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Seicher Rae

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Everything posted by Seicher Rae

  1. True, true. It is really difficult keeping track of who is blocking whom. Meh. I get why people block some people, like the troll that is the subject of this thread. Nothing like coming to the Forum and seeing a long line of one person's IDs. But as of late I'm running into what I think are unintended consequences of blocking people, and it is annoying. Go figger, some people actually block me. Me! Me??? Also, I can't figure out how people can read a thread if half of it is blocked, nor why they'd want to, and why can't people scrolllllllllll? :::whine::::
  2. Ahahahaha, Lil! I think you've landed on a great new "thing"! This is a great way to let people know you've blocked them. Yes, yes, I joke, I know this was done as an example shot, but still... wouldn't it be funny? All those people out there who stomp around and swear "I'm blocking half the forum!" could do this.
  3. Ha! This is the first time I've looked at this thread, and like someone else mentioned I thought the title had to do with adding SLurls to photos! That said, this is useful info to know when creating threads, so thank you. @Dakota LindenI'm assuming it is still current? And for the record: It IS nice to include the SLurl to photos that are obviously taken at some pretty sim rather than against a backdrop.
  4. I must have slept wrong or something because everything hurts. Also, I wish my refills would get here because I'm feeling the effects of not having a few things. The pharmacy when we last spoke was still saying "just wait..." Gah, I may actually have to get in my car and go somewhere. I assume when I do get the medication that when I start taking it again I will feel like a truck hit me. Happy happy joy joy. It hurts to type...
  5. @Annie Nova Happy Birthday! Even if it is in lockdown. You can still have cake and dance naked in the living room while swilling cheap liquor, which is my tradition. (That's not just me, is it?)
  6. @Beth Macbain glad you are feeling better and you don't think it was Rona. Nothing at all happened here...
  7. Glad you're feeling better and maybe this will make you feel better, too. I had no idea that was your info. I'm guessing a lot of people do not. So the troll's "dumb stuff" really isn't working.
  8. Squee! We've made it to two pages! And no one has flamed anyone! Yay! 😄 And we're already doing a mix of chat and photos and hopefully everyone knows that if your reaction to wordy words is "eek" that scroll button on your mouse is really nifty. I know I've already learned stuff. ouch. And before coffee!
  9. As Emma said, you may be talking about anti-aliasing. I have mine as high up as it will go in Firestorm, and I think (won't swear to it) that in Black Dragon it is either on or off and I assume if on it is high. Also, taking shots at high resolution, like 2000 pixels, will help the photos look smoother when seen posted online. Some people shoot very high, like 6000, but that can make your computer scream (or die). For my shots here, like on pg 1, for posting on the Feed I *will* take the photo to Windows Paint and if the original png is over 2000 then I will reduce the size by 50% and then save it as a jpg and then post it to the feed. That way I can post a couple of photos in one comment frame. I don't consider changing size and format to be editing (although it is done in an editing program). I also shoot in png, which as I understand it has more info in it than a jpg. When I post to Flickr I post pngs.
  10. I did NOT have poisonous peanut bugs, wrong medications or even coffee (had my caffeine via diet Coke today), and frankly I'm tired. I'm headed out. Banter and b1tch without me. Besides the idjit spammer is back again, and I wasted very good empathy moments on him today, and now I see that was useless, and he's just being a d1ck. Again, if someone could shoot Marigold a PM about the post I made regarding the possible misunderstanding n stuff, I'd appreciate it. It's a worrisome thing if I publicly effed up like that. I've been known to be a jerk, but I prefer it be intentionally than not.
  11. See above. Oh, how I paid... And thank you. We need dual reaction buttons.
  12. Yeah, my thoughts, too. My photos, for the most part, are not quick snaps, as you've mentioned. :::pulls out the wallet for the L$ for all the nice things you just said::: And I hope we get some more "days of SL" chronicling - type photos soon, so as not to give the impression that only artsty-fartsy shots are posted, or that snapshots are unwanted, etc. And while I love, love love the idea of before and after, I don't want it to be all that. Sigh. Things are haaaaaaaaaaaard. Difficult even. And as has been said, an OP only has so much control over a thread, and lord knows I do NOT want to play referee or hall monitor. Nope nope nope.
