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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. I have completely lost patience with AI art -- particularly the way in which it's now contaminating searches for art by actual, real artists. I know a couple of SL people who use it well and in an interesting and worthwhile way, but most of it is just garbage.
  2. Sounds a little messy. I'm not very good at that sort of thing (and I can't punch), but if it's in the service of a worthy cause . . .
  3. Today was a very long day -- first at school, and then working inworld to 4am finishing the setup for my opening tomorrow. Have I mentioned that I hate setup? Do I repeat myself? Very well, then, I repeat myself. But it's DONE.
  4. I agree. I think we're far more likely to "see" sexuality in SL where we might not in RL. If we see a toddler running around naked at a beach in RL, we're not very likely (unless we are really predisposed to "look" for predation) to think much of it. See the same thing in SL? A very different story -- although of course that's also a function of the fact that we know that the SL toddler is played by an adult. And we're really seeing that at play here, I think. This may be a function of my own insularity, but I myself really haven't seen a great deal of height discrimination. But yes, that kind of context is part of what I was getting at -- and why we need to account for the ways in which SL distorts our perspective. What I didn't necessarily mean to suggest is that it should entirely dictate it. But I may not have been clear enough. Agreed. But don't we see that now?
  5. Treasure Island was subtitled "A Book for Boys," so is arguably what we would today call "Young Adult Fiction." It has some "scary" moments, but nothing I'd call really extreme or intense violence. Lord of the Flies is in the same league as Battle Royale in terms of violence and is, despite the fact that it has often been taught to high school students, really not a story for kids. Simon getting ripped to pieces on the beach, or the death of Piggy, are both pretty intense and awful. But yep. It's not always going to be cut and dry. And I suspect (especially since GOT) that we have a higher tolerance for violence (including sexual violence) than was the case even 20 years ago.
  6. You'd likely know more about this than I, as I'm not a member of the community, but I'd have thought that, in addition to the kinds of "violent" narrative games kids might play -- "Cops and Robbers," or "Cowboy" or "Knights" for instance -- that there are those who play children within larger RP narratives, as for instance children on a Federation Star Ship, or Baby Yoda and young Anakin in Star Wars. And then there are OTHER kinds of combat RP that do, I think, get problematic. At one time, for instance, Battle Royale was pretty popular in SL -- and probably still is? It teeters on the edge of "Adult" I'd think. The Hunger Games -- which I actually sort of admire somewhat -- might similarly be thought to "go too far"? But that's the kind of thing some clarification from LL might assist with.
  7. Inara Pey has provided one of her invaluably detailed summaries of the Governance Users Group meeting; it includes many direct quotes from Keira and Tommy: https://modemworld.me/2024/05/10/2024-sl-governance-meeting-week-19-child-avatar-policy/
  8. But you do understand the distinction I am making between the depiction of violence, and the depiction of "intense" or "extreme violence"? If, using one of your guns, you shoot someone and they fall over backwards "dead," with maybe a bit of blood on their chest, that would not, I'd judge, be "intense" violence. And I'm willing to bet Governance is going to agree: they're not going to suspend someone who merely falls to the ground "dead." If, on the other hand, you shoot someone and their head explodes in a shower of blood, bone, and brains . . . that's graphic and intense. And that kind of thing, like torture, cannibalism, and other things that are gory and more than usually "violent," belongs in Adult. As I say, I'd like to hear a clarification on this from Governance to make it less ambiguous, but I honestly see no reason why the kind of violence we see depicted in most TV shows would not be appropriate for Moderate. Just as sex that is not public is permitted.
  9. Yes, "ambiguity" is a deliberate policy in LL's ToS (and, I suspect, in most). Which is why I'd like to hear this more clearly spelled out. Again though, the fact that it is "intense" violence that is restricted to Adult very clear implies that other forms -- "less" intense ones -- aren't. Otherwise, there'd be no point in including that adjective. And again, for that reason, I am almost certain that we'll find that combat RP that doesn't involve really or unnecessarily graphic violence, or things like torture, are permitted in Moderate.
  10. Exactly. Restricting ALL combat RP to an Adult region is the same kind of fear-induced overreaction that we see from people who ban child avatars merely because they are afraid of any sort of association with child avatars. I would like to see a pronouncement from LL on this, though, in order to make it 100% clear.
