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Seicher Rae

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Everything posted by Seicher Rae

  1. While I think that such umbrage happens as you describe, I think that generally, the way OK Boomer is currently being used, it is more like being offended if someone gets in your face and says, "Eff you, as5hole." I think it is just that gut level at this point. Again, that is for the current nasty usage of the phrase by the majority of those slinging it. Yours is probably more correct for those using the phrase in its original sense.
  2. Nope, mansplaining doesn't have to do with the "manly arts" although it can. If a mechanic who is a woman is fixing a car just fine, and an average Joe comes into explain how to fix a car to the "little woman"... then it is mansplaining. Me answering a question like this is NOT mansplaining, nor would it be if you did it if the question were asked of you. Offering the explanation without a question being asked does put one in a possible 'splaining mode. Mansplaining, in its original form, just meant that a man lectures in condescending manner to a woman assuming she has no knowledge of the subject because: woman. I think I read somewhere that the term came about when a woman PhD and author of some book was introduced to another PhD, a man. The topic of HER book came up, and I believe it was pointed out by someone that she was the author, and yet the guy PhD just went on and on, explaining the concepts of the book to the author like the poor little dear just couldn't possibly understand the concepts. Then I think the woman PhD or a friend of hers wrote an article about it and coined the word. Or I could totally be making this up. I am not an expert on current things, but I doubt womanspreading is a thing. Sorry. I know that probably disappoints.
  3. I vote for genderappropriationsplaining. I've been the victim, the victim I say, of it several times in the Forums. In fact, I've been mansplained by women far more than I have by men (assuming gender that is). I dunno. I'm old. I get confused. BUT I'M NOT AS OLD AS PEOPLE WANT ME TO BE, DAMNIT!
  4. The whole generational grouping thing is my peeve, and I've typed about it several times. The whole grouping definitions are BS and arbitrary and only provide a minimal amount of usefulness and a lot more problems. The Boomer generation is so sweepingly large that you can have parents and their children being Boomers! The experiences of one end of the spectrum are far different from the other. Tail-end Boomers never went to Vietnam, never wore a poodle skirt, listened to Fleetwood Mac and disco in college (or could have, don't seque this into a disco sucks comment). My bff was born in 1986 and is technically a Millennial, and while he shows a tad of the stereotypical traits, he 95% doesn't and I don't think he's an outlier. As has been said in this thread, grouping people into large group and doing a them/us is destructive and stupid. I have read here in the forum in various places lately that "older" people just get set in their ways. I have found the opposite to be often true. It depends on the individual. Concept. And have you never run into a younger person who was so dead set that their point of view was the only one, ever? I have. If you are over 45 you're not supposed to be able to learn a computer, or understand how email works... ha. effing. ha. I've seen ageism be so detrimental in the workplace, at all parts of the generational groupings, because of these stupid stereotypes these effing groupings have caused. While I know that often there is a kernel of truth hiding in stereotypes the overwhelming reality is not. A boss can't be a good boss because she's 30 and therefore a selfish twit who is interested only in avocados. Another person can't be promoted because, well, he's old and won't get the software. FFS. </rant> for now
  5. Yeah, sorry, going to disagree with this one. You are absolutely correct that #OKBoomer was a response to a behavior and not a slur. And for the exact reason you stated. The #OKBoomer was a funny and appropriate response to cloddish behavior on the part of said Boomer. They were well-deserved. However, things rapidly morph on the Internet, and that well-deserved snark, which was akin to rolling your eyes, has become a diss and a slur. Some people do still use it as you described, but the vast majority of the comments now are mean-spirited and absolutely dismissive and ageist. Gensplaining goes both ways. Millennials, Xenials, Gen X, Boomers, are all guilty of having 'splained. (And women can mansplain )
  6. Well, hell, I had a really good quip regarding Philip Rosedale and the comment above about how Boomers "ruined" SL. Except my punchline got screwed up when I learned Philip is Gen X. :::pouts:::
  7. I think that is a grand idea and I will go looking for that button. I wish I could also join in on sitting in the sun, but see above: effing snow.
