were "noisy," you ain't heard me yet.
  15. Your were great too Madi! Thank you both also for your invaluable contributions here!
  16. Probably both of those things. And I think they want "naked" children's skins off the MP, preferably replaced with one "modest" ones they can point too should the need ever arise.
  17. There were one or two really and truly rude and obnoxious people there that forced me briefly to reconsider my feelings about violence and children . . . YOU on the other hand were brilliant. You were well informed, not pushy or overly noisy, and in general a voice of reason. So thank you from ALL of us for that.
  18. I wouldn't consider that "extreme" or "graphic," nor I suspect would Governance. And it's a lousy justification for opening the floodgates on Moderate to not merely combat RP, but also snuff, Dolcett, torture RP, etc.
  19. I have never seen so many really angry kids altogether at once, in one place. It's like someone forgot to order the ice cream and balloons.
  20. I take extreme violence to mean what it says . . . extreme violence. And most especially graphic violence.
  21. Most of the push back I'm seeing at the moment is about nonbinary, furry, and fairies. Things, in fact, that really didn't get a full discussion in previous threads, and that are going to be difficult and contentious. Also someone asking that "extreme violence" be now permitted on Moderate regions so that kids can participate in combat RP. Which I'd sure as hell fight. And also, kids in gory, violent combat RP? WTF?
  22. "Tommy Linden: I am quite frankly exhausted from reading all those posts. I had to order my coffee in bulk the last few days."
  23. Alright. Forgive double posting, but this is a better place to post this.
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