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Seicher Rae

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Everything posted by Seicher Rae

  1. When I lived in the Bay Area, there was a many starred restaurant that served classy, European-type meals and the head chef hosted cooking classes every so often. His secret ingredient go-to was Worcestershire Sauce! From then forward I drizzle it in most anything savory.
  2. Like others have said, it is tough to remember that far back, back way before the days of Marketplace. I have to assume it was something to do with my appearance. No doubt clothes or something. I believe one of the first items I bought was a brown dress by Zaara (and I only remember this, because it just popped into my head as me having written this before in some other thread ages ago! brains are weird). I still shop at Zaara! And there would have been Pulse skin, because that was the only skin I'd wear for eons. I originally bought a custom shape from the shape maker who worked with Pulse, and then I modified THAT. (And good grief, I just found a picture of this.) This was all done pretty quickly because I had help from a dear friend who is no longer with us. I went back to the Mktplace and found my first purchase there... a tiny hamster avatar in Oct. 2010. And this is how oblivious I am... until today I never knew that you could trace your Mktpl purchases through a link on the Mktpl header! Doh!
  3. I joke about being a misanthrope, albeit it isn't really joking. I'm kind of a disgruntled optimist, in that I want to believe in people, but then it happens and there are... people. However, today I am uplifted to know that there are indeed nice people in SL.* Warm fuzzies!** *I've always known that there are nice people in SL. It's just that the jerks are much louder and more persistent, and their noise tends to drown out the pleasant. ** I don't expect it to last for long, the warm fuzzies, because stuff and people and chemicals happen.
  4. Pet peeve: Have you ever tried to remove a response emoji on someone's comment and CAN'T? Only because you realize the response emoji was made by someone else? Totally not fair.
  5. Ok, "colonials" I can translate, but which sacred sauce have we corrupted? But you're ok with "biscuit"? And zomg... you're someone who puts extra U's into words??? I never noticed. After all this time, I never noticed! hm... If I'm one of the clueless colonials (and I kinda like that sobriquet) whom you have blocked, does that mean I can write all kinds of taunting posts at you? Post real pictures of real biscuits and boots and fanny packs and... and you'll never notice!? bwahahahaha
  6. When I first saw this post, I was flying through the thread just trying to see what was what. The thing that caught my eye was the "...sorry you didn't make it to the fourth page without a flame". I cringed. I didn't even pay attention to the rest of your post OR the photo. I just worriedly scrolled like a maniac to see "NOW what???" I couldn't find anything. Then I came back to the post and LAUGHED. 😄 Cheeky devil! Then I got confused by your possible confusion and now it is past midnight several days later and I'm just giggling because I should have some sort of response by now but I don't! :::whine::: So... um ... yes. The point of the thread IS primarily photos, namely raw, unedited screenshots of your avatar. The exception is if you want to do a before and after editing shot, in that case you have to (or else...?) include the raw shot with the edited, or a link to say the Flickr edited or whatever the eff. And yes, sometimes showing raw photos, or the snapshots of daily fun SL, can make people feel a bit intimidated if they are thrown in amongst fancier (edited or not) artsy shots. I'm not sure how we get around that other than to say "Don't Be Intimidated" and "There's value in all kinds of photos...edited, artsy-fartsy, raw, snapshot-type..." I post in the SL Feed, and that is all raw screenshots and the daily life snaps absolutely have value.
  7. @Garnet Psaltery Thanks for the memory nudge! I don't know if this was for a RL or SL thing, but the photo is obviously SL and was taken in about 2012 I *think*. I loved that outfit--I think it was a very early Baiastice (sp?). The balloon was on the sim.
  8. Those were wonderful Garnet! I may have even helped do something at those 1 Billion Rising events. I also have a photo of me on a fake book cover, for some contest with "What could possibly go wrong?" on it. You make me want to go find that.
  9. I need to go to bed, but were you in the peeve thread (? I think that was where it was) where @Scylla Rhiadra said she had a hiccup fetish? Maybe you should ping her inworld and make use of those hiccups?
