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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. Not only can you not call it back or see it once you have submitted it, you won't ever find out what the result was. Linden Lab protects everyone's privacy...even that of the no-good, scurrilous griefing scoundrel you reported.
  2. Sigh...their land, their rules. There are almost 30,000 other places to go in Second Life; you should have no trouble finding another fur-friendly one.
  3. I had something happen that sounds like what you are describing. Hit CTRL+ALT+T to view transparent textures. Look for a giant, invisible megaprim that someone has placed over your land. If you see it, right click it and select Return. You can also Abuse Report the object and its owner for improper use of region resources.
  4. If you find the answer to this, let me know. I have a similar card, a notch or two below yours. It does not get stressed by SL at all...but on the other hand, SL is not giving me near the frame rate this card should be able to handle.
  5. Lindal Kidd

    Lost my gown

    It could be what Valerie says...or it might be that you clicked "replace outfit" instead of "wear" or "add" when you tried to wear the shoes. In any case, the gown is still in your inventory. Perhaps the easiest way to find it is to use the Search box at the top of the inventory window. Type in part of the name of the gown, and see what results come up. The most likely spots to find your gown are: Objects folder. Clothing folder A separate folder with the name of the gown Outfits folder (especially if you deliberately made an Outfit with the gown) Received Items folder (if you bought the gown on the Marketplace, and did not move it from this area after you received it). Received items does not look like the other folders...it's a separate area at the bottom of your inventory window. (outside chance) Lost and Found, or Trash folders. Be sure you are doing your looking in the "Inventory" tab of the inventory window, not the "Recent Items" or "Worn Items" tabs. Or, DO look in the Worn Items tab...if you see any part of the gown there, it should give you a clue as to what folder to look in to find the rest of it. NOTE: There are two "top level" folders in the inventory..."My Inventory" and "Library". The Library folder is "read only" and contains all the "initial stuff" you are issued when you start SL...including all of the starter avatar outfits. You can find those in Library/Clothing/Initial Outfits. ALL the stuff you buy, or are given, or get for free, or make from scratch, goes into the other top level folder, "My Inventory". That's where you will almost always find your Stuff, unless it's one of the starter outfits.
  6. Marigold has some very good advice...I will repeat it, but I'm going to be a bit more blunt. How do you KNOW your friend has died? Unfortunately, a great many people fake their "death" in Real Life in order to get out of a Second Life relationship that has become tedious to them. This can, of course, be tremendously upsetting to their SL friends. Some sick people even fake death or serious injury or illness simply to attract sympathy from others. This reprehensible form of lying is, I'm sad to say, so common in SL (and on other social interaction places all over the web) that these days I never believe the report of someone's death unless I can get Real Life corroboration...a death notice in a newspaper, for example. Or a phone call from someone I know in RL who knows the deceased person in RL. If you see your "dead" friend on line, their account might be hacked. More likely, it is the original operator, who is not dead at all. Or possibly it is a friend or relative of the original operator, who has been given access to the account, or found the password (the most common way is for the operator to leave "remember my password" checked on their login screen.) I repeat: Any reports of death via Second Life, or any internet social media, are highly suspect. What can you do about that? Not much. Move on, find new friends.
  7. Ewww, unless you really like awful places and annoying people, do NOT go to the Public orientation island or Help Island Public. Do what Valerie says and go to White Tiger Help Island. Or choose Caledon Oxbridge University, or any of the other "newcomer friendly" resident-run help areas. The "official" Linden Lab locations are the pits.