  8. There are inadequate response emojis again. I know that the next month is going to be really hard. It's that waiting and uncertainty. No matter how much we try not to worry, I've never met a person yet who could pull that off, especially around the subject of cancer. I used to work with people living with cancer. I've had my own scares. It really sucks. The only thing I know to "advise" is to take care of yourself. Go easy. Vent when you need to. Laugh, cry, feel all the feels. Try to remind yourself it IS unknown and don't dwell in the dark places. People in this thread (most of 'em anyhow) really do listen and are empathetic. ♥
  9. Pondering and sighing about "this is why we can't have nice things" in the Forum. Really, really peevish and stabby. Sighing loudly about while I don't have expectations of anyone who posts (since I really don't know any of you), that doesn't stop me from feeling... disappointed... sometimes. I'll get over it. I'm also getting progressively more angry over a certain as5hole (not a female avatar). I'll get over that soon, too, but in the meantime...grrr. Based on past experience with said AH, I should have seen it coming, but oddly enough I am a hope-springs-eternal optimist. A really, really jaded one. It is snowing where I live, and while I joke about it elsewhere, it is really bumming me out. In this part of New England it is like the sky is almost never blue for months and months and frikking months, and it gets old. Maybe I'm not remembering things correctly, but when I lived in Michigan, which definitely knows about winter, sure we'd get the gray snowy days and then we'd get the blinding bright blue skies that would fry our retinas. Then again, I lived in Holland MI which is next to the Lake so maybe that blew the clouds away. Anyway. Grey skies forever suck and I have SAD and my poor little "happy" light doesn't stand a chance against the constant gloom. I get my prescriptions by mail, and usually it is at most about 2 days to get the refills. I haven't gotten a couple and I called the pharmacy and they show that the USPS tracking is "in transit"... for well over a week. Meanwhile, I just ran out of my thyroid medication. Fuss and bother. A small annoyance, but they kind of pile on each other, right? I'm hoping that some of the crap that is happening in the Forum doesn't affect this thread, as I know so many find it useful. I don't have a good feeling about it though. Depressed.
  10. Perhaps. However, when I do reference you*, which I did in the first Peeve, and cite some really slimy, evil, self-deluded and in need of medication personality traits and actions, and since there are screenshots of all available proving my observations... I guess your only response is something like ^^^. Sucks to be you, huh? ETA *although I didn't call you out by name. It is always amusing to see when people self-identify with being a crappy person.
  11. Can't we just use the ones already on file and call it a day? I have them arranged both by date and alphabetically by authors. I need more coffee...
  12. I take humorous Official Flouncing pretty seriously. Last one was probably about 10 years ago. I've only Flounced in the one thread, and that one feels permanent. As you can tell by my posting in this thread, I'm still spending way too much time typing in the Forum.
  13. Peeve 4. Because I can. It. Is. Snowing. Where. I. Live. fml
  14. Peeve 3: Because I'm really peevish and stabby today. I really, really, really dislike (and possibly have posted this here before because such is my dislike) self-appointed thread monitors. I'm not speaking of this thread at the moment. A few threads come to mind, but it is applicable to just about all of them. Forumites post, a thread stays on course, and then inevitably it veers off course. Then, sometimes, some overly ana1 retentive soul comes along and tsk-tsks the group, saying how CHILDISH people are behaving, or how we should all be reacting the way THEY think we should be reacting. Tsk tsk, cluck cluck. Argh. You're not effing monitors* so stop acting like it. When the Forumites are grown-assed adults, even if they are bad at adulting (as I am), we don't need fricking condescending, holier than thou, patronizing mothers. UGH. Now, yes, sometimes there is a need for a gentle reminder to stay on topic else the thread in question be shut down. I am also not talking about the occassional admonition to not feed the trolls (although that just tends to feed them). I'm talking about the LECTURES and the tsk tsk tone comments. * I love how grammar can make things read in a couple of different ways, such as "You're not effing monitors..." 😄
  15. Peeve 2: WTF is up with the Forum? I do suspect we're all going stir-crazy. But. Still. Sheez. The Forum, in all iterations, has always been a relatively feisty place, such is the nature of a group of people getting together and typing words. But sheeee-it.
  16. Peeve: Since no one knows the sex, color, AGE, nationality or even species of the person behind the avatar or forum poster (which I differentiate because there are some who never go inworld) it is really stupid and trollish to start throwing out things like racism (or other isms) in a blanket response. If your avatar looks "white" and you start screaming people are hating on you because SUPPOSEDLY you are black, brown or purple in RL, then you have a real messed up perception of quite a few things. Like, no one is even thinking about your RL person because no one knows! Concept. If you are also a "white" avatar, and you say, change your Flickr screen name to a pretty horrid racial slur against blacks... and you STILL want to whine the race card, what does that say about the person? (Rhetorical (but people don't seem to understand the concept of "rhetorical" here.)) Probably about the same thing as having a sticky post on your Twitter that blatantly wishes everyone in the SL Forum die of COVID, while having a profile that says they are "so over" the forum and SL. That's a longer peeve than it originally started as.
