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Seicher Rae

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Everything posted by Seicher Rae

  1. You really need to get up to speed on your memes, Kali. Knowyourmeme.com is a great place btw: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/karen
  2. Bunch of text deleted because: ETA: Eff it. I did the Official Flounce in the thread. Oh the shame of the flounce, the shame...
  3. Ah, the silly little twits in the troll threads didn't get to me. The other, the one that is pi55ing me off, is something different altogether and something totally wtf that it even happened at all. I have many, many years experience dealing with a select few haters (all of whom make the twits look like toddlers) and my skin has thickened quite a bit. I'm not going to fall apart over it, as the person doesn't mean that much to me, but I do get cranky. And I am now. I am greatly annoyed by the senselessness of it. I thought the gif hilarious also.
  4. Our delivery times, pre-COVID were within hours on the same day. Then after COVID it was as much as 3 weeks! Now? Looks like we're back to same day or 24 hour. So maybe monitor the delivery schedule daily to see if it changes at all.
  5. The masks I got during my trip to the ER recently have a bendable, solid strip at the top. If you pinch that tightly to your nose and fiddle with it it keeps the glasses from fogging up.
  6. I thought the veers were grand, and I can't say I'm ashamed either. It actually is how some people need to be dealt with. My fed up is with something different, not like you said otherwise... But having vast years of experience in dealing with insane situations and insane people online, there are times that normal rules of contact just don't apply. They just don't. So :::shrug::: Drink up! What's better than a troll thread NOT working? (Besides NO troll threads?)
  7. It is very unevenly decided what is ok and what isn't. There are things that get an ok that get nuked for others. I've ARed a couple that I knew was someone was just being an a55hat (because normally I'm not into censorship and/or ARs), they are bare breasts in plain site with nipples and all... and the photos have remained up. I don't get it. I've seen other, slighter offenses, get whisked out of here. So :::shrugs:::
  8. Yeah... I'm back to feeling Forum Fed Up, as I was yesterday. Not for anything that went on today with the silly amateur twits, but because someone just won't let his snarky, idiotic behavior die on another thread, the one that got me in the bad mood yesterday. This sheet that was just so out of the blue. More posts today referring to "it" and I was trying to just let "it" pass. It is all just so unnecessary, ya know? Whatever. As I said on the peeve thread to Lil, I post what I post, and I am not here to please folks. But it irks me when sheet happens and there is just no good reason for it. Meh. Just... meh. This isn't even worthy of a Cartman gif or a flounce gif. Things are just weirder than usual around here for days... PS. You know how "we" keep saying we need more reaction emojis. I've wanted like a facepalm, etc? Today I wish we had a middle finger one. Or a stabby one.
  9. Ah. I think I am now caught up. And, um, yeah. Not amused.
  10. No thank you, I'm lactose intolerant. Actually need to be following FODMAP (long story) so the cookies are probably suspect too, but eff it, they are cookies. I want my cookies with really good booze. Lactose free milk tastes funny, btw, if that was going to be someone's fix, Lactaid pills only work so-so. But yeah, some good KY bourbon (nods to @Beth Macbain) and cookies... This is actually one of my RL photos from a crappy smartphone, from several years ago when I, too, lived (?) in KY, kind of East of Jesus. The glass is a divine, hand cut, heavy Irish crystal that I picked up (bought, not stole) in Ireland and hand carried back. The booze is Eagle Rare.
  11. Mad Men, as in reference to the tv show about Madison Avenue advertising folk.
  12. Preach! Those stupid, arbitrary "generational" groups are just that, stupid and arbitrary. They are of minimal use and are more detrimental than not. No doubt they were conjured up by some Mad Men to sell things.
  13. Honestly, I think I'm more open minded as time passes. I always thought I was empathetic, but in hindsight I see that it really took some giant whacks of life to become closer to truly empathetic. I always find it interesting when people mock those older than themselves because, what? The clock stops ticking for them? The whole getting older, day by day, just doesn't exist in their little worlds? Ah... the amusement of the inevitable karma.
