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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. 3GB of RAM is very marginal to run Vista, let alone Second Life. Check your disk cache settings.
  2. sounds like a problem with alpha channel textures, not mesh. Make sure you have the latest drivers installed for your video card. Check your antialiasing settings in Preferences.
  3. If you mean you want permission to visit Moderate and Adult areas, you must Age Verify. You do that under your Account menu on your dashboard web page. If you mean, you want permission to copy or modify someone's objects, that is a property of the object. You can't change it yourself, the object creator has to do it. Your Friends can grant you the permission to move or modify their objects, in their Friends List. I never give this permission to anyone except very close friends, so don't be offended if they say No. If you mean, you want permission to rez objects on a certain parcel of land, that is set by the land owner. If YOU are the land owner, open World/About Land and select who you want to be able to rez things on your parcel...just you, or your group, or everyone. If you mean you want permission to enter someone's land, or their home, that is again set by the owner. @Ansariel...those are persimmons, not permissions!
  4. 1. You can get land and a home without a Premium account. Rent land on the Mainland from another resident, or buy land on a private estate from another resident. 2. I recommend that you do get a PayPal account. In my opinion it's the best way to pay for Second Life. Get it "verified" by linking it to a Real Life bank account. PayPal's site explains how to do this. 3. If you wish to use your PaySafe card to purchase $L, use a reputable third party site. I recommend VirWox.
  5. If you're sure you've already opened the correct ports on both your software firewall and your router's NAT hardware firewall, then try turning your system off...computer, router, everything. Wait a couple of mnutes. Start everything up again and give it another try.
  6. If you are using Internet Explorer to view this site, make sure you are using Compatibility Mode. Then you may be able to see your case.
  7. Actually, you CAN follow someone with your camera, with any viewer. Just alt click on them. Now their avatar has your camera focus, and your camera will move when they do.
  8. The helpers here are incredibly patient souls! But the SAME questions get asked here, over and over again. Most of the answers are simple links to things that the poster could have easily found themselves. Could we please have a sticky or something similar in a prominent place reminding people to check the Knowledgebase and the Wiki BEFORE posting?
  9. The Linden Home covenant may cover this, in the "out of theme" section. Huge billboards are "out of theme" for ANY residential area, IMO. However, floating, rotating billboards are specifically disallowed by the anti-adfarming policy. You can Abuse Report your neighbors.
  10. Monti, where do you get that information? According to what I've read, viewers won't be allowed to report true on line status (although Oz Linden has said this is being looked at again based on the amount of negative comments they've received). I have heard nothing of the "teleport to" feature being labeled a "privacy" concern or being removed from TPVs.
  11. Yes you can! You can rent from another Resident on the mainland, or lease land on a private estate. Private estates make up about 80% of the land in Second Life, so not being Premium does not limit you all that much.
  12. This is a resident to resident dispute, and it is unlikely that Linden Lab will get involved. However, you can try filing an Abuse Report for harrassment. File a report for each incident that occurs. I would also suggest making new friends outside the clan. Remain calm and reasonable and polite, but stand your ground when attacked in IM or chat. If your friends ARE your friends, they will eventually figure out who's being a jackass.
  13. Call Billing. Toll-Free (US/Canada) 877.236.0711 Long Distance 703.286.2738 8am to Midnight PST, M-F; and 8am to 8pm PST Saturday and Sunday Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Brazil: 0800.762.1132 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646
  14. Lindal Kidd

    Chat History

    In addition to Ry0ta's excellent answer, you can turn off logging in Preferences/Privacy. I don't recommend this. There are times when chat and IM logs can be useful. Also, the Knowledgebase article is slightly incorrect. The file path for Windows7/Vista isn't quite what that says...but it will get you close enough to find the log files.
  15. LoveAngel is probably right...but check your Spam folder, the email might have ended up in there.
  16. Your problem is most likely a communication issue between your computer and Linden Lab's servers. If you are using wireless internet...don't. Use DSL, cable internet, or FIOS. If you are using wifi on your home network, switch to an ethernet cable connection. If your internet service provider is not giving you good broadband internet performance, change ISPs. Check your download speed at speedtest.net Check to make sure the correct ports on your router's NAT firewall and your software firewall are open. See: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Using-Second-Life-with-a-firewall/ta-p/1304539
  17. You can't. The Maturity Rating is a region-wide setting. On the Mainland, Linden Lab sets the Maturity Ratings, and all Mainland is General or Moderate, with the exception of the Zindra continent, which is all Adult. On private estates, the Estate Owner sets the Maturity Ratings for her region(s). If you're on an estate, contact the owner and discuss the matter. EDIT: If YOU are the region owner, you can set the region's Maturity Rating in the Estate tab of the About Land window. Look for the setting in the Region tab.
  18. Do not use the Shopping Cart in the Marketplace. It is buggy and deliveries often fail. Use the Buy Now button and purchase one item at a time. Better yet, if the item has "See This Item In Second Life" link, go there and see the item in world, and purchase it in world.
  19. Yes! In fact, LL will go to this balance FIRST, before charging your payment method.
  20. Lindal Kidd

    Cancel Account

    Your account is probably in the process of being canceled. Linden Lab waits about, as I recall, ten days before actually canceling it, because a lot of people change their minds. And you should, too. Once canceled, you cannot recover your inventory, your $L, or your user name (well, if it hasn't been TOO long, you can, but you have to pay $10). A free account doesn't cost you anything, it does not have to be used to keep it in force, and it's there, should you ever decide you want to try SL again.
  21. Are you doing this when there is no group IM actually taking place? I think the other options only go live when there are active participants to mute or unmute. If you want to disable group chat for everyone, then change the abilities of all the group roles (except yours, the Owner role) to disallow participation in group chat.
  22. You could wear an animation overrider. If it comes with a "hard landing" animation, edit the AO to use a normal standing animation as the hard landing one. The instructions that came with your AO should explain how to edit it to use animations other than the "stock" ones it came with.
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