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Seicher Rae

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Everything posted by Seicher Rae

  1. LoL. That's the "before" shot, silly. As to the gravy with biscuits & gravy THAT is just as contentious as just feuding about proper biscuits! I believe this is southern sausage gravy on southern biscuits.
  2. Southern USA biscuits are usually are made with buttermilk, have very few ingredients, and are a master class of technique to yield a light, flakey layer upon flakey layer of yum. There are various regional styles. ETA: Heated battles have been fought over what is and is not a good biscuit. Every southerner I've ever met swore that no northerner could make a proper biscuit. UK biscuits generally = USA cookies, sometimes crackers Scandinavian biscuits don't really have a USA counterpart that *I* know about. Last time I derailed the peeve thread with food it was about the regionalisms of chili. Guess that's what comes from having lived in a billion states.
  3. Yeah, now I see it. I don't even want to (and won't look) know how jaggy my stuff is now. I will live in blissful ignorance and only worry about this stuff if it is being reprinted in RL to be sold for millions of $.
  4. Based on your description ^^^ I think "it" is another person/persons than you had in mind. ETA: It is *important* to keep the Forum Kerfuffles™ straight! [sarcasm font™]
  5. Unless you want to be shot, never, ever go to the southern USA and refer to these as biscuits ^^^. Their version of biscuits, and the best of them are heavenly and I'm not really a biscuit eater, are something of a sacrament. Feuds have started over less. Those in the picture look very yummy, whatever they are called.
  6. I have tried, over the years, to keep pretty close in to the system avatar with each update I've done. Some updates more than others. The current one, with the Genus Classic head, allowed me to go very close in while not exactly. I could have gotten closer, but didn't because I don't need to look exactly like 2009! That photo wasn't shot by me in 2009! Mine were very...um...yeah, really crappy then too. You don't recognize the Girl Next Door standard avi that everyone got a chance to be when they first started? I think she's still in the Library. And thank you for the compliment.
  7. The Colonel and his fried ones, yes. And even though it is a big franchise, for whatever reason the KFC around the area where it originated tastes better. The biscuits are way better there, than even not too far away in Cincinnati. ETA: It is sort of the Guinness effect. Guinness is best in Dublin. The farther away you get, even in Ireland, it just doesn't taste quite as good. The fancy cans in America help, but still doesn't give you the real deal. But I still eat KFC away from KY and still drink Guinness here in the States.
  8. Kentucky IS gorgeous. Absolutely beautiful. (I won't mention the absolute tragedy of some of those beautiful mountain hillsides and valleys and creeks with little homes on them that turn the hillside/creek into a god awful eyesore by using it as a personal dumping ground, and yes... some of that is due to lack of education and more importantly lack of money.) There was a time that a good drive through Kentucky was one of the best days ever for just letting go and soaking up nature's beauty. I didn't know about Tom Cruise. I'm sorry.
  9. The last bit there. When I was working as a clinical LMT in Ohio, it was a little like being a barber or bartender, people tended to tell me a LOT. I kind of liked it. But not always. I had some of the most lovely people as clients/patients, I truly did. For some reason it seems to be human nature to think that "everybody thinks/believes the way I do, so I'm just going to talk like they do." I had a couple of clients that I adored... until. In part of their "let it out" bit, they would show ugliness that would just literally make me flinch. There was one such session where I actually stopped working as a gut reaction (not realizing I had done so) and took an actual step away from the person. I recovered, with unnaturally quick thinking, by making that into a "time when I needed to get more lotion." Hopefully I was professional enough that no one noticed, but for those people it absolutely changed the way I thought of them. It was, "Damnit, why did you have to let me know?" I did have one little old lady, who was declining and in palliative care and a house call. Her daughter was a good client and I considered her a friend, so color me surprised when her mother, this tiny, proper, lady, would let fly with the most disturbing racial slurs. She was also suffering from dementia. I didn't have the heart to think poorly of her at that point.
  10. I didn't follow much of this, I just ♥d for the pure geekiness of it all. siiiiiiigh
  11. See the response above. But in other matters, yes there was a "beever" snark. And tons of stuff too stupid, too jr. high to mention. Basically, again, the Forum has lost its collective mind thanks probably to being locked in together for too damned long. ETA: Some of the crap goes to multi-thread crap, and yes, you need a scorecard and Excel file.
  12. It was a compliment. I think Lindal mentioned in a response to Dano (???? on all of that), that some people use big, fancy, educated type words. You were one mentioned.
  13. Will you marry me? I followed along just fine. Jury is still out (and doubtful) that I can duplicate the effort. First I need to go inworld... and that has been so hard to do lately. :::whine:::
  14. @kiramanell I don't know if this will work until I try it, but this is enlarged about 300% on my monitor, from the snip you gave above. It is a screenshot clip. I don't see the jaggies! ETA: Hurrah it worked. And it allows you to click on the image and enlarge it from the Forum size a few times. ETA 2: Ok, if it is really, really, really blown up, I can see some. But honestly, without going around trying to find "errors" (and yeah, I'm sure there are some people out there who do just that), I would never, ever have seen them. Ever. I would have seen two, nicely done photos that I would have ♥d.
