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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. If you are Premium and it's on the Mainland, use Live Chat. They got an offline sim back up in ten minutes for me last night. If you are on a private estate, contact the estate owner or estate manager.
  2. Gregor Qinan wrote: ...You are at 169,860.0, 321,470.0, 21.5 in Rainbow Island ... Those are some wacky coordinates! You shouldn't ever see values higher than 255 for any X or Y coordinate. I don't KNOW that this has any bearing on your problem, but it sure looks odd.
  3. My *personal* opinion would be "yes", but I believe that you will find LL's opinion is "no", at least out in public. Public nudity is not permitted in Moderate areas, and that applies to children as well as adults. There's a gray area though...places like nude beaches and naturist parks. These can be in Moderate regions, as long as no public sexual activity takes place there. Still, I would think that placing a child avatar in that environment would be inviting an AR.
  4. Pregnancy in Second Life is just roleplay. You can do anything you want...even get pregnant by your girlfriend. If you want to use scripted toys and props for this, you can...just have your girlfriend wear the um, boy's half of the equipment.
  5. Both those graphics solutions are substandard for Second Life. You need a computer with a better graphics card...preferably a discrete Nvidia or AMD Radeon card.
  6. Hollywood Moorings, like many places in Second Life, makes money by renting space and prims to tenants. If you were squatting there without paying, I'm not surprised you were banned...and there is nothing you can do about it, and no one you can appeal to. If you really were "sharing" the land with a paying tenant, and they knew about it and did not object, then you should have been OK. But maybe the owners' rules required the tenant to report that, so they could make sure that both your prims and the "official" tenant's were counted. If you had no prims on the land, I am not sure what the owners' objection could have been. I suspect there is another side to this story. In any case, in Second Life, "he who has the land, makes the rules". The land owner can allow whom he pleases, and ban whom he pleases.
  7. One person reported that yes, it did work when he tried it in a store. Other people report that it does NOT work. I would not recommend any integrated graphics solution for SL. A discrete Nvidia or AMD Radeon graphics card would be much better.
  8. Dulcian appears on the Map, but I was unable to teleport there. File a Support Ticket with LL. EDIT: Don't bother. I contacted Live Chat and they said the region should be back up in a few minutes. Crumhorn was also affected.
  9. You can only choose a style of Linden Home. LL will assign the location randomly. You can TRY to get a better location, by abandoning one Linden Home and applying again, up to five times a day. But...why don't both of you live in the SAME Linden Home, and save one Premium fee? Or buy a Mainland parcel and put up a larger home. You have lots of choices besides a Linden Home
  10. See this page: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/wearing_entire_inventory
  11. Those boxes and banners ARE the things you've ordered...they are just packed in a box. How to open them? See my blog post, "Pandora's Box".
  12. If the item is "full permissions", the creator generally has terms and conditions that go with it. For example, textures can be sold as a part of a build, but not simply re-sold as textures. If the item is Copy/No Transfer, then obviously it can't be re-sold. You can make as many copies as you want for your own use, but cannot give it or sell it to another person. If the item is No Copy/Transfer, you can give away or re-sell that individual item, but once it is gone, it's gone and you'd have to buy another one from the creator. Items of this sort cannot be sold on the Marketplace using Direct Delivery for technical reasons; you'd have to use the older Magic Box system. You may not use someone else's product photos without their permission. In general, selling other people's stuff, whether on the Marketplace or in world, is a no-no, unless you have the creator's permission. The idea is to make your OWN original content and sell that. If you want to sell other creators' things and get a percentage, a better way is to find out if they have an "affiliate" program. If so, you can get vendors and advertising for those products and set them up in a store on land you rent or own.
  13. I suspect you misunderstood the ad. Even so, $L1235 a month for 3072 m2 is a great deal. You're not getting robbed.
  14. There is no such TOS stipulation. However, being completely invisible could be used to commit some privacy violations, which WOULD be covered by the TOS. But I don't think it's technically do-able. You can make yourself nearly invisible, but there's always some telltale.
  15. Either your friend used alts to commit serious TOS violations, or there is someone else using that computer to do so. From your quote, the TOS violations, and the logins by both the violator and your friend's account, happened on more than one computer system. This is strong evidence to LL that the violator and your friend are the same person. She's hosed.
  16. Like Rolig, I haven't tested this myself. But as I understand it: 1. Yes, you can still log in as a human-controlled avatar with that account. The servers handle an account the same, no matter who's controlling the avatar. You might run into trouble if you were hanging around a store shopping, someone investigated and found that "you were a bot" and reported you for, say, suspected copybotting or something. 2. Bots are supposed to be registered as scripted agents so that LL can exclude them from region traffic count, supposedly cutting down on "bot farms". 3. You can change your account's status. Conceivably, you could register it as a scripted agent when you're using it for your store mannequin or whatever, and change that status when you want to log in as a "real person". Frankly, I think it's easier to just have a separate alt for the scripted agent uses.
  17. Regarding your edited information: Very often, it will take some time for the Accept TOS button to un-grey itself. Open the viewer, scroll the TOS window, and then wait patiently. How long? I'm not sure...give it 30 minutes. If it's still greyed out, and this happens with all viewers, file a support ticket with LL.
  18. Besides the Knowledgebase, you can attend my Buying and Renting Land class at Caledon Oxbridge University. Fridays, at 5 pm SL time. It's free to attend!
  19. You don't mention what your draw distance is. Reducing that will improve performance. Bandwidth should be UP. Put it at about 1500. Increase your cache size to the maximum allowed, if you have sufficient disk storage for it. What graphics card are you using? Edit your post by clicking Options/Edit in the right corner of your post. Don't start a new thread.
  20. Linden Lab might not consider it griefing, in the sense that they would refrain from handing out suspensions. But... Distributing notecards to passersby is considered spam, and that IS a reportable offense under the Terms of Service. And... Whether LL takes any action or not, the sim owners are almost certain to object. Remember, he who owns the land, makes the rules. You and your friends are very likely to find yourselves ejected, banned, and muted in very short order.
  21. Good grief! Babynappers! What will they come up with next? My dear, you should have bought a puppy instead.
  22. Well, Premium DOES offer additional tech support. Live Chat, plus LL will accept support tickets from Premium members dealing with technical issues such as inventory loss or region restarts, which they don't handle for Basic members. Premium also returns most of your fees in the form of $L and land bonuses. $L1,000 one time signup bonus, plus $L300 per week, and free tier on up to 512 square meters of Mainland (or a Linden Home, your choice.) And of course, only Premium members are allowed to own Mainland. Those who disparage the Mainland as a wasteland will say that's not much of a benefit, but there are many very nice areas on the Mainland...and the tier on a Mainland region is $100 USD per month less than the monthly fee for a private region.
  23. Tails, it sounds like it could be an object that makes use of the new attach function. Try logging off, then log back on, preferably in a different region than the one you logged off from.
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