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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Act III of Shakespeare's The Winter Tale famously ends with the stage direction "Exit, Pursued by a bear." Which must have been pretty hilarious to watch on a 17th-century stage. The character who is pursued (and killed, and maybe even eaten!) is however a male, Antigonus. He should have chosen "man" I guess?
  2. "Group" is just what they call these meetings. Anyone can attend; there's no SL group to join. PT (Pacific Time) is SLT; they are the same. I'd like to go myself, but I expect this to be packed with stakeholders, and I don't want to take up a spot that should be reserved for someone with a child avi. Hopefully @Qie Niangao will be there though. And I can catch Pantera's video of it (assuming there is one; there almost invariably is) and Inara's rundown.
  3. Yeah. That's the bit of explaining I'm expecting from Maddy. Do you remember what an adorable little devil she was??? /me sniffs
  4. And of course this is the thing. I very much doubt there are going to be roaming AR parties hunting down child avatars, derendering their clothing, and trying to determine what is underneath. AND if that child avatar is wearing BOM underclothes, pants and a top, etc., derendering their clothes might not reveal to someone who doesn't have Linden God powers whether or not their skins or mesh bodies beneath those are compliant. The same is true if the pelvis and (for females) chest and back are alphaed out. Effectively, in 90% of cases, I doubt that the average resident is going to be able to make that kind of determination. But would one want to take that chance?
  5. If we're RPing a classroom here, I'd really better pay more attention to what I'm wearing!
  6. This would be more-or-less my interpretation as well. The problem is, as you say, it's just a "personal interpretation." Again, yeah. But were I RPing a child avatar, I'm not sure I'd be entirely comfortable with following the "spirit" of these rules, when a misstep has such dire consequences. Honestly, to be accused of a*eplay, yet alone disciplined for it, would pretty much gut me, emotionally. Thank god I merely represent as an unbelievably glamorous and beautiful 20-something!
  7. If you want to have a one-on-one discussion, why do you post in a public forum built for community discussion, rather than pursue it in a DM where you can't be "interrupted." You do understand what a "forum" is, and how it works, no? You've just asked me not to, as it appears that if I do, I am interrupting? And I am responding to your comments in the context of the OP for this thread. Crazy eh? (I thought you were trying to be "civil" in this discussion?)
  8. Oh, definitely, although I've seen people explaining that one needn't actually fear a bear if one is careful. But it's an interesting exercise, not so much as a hypothetical "real" scenario, but because it has revealed something about how a lot of women apparently perceive men (and bears!), and gendered differences. Interestingly, most men asked the same question appear to respond "men." So . . . what explains the gendered difference? (I think I know . . .) ALSO interestingly, at least some of the men who responded "men" when asked which they'd prefer to be with, answered "bear" when asked which they'd prefer their daughter be with. Fortunately, none of this has much immediate relevance to SL . . . except that I'm probably less likely to get sent a dick pic or asked if I voice by a bear!
  9. You don't, because, if I remember what you've said before, you don't RP a child. Someone who does is understandably going to want a very clear idea of what they should or should not be wearing to remain compliant with the ToS, because a mistake can potentially be, in SL terms, fatal, and result in a permaban. The stakes for them are much MUCH higher than they are for you, and so they are correspondingly more concerned about getting clarifications. The other point here is that the new rules don't merely say "use your judgement." They impose very specific and technical requirements on people RPing as children, most obviously the "modesty layers." And yet that term is never defined. Does an "underwear layer" on an onion body count? Does a BOM layer count? These are all things in SL to which we normally apply the term "layer." Ironically, what we don't generally apply it to is something, like underwear, that is baked into a skin texture. So, there is some confusion, and a great deal of concern from those who stand a lot to lose if they "get it wrong." Surely you can understand that?
  10. I don't disagree, especially given that the person voicing this opinion is now also applying it to the question of trans identities as they relate to "modesty layers." However, we may need a separate thread on that subject, given Quartz's ruling. I am pretty sure it's something we'd be permitted to discuss, so long as it remains in the context of SL . . . but not here, I guess.
  11. Which actually may be a good thing for child avatars, as either of those adds about 40 years to your look.
  12. True, but anyone can AR anyone else for any reason. Governance is presumably not going to be using their particular EEP setting, and will (I hope) be clever enough to recognize that the lighting can make a difference.
  13. Not going to happen. And LL explicitly states that height is not necessarily the criterion they will use, and certainly not the only one. You can safely ignore trolling of this kind, which will frankly turn this thread into a carbon copy of the long one if we don't.
  14. You're right: panel doesn't appear in either the guidelines or the FAQ. I thought at one point it did, but I might be mistaken. In any case, it now appears to be a non-issue. I'd still like a clarification of "layer," which can refer to BOM, "onion layers" on mesh bodies, or, conceivably, skins. I have a Vestal Virgin outfit ready to go! Yeah, this part is a mess -- in part because "layer" is undefined but also because, as you say, it seems inconsistent with what is said elsewhere. And the use of a Senra body as an illustration muddies that further.
  15. So, there is still confusion concerning . . . 1) Whether child avatars must use dedicated child avatar (or tween, or teen) bodies that have been designed to include "modesty panels" (whatever that actually means). Or can they use adult bodies with add-ons as necessary? 2) Whether child avatars will, as of June 30, be required to wear new skins (or mesh bodies) with modesty panels/layers (whatever those mean) , or can instead wear some combination of add-ons and BOM undies that would functionally achieve the same thing -- in other words, ensuring that they are "never naked" 3) What exactly does LL mean by "panels" and "layers"??? What am I missing?
  16. Sorry! "Rule 34 is an Internet meme which claims that Internet pornography exists concerning every possible topic." (Wikipedia)
  17. I hardly feel personally threatened by it at all! There must be something terribly wrong with it.
  18. Had this happen with a hat I bought once, sort of. A fully functional HUD was included with the demo, but the one in the purchased copy was broken, and didn't work at all. Notecards to the maker went unanswered. Fortunately, I discovered that the demo HUD did work on the purchased model, so there was a work-around. I may have left a slightly disgruntled review for that particular product on the MP though.
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