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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. You didn't spell your friend's name right. He is: xXDemonic PeaceXx peacemaker505 But that is probably not the problem, since he can't send you a partner offer either. It's probably a bug that has been affecting the partnering system for about a year now. Just forget "officially" partnering. Wear his ring, and each of you write something about the other in your Profiles.
  2. You can and WILL be banned for spamming. There is always someone in a group willing to take the time to 1)eject you from the group, 2) Mute you, and 3) File an Abuse Report with Linden Lab. Usually this will happen the very first time you post advertising into a group chat. Don't do it.
  3. If you got a Premium membership and signed up for a free Linden Home, you will have gotten an email with the location of it. If you don't see the email, click Account/Land Manager/My Mainland to see the location of your home. If you bought or rented land elsewhere...what error message do you get? If the land is in a Moderate or Adult region, and you have not adjusted your Preferences to access that level of content, you will get a warning message. If you are under 18, you CAN'T go to these regions...and that includes Linden Homes, which are on Moderate regions. If you bought a HOUSE...say, on the marketplace or in a store...it isn't anywhere except in your inventory. A house is a structure, and you need to buy or rent land to put it on. Houses in Second Life are NOT like "rooms" in IMVU! You can edit your post to provide more information. Click the Options button at the upper right of your post and select Edit. Please do not start a new thread!
  4. You can't. What's more, if you could, spreading that information to anyone else would be a Terms of Service violation. Alts are sometimes used for nefarious purposes...but they are often useful. You can use an alternate account to: get some privacy from your friends when you have work to do get away from a stalker be a group "bank account" to collect and hold funds from your land rentals, stores, etc. be a test subject for product permissions settings make a character for a specific type of roleplay be a "placeholder" to keep a small private group open One group I belong to sometimes has a "guess the alt" party. Everyone makes a new alt and comes to the party. The game is to correctly identify all the "strangers". If you suspect that someone is using an alt to play games with your head, steal your boyfriend, cheat on you with someone else, etc...you can't Abuse Report them just for having an alt. But you can de-friend them, Mute them, or, if they commit some action against the Terms of Service or Community Standards, you can Abuse Report them.
  5. This is an ongoing bug in the Marketplace, one of many. This JIRA issue may address your problem, or you can file a new one of your own. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4586
  6. There are definitely illegally copied items being sold in SL. There are also many possible explanations for what you saw besides hanky-panky. If you are concerned, send a notecard to the creator. Tell them what you saw. NOT what you suspect, just describe the store and the products offered. Ask them if they have an arrangement with that seller to sell their items.
  7. Ewwwww. No. Don't even go there. If you want something to run SL, take that thing back to wherever you got it and get a gaming desktop.
  8. Let's quantify "kind of slow". While you are logged in, and when things have fully rezzed around you, hit CTRL+SHIFT+1. This will open a performance statistics window. There will be a bar showing "frames per second", and a little moving meter. It will wiggle about, but you'll be able to see what your average fps is. Note that, and edit your post here to tell us what you find. Also, see if the statistics show anything for "dropped packets". While you are collecting information, look at Help/About Second Life when you are logged in (or at the login screen). Copy the system information it shows you and paste it into your post. That will tell us about "all that stuff" you say you don't know anything about.
  9. It might, but it won't run it at all well. Integrated graphics are a very poor choice for SL. EDIT: Chris, thank you for the report from the field. I'm surprised your results are so good, but that is good news for all the people our there buying budget computers with integrated graphics.
  10. You don't have to. You input your birth date when you signed up for SL...that is used to verify your age. All you have to do (if you are 18 or older) is check "I want to access content rated G, M, and A" in your Preferences, General tab.
  11. You can't modify a No Mod shape. But you have some alternate choices... You can make your own shape from scratch, using the Appearance sliders. Start with one of the "starter avatar" shapes found in Library/Clothing/Initial Outfits, or with any modifiable shape you have in inventory or pick up as a freebie. You can use one of the "standard mesh sizing" shapes that many Mesh creators are making available. Some are specific to one designer's clothing line, others are becoming a de facto standard among many designers. You will usually find standard shapes as a free item either bundled with a Mesh clothing demo or available near the mesh displays at stores. If I went the standard shape route, I would be sure to customize my shape's facial features to personalize it. No need to look like a twin of a thousand other girls wearing mesh clothes.
  12. Besides the advice about getting a laptop with more graphics muscle, I would suggest you look at desktop computers. Any desktop computer will be less expensive than a laptop with equivalent performance. It will run cooler, and it is more easily upgradeable. Unless you simply must have the portability of a laptop, a desktop is the better choice for gaming or any performance-intensive application.