  11. Adult explicitly uses the term "intensely violent acts." Not all violent acts are "intense"; it is clearly implied that violence is permissible in Moderate regions. Just not "intensely violent acts." This is something for which we can ask a clarification from LL, but I can't for the live of me imagine that combat RP that is of the same "intensity" or graphic quality as, say, Star Wars would cause problems in Moderate. Maybe we need to hear this articulated directly by Governance. And, again, the minute you open the door to "intensely violent acts" in Moderate, you all but destroy one of the central points of having a Moderate rating, which is to permit people to make informed decisions about the kinds of content to which they are exposing themselves. People should be permitted to enjoy the relative freedoms of Moderate -- including sexuality in a private context -- without worrying about tripping over severed heads and intestines on their way to the bedroom.
  12. The issue I think you're going to run into is that Governance has told us that they don't just look at one or two factors when considering the validity of an AR about a*eplay: they consider a wide variety of things, such as context, actions, location, etc. In any other outfit, I think generally you could get away with claiming that this avatar is 18+, although she would still certainly look infantilized. But Governance isn't just going to look at things like breast size or height. They're going to look at the diaper, and the pacifier. They're going to consider whether you are using "baby talk," and how you refer to your partner -- do you call him "daddy"? And, regardless of breast size and height, the more factors seem to contribute to the idea that you are under age, the more likely they're going to find that you've violated the ToS. Which may or may not be fair, of course. Ironically, the fact that Governance will look at multiple factors, which will work to the advantage of most people, will likely put you in jeopardy.
  13. Shows like The Mandelorian, Star Wars, Star Trek, and even Lord of the Rings all tend to fall roughly within the "PG" range for the good reason that, while there is violence, it is not graphic (or, in most cases, particularly extreme). For comparison, consider Game of Thrones, which features extremely graphic violence, frequently intended to shock (and titillate). The descriptions of "Adult" and "Moderate" ratings do not explicitly mention combat RP, because the issue isn't so much "violence," which both can feature, as "extreme violence," which is not permitted in "Moderate." I don't doubt that many combat RP regions are "Adult" just to be on the safe side, as Coffee suggests -- but I really don't think there is any reason why combat of the sort that is characteristic of Star Wars, The Mandelorian, etc., should not be allowable on Moderate regions. It's the kind of stuff that you get in GOT or the new series based on Fallout that should be restricted to Adult because there the violence is much more extreme, explicit, graphic, and part of the narrative. There's a real danger in sort of blurring the lines here -- "swords and light sabers are extreme violence" -- because it elides very real distinctions between how people respond to the depictions of violence. Somebody being run through with a sword, with a little splash of blood, is quite different from someone being graphically disemboweled by one. @Frankie Antonelli, I hope that this explains my objections? I don't think combat RP should be, or indeed by the rules IS restricted to Adult. I think THAT depends on the way in which the combat is depicted. But please feel free to respond here, or in-world, if you want to talk about this more. I get that combat RP is important to some child avatars, but we can't simply collapse the rating system to accommodate that. I think instead we need to think carefully about what we mean by "combat" and "extreme violence."
  14. It was an ask, not a change in policy. The point is that child avatars were able to engage in violent RP ("combat RP") of the sort permitted only on Adult regions (it falls under representations of "extreme violence," which the rating system limits to Adult), but will no longer be able to because of the new restrictions. The request was that "extreme violence" now be permitted on Moderate regions so that child avatars could still do combat RP. Which would have the effect of opening up "Moderate" to other forms of extreme violence, such as torture RP. It's a terrible idea. And it won't happen.
  15. It's still touted as a thing on SL's home page, believe it or not.
  16. Ah ok. Well, it's true I have long been enslaved to the Hivemind. But they feed me well and I get occasional treats. You know -- a forum noob who's gone astray and won't be missed. That kind of thing. 😏
  17. I've been on this forum, and its predecessor, since 2008. I'm not particularly quiet here either. I have never, in all that time, been hunted or harassed -- at least not beyond a very occasional IM. Anyone trying to destroy me apparently has singularly poor aim. You're not maybe exaggerating a tad??? We're mostly pretty nice here actually. 🙂
  18. As Rowan says, this is standard procedure for teen-oriented a*eplay. There are some pretty popular places swarming with "teen" girls doing this in fact. And it has nothing to do with petite add-ons. Some of them are wearing Reborn or even Kupra.
  19. Hi Berry. Sell them where? Within SL or in RL?. Oh. And do you mean SL derived images, or RL ones?
  20. I think this likely will happen, but it does leave unresolved the issue of genital definition on the actual mesh of bodies like Maitreya and Reborn. That said, LL has not that i know of yet identified this as a problem. Nor have they required that nipples be removed from mesh: they just need to be covered. So maybe this is a non-issue, and represents a more literal and stringent application of the spirit of the rules than LL itself intends?
  21. There is absolutely zero chance that standard adult mesh bodies for women OR men are going to be de-sexified because of this. Why on earth would you think so? That makes absolutely no sense at all.
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