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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Alright. Forgive double posting, but this is a better place to post this.
  2. "Proactive moderation," eh? Also, Tommy admits he's "only human"! My world view is forever shattered. Next up: "The Great God Pan is dead!"
  3. Not sure where to post this really, but here's Pantera Polnocy's video of the Governance Users Group meeting.
  4. There is also an appeals process, which means a second set of eyes and judgements. BOTH those judging the original AR, and those considering the appeal, will need to determine that an infraction has occurred for it to stand up. I'm actually not terribly worried about this.
  5. I was going to to query you on this . . . How "old" is the oldest cadaverous "bit" that you used to make that? If the head is from the grave of a 17 year old, we may have problems!
  6. So, I posted a pic of an avatar I designed to look like a teen -- but most people think she looks 18+ You very helpfully responded with a "laugh." Cuz, that's kind of who you are, I guess. Do you not get that if *I* thought my avatar looked like a teen, but in the judgement of most others she doesn't, there might be an actual issue here?
  7. I looked at the date on the serial number. RGE5430395-Y4395-2023-5-4 DEFINITELY under age
  8. Quite possibly yes. Once again demonstrating how tricky this is, and how many factors are involved.
  9. Valid. I think I'm using my normal skin there, so if anything I might just look like a "younger" version of me.
  10. If it didn't potentially leave me open to a nasty AR, it would be interesting to "test out" that particular look by taking her to an adult club -- not a sex club, but just one rated "Adult." Or maybe just a Moderate place where it specifies "no child avatars." But given the moral panic and possible ramifications, I think not . . .
  11. So actually do I, but our classrooms are a bit more modern than that, with whiteboards rather than chalkboards, etc. I'd not have identified that as a university or college classroom, but YMMV, certainly. That may well be the issue.
  12. Like others here, I'm a bit bemused, but also enlightened, by the overall reactions to my pic, which was supposed to represent a roughly 15 year old. Now, in fairness, I didn't put an awful lot of work into making her look younger. I used the Genus "Babyface" head, which gives a generally younger look, adjusted the shape to reduce breast and hips, and put her in a baggy hoodie. But she's using an adult skin. But I'd have thought that the context of the pic -- clearly a school classroom -- might also have contributed to seeing her as younger? Just shows to go ya . . . representing age isn't a simple thing.
  13. God I'll be glad when this whole child avatar thing has been sorted and put to bed. At 8pm of course, like good little children.
  14. I'd agree with this qualification. Maybe the issue isn't so much "realism" as cultural context -- and perhaps the limits of "realism" in SL.
  15. Sure. YOUR use of SL is perfectly normal and healthy, but these people over here are just sick. Absolutely a strawman argument. You got me!
  16. And I think that what this implies, quite correctly, is that we are judging these looks on the basis of expectations within SL, rather than what an analogous young person might look like in RL. And that's probably the right way to go about it. Rather than arguing "I know a 15 year old who looks like this in RL!" it would be better and more appropriate to judge looks using our understanding of how things "look" in SL, as well as the culture here.
  17. Please choose the most appropriate option for you: "When you wanna . . . a) Go pretendy dancing in SL b) Engage in so-called "sex" in SL c) Chain your partner to a St. Andrew's cross in SL that they can easily get out of d) Buy fake clothing to play Barbies in SL e) Partner with someone in SL when we all know it's not a REAL marriage or partnership f) "Drive around" in a "vehicle" that's really just a bunch of badly scripted mesh bits g) Take fake "photographs" of equally fake people h) "Talk" to people here like you know them when really you have no idea who they might be in RL i) Even just log in to SL because seriously WTF get a REAL life already . . . I think you need to see a therapist.
  18. So if you think the avatar looks like: a child (17 or younger) then react with a like, for an adult (18 and over) use thanks, and use confused if you can't tell based on physical appearance alone. Please don't respond to individual posts with written comments just use the reaction icons.
  19. Two quick thoughts about the pics in that thread so far: 1) By a pretty large margin, almost every pic of a female tends to get read as 18+. I am wondering if the mere presence of boobs is enough to skew the results. 2) Despite the fact that I am hyper-aware of the realities of puberty in girls, I am also tending to see almost all of these girls/young women as 18+. Which is a reminder of how much we are all prey to cultural assumptions about women's bodies, even when we know that we know better. In addition to cultural assumptions about breasts and body shape generally in women, I'm also wondering if part of the problem is that SL doesn't do girls / young women very well? Notoriously, it's also really difficult to represent a woman who is between the age of, say, 40 and 60 or so. Additionally, the issue of context: most of these female avatars are wearing things that might get them into trouble at school, although they are really entirely appropriate overall. Putting a teen into a bathing suit, for instance, immediately ages her in most people's eyes, even though in reality, yes, women under the age of 18 do actually frequently have breasts and go to the beach.
  20. They may well have removed that language precisely because it was confusing. What was clearly meant was that you couldn't "hide" the modestly layer in order to show what was underneath. If you alpha out undies baked into the skin or body, you're also hiding the body beneath it.
  21. HEY! Someone should do a movie. With, I dunno, Gwyneth Paltr . . . On second thoughts, maybe not . . .
  22. Well, that sucks! SOMEHOW, they'll survive without either of us, I'm sure. 😏 The kids are alright!
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