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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. We are not Lindens here, just residents like yourself. This belongs in the Mesh forum, and you may also want to file a JIRA issue on it (although I think it's a known behavior).
  2. Your PC is full? I find that hard to believe, but if so, use Windows sound recorder. Record your voice as a 44KHZ stereo .wav file, and be sure the clip is less than 10 seconds long. The sound clip can then be uploaded into SL, for the usual $L10 upload charge.
  3. While buyers may pay in $USD with PayPal, you are always paid in $L. From the Merchant Wiki: "Regardless whether buyers make a purchase with US Dollars or L$, SL Marketplace merchants are always paid in L$ at the L$ price for the listing less any Commissions and other fees..." However, you have a bigger problem. Without a verified PayPal account, there's really no way to get your profits out of Second Life. If you want to just use the proceeds from your sales in world, that's fine. But if you want to get real $, you will have to find a way to use PayPal. Maybe under a doctor's supervision?
  4. The Masocado Resort is located adjacent to open Linden Ocean, giving easy access to the Blake Sea and the surrounding regions...the best sailing grounds in Second Life. We offer two main lifestyles: For just $L2195 per calendar month, you can live in a beautiful two story condominium in a modern high rise building, with stupendous views of the ocean and the Masocado Lagoon. Each condo is equipped with locking doors, operating curtains, and a dance machine remote on your balcony. We offer a decorating allowance of 300 prims...far more than a cramped Linden Home, and with no banlines, better neighbors, and more amenities. If you need more or fewer prims, your rental can be adjusted accordingly. If you prefer to live right on the water, you can rent a yacht slip and dock your live-aboard yacht. We can accommodate yachts up to about 35 meters in length. Slip space rental varies depending on the amount of prims you require for your boat and furnishings, and is calculated at the low rate of $L7.5 per prim per month. All Masocado residents have free access to the many amenities at the Resort, including couples and singles dancing enabled throughout the sim, radio and HD TV receivers on request, skydiving, Seven Seas fishing, and free jet skis, WarBug airplanes, and fishing boats. There is a beautiful retro-themed dance club, Ava's Gardens, where you can take your special someone for a romantic evening. Come live in Paradise for less! Come to Masocado, baby! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Masocado/240/159/41
  5. Sarah, have a look at this thread: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Viewers/problem-with-my-Viewer/qaq-p/1623293
  6. It appears to violate the privacy policy, yes.
  7. But then you'd have to deal with the endless arguments about who gets to be the horse's head, and who is the horse's....ahem.
  8. Rolig, your knowledge of the latest SL bugs is amazing! How do you manage to find this stuff out? I can barely get to the JIRA if I have a link to a specific issue, let alone search it for the latest happenings.
  9. No, there is not. Otherwise, I could call up Linden Lab, and say "Hey guys! I registered some accounts under myexboyfriendsname@hotmail.com. Could you please tell me what they were, I forgot!" And that would be a very naughty breach of personal information, now, wouldn't it?
  10. Textures don't import with mesh objects. You have to make a UV map, so that SL knows where to put the texture on the object. (You can have up to eight different textures on a mesh object). Then, you upload the texture(s) separately as image files, and apply them to the mesh model in SL.
  11. Under the new system, the date of birth you entered at signup is the only age verification you need. If you're over 18, you can go to Adult areas. The first time you try, you will get a confirmation message, something like "That area is rated Adult. Do you really want to go there?"
  12. Your membership fees will be automatically deducted, first from any $USD balance you may have in your account, and if there is not enough there, from the payment method (credit card or PayPal) you have on file with LL. If you have a profitable in world business, you can sell excess $L to increase the amount in your $USD balance.
  13. You will have to log out and re-log after changing your Preferences.
  14. LL should be able to check further and see if the box being sold for that item contains the correct contents...if they will bestir themselves. I would re-open the ticket and keep (politely) pestering them. I would also keep (again, politely) pestering the merchant. Send another IM every few days. "Hello, this is a follow up to my inquiry of July 28, since I have not heard from you. On July 20, I bought (item name) from you. (paste the information from your Transaction Log showing the purchase and payment here too). When I rezzed the box, I discovered that it was empty. Can you please send me the items I paid for? Thank you." Besides sending an IM, put the same information into a notecard, and send it that way. Many merchants' IMs are capped, and they might not get your inquiry that way. If there is still no response in a week or so, post a negative review of the product.