  14. I used to give a crap. I truly did. Then ... well ... haters, etc. and I finally, finally stopped caring. For both good and bad. I have a thicker skin, for both good and bad. I'm more cynical (which at the time I didn't think was possible). Like you I now post what I want and eff 'em if it makes folks clutch their pearls. I don't go out of my way to pis5 off people, I guess it is a gift I have whether it pis5es off people whether I mean to or not. I honestly don't want to pis5 people off, usually. There have been a few notable exceptions but I rarely get overly worked up by these forums. That didn't used to be the case. I *have* been surprised that a couple of threads in *this* Forum have set of my PTSD. That's not fun. But my mental state is more fragile than it was ten years ago, too, so :::shrugs:::
  15. I'm feeling persecuted with ageism hate speech! This just might MAKE ME do something to get in trouble. :::washes hands thoroughly before returning to worrying and chewing nails::: meanwhile... Huh, didn't know our birthdays show up on our profiles. But I know for a fact that @Amina Sopwith is 89 years old. You just read it on the Internet.
  16. @Beth Macbain, who said some stuff... Oh uh. I must have missed stuff. And that was how I felt yesterday, just Forum Fed Up. I can imagine. So... Oreos. Wine. Taylor. More wine. sigh Whether it is "overly" dramatic or emotional is kind of a moot point, feelings feel. And they are valid when they do. sigh I don't do well in off SL forums, either, I'm afraid.
  17. An easy peeve to fix. There's enjoyment potential all around. Hope you've eaten, because at least some of it starts making folks hungry.
  18. Apparently "it" did. I thought the entire forum was blocked? Did it lie? ETA: This is my favorite way to get a rise out of something (actually I think this shows something that has risen a bit much...)
  19. It was 4 years ago, and my hater was still going strong after, what, about 6 years? Ah, memories...
  20. I'm a late comer to Tay Tay, although years ago in a response to a hater of mine I did a bunch of quick photo shoots with SR as TS doing Shake It Off on my SL Feed. I should think about redoing it now that I'm all mesh. I wonder if I can rummage up some shots... (the end of this post will tell). I do love her videos, even to songs I don't like. While Mari may lust after those long legs, I am envious of her ability to wear red red lipstick with all outfits. I have never been able to pull of red lipstick. I don't know if it looked good or bad, I always just felt so costumey in it! Kinda not fair for someone to be so pretty, so talented and so rich all at once. I wish my eyes were as green as hers are blue ffs. Like Beth, I have found it interesting to watch her grow up, and watch in amazement as she handled things no 20-something kid would normally handle. Now that she's 30, I wonder what her next decade will look like. We already know she's put her foot down and said, "Eff it. I will speak to politics." Well it turns out it would be a pita to call up a couple of the old photos, so here's a screenshot clip. You get the idea.
  21. Yeah! And since everyone and their brothers and their pets are now blocked, the thread can be whatever it wants to be with impunity! Yay! Or... hmmm... since the OP didn't get the responses it wanted (one assumes), it just might lead to the removal of this whole thread! Off topic! But, it wouldn't lie about the blocking, would it? :::chews fingernails in worry:::
  22. ^^^ This. Exactly this. And now I'm not sure if I want cheesy eggs or a stir fry. And I actually stated to someone today that I was going to be an adult and back off the forum. "And how did that work out for ya, hmmmm?" I'm so easily distracted these days. Like the dog in Up! and "Squirrel!" BUT, those of you going through some pretty awful health issues, you continue to be in my thoughts. Also the people dealing with tragic family matters. Oh hell, the whole lot of you! ♥ ♥ ♥
  23. Is this thread being targeted??? zomg. That'll make us all do bad things! The horror. 😄 To keep it on topic, just assume the peeves oozing between the lines.
  24. Bless its little heart. If you can't get a rise out of folks with a special thread, or pictures of sock puppets (with sock puppets being used incorrectly in the context), well the next item on the agenda is to start to bring race into it. At least it sticks to the MO. So much need for attention, so little relevancy.
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