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Seicher Rae

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Everything posted by Seicher Rae

  1. I am assuming a person who is quite mentally disturbed and possibly cannot stop his/her obsessive behavior. The level this has had, over what, months? shows someone with clear problems. Not that I want it here. Not that it isn't annoying. Not that I'm some perfect person living on a higher plane. It just makes me sad that someone is obviously not right and keeps hurting themselves and others... and can't grasp that.
  2. You are wasting your life with this. Let it go. NO ONE cares about your deal here. NO ONE. It may be very important to you, for good reason. But what you are doing won't work. It won't. As annoying as you are being, I say this with all sincerity: It won't work. You are wasting valuable time on earth with this. No one will remember. No one cares. For your own sake, walk away. Get help, because your behavior screams that you need to talk to someone.
  3. And that's why I'm glad when they don't. As much as one could have argued with Pep in days long past, one thing he said has stuck with me as true. And that was he liked it when the idiots left up their posts to show how idiotic they are. Yep. As awful as some people can be, I'd rather know it.
  4. I know I quip fairly often about Canada with you. You probably roll your eyes in annoyance that "there she goes again, enough s'ready" but I can't help it... that's such an adorably Canadian sentence. Live free or die, baby! We don't need no stinking background checks. Now git me a beer and some poutine, woman.
  5. I assume a constantly roaming IP address that prevents a perma ban from sticking.
  6. Hey troll dude. No one cares. Literally NOT ONE PERSON gives a flying fvck about whatever damage you think you're doing. If you think you are being clever, or hurtful, or... gawd knows what... you aren't. And yes, formumites, I know not to "feed" trolls, I know the spam will be ARed by me and everyone, but gah... sometimes a girl just has to vent.
  7. Yeah, another pet peeve of mine, possibly already mentioned ages ago, is what is often done by trolls. They will post something stupid, and unless you copy their stupidity in a response, when they edit it to look innocent and "who me?" the following comments look out of place (the troll's intent). I get snagged by that a lot because I forget about it, don't quote, etc. Effing trolls. I'm no saint, but I don't think I've ever requested a comment of mine be pulled by a moderator. As Sylvia says, "I said what I said." I have rarely just deleted a post and replaced it with a period or x, since you can't have a purely blank screen. I did it a few days ago in the "buy shapes?" thread because after a few hours I thought better of it, and no one had reacted or copied me, so no harm, no foul. My thoughts are, and I don't rule the Internet (rats!) so ymmv: Think before you post (something I don't always follow), as you say "Don't press submit if you're not willing for your words or images to be permanent"; if your posting style makes a post unclear and it gets misunderstood then own up to it and clarify without bashing other people for your lack of clarity; if you truly posted something wrong then admit it and move along; if you posted something really troll-y and hurt other people and you care that you did so, then apologize with a REAL apology that doesn't use the words "but" or "actually" and doesn't negate itself by explaining how you really feel bad but the other person is an idiot. It is surprising and disappointing how many people just cannot do a simple apology, without the explanations and disclaimers or the one's who don't even try because they are too proud or something to admit "yep, I was a jerk."
  8. And probably people have already seen posts, possibly copied them, so why bother? If they are so horrendous that they shouldn't be up then a moderator will take them down, otherwise, :::shrug::: live with your own stuff, own your own stuff, even if it makes you look like an as5hole. And I'm saying this in general, but if the shoe fits... Posting in various threads about simply needing to remove posts is just a little...odd, btw.
  9. And I know that Mother's Day can be a difficult day for some people. It isn't always the happy brunch day folks at Hallmark and the annoying "my life is perfect" posts on Facebook want you to believe it is. For me, it used to be that this holiday was difficult because as much as I wanted a mom I could celebrate with, she was, in fact, a horrid little troll who was probably a malignant narcissist, among other things. Lord knows I tried (and failed) to normalize things, and it twisted me up. I remember looking through cards at a Hallmark card shop and none of the cards were "right" and I ended up dropping the last card on the floor, bursting out crying, making a scene and scurrying out of there, mortified. She's been out of my life for quite a while now, and I long ago came to terms, but even still, today I will get little pangs of various not nice emotions. So for those of you who have that kind of reaction to Mother's Day, you are not alone, not by a long shot. Then there are the people who had a wonderful mother, whom they miss, and this day is bittersweet for them. Painful even. I have no idea what that feels like, but I can empathize that it sucks. It can be a very depressing day. You also are not alone, not by a long shot. During this stupid pandemic, even people who get to have the Hallmark holiday maybe cannot, due to social distancing or quarantine. Sigh. Again... not alone. It sucks. For those of you who can have a wonderful, glorious day with your mothers and grandmothers, I'm truly happy for you. Truly. I hope reading the little "it isn't always happy" bits above might make you stop, for just a moment on this day of appreciation, and appreciate what you have just that little bit more. Give her a hug from me, who never got to give a hug. Namaste (which for the record means something along the lines of the divinity in me recognizes the divinity in you)
  10. And @Beth Macbain? I hope you are feeling better and are taking care of yourself. Keep us posted, because we worry over here in this thread.