  10. When I create/assemble sims (or parts of them), I do it with maybe having people drop in. I don't advertise the spots, but the ones I design with a theme or with photography in mind, I'm fine with them visiting. As5holes get booted. As5holes are defined depending upon my mood. I don't care what people do when I'm not there. I always set an autoreturn on land, or not allow rezzing, so there's not much anyone can do. Currently I don't have the orb on for my houseboat. In the land description I say that, and I also say that if people abuse it I'll turn it on. Popping in when I'm there? Is a different matter. Then its like my real house, sort of. I don't even like friends popping in unannounced or invited (but I don't tend to tell them that, I just stand around feeling itchy). If a stranger pops in, I won't pitch a fit if they basically wander off, maybe exchange a few words. Luckily people don't tend to stay. I haven't had people popping in be a problem for a long time.
  11. AND she likes Brussel sprouts. :::gag::: I'm seriously thinking about blocking her.
  12. I like bitter at times. Tart. Yeah... can be good. Orange marmalade? The first time I had it I was a kid. Like you said, orange "jelly" should be delicious. I took a bite of it on yummy buttered toast and... made a face, spit it out, and cried. I still do that, or would if I ate it. Nasty stuff. I even like orange zest. But no. Marmalade they put the bitter peel in and not only does it taste awful, it has a gross texture. Verdict: Orange marmalade is an abomination and is at the height of a peeve list, at least a food peeve list. It is like the ultimate "psyche!" joke. ETA: There's a reason you don't eat an orange like an apple, folks! Concept... nasty nasty
  13. Jams are all pretty good--love apricot jam. I can't do anything with seeds in it though. Jellies are good. Lemon curd...yum. Hate marmalade! Peeves: Marmalade and seeds.
  14. I really, really, really could not care less, have less effs to give, or have less rat's asses to give who blocks me. Not who. Not how. Not when. Not why. I assume that if someone close to me blocked me I would care, and that would be a different thing entirely. I've said this before. I've also said that I don't block people. That's my personal choice. I choose to not block because scrolling works, I'd rather know what idiots are saying, and I think the drama of announcing is silly and trolly and just makes everyone in the community uncomfortable, so it is also selfish. ymmv ETA: In truth, I'm too self-absorbed to notice when people block me. I think I'm adorable, so I don't go looking for haters. And I'm oblivious from post to post who is liking what, when. It's a gift.
  15. Yes. It was pretty epically WTF? And all based on another equally WTF? (also in the links) Lots of WTF-ery going on of late.
  16. Cream...check. Oven...check. Whole lot of patience... whoa! Have you ever read any of my posts? Patience. :::scoffs::: What kind of magic are you proposing?
  17. Nice try, but :::buzzer noise::: you are 100% on topic. In the OP is: That means they are not to be edited with post-production techniques, like from Photoshop. Cropping and signatures are ok. AND... nice photo!
  18. Breakfast, in any of its forms (including brunch), is my favorite anti-peeve of all time. Savory. Sweet. Light. Heavy. Comfort food. Exotic food. Fruit. Vegan. Steak and eggs. There just has to be good coffee. GOOD coffee. Not GOOD coffee is a total peeve.
  19. Scones can be peeves if they are the big, heavy, soggy ones you referred to that often pass as "scones" here in the States. Definite peeve. ETA: I have seen recipes for making your own clotted cream, but so far I haven't been motivated enough to do so.
  20. There's no way to make sausage gravy look appetizing. It cannot be done. But...the smell and taste are wonderful. It IS heavy though, and not for everyone at breakfast. Lunch maybe.
  21. I had my first clotted cream when visiting in Ireland, and omg. And it isn't something we can normally get in the States.
  22. @Selene Gregoire fine. Just this once. The photo of blocked folks was in this thread, scroll up and down as necessary. Various other things go back to my reason for my adorable, Official Flounceâ„¢ in the "photo" thread, which also requires a few pages of scrolling back and a tiny bit of scrolling forward The beaver/beever stuff goes back to this post, but scrolling back because I was on an epic roll... more scrolling back and forward to get context And I'm sure there is more that I'm forgetting, but that gets you to the gist of most of it. Just about every link I gave though is either at the middle or the end of things, though. And there IS an end to things, as far as I'm concerned. Doesn't seem to be for others, but meh... From now on though, if you need to keep up ya can't block people, even with peeking... And this is why I get on block lists in the first place. :::the horror::: And this is why we can't have nice things.
  23. different type of pix... Sheez. I cannot keep EVERYONE current on EVERY thread and every Forum Kerfuffleâ„¢, y'all are just gonna hafta figger it out for yourselves.
  24. Pix or it didn't happen!! No. Wait. That was another person, another thread. On second thought, no pix...
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