  15. PS my confused face emoji to the original was sincere and not sarcastic. It's like "did I miss something? What did I miss?" with then thinking "I'm probably glad I missed it."
  16. Oy. None of this "please excuse..." The photos are great. I'm honestly not sure which I prefer, and one doesn't HAVE TO prefer one over another, because sometimes both are good, just different. (Geez, I sound like I'm running for office.) I don't really see the jaggies you are talking about.
  17. Really subtle editing! Love it. And yes, the edited version, on the face in particular where you've evened out the tones under the eyes, really works! So glad you've decided to join in the fun here.
  18. So totally stealing the gif. That's as adorable as my other fave pounce hug
  19. My day is getting better. I slept stupidly again. I woke up way too late (past noon). I hate when that happens. I never feel right all day and it usually means my sleep will be off again, which means I'll sleep too late again... etc. I just feel stupid, and groggy, and I still don't have the thyroid Rx and it is messing with me, too. Blargh. Just... ugh. I get why everyone is feeling "meh" and "meh" is rotten when it is day in and day out. However, all of that grumpiness aside... When I crawled to the computer this afternoon, I had a bunch of PMs in my SL mail box. I rarely have PMs. (That's not PMS, btw, for those in need of a quip, I preempt you.) My first thought, literally, was, "Oh crap. NOW what?" and I really didn't want to read ANY of them. I started with the probably safest first and went from there. Woot! None of them were bad! :::happy dance::: NONE of them were of the ilk, "Did you see THAT thread?" or "Did you see what xyz wrote?" or "TROLL! Y u no lik my photos?" A lovely surprise is finding out someone I thought was a total dickhead isn't. Also, I'm having groceries delivered, and with Instacart you get to monitor how the shopping is going and OMG! For the first time in months they had everything on my list, or reasonable substitutions! I've had TP for weeks, but haven't been able to get flour for months. I am getting AP flour AND bread flour AND the brand I want! WOOT! They had BAKED Cheetos (not for the "health" factor, they just taste better)! Lemon Oreos! (Stop judging, I bought green leafy things, too.) Eggs, milk. I now feel invincible! Like I can squirrel away in my apartment for a year now, happily feeding my sourdough starter and getting orange fingers while spending too much time on the computer/Forums. Oh, and the frikkin always overcast sky color is currently this weird shade of... I think it is called "blue". I'm not certain that is the right term. There are also little white puffy things floating in it. It is very strange and foreign looking.
  20. Yes, to both! With accidents n things, I've had my fair share of surgeries, and you do have to wonder. All you have to do as the patient is lie there. The surgeon though...
  21. Thanks for liking the idea behind the thread, Eva. And glad to see you dipping your toes in these here waters. I love the example you gave here. I keep saying the word "luminous" and will again, because in this one the edited version definitely has more of a feeling of light. Your styling is great, too. Where's the hair from, may I ask? I have a horrible feeling this thread is going to lighten my inworld wallet quite a bit.
  22. I truly hope there will be NO lectures. I cannot control what other people post, though. I didn't see other photo threads with a "theme" OP and that is why I created one, so that there is no doubt what's allowed. There's still a lot of gray area, and the Forum will be what the Forum always is. But I pray this is a tsk-tsk free zone. The LL mods get to tsk all they want though, and I hope people are cognizant of that and post accordingly. This thread came out of a chat several of us had in another thread. It also came out of a hope for some of the Forum Kerfuffle™ to settle down. It is obvious that there are people who prefer a more "photos only!!!!" environment and so, even though there isn't a stated theme, there's places for those folks to post in peace. It is also obvious that there are people who like a little more laid back approach, and now there is a place for that here. And it is obvious that there are people who don't give an eff and simply like posting pictures and looking at other people's pictures, and so, cool, now there's another place to do that. Funny, but by adding the STRUCTURE in the OP I hope to provide more freedom to post, rather than less. We'll see. Early days still.
  23. Presets? In PhotoShop? sigh... such a Luddite noob here. I agree with #3, the skin just has a lovely glow, and there's more depth. I do not see the lens flares!
  24. I love how you showed the various layers. I've heard people talking about this technique, and honestly... while I understand on one level--translucent layers, mmhmm, I totally do NOT get how it is done in RL. You wouldn't, by any chance, have a good reference link to step-by-step it, would you? I'm afraid I'm in need of more hand holding than the scope of this thread, so a youtube or blog article or something. I'm not actually being too lazy to look, but instead there are thousands of such references out there and most of them are only meh. Since you know how to do this, maybe you have a good source (ok, so yeah, I can be lazy and not drive myself crazy by piecing through the thousands)?
  25. Well, if you want to go way back, how many of us started out as identical "twins" of Girl Next Door? Me! Me! And the other photo was taken in 2009 of me by another person who is still important to me in SL. Lots of memories associated with this. Fun thread, Marigold!
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