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  1. Thanks Qwalyphi, never seen that HTTP page before. Now does anyone have any examples of the most basic of PHP requests sent to a prim in SL? And then the LSL of how to read it? I am very knowlegable of LSL and PHP, but sending data to LSL goes over my head!
  2. Hi there! I'm currently developeing an out-of-world system to send a message to several people stored on the SQL database and was wondering what the quickest ans easiest way to send these (several hundred) names and keys to in-world SL objects via PHP. Many Thanks Alex
  3. I can do this, contact me in world.
  4. Hi guys! I was making a quick script to detect all avatar's age in a region in days. Here is my script, only issue is, the Name and UUID that are set as global variables do not change, whilst the days that should be shown do. Any ideas? integer detectionTime = 25; integer listLength; string currName; key currID; integer findDays(string data) { integer result; list parse_date = llParseString2List(data, ["-"], []); integer year = llList2Integer(parse_date, 0); result = (year - 2000) * 365; list days = [ 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334 ]; result += llList2Integer(days, (llList2Integer(parse_date, 1) - 1)); if (year/4 == llRound(year/4)) result += 1; result += llList2Integer(parse_date, 2); return result; } default { state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(0.1); } timer() { integer i; list allAvatars = llGetAgentList(AGENT_LIST_REGION, []); integer listLength = llGetListLength(allAvatars); do { llRequestAgentData(llList2String(allAvatars,i), DATA_BORN); currName = llKey2Name(llList2Key(allAvatars,i)); currID = llList2Key(allAvatars,i); } while(++i < listLength); llSetTimerEvent(detectionTime); } dataserver(key queryid, string data) { integer today = findDays(llGetDate()); integer age = findDays(data); llOwnerSay(currName+"("+(string)currID+") was born "+(string)age+" days ago."); } }
  5. This will be useful! However I was looking for something that could be ran in a timer event, to visually emulate the avatar's location on a HUD with a land texture on.
  6. Hi! I'm wanting to create a map of one specific sim that will simply locate an avatar and place a linked prim into the location that matches up with their region position. It is esentially an avatar region tracker, however it only tracks the owner, and will function correctly when worn as a HUD. When it comes to LSL, I am quite experienced, however the mathemetics that are involved simply stump me! Please help! :)
  7. Yes you can, search 3rd party L$ seller in google and you'll find many sites that accept this as a form of payment, along with bitcoin, dogecoin.
  8. I was actually going to create one of these haha! Send me an IM in-world and I'll create it to your specification
  9. I highly recommend searching 'Land Map' on the Marketplace rather than changing the texture levels in land options, there is a tool that scans the terrain and generates a series of sculpted prims based on it, it will fit perfectly to your land. Included a picture of the final result when I used it. It's really useful as you can do in and change the texture at any time too! If you wish, add me as a friend in-world and I can help you Apologies for the awful graphics on these pics, they were taken years ago when I had no idea about SL photography
  10. That's odd! Never had that happen to me before. Before joining unwrapped objects in Blender, make sure the UV maps are all named the exact same thing, the SecondLife mesh importer can only read one UV map. Screenshot below shows the UV map names, just double click them to change them. Note: You will need to do this before joining meshes.
  11. No problem at all! If you're using Blender, there is a modifier called 'Decimate' which allows you to rapidly decrease the amount of verticies without changing the texture mapping. Good luck! :matte-motes-big-grin:
  12. This can sometimes happen if you have a lot of faces on a single piece of mesh or a mesh wil a very high amount of verticies. You can overcome this with a very simple script, however the most efficient way is just to lower the amount of materials you are using on the mesh. float transparent = 0;float nontransparent = 1;default{ state_entry() { llSetAlpha(transparent, 0); //Set face 0 transparent. llSetAlpha(nontransparent, 1); //Set face 1 non transparent. // Duplicate the above lines as needed for your faces and place within the piece of mesh. } on_rez(integer r) { llResetScript(); }}
  13. I see, would you be able to put that into context for me? If a new avatar is detected do one thing, else, do nothing?
  14. No, I don't believe they ever had a marketplace.
  15. GTASkinCentral

    Logging ON

    Try typing in one of the following regions into the location before you try logging in. Gukyeol Hangeul Hanja Idu They are all linden-owned infohubs
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