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sirhc DeSantis

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Everything posted by sirhc DeSantis

  1. Yes, for 1250 US you could possibly buy it. Bargain really. Maybe Lucy Laz was asking the wrong question ;()
  2. 120 US per month available which I believe was your question.
  3. Then you are too young to remember the time before 'New Math' Lucy
  4. An interesting question. As a group (which you may define as you will) the budget (cost in fact) is 120 US per 4 weeks. The figure is approximate due to local exchange of course. That is tied to the existing LL product. That amount can be easily used elsewhere. If the Lab are going to offer a product that interests us enough to spend the same - then that is the amount available. The other factors in your list are minor for me. The group has other opinions. That is the amount that, as a group, we have. As a caveat we as a group of makers have been cross platform creating for some time. Imagine a little Victory Garden with a 'HyyperGate' outside so we can huddle over tea. Or not. Plans available for non US readers Yes found a hums
  5. Agreed. The convenience would be nice but after all this time - I have too many scripts created by me out there to make use of it. Support going for a way to run anims via UUID - just not with that caveat
  6. A Secularist - One who waves the banner of the split between 'religiion' and 'state' yet feels secure enough to pik n mix from other faiths/sects/practices and blend in schmaltz faux camaraderie and a tinge of consumerism. Plus time off work because, you know, 'the holidays'. Amusing. Almost as much as the Humanist - who embraces 'Science (sorry 'rationalism, empiricism') except 'Not those bits which contradict stuff I like'. I wish you Joyeux Noël and peace on Earth too - and if you find some - please share.
  7. Perhaps it helps generate new trite footage for the ut00b thingie the OP is a fan of?
  8. Hence the phrase 'deader than dolcett' (well, makes a change from flares anyway)
  9. Hmm an interesting (possibly) counterpoint attempting to equate a part of SL to real life ... - well best not to write the word here i was about to - in this very forum. Took a copy as will probably get removed.
  10. Personally, I rarely keep reading if (game) or (playing) crops up in the first few lines. Some of the wall of text ranting ones can be amusing to skim over but mostly not worth an actual response. I have played most of the wows and others and find them boring beyond belief (grind, meaningless title gained, rinse and repeat), but if its someone elses bag it doesn't bother me. Getting offended by the terminally clueless is an endless task anyway and life is far too short. In the same vein if people do want to respond here then again - good for them. If I run across the question in world then my response is much more practical, if I have the time.
  11. As its not the first time .. you mean you did not make the effort to grab as many as you could before? Like a lot of people I have stacks of them in storage barely unpacked - you mean you didn't? Tsk Tsk
  12. Get a license and go for sourcing and the best of luck it looks -- messy in extremis... manna manna
  13. Real cheap? define..Thousands too so diff between what you want to pay and whats asked... Sorry this one seems to be a gestalt asking bot. Define cheap please bebejee (odd that your name throws html error when pasting) and prove me wrong
  14. I did sign up for Desura when the Lab first bought it out of curiosity - the idea of a 'steam light' aimed at indy developers seemed not too bad a notion to me. Nothing featured in the mailing ever enticed me to open my purse but I guess it had its purpose. ( I have toyed with the idea of knocking out the odd attempt myself so it was worth keeping an eye on anyway although given the toxic nature of gamerland right now I don't think I will bother, thats another story ) The buyers are making all the right noises and seem better fitted by their own estimation for the platform so probably all good. Of course without any financial details thats about all there is to say. If it frees up some more cash for the Lab to push their new development then great - signs of commitment are good.
  15. Only a very quick look (official viewer as requested) LEA sandbox - awful flicker looking in to neighbour sim (east) Grendels - rezzing seems fast (ok the sectional 'interest' bit comes in chunks but understand reasoning there). Hey why do an easy test eh But - watching data transfer rate stat even stationary and no visual change or av in view seeing around 5 or 6 seconds at 20k then a spike to 250, rapid drop to 125 then pattern repeats. Both sim ping times circa 200 ms, about par for my location (northern europe and thats all you get) so no change from before. (viewer defaulted to ultra which was nice and framerate 20 ish which is good for my h/w at that setting) [ inserts usual grumble of slow (to my subjective view) UI response then not a fan of xml for everything hihi ]
  16. 'You should always put a dead badger on a head wound...' Mrs Moss Words I have utter, utter, utterly failed to live by
  17. you can start with the xytext set here http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/XyText_1.5 If you are seeking the OS equivalent(s) they are not present within SL
  18. '... people that can stand more before getting bored...' Sorry but no. Never understood this thing called boredom in any world, SL or RL. For one thing theres 15k sims I have yet to visit (actually possibly more, I can't keep up) Outside of that, a list several kilometres long of 'ToDo' .. Stuff still needing learning... Then again even when the power went out a few days ago I still had paper and pen. Boredom? What a luxury eh
  19. Bored? Nope. Always something to do even after all these years. Always something to learn and see.
  20. Why not create a new group with the same aims/concerns/interests as the one that doesn't seem to fit your needs? If you can actually send a notice or at least chat in what seems to be a moribund group then you can make anyone still interested aware that there is another venue. I have been in a number that have taken that route and anyone still paying attention can drop one and join another. Unless there is some deeded land attached or other complex issues, 40 cents or so gives you a fresh one. Of course, a name cannot be reused in the exact same form but never seen why that was such a problem. (The other option, which probably isn't really related to your questions, is to use a bot to regularly prune inactive members - there again its a tool for groups with some life in them still to keep them manageable)
  21. Sounds like fun. I've built a few mazes over the years and endless chances to add little devious bits makes it very enjoyable (think traps, snares, collapsing buildings etc) No idea how it would tie in with your game there as not sure of the mechanics of it (regarding who can bite whom, restrictions on flight, that sort of thing) but not insurmountable I expect. Put out some employment ads for builders, give them an overall plan for look and feel etc and see who, as it were, bites. Then rent a nice big chunk of land to rez it on and away you go. This last bit should cover the need "to warn you if we are in your area" as you put it so everyone can be happy.
  22. I have always been a minority as I have only ever been me And no one has ever been prevented from using and learning. I think the post before probably puts it better than I could. But here - from each according to what they are willing to put in...from all we are enriched. )ouch that was mangled) You think there is no joy left from simply making and being - well - chuffed at what you have done? To take that joy and hone it? Drop in incognito at an NCI 40 minute speed build if you are that jaded. I do even if they run at 04.00 my time. PS Ser Toxx my inworld photography is awful so I will always bow in awe to those who can master it
  23. Sorry but - no. Been through prim to sculptie - learned how to make em from text files up to inworld tools. Note that - inworld tools made by SLers. Moved to mesh - learning still but can. And yay can still build in world with a quick trip out to blender a tweak and back and hey - I build in world with my own mesh prims. Best of all worlds. At no point did it stop me building in world...as I adapted to incorporate these new thingies And to this day learning still and loving it. And yes can still make what I like to wear too...with a little system template and a bit of primmy lunacy There again - i script and thats something that gets better with every passing update. So yeah I'm loving it And whats more I can take what I have learned wherever I go. Ain't this Second Life grand
  24. get creative - buy a motor and an engine and erm pimp your own
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