  11. I was going to come in sheepishly quipping but that just doesn't seem right. I feel like I was hit by a truck thanks to the mistake with the chemicals yesterday. I've made sure I have the right pills in the right amounts taken at the right time. Things should be a bit quieter. In other threads I see my pet peeve, the often described, tsk-tsking admonitions by ana1 retentive self-appointed faux monitors is still going strong. Well, good, because I'm sure the way I post is their pet peeves. So eff 'em, tit for tat, etc. [self-edited deleted mini rant in an attempt at adulting] The snow has melted. It doesn't look like we're in for any more today and hopefully not until winter, where the stupid stuff belongs. It is still overcast though. Ugh. So back to feeling meh. Back to being my usual optimistic self (you may think I'm kidding, but I'm not) while also being extremely disappointed in things and people, which feels like me being jaded and cynical but is probably just pragmatic. Back to polishing up my Badge of Honor from Misanthropes R Us. Etc. The bright spot is that now I know that beavers living in the Ohio River aren't homeless, or lost, or lazy, but live in little mud caves and still remain pretty freaking ingenious. ETA: Because I still have that mini rant living inside of me begging to get out. For the love of gawd, if you don't like how I post, or how anyone posts, scroll past. If people are following the community guidelines and LL rules, but you don't like their posting style...scroll past. Quit with the effing lectures. You may think you know the correct way to post, you may think you know what an appropriate response is to a situation (and that is only your way, tyvm)... but you don't. You really don't. So much for adulting but THAT's how I'm feeling at 12:30 EST.
  12. Ah, Belinda, I'm so sorry for your loss. I've admired the grace with which you've been going through this, and will continue to do so, no doubt, in the future stress. She didn't make the hat trick but she did pass on Mother's Day (at least here in the States), and maybe it is just me but I'd find that somewhat... in the same way. I don't really have the words and should stop before I muck things up, but you have my thoughts and I'm sure everyone's in the thread. ♥
  13. I hate it when I see both sides of the argument. I get very aggravated at not being able to share items I paid for between my accounts. My account info is right there, and yada about that whole side of things. (Plus, I guess I'm just a cheap-assed avatar owner.) But, yes also to what you said. Sigh.
  14. darn it. You quoted before I edited and made those two words more matchy-matchy. (Also a big word, well a big hyphenate. Well, a middle-sized hyphenate.)(I could have said analogous but it isn't as big as matchy-matchy.)
  15. Well, when you put it like that... It sounds a little weird. And yes, I did say I'm stepping away from the keyboard due to ^^^, but then, I'm an unreliable narrator.
  16. Piffle. Sure you can. That's the lifeblood of the forum. Dodge. Twist. Parry. Deny. Double down. Prevaricate. Obfuscate. n stuff lots and lots of stuff
  17. You're not alone in there. That tends to be my natural state while in the wilds of SL.
  18. Oh. Lord. This explains a lot. A LOT. I mixed up a couple of pill bottles. So in addition to having too much caffeine today, I had the wrong amount of the wrong chemicals in my system. Plus probably a poisonous bug. So, um... the burst of posts? Now explained. I'm stoned out of my mind! Yippee. So KNOWING that, I'll back away from the keyboard. Sorry folks. I hope tomorrow when I reread things that I am still as adorable and hilarious as I think I am now. ETA: I'm standing by the awesomeness of the beaver derail though.
  19. Weird. But hey, like you said, you got contacted inworld and even better... gifts! If anyone is wondering, I'll take Linden$ for weird gifts. Just sayin'. Ya know. In case anyone was wondering what to get me for saying sh1t in the forums.
  20. Erm...? Wut? Was this a good-natured joke that was expected between buddies (mates to y'all) or... something really not that?
  21. Not to mention all of those technology gone awry stories on Black Mirror!
  22. Aha! The mystery has been solved, with an article from further upstream in Pittsburg. From an article: PITTSBURGH (AP) — A minor ecological setback took a bite out of Western Pennsylvania Conservancy’s plans to plant thousands of native-species trees throughout Pittsburgh. Another native species, beavers, felled a row of recently planted trees at North Shore Riverfront Park in the shadow of Heinz Field. Pedestrians walking the Three Rivers Heritage Trail noticed the missing trees Tuesday and Wednesday. On the bank of the Ohio River, between the Mr. Rogers statue and Carnegie Science Center, 16 pointed stumps are what’s left of a row of young 4-inch diameter redbud trees planted by Conservancy staff last fall. No tree trunks, no branches. Just distinctive gnaw marks about 16 inches above the ground, a handful of wood chips surrounding each stump and one pair of beaver footprints pressed into the mud near the riverbank. The culprits weren’t trying to dam the Ohio River. Like muskrats, some beavers live in holes dug into mud banks with one entrance above the water surface and another below. We now return the thread to its regularly scheduled programming. This has been a test of the Beaver Preparedness Program, and was only a test.
  23. bwahahahaha... the first thing I saw on Google was this, at this link And it does say beavers in the Ohio are quite common. But not where they build their nests. Onward with the search. Um... to stay on topic: I'm feeling the need to research Ohio beavers... please read that with a possibility of a double entendre.
  24. That IS curious. Or perhaps my brain is just stoned on something that I took when I wasn't here. Where DO the beavers build their dams? The beavers that live on the Ohio? On a ragged bit on the shore? On a little feeder stream? Must. Now. Google.
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