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Seicher Rae

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Everything posted by Seicher Rae

  1. I just typed "hiccup" into pornhub.com and got several hits. Seriously. Looks like you have another fun night in store for you! Crack open another half (?) bottle of wine!
  2. Well *I* know that! I was photographically quipping, as one does.
  3. Oooops. Sorry. To a stupid 'merican there's no difference between Norway and Sweden... (It was a mistake on my part, I got confused as to where you live.)
  4. Too bad we're ALL muted now (I think the count must be up to 27?) so he'll never see this post, right? Cuz that's impossible, right? If you are muted there is NO WAY to see and read what others are saying about you? Just like when you do an Official Flounceā„¢ you can't POSSIBLY see what was posted after... Or maybe I'm just doing it wrong?
  5. Yes, yes! Something like this but with a heavy Norwegian accent...
  6. I agree, and I love helping people who are nice. But one of my peeves is how many people are just rude. Some of it is probably a language barrier, but some of it isn't. Without a "hi" or anything, I have often had people DEMAND, not ask, to know where I have gotten something. I'd say it is about half the time! The most recent one was from a very aggressive person who not only demanded, but demanded I transfer to him the medical mask that is on my profile picture. He hounded me throughout a sim where I was taking photos and got very abusive. Sure, I muted him, and no, he didn't get the mask. If someone can't make at least a basic attempt not to be rude then eff 'em. On the flip side, I try to be very nice and complimentary and sometimes ask "where did you get that...?" and have met the people who act like it is a big, special sekret. They are the same people who will not tell you the slurl or name of of a place where they took a picture (and you know darn well they know). I chalk it up to massive insecurity. The "what is she wearing" thingie that Kali mentioned is great. I think I read about it on Strawberry's blog ages ago.
  7. @Orwar brutally said, "People who watch Vikings, is a pet peeve of mine. There are no bloody waterfalls in Uppsala! " But but but the reason I watch is only for the accurate 9th C Norwegian & Swedish geography lessons! And they're wrong?
  8. My peeve, now at #12 today, is that I'm too effing old to be in a jr. high school hissy fit exchange. I'm gonna go binge watch more Vikings, because watching them slaughter various species in various unique and disturbing ways is a lot more peaceful than certain areas of the Interwebs & Forum. :::semi, non-official, and temporary flounce as my neck hurts too much right now to do a good real one:::
  9. And THIS! I know some people who truly are gifted at finding everything they look for on the marketplace. Apparently they shine at typing just the right key search words and are fluent in the use of filters. There must be a special handshake involved though, and I wasn't informed. I forget what I was looking for a few days ago, but I was pretty specific and actually did bring up what I was looking for... and two pages of things that had absolutely nothing to do with anything. I so miss the days when I would shop by wandering the grid, finding special things, wearing them and everyone thinking I was some kind of fashion expert! Now, we all get the same mini skirt and crop top. I know that region hopping to shop is still possible, but a lot harder. And... yeah, I'd grumble about losing the convenience of the marketplace.
  10. Kind of the same thing, is you ask a question and in addition to the off the wall stuff you get a bunch of people chiming in with, "I don't know!" and "Sorry, can't help you!" I think I'd rather see "did you look in the marketplace (stupid)?" than all of those why tf are you replying "I dunno..." s. I'm quite capable of holding many peeves at once, and am currently festering about 11 of them simultaneously.
  11. Emphasis mine. I *just now* saw that bit. Honestly... as annoyed as I am now, this just saddens me. I took the time to write a polite PM, using my alt (uh, yeah dude, you didn't block all of them lol). And it is this kind of pettiness, stupidity, misplaced pride... that keeps people at each other's throats all of the time. Here in the forums and in the world. And I may not be someone who hugs everyone and sings kumbaya, unnecessary hate, based on poor communication skills or really... nothing... is just ... sad. ETA: smh. His own worst enemy...
  12. I'm thinking a bunch of "nasty" women got blocked and are currently getting their noses rubbed. !
  13. I'm not sure what the one friend would say about this display of pettiness (his not yours) and tackiness. šŸ˜ž Not so sure they'd be pleased, but you never know.
  14. More "for the record" stuff: I agree with Scylla that this makes things stupid/uncomfortable for the rest of the Forum. I *did* contact said parties via PM, using my adorable kitty alt. I specifically asked TDD to relent "for the sake of the Forum".... and you can see what he thought of that idea. I took the high road, imo. I did in the peeve thread as well, fwiw. Now as I said, typing fingers set to ignore. (I always think of one or two other little things before being able to STFU.)
  15. Mommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. He started it! sorry just had to get that out of my system scrolling/typing fingers set to ignore... yw
  16. And we care... why? At least when *I* flounce I make sure it is an Official Flounceā„¢ in good format with adorable cuteness, humor and terrific gifs. Cuz I haz class mofo.
  17. Just quoting to admire your succinct capture of the situation.
  18. Um. Yes, to a lot of what you are saying. For as long as I have been on this Forum I have had... let me count here... exactly ... oh. Zero blocked. Pretty sure that was true in the old forum, too. I 've stated why several times in the past, but basically it is something someone said a long time ago: I'd rather know what the idiots are saying. Also it breaks up the continuity of the thread. I like continuity and context. I realize it is a personal choice, and as Sylvia said, it doesn't really affect my Forum participation one little bit. As for the "attacks keep coming" that's a load of rubbish, a scan of the threads will show that. I have, yep, responded to some snotty comments and photos. And for the record, this whole thing is because I paid someone a frikkin compliment on the photo thread (and that person and I are just fine, tyvm... we ā™„ each other over on Flickr now ). As for the friend, a quick perusal of the peeves thread shows my interaction... and to both who are so, so quick to block people, it prevents stuff from being discussed quietly, respectfully and like adults in PMs like is advised to do in the community guidelines and common sense. As for rubbing my nose in it (and I'm suspecting that it is true for at least one other person on the classy posted list) AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Yeah. No. Not in the least. Especially as this keeps going. I tried to take the high road several times with this, and well... consider my nose unrubbed. The scroll wheel works and is a great little hand exercise. ffs
  19. Reposted, with the quote, because I forget that this one does sneaky edits. So my original remark above (which I bleeped out) was: Well, that was classy.
  20. Normally that is true for me as well. In fact, it probably makes our lives easier that they do, eh? My recent annoyances have been with the inability to contact people OFF forums, as we are encouraged to do for things not forum related, and due to knee-jerk (I assume) reactions on their part, perhaps things that could have been addressed, can't be. Meh. I tried. Also, there are always alts to get around that.
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