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sirhc DeSantis

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Everything posted by sirhc DeSantis

  1. My bookie stopped me betting on how many horses would die at Aintree this weekend. "Can't cover a dead cert" She said
  2. As vids seem to be the thing this is the ahem obvious response. Surprised 'teachers' do no have to know this. Never thought I would have to resort to Basil but sometimes one has to give ones standards a little slip
  3. Peeve - Available LI has gone up, frame rate has gone up, the SLB theme has piqued my interest, MP is burbling nicely towards a renewal and the latest LL viewer performs rather well on my potato PC. Am I doing this right yet?
  4. Hmm how far to go I wonder.. OK an easy thing. Not Reading The Manual Because There Isn't One (one of a series) Ah Perms....
  5. A simple button here and inworld that links to profiles. Both. Easy enough to do for a coder. 4 weeks work for a web dev I expect. Step 2 synch so a mute here == mute inworld and vice versa. Fun.
  6. to sid - as being a euro the at snail is borked - you are talking to someone who uses Fahrenheit. Do not expect sense
  7. OK I took my time to react. Then this morning it was all - dinosaurs became chickens? Any one who has a brain knows it was not that way. And the usual suspects here - calming. Oh and - jokes? On this thread? Well the only thing lacking here is an 'instant inworld ban' button tabernak. This is important. Sorry I thought this was a reasonable response thread. Oh and the 'this is fine' ad. Shakes head. You denizens want this place to represent SL users? Then do it
  8. In direct response to the Official Statement - so far, so good. (yes I have read all gazzillion pages of this) It is impossible for some of us to not compare this to the 2007 (and later) 'events' but this *feels* more transparent. In terms of current TOS etc I think the current is adequate but does need to be clarified -again- and better enforced. '...met with swift enforcement actions' in fact. And yes I do feel the CEO has the interests of us residents at heart.
  9. Peevelet - the auto correct on my talking stick changes 'exp' to 'explosives'. No wonder sapo keep turning up.
  10. Fascinating. To see the Response. Let us hope our new AI Overlords ignore this - forum. Most Residents do
  11. Interesting. Tip of the hat to Hamlet at New world Notes. “We’re excited to partner with Convai to bring its conversational AI into Second Life to add new and exciting engagement experiences to our community,” says Brad Oberwager, chairman of Linden Lab, in a statement. https://venturebeat.com/games/convai-teams-up-with-unity-on-ai-npc-games/ https://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2024/03/ai-linden-lab-convai-npc.html
  12. Tricky as its second nature now but a lot of inventory stuff (opening NCs, textures, scripts etc and also LMs). Never seen a triple click which would probably drive me deolally anyway. (Same with 'long click' but I do use that a lot in scripting as its easy enough as only action on touch_end anyway. Just reset time in touch_start and compare))
  13. Fascinating read. The form n.xxx (as in code release) as used in the title implies there was a mainland 1.0 As far as I know, mainland 1.0 was never released. It is and happily will remain at mainland 0.xxx with a lot more x. I could not find the glyph for 'recurring'. Don't mind me, just been around a while.
  14. Bonprix catalogue (check spelling) came through the door. Euro gibberish at its best Thankfully I are fluent.
  15. I never block here - I am rarely logged in to the forae. But I do read and take notes. 'General' is where I tend to find herberts - great place to find who I do not want to interact with when InWorld =^^= Now that is a thing - block on the forum = block inworld.. ah where is that feature request when you need it
  16. What? Since being force retired and rescued from the loony bin and becoming a Hausfrau... Never been more busy and 'that Friday feeling' from 18:00 til 06:00 is my only time off:) Coding peeve - enjoying my new toy so much I have only finished 1 out of 4 game jams on Itch.
  17. Caturday - time for Billy B. From my 'sounds wot is from me youfff' set aka Thursday The Ladies in the cloakroom take no notice of me - plus ca change eh
  18. But you are not buying in real life you are buying in SL. Now if I was Gazelle (nice ref - nice bikes) I would not care what you did as you have handed over what - over a k euros for it? Go ahead, have fun:) If you break it we can sell you the way to fix it or you get another. In SL you spend oh say 100L on something... Always a fascinating topic.
  19. I have no idea. Not talked to mine since the 24th of June 2016 for some odd reason
  20. Since my 'Mentor' in the SL DiscJocky biz (RIP Luc) introduced me to The Dave Grohl I have spent over a decade to find a reason not to like the dood. The search continues. OK I was overseas from '93 so I am still catching up. However this - and yes there seem to be a couple of old people there too =^^=
  21. '79 was a hell of a year. Political awakening, SLF, CRASS, 'O' Levels... Sweet 16 eh? And then these 'erberts turn up on the telly 2 weeks after i snuck into a pub in the smoke. Life can get better =^^= But not much as this way to deal with life and inclusivity.
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