  15. I don't think the machinima or snapshot policies apply to a profile picture, which is neither. However, you do have rights under copyright law in your "likeness and image". By extension, it could be argued that you have copyright to your profile image. Using it without your permission would be (arguably) a copyright violation. To avoid this sort of thing, most profile picture greeters ask your permission to use your likeness. The opposite argument would be that profile pictures are meant to be publicly available, and therefore no one has any right to kvetch when someone grabs one and uses it. I don't agree with that...yes, profile pics are publicly viewable. But putting one on a big display prim in world is a different, and possibly unwanted, use of that image. Those who don't want their picture up on the wall should be able to say "no." Of course, vain person that I am, I always say "yes" to the things.
  16. local chat log files can get quite large, as Rolig says...at least, in document terms. But they never take up anywhere near as much space as, say, music files or video. I still have my local chat logs from years and years back...and all my IM logs, too. Because the local chat file can get too big for Notepad to handle, I open it up a few times a year and trim off the oldest three months, then paste that into a new text file. It's much easier than trying to remember to turn logging on and off and on and off.
  17. It's an SL glitch, and not a serious one...your account is not at risk. The correct balance is always the one shown on your Dashboard page on this website. Your inworld balance should correct automatically on your next login.
  18. What you want is a GESTURE. Gestures can play a combination of sound, text, and animation. You can create them yourself...if you can find the content you want. You would need to find a Michael Jackson dance animation, and a "Thriller" sound bite. You can upload sound files; they must be in WAV format, they must be no longer than ten seconds, and the bit rate must be 44 KHz stereo. Once you have your content, you can create a new gesture by opening your Gestures window. The buttons to press should be fairly obvious, but Torley has a video tutorial on it too.
  19. The Savoy Jazz Club has a working vote machine...it sends votes to an independent web site of "popular places in SL". Unfortunately, it also spams the voter with a URL to go visit the website. I don't like it very much at all.
  20. A couple of points about privacy screen prims... Make darn sure they are on YOUR land, not encroaching onto your neighbor's parcel. Make them Phantom so people don't whap into them Apply a transparent texture to all surfaces of the prim except the one facing you. That way, your neighbors won't have to look at it, but it will still serve to screen your neighbors from your view. (Some will say, "But I WANT to hide my parcel from my neighbor's view!" This is not possible...they can de-render your privacy screen on their viewer with a single mouse click, or move their camera past it and see inside. If you do not wish to be seen by your neighbors, uncheck the button in About Land/Options tab that allows people outside your parcel to see avatars on your land.) If your prim is quite large, use a high resolution texture...but remember, you can't upload anything larger than 4096x4096. Use the lowest resolution you can get away with to minimize load times, and use texture repeats if needed.
  21. Uh...what sort of a ticket? Do you want to buy it? Or report some sort of violation on it?
  22. Markus, I hate to say it, but I think your items are very overpriced. For example, your beach towel does not look realistic...it has no wrinkles, and the ad says the pose system won't work inside a sculpted skybox. $L150 seems about five to ten times too much for such an item.
  23. When I last viewed Mesh with a non-Mesh viewer, it looked like a big rainbow colored donut surrounding the avatar. Whether it's a donut or a box or a squiggle, one thing's for sure: They won't see you as you mean to be seen. Fortunately, non-mesh viewers are fading from the scene.
  24. Duplicate post. Also answered at http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Linden-Dollars-L/visa-issue/qaq-p/1618997 Contact Billing at one of these numbers: US/Canada: 800-294-1067 France: 0805-101-490 Germany: 0800-664-5510 Japan: 0066-33-132-830 Portugal: 800-814-450 Spain: 800-300-560 UK: 0800-048-4646 Brazil: 0800-762-1132 Long distance ( not free, but you can use Skype to save some cost ) : 703-286-6277 **Note: Support is offered only in English
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