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Seicher Rae

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Everything posted by Seicher Rae

  1. In Ohio they do, refrigerators live in rivers that is. (Damnit I knew someone was going to catch that poorly worded bit.) But au contraire, beavers DO live in the Ohio. I've seen several of them. There was a family that hung out at the same spot fairly frequently. Or maybe they just visit, because I'm not sure where they'd build their dams, because yeah, wouldn't that be awesome to see? A beaver dam of the Ohio. I've seen some pretty nasty things float by in the Ohio. I always half expected to see a dead body. Did you know that the Ohio, before it was messed with by engineers, was very shallow? It could be walked across at places like what is now Cinci! Also, it is wild to watch a deer swim from KY to OH, or OH to KY as happens. I always get so scared thinking they'll drown, and wonder what on earth is making them swim, but they've made it every time. Apparently I'm still working off my extra coffee, typey typey.
  2. Like our advances in science, for example genetics, our ability to have new technology has far surpassed our collective ability to use it wisely or well. In theory the smart home sounds wonderful, but in practice I don't think we are there yet to make it safe or private. I get a little concerned when my toaster can talk to my fridge and I know they can report back to the forces of KAOS in the furtherance of world domination. I'm not a Luddite, though I play one at the theatre (not on tv, cuz that's technology). But breaches in security and privacy are still pretty common and I just don't think we've figured out how to combine everything. Plus people are still using 1234 as their security codes (and not just Boomers, ok?). And yeah, any business person who replies to anything or anyone with OKBoomer should be immediately suspect and dumped for someone with a little more awareness.
  3. No! Say it ain't so! Hmmm, in the current wtf-ery mood of the Forumites, this could be extremely easy to achieve. Something like "The differences between the woman's way of peace and tranquility versus the man's... discuss!" ? Or, hm, "The proper way to achieve harmony in the Forums" or heck, something like "Peace much?" At this point even "Hi!" would probably set everyone off.
  4. And no doubt it'll be a sincere post, with the intention of smoothing the waters, and yet... something will go horribly wrong. Cue the ominous music and
  5. Maybe it is different in Europe then, just to make things even more confusing. Here in the states it is the opposite. It started out a well-earned "eye roll" type response to an older person who was being rude and clueless. Now, here, it is much, much meaner.
  6. I haven't looked at your profile, so I don't know the age of your avatar, but even though I've been joking in this thread, I'm serious when I say "start as early as you can in your avatar's life." Take the time to set it up. And then be strict with yourself in using it. You'll thank yourself. You don't want to be a ten-year old avatar with an inventory of tens of thousands of items and be like "where did I put my extra set of eyes."
  7. Says the avatar that just turned 2. Try 11 years worth... "not too long" is measured in years.
  8. This is what I did, starting several years ago. It is a great system! Ummmm, I'm still 300 feet under a pile of inventory though, because, sadly, one actually has to USE this system to make it work.
  9. Because your badd-assery deserved extra notice? Congrats, and yay! It is nice to be reminded that "feeling" doesn't *have to* be only craptastic.
  10. That reminds me of something that has been happening for the past couple of years. This is from Salt Lake City (a long, long way from where I live), but there are some of these starting to spring up all over and I believe my city's farmer's market now has a group. ETA: And NO, I'm not on the panel! ffs I'm not a coot yet. Maybe an old fart, but not a coot.
  11. Hear, hear! Hey OKGenXer... remember shopping areas in SL? Or going to a place that was "Italy" and shopping Italian designers? The joys upon stumbling upon a small, super unique little Japanese shop and buying the coolest goldfish dress? I miss those days so much. And yeah, weirdly, I have felt that FOMO angst. WTF is that all about? And the extra coffee I had to get the "bug" out of my mouth has now sent me into overdrive with the typing. sigh
  12. I kind of get this. I love water. (I'm a Cancerian with Cancer rising ffs fwiw.) Water water water. I can watch it all day long. Lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, oceans, mud puddles... I'm working on an underwater spot now for a friend and I live on a houseboat in SL. Swim swim swim, one of the few athletic things I was good at (and long jumping, wtf?... oh and archery, really good at archery...) Where was I? Oh yes, water, etc. BUT I CAN'T STAND NOT BEING ABLE TO SEE MY FEET in water. Swimming in anything other than a pool, ew ew ew. And that's knowing that kids pee in pools n stuff. I learned to swim at summer camp, in this little muddy lake in upper lower peninsula Michigan. I was traumatized. NOT because of swimming. I took to swimming like a pro. But ew... the bottom was all squishy. We'd get bumped by what I hope was fish. In all the years I lived in CA I never swam in the ocean. Have you seen what washes up on those beaches? I waded, but could still see my feet. And yes, every year you hear of idjits swimming in the Ohio. WTF is wrong with people? I am sincerely sorry that you can't enjoy the waterfront and bridges freak you out, though, as that goes to quality of life stuff.