  13. @Annie Nova And thank you too for testing out the waters in this new thread! I hope you will enjoy posting in this thread. It does look like you did some blurring, so technically not a screen shot but these are early days and I don't feel like getting nit picky. I like the graininess, too. Don't know if that is because your ambient occlusion was set high (or is it low? to get the graininess) or a noise filter. We'd love to see the before shot, if you've got it, to hem and haw over.
  14. And it wasn't my intent to say you said it was my intent... This could get really confusing. We're good!
  15. I should put in fine print in the original post that sucking up to the OP is encouraged. ♥ ♥ And all kidding aside, thank you. I hope folks will have fun here, however the eff they choose to participate. Chatty, photos only, whatevs...
  16. Saying the first name is akin to doxxing? It's a pretty ordinary first name...
  17. It isn't my intent with the new thread to break up the community. I assume some people who have nothing better to do will label it as such, but eff that and eff them. It just ain't true. Yes, it kind of sprung from the b1tching in this thread, but as you see it kind of morphed into "well this would be kind of fun..." and "there's a niche for that..." I'm just hoping the thread doesn't get buried by getting moved into the Forum's nether regions. Actually, as this thread has discussed, I'm kind of hoping it relieves some tension in the Forum. It is obvious some like some chat and some don't. I feel strangled and perpetually walking on eggshells in that thread. I mean, c'mon, getting hassled for 2 days over a freaking compliment? And then having ppl do what you wrote about ppl doing? I'm assuming IF people use the new thread (and who knows? it could be a lead balloon) that there will be some cross-over between threads. I hope it'll be fun, that it will be broad enough in theme for people to do wtf they want within reason (and narrow enough that as5hats can get ARd). But this is a thing that involves people. I am a founding member of Misanthropes R Us (sometimes Misanthropes Anon) so... yeah. We'll see.
  18. Jeebus @Scylla Rhiadra, how much did you have to pay Kira for that? :::smiles sweetly::: Yes, yes, I kid. And she's right, but, well, you know: me.
  19. @IvyLarae I did the thank you response on the picture but came close to the 😄 one because of your comment about "marry the hair." LoL. And I think this is the second picture I've seen with that hair, and yup, gorgeous. (Makes note to go to Doux.) I like the necklace, too!
  20. @Scylla Rhiadra Ooooh. I find this very interesting, and did see the PS'd one before. I like to see how you got from A to B and yeah, there's a big difference. I think I do like the after better. They are both moody, and carry about the same "story" (imho), but I think the screenshot is too dark, or I prefer the lighter one, or pick your choice of words. I also like it because that daytime orange-y it is raining sky isn't something you see done all that often and yet I think we've all seen it. ETA: One thing I like about both photos is that little sliver of light highlight you achieved on the slicker.
  21. @Vega Firelyte thanks for jumping into this new thread! And that's exactly what I was talking about in the OP with the before and after shots, and a bit about what was done. Once you say it, I could see. I would have "guessed" taking the tone down but not the light filters. I like it when post-production can add a little oomph but still keep the quality of the SL "feel."
  22. Ya know how I said I don't remove posts? I just did this one because I'm getting spacey and posted it in the wrong thread! ffs I'm guessing the Marigold probably has me on mute now and isn't going to see my post about the possible misunderstanding/apology a few pages back in this thread. If one of you kind folks would please flag her to make sure she sees it, I'd appreciate that. Blocking is a great tool, but it can be a p.i.t.a. sometimes (that's a peeve I've run up against a few times this week). Of course she may have seen it and is choosing to ignore it. Dunno.
  23. Chaser, hang in there. And please do NOT list your information, for many reasons. Don't let the spam guy get to you. It is about him, not you. It'll be ok. ♥
  24. To start us out, I rummaged around to find some recent shots that haven't been posted elsewhere. I found these. I was exploring and not paying attention and this animated sculpture scared the carp out of me, and apparently Seicher, too. They were shot at the Lighthouse of the Imagination region.
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