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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Oh c'mon. No one is seriously making that argument, Zali. And it's absolutely not going to happen even if they were. Maitreya, Legacy, and Reborn are not going to be redesigned solely to comply with child avatars -- although there is at least a possibility (doubtful, though) that one or more of them could produce a version just for children.
  2. So is a compliant skin and mesh body. This is all getting very lawyerly in a way that is increasingly divorced from how SL actually works.
  3. Ok, I guess. This is very much angels dancing on the heads of pins territory, though: the add-on comes with the body even if it is separate from the mesh object itself. And I'm still not seeing precise wording that says the body AND the skin need to have "modesty" elements.
  4. lol One of my pics, showing me seated at a table wearing a top with spaghetti straps, just got "rejected" by the Second Life Official Flickr feed. Ironically, I suspect it's because my top is shrouded in shadow, and it's not clear enough that my boobs are covered up? 🙄 It's a peeve. But a very minor one cuz I don't care all that much.
  5. Zali, I could barely see the opening cut scene through the fingers I was using to shield my eyes. So, yeah, I'm sure!
  6. That's possible, and still seems to be ambiguous I suppose. But given that a body can be easily removed as well, I'm not sure I see the difference. Either way, one is a click or two away from non-compliance.
  7. I refuse to fight with you, unless the weapons are pillows. Skyrim is fiiiiiiine I guess, if you like fantasy. The problem is that I really sorta don't. (Them's probably fighting words too, right?)
  8. Never played it. Which in some ways is odd because I like urban environments and open world, exploration type games. I DID try Skyrim once . . . meh.
  9. I honestly don't remember what the original version said, and I don't care enough to look it up, but the current guidelines do not, in my understanding, imply that you must use a body that has modestly panels built in. In the case of Maitreya, there is of course an add-on that "smooths" the genital areas. I see nothing in the wording below that you can't use a Maitreya if the skin has a baked-in modesty layer. (And you'd want to wear the add-on as well, although that's still not explicitly stated.)
  10. Yes, quite possibly. Although I think some fresh thinking about the issue of child avis and nudity on Moderate regions would be nice. This is an excellent idea -- although I can see it being abused. But let LL sort out the chaff. Yes, that's the most outstanding issue right now. There might be more reason to comment when we see what LL comes up with.
  11. Yeah, it started on TikTok, and then appeared on Twitter, where it generated a LOT of heat . . . because, Twitter. And most women there opted for the bear as well.
  12. LL has made it absolutely clear they have no intention of banning child avatars. That is literally not up for debate. In fact, as annoying and maybe onerous as some of these new changes are, they actually signal that LL wants to accommodate that community as best it can, while responding to concerns -- real or imagined, present or future -- about the ways in which child avatars can be abused by the few who employ them for AP. Child avatars and the kinds of non-sexual RP that are the focus of the vast majority of those representing as children are every bit as valid as anything else people do in SL. It's not more "silly" than 90% of what people get up to here. Don't like child avis? Fine. Ban 'em, derender 'em, mute them here if you like. Whatever. But wasting time and space on THIS thread just for the joy and pleasure of crapping on them is not merely pointless and counter-productive: it's obnoxious and hurtful. Frankly, some of you are sounding like school ground bullies yourselves now. And it's an abuse of a space that LL and the mods here are providing us, and actually protecting, for real discussion about how everyone's freedoms in SL can be safely protected. Let it do what it's supposed to do.
  13. I see we've reached the "Why are SL kids?" stage of the discussion.
  14. Almost four pages speculatively re-litigating a case about which we know next to nothing has to be the surest sign I've seen yet that this thread has outlived its usefulness.
  15. I don't think those are quite the same thing . . . "I'm sorry, you can't be an astronaut in SL. But it's lots of fun being a fireman! They get cool costumes too!"
  16. This question was a major flustercuck when it first appeared on Twitter. Should be fun to see what happens with it here.
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