  13. Seriously. That was just incredibly fast! They must have set up the IV coffee for the moderators, at last!
  14. Such is the nature of these times that I have TWO NEW peeves to share! 1) People who steal MY peeve and use them as their own! And then have the nerve to post them in another thread! I wonder if that is AR-able?* 2) I posted this elsewhere but I am so ished out I want the whole world to know that I'm peeved about peanuts. I was watching Vikings and snacking on peanuts. I poured a small handful into my hand and tossed them back. On the last chew there was really, really strongly nasty of unknown taste and the texture of the peanut wasn't "peanut" and it was too late and I swallowed. God, I think it was a bug...** *Yes, kidding, sarcasm font. **Absolutely NOT kidding and am traumatized. ew ew ew
  15. Yep ARed it. I have ARed more stuff in the last week than my 10+ years of Foruming combined. FFS
  16. I am now peeved that you stole my *posted* peeve about scolding and that you're claiming it as your own, so now I have a new peeve to post. GAH! Also, I used to live in Cincinnati (and before someone says, "Wait. Wut? I thought she lived in Holland, MI, the Bay Area in CA, East of Jesus KY and somewhere in New England?" those are all correct. And there's more! ... Have I mentioned FML?). To those not familiar with that river, what Beth is proposing, throwing herself into the Ohio, that's a really awful thing. Icky. Dire. It is the drainage river for lots of water headed towards the Mississippi. It has a bunch of junk in it just naturally. I saw two refrigerators float by in one day! Plus it has huge catfish in it. HUGE. And god knows what else. Oh. Beavers live in it, so the river is full of beaver pee and poo. So Beth is being quite dramatic and it is worrisome that she says she's thinking about this.
  17. Some b4st4rd broke into my apartment and ate them all when I wasn't here! I swear that happened! I have NO booze and NO Lemon Oreos and ...
  18. I drank coffee. I brushed my teeth. I hopped around and said "ew ew ew" quite a bit. AND I CAN STILL TASTE & FEEL THE WHATEVER IT WAS!
  19. I think "snowflake" broke down from "special snowflake" and they originally meant the same thing, as in: A person who is easily offended and has a feeling of entitlement. Special Snowflakes/Snowflakes gasp in horror at opinions they don't like, and they feel they have to be protected from anything distasteful. Then around 2016 or so (?) it got politized by the right to deride anyone to the left of them. And like most things political it got nastier from there. I did read where snowflake originally was a positive term, and related to kids in particular that had special needs. So, along the lines of every snowflake is special. And now there is the derisive, generational slur of "Generation Snowflake" which means people who came of age in 2010 (?) so... Milennials.
  20. Right now you can add Totally Ished Out to my list. I was watching Vikings and snacking on peanuts. I poured a small handful into my hand, then put that in my mouth and chewed, and one of the last chews before swallowing was really, really strongly nasty of unknown taste and the texture of the peanut wasn't "peanut" and it was too late and I swallowed and now I have no idea what that was, or how soon it'll kill me. God, I think it was a bug...
  21. And that is a good example of how things morph on the Internet, sometimes incredibly quickly--as I think was the case with OKBoomer. And if one doesn't stay current (and that is damned difficult) it is easy to use a phrase one way in meaning and have it taken a totally different way and have both people be right, sort of. I had the same thing happen with my use of "special snowflake" which was never really a positive term, but it too has morphed into a meaning I did not know. I had to be lectured, but not mansplained, on the new meaning.
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