  8. Oh, I SO agree with Rolig on this! I too collect a lot of "friends in passing", and I too cull my list periodically. Back when the viewer sent me a message when someone de-friended ME, I used to feel (illogically!) bad when some near-stranger droppped me from their list. I am so glad I don't get that message any more. If I happen to notice that someone I truly care about doesn't show up on my list any more, I'll send them an IM and ask "did you mean to do that?" Otherwise, what I don't notice won't hurt me :matte-motes-kiss:
  9. Luckeey wrote: Please help me! if the problem is with the graphic card, where can I download a new graphic card? Well, you can't download a graphic card. A graphic card is a piece of hardware. Your laptop, as others have said, uses "integrated graphics"...the graphics functions are built into the central processor chip. Unfortunately, a great many laptops (and recently, a lot of desktop computers too) are built this way. The only way to get better graphics with your laptop is to trade it in on a better laptop...one that has "discrete graphics", preferably an Nvidia or AMD/ATI Radeon graphics card. But ANY laptop, even a "gaming laptop", will cost more than a desktop computer with equivalent performance. Unless you simply must have the mobility of a laptop, I recommend a desktop computer for SL...and indeed, for any serious computer gaming. A good gaming desktop will cost you a minimum of $500, and if you can budget $1,000, you will get much better performance. More than that, and you are getting into the "nerdosphere"...you can spend $5,000 (or more) on a gaming rig, but most of that goes into impressing your friends, rather than tangible performance gains.
  10. As others have said, there is NO true privacy in Second Life. You can be more, or less, private...but there is always SOME way for a determined person to find you. If you simply MUST have privacy in a virtual world, you can create your own region, similar to a Second Life one, on your own computer, using the free OpenSim software. That way, you can have your own personal private world.
  11. Sculpties, and some Mesh items, and these days, some linksets made from ordinary prims, are deliberately made phantom. To walk on them, you need a "collsion object"...a transparent, non-phantom prim. If your bridge does not have one that came with it, it's easy to make your own.
  12. You "rely on traffic"...i.e., actual bodies in the sim? Or you rely on traffic statistics? As long as the actual numbers of people showing up hasn't changed, I'm not sure I see where a change in how the traffic score is calculated will affect you. Frankly, I tend NOT to visit the places with the highest traffic scores. They tend to be laggy, and the build quality and merchandise/entertainment on offer is often mediocre. I am not saying YOUR place is like that...but that perception of high traffic areas does influence my choice of destinations.
  13. Odd...it works for me (also using Firestorm). Ask this question in world, in the Phoenix/Firestorm Support Group, or contact the Phoenix team on their web site, http://www.phoenixviewer.com
  14. Go to a furry place, such as Luskwood, and ask!
  15. If your objects were returned en masse, some or all of them may be lumped into a "coalesced object". This has the inventory symbol of a stack of little yellow cubes. It may have the name of any object in the cluster (statistically, the most likely name is "object'). Go to a place where you can rez, and have plenty of room. Drag the object from your inventory. Then take the rezzed objects back into your inventory one at a time.
  16. First thing: check your Transaction History, in the Account portion of your Dashboard page. If you do not see the $L300 payments (on Tuesdays), then contact Billing Support.
  17. SL does support several joysticks. The best one to use with SL, in my opinion, is the Space Navigator by 3DConnexion. It's great for working in many other software programs, too.
  18. No, you won't find Lindens here...go to Help/Support/Submit a Support Case. By the way, you have (most likely) NOT been hacked. This is a bug, not a deliberate action by another avatar to "hijack" your feed.
  19. I agree that it's poor marketing for a store owner to restrict access to their store. However, I would not take Syo's approach. Instead, I would send the owner a POLITE notecard calling their attention to the fact that they are losing business because of their restrictive access policy. In the end, though, it's the land owner's choice as to who she will allow on her land. You can suggest, but that's about all.
  20. Inara Pey's excellent blog does a frequent review of the latest news on most of the popular third party viewers. See this link: Living in A Modem World
  21. Read the Mesh forum, found here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/bd-p/Mesh
  22. You need to enable media in your preferences. EDIT: If that doesn't fix it, try using a different browser (especially if you normally use Internet Explorer). Also make sure that you have installed the latest QuickTime version, and have the latest Flash plugin for your browser. ...and make sure that the owner has in fact added you to the correct group, role, and to the roster's list, as another responder notes.
  23. Congratulations! So am I. Unfortunately, the Partnering system is set up to allow only one partner at a time. What we do is just put a note in the remarks section of our profiles and show our partners in our profile Picks.
  24. Download Sculptris for a free program that can make irregular stone-like objects.
  25. I should report you to the LSPCPA (Linden Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Prim Animals).
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