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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Their silence on social media, and announcing that they are "pausing" their blog network. OOOPS! SORRY! I wasn't supposed to tell you!!
  2. I do occasionally post here from phone too. Again, not my favourite thing. And anything you type on a phone is complicated by the tendency of phones to decide that you didn't really mean that particular word, and you'd rather use this, entirely different one.
  3. This is a pic that I think I'll be displaying at a gallery where I have been invited to contribute one piece. I think. I'm not sure. Let me sleep on it.
  4. Having used the mobile client twice now (Woot me! Sooooo adventurous!), I have to say that my reluctance to use it mainly stems from the fact that I find it annoying to text on a phone rather than a keyboard. I'm actually not a terrible phone texter (I use both thumbs! Woot me again!), but it's just not as fast, easy, or pleasant as typing. The visual glitches, frozen screens, etc., I just sort of accept as part of SL . . .
  5. Do you tip the one in ten is good and does make your experience more enjoyable? As I said, the clubs I frequent don't use hosts. But I've been around SL long enough that I certainly understand what you mean about "annoying." Hosts who are forever gesturbating, for instance, or constantly reminding you to tip the venue and the DJ. But I have also run across a few hosts who are genuinely good conversationalists, and spark fun and sometimes interesting chat. I have never hosted, and I don't know what the duties of a host, beyond greeting people, etc., generally are, but if they are as involved as the OP suggests, it seems to me that they deserve to be compensated for that. I'm just not sure that that should be coming from the patrons. It sounds as though the main beneficiaries of their hard work are the club owners and DJs -- and it would seem fair to me that they be paid directly by one or both of them.
  6. You know exactly how much work you put into this -- and it sounds like a lot. You don't require validation from cranks who have no idea what they're talking about, and who see their job as being as generally unpleasant and ungenerous as they can manage. Have you spoken to the club owner about this? And do your DJs at least publicly identify and acknowledge you during their sets? (I don't mean ask people to tip you, which can be seen as obnoxious by some.)
  7. I seriously need to reconsider my SL day job.
  8. I want to begin by saying that I am sure that everything you've said above is true, at least in your case. I am more than willing to believe that the success of your event is to a great degree dependent upon the hard work that you evidently do. You DO deserve to be recognized and compensated for that work. I think the problem, though, is that most of the visible work that you do isn't of immediate benefit to your attendees. Setting up the venue, publicity, "spamming groups," urging people to join groups, and so on, is of immediate benefit to the venue rather than something directly enjoyed by patrons. Yes, you greet people, and perhaps do a good job of keeping local chat lively and fun -- but then, so do I, a mere visitor, when I'm at a club. It's not that this isn't valuable or "labour," but that it probably doesn't "stand out" from what other, unpaid patrons are also doing? (At least, this is true of the clubs I visit, which have lively and engaged communities.) I don't think you get tipped for the simple reason that your hard work is not very visible to patrons, as opposed to the work of the DJ. You are producing value, but it's not value they can see. I actually think that hosts should be paid directly by the event venue, because ultimately much of the work you've described above benefits the club owner more immediately and directly than the patrons. Or, alternately, the DJ should be sharing tips with you, as she is also benefitting from your work. I know that's not the way it works in SL. But I think that's the way it should work. (I should say that I do tip hosts, but the clubs I go to very rarely employ them, so it's seldom an issue.)
  9. More of this sort of thing, please. It's much more amusing than what we were getting on this thread!
  10. I use it almost entirely for shopping, where it is an absolute godsend, but it's also useful when you're building and accidentally "lose" something -- knocking it up into the air, for instance, or below ground, or even into the next parcel.
  11. There are no girls in Lord of the Flies. Cuz they were too smart to get on that plane, and instead got together for a PJ party, where they played The Game of Life, ate popcorn, listened to Chappell Roan songs, and did each other's nails. Who's in? It sure beats what's happening here. (Sorry, no boys. Here, have a spear.)
  12. I'm sorry to hear you're having problems with the new Firestorm! For what it's worth, you're far from alone, and there are a few things you can try. The texture issue is a known problem, and seems to be particularly common with Mac users. Try some of the fixes on this page: https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/http_fetching_issues For more general performance issues, try these: https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_lag_troubleshooting And LL has some suggestions for improving performance on the new PBR viewers generally: And of course, you can join the Firestorm support group in-world and ask for help there. The volunteers are excellent, although to be honest they'll likely mostly suggest the remedies at the links I've given above. Lastly, of course, you can revert to an older version of Firestorm. You have two more FS updates to go before you're compelled to use the new viewers. Or try another viewer: I recommend Alchemy (which I'm now using sometimes, and which I find excellent, although the interface is a bit more like the LL viewer's) and the CoolVL Viewer. You can find a list of alternate viewers, including those two, here: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory Good luck!
  13. And I thought you were a FUN person. 🙃
  14. Nika, I didn't know this. I'm so sorry! That would be our loss. I know what I am hoping you decide.
  15. In case you're missing the point, Cube wants us all to know that he has a very large, powerful, and impressive . . . processor. His draw distance is over a kilometer. I know I am impressed.
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