  17. When I use it I mean Edited to Add. I constantly have to edit my comments because half the time my fingers don't type what my brain said they did. And sometimes vice versa. Although reading my ETAs as Estimated Time of Arrival is really funny.
  18. Post-flounce clarification: In my haste to flounce I caused a possibly hurtful misconception. In the final-straw bit with TDD123 and others there was also some joking around about "post-production to hell" which was a humorous comment made TO me by SOMEONE ELSE. It did NOT upset me. There were some little joke comments about Photoshop and some serious comments about post-production. THOSE WERE NOT WHAT I WAS REFERRING TO IN MY SNIT. I know I'm going to leave some people out but I just want to say that the funny comments by @Eva Knoller and @taisiyakarpenko were not part of any hard feelings. If you were part of that "stuff" then you are not at all involved. The grief I mentioned in the Official Flounce, that I got for post-production and flagging my photos sometimes with "screenshot no post-production" is older than recent events and somewhat ongoing. I have gotten PMs griefing me for not liking pictures, ffs! Stuff like that. Sorry for the confusion regarding the last round of joking. I do have a sense of humor and can tell when folks are good-naturedly poking and when they are not.
  19. You posted your pile on photo, the last straw photo, only eight hours ago, which was well into your next day over in Europe and past noon my EST. Clearly you were not done with the matter. It was a stupid, senseless, out of the blue bunch of crap you pulled--all of it. You obviously enjoyed it. The incessant prodding was clearly not a joke. *I* tried to let it drop, didn't say any more, and went back to liking photos. But no, not you. *I* tried to take it offline, but you have me blocked or have PMs turned off. Whatever. I *am* done with it. Back to my flounce. ETA: Don't flatter yourself into thinking you're the only reason I'm done here, as I mentioned above. You're just the last, stupid, straw. ETA POSTED 5/8/2020 around 1 pm EST, or 10 am SLT. Woe is me. All this effort into the avatar ... ... to remain a member of the "Failed Conall de Cuir" - lookalikes ... *whimper* it's not fair... it's not ..
  20. I've enjoyed posting in this thread, usually, not always. I enjoy sharing photos with folks. I enjoy seeing what others are posting. I have no complaints about the way my photos are received. Thank you all for that. But life is too short to have to continuously walk on eggshells around here. From getting grief about discussing viewers, to getting grief because I say I like raw photos (how does that even equate into I don't like PShopped ones???), to getting grief for sometimes labeling my photos as screenshots with no post-production as if THAT is some kind of dig at others (I do that for my own records and I have had people ASK me, ffs), to a few other things I've forgotten the details of, to now the most recent for getting hassled because I paid someone a freaking compliment and clarified it was a freaking compliment and not a diatribe about "imagination"!!!??? FFS. And it wasn't dropped, though I tried to ignore it. Noooo, gotta have more references to it today. Again, FFS. I said earlier that I don't "get" this thread sometimes. Granted, it is only a handful of people acting like they are just dying to find some sort of excuse to get pi55ed off about something, anything. Geez, lighten up folks. So, yeah, this is an Official Flounce from this thread. It comes with the requisite: I'm taking my photos to Flickr and the Feed, where I've been posting all along. So there, nyah. And the requisite gif. Yeah, I know, and don't let the door hit me on the way out...
  21. #OKBoomer actually started out as a hilarious and fitting response to "old" folks who were being DISMISSIVE of younger people, especially millennials. However, things morph rapidly on the Internet. It changed from being a deserved response, akin to an eye roll, into a basic diss, with definite ageist bias.
  22. It is related to, although not quite the same as #OKBoomer. It is a dismissive put down, with or without cause.
  23. Oh no! Not the misquoting, or quoting things that never were said, or the stealth edits! Oh the horror. But nothing, nothing compares with the sarcasm laughing face response! It is too much. Too much! (Except thank you for the all important reputation point for giving me a 😄 ) smh I sure wish everyone would stop lying about blocking the entire forum, or half of us, or 8.6 of us. Oh well.
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