  13. Mainland cannot be transferred, sold, or given away to non-Premium members. Your friend can let you live on land they own (either free, or charging you rent). To do this, you and your friend should form a group, and set the land to group.
  14. When most people ask this question, they really mean, "I put in my RIGHT birthday when I registered...but I'm under 18 and now I want to lie about my age so I can get into Adult areas." My advice is...don't. This is a lot more dangerous than most people realize. Here are some of the things that can happen... You get found out and reported to Linden Lab. You lose your account, permanently. Your parents find out. You get grounded for life and your computer gets taken away. Your Second Life partner finds out. See item #1. Your parents find you having virtual sex with an adult. See item #2, and you have also handed your partner a real life sex offender charge. It probably won't stand (because you lied about your age), but their reputation is shot anyway. You encounter some of the darker and more twisted forms of virtual sex and it messes you up mentally and emotionally. Oh yes, it can happen. You encounter people who enjoy messing with other people's minds and emotions. See item #5. Yes, these people are on the web, and in Second Life, and they are a lot more experienced than you. You don't stand a chance. The problem with all this bad stuff is, it's your fault, both morally and legally. You lied about your age, and that's a matter of record. Don't. Please, just don't.
  15. No such thing, Patrick. Second Life is free to use, but Linden Lab spends millions of dollars a month to run the servers that support the Second Life world. They have chosen to base their revenue model on virtual land. Therefore, it costs money to have land in Second Life...whether you pay LL directly, or an estate owner or a landlord. If you want land, you have to pay for it.
  16. If you hit Discard on a no copy item you are offered, it is irretrievably lost. I think it would be nice if you offered to replace the baby.
  17. Check: Do you have music and media turned on in your Preferences? Is there music or media actually playing on the land parcel where you are? If you are using the Phoenix or Firestorm viewers, do you have the Media White List/Black List function, and/or the Media Filter options enabled? This may prevent you from receiving music or media, until you specifically provide permission. Dumb question: Did you click the Play button in your viewer?
  18. You'll have to call Billing. US/Canada: 800-294-1067 France: 0805-101-490 Germany: 0800-664-5510 Japan: 0066-33-132-830 Portugal: 800-814-450 Spain: 800-300-560 UK: 0800-048-4646 Brazil: 0800-762-1132 Long distance ( not free, but you can use Skype to save some cost ) : 703-286-6277 **Note: Support is offered only in English
  19. Lindal Kidd


    Right click the ground, select Edit Terrain. Drag a selection box that includes at least a little of both parcels. In the About Land window, click Join. That's it!
  20. You can either buy $L at the current market price, or you can make a "limit buy" offer. The exchange rate does not vary much, so if your offer is not in the first or second rank, it's unlikely to be filled quickly...or ever. You may cancel a limit buy offer at any time.
  21. Here's what you could do. 1. Create a new avatar account, SuzyAccountant Resident, to be the "bank" for you and your partner. 2. You, your business partner, and Suzy all join a group that you create, "Wonderful Creations". 3. YOU are the group owner. Do not make your business partner a group owner. Make her, say, a Manager. 4. Have Suzy list all the items for sale, and collect all the sales receipts. NOTE: You will have to log in as Suzy frequently, to take care of customer complaints, load new items, put up new listings, and so on. 5. Once a month, copy Suzy's Transaction Log, put it on a notecard, and provide a copy to your business partner. 6. Split the profits or losses according to whatever agreement you have with your partner. Do not share group ownership, or Suzy's login information, with ANYONE. Not even your partner. Be open and frank with all your dealings, provide full disclosure, but YOU should be the senior partner and hold the keys to the cash box. If your business partner is not willing to accept this, then maybe you need to find another partner. In any event, if we are talking significant money here, you both should exchange Real Life contact information, and draw up a Real Life partnership agreement. Contracts and agreements between anonymous avatars in SL are not binding and unenforceable. In any SL-only partnership, neither partner should risk more than they are prepared to lose.
  22. 1. Try logging in to another location. 2. Make sure your video drivers are up to date.
  23. Did you remember to turn off your AO? It will conflict with a lot of sit animations. Also, your furniture may be configured to allow only the owner to use it, or only a certain group. This can be adjusted (by the object owner) in the Options menu.
  24. The problem is most likely the library and its internet connection. I suspect that the bandwidth you are allocated is too low to run SL, or the library's network is blocking your access, or both. Try connecting via a different network.
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