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Quinn Morani

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Everything posted by Quinn Morani

  1. Keli Kyrie wrote: Okay here you go! But for being an instigator you get two. Who me? An instigator?
  2. Man, every time I open my mouth, people start volunteering me for things. :smileywink: Actually, if others are interesting in forming a team, I would be happy to help organize it. However, the challenge for me is likely to be time due to some RL commitments between now and July, so I wouldn't be able to do it alone. For instance I wouldn't be able to attend Saturday's kick-off. It does seem short notice to pull together a team at this point, though. Perhaps the better option is to watch how the planning and event unfold (i'm going to follow it on Twitter) so we know what we're in for and can plan ahead for next year?
  3. I am laughing so hard at these, Keli. I LOVE this thread! I think we also desperately need an "I've seen Tolya's balls" rank. :smileysurprised:
  4. You have a big heart, Dillon. We should consider creating a Forum RFL team.
  5. Once upon a time, I sponsored Quinn's Official Forum Signature™ Contest to solicit entries for my forum signature. Perhaps it's time to resurrect the winning entries here in the new forum! What say you, forum dwellers? ETA: For the historically curious, I do believe this thread was also the first mention of Tolya's balls in the forum. :smileyvery-happy:
  6. Both, but lately weighted pretty heavily toward friends I've made in the forums.
  7. I am really annoyed that people come into my office and claim they only need 30 seconds of my time, and 30 minutes later they are still there. The only time I can ever get any productive work done is at the end of the day after everyone is gone. Whew. Felt good to get that off my chest. Thanks for listening, Kattatonia.
  8. Suella Ember wrote: Can someone please confirm for me whether they can still see Keli and Quinn's badges in my original post. I have marked them as 'private' from the images section in my profile which should mean people don't see them there, but I'm hoping they are still viewable in the original post here. I see them! That's really good to know that you can make images private and they'll still appear in forum posts. I had thought making them private would mean they wouldn't be visible in posts and wondered what would be the point of uploading a private image that you couldn't use anywhere? So this is good news. Thanks! PS: I'm flattered that you used my badge as an example. :smileyhappy:
  9. Deltango Vale wrote: Edit: By 'clubhouse', I mean lounge, foyer, agora, cafe, community center or neighborhood pub/bar. A public space open to all that acts as a meeting place. This is exactly what I had hoped the Off Topic forum would be. A public space for exchanging ideas and shooting the breeze, where anyone is welcome to participate or not at their leisure. It's a given that not every topic will appeal to every poster, and that's okay. As I've said elsewhere, it's diversity of thought, opinions, personalities, and interests that makes this world (both RL and SL) a truly special place. I'd like to think that there's room for such diversity in this forum. But it's hard to believe that is possible when positive, relevant threads fall victim to AR griefing. All it takes is one or two people to target a thread, and the entire thread is punished with a lock. This rewards the griefers and demotivates the rule-abiding people who post to such threads. That's a shame, since such conversations are the incentive for many people to frequent the forums at all. Without that incentive, the presence of many regular and valuable contributors here is certain to become sporadic at best. And yes, it is the ultimate irony that threads in the Off Topic forum are being locked for becoming "off topic." I'm still trying to understand that one.
  10. Ai Velde wrote: This is pure insanity, folks. Screencap of the carnage below. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/7095i1F1BFFB3FEAE6EF7/image-size/original?v=mpbl-1&px=-1 He he, I love what thread is listed in the screen cap as Latest Post and Latest Topic under Community Feedback. That's awesomely perfect!
  11. Should I open another Diet Coke now or wait until lunch?
  12. Sigmund Leominster wrote: I have a sneaking suspicion - nay, a modest conviction - that ANY thread will become OFF TOPIC after, say, 20 posts. I hereby officially dub this "Sigmund's First Law of Forum Off-Topicness."
  13. My current sig is simply a reference to some fun I had inworld with friends a few days ago. Lillie Woodells was singing, and a few of us jumped up on stage to be her backup dancers. It was great fun!
  14. These are great tips, Dee. The forum can be an excellent place to meet people with common interests. The threads you linked to were open to all who wished to participate and are indeed good examples of how forums can create or foster friendship.
  15. Elric Anatine wrote: It's nice to know I'm not alone in this actually. Once engaged, I'm usually quite garrulous, but it's getting to that point. Well met! And I can't believe that I BLEEPED in the forums. I used the "B*****D" word, also used to denote an illegitimate child. Curious. Elric, if it makes you feel any better, I bleeped myself in another thread last night. It's the closest I've ever come to swearing in the forum. :smileysurprised:
  16. Hi Storm. Good question. I don't know that I've turned anyone off by failing to be a friend, but I do know that my style isn't for everyone. I'm okay with that. Funny that you'd ask this, though, because I noticed recently that one of my SL acquaintances is no longer appearing on my friends list inworld. I don't know why and although I'm curious, I don't take it personally so it's probably not something I'll probe.
  17. Mags Indigo wrote: One person's positive may seem twee and sickly sweet to someone else - or indeed come across as politically manipulative. So true.
  18. Great topic, Suzy. Do you go to certain places to make friends? Not really. I just explore places that sound interesting to me. Most of my SL friendships have happened organically, not because I was specifically seeking friendship. Many are people I first got to know on this very forum. Do you speak to people first or wait to be spoken to? Both, but I'm more likely to let others initiate the conversation. Do you attent events? I sure do! In the early days I'd check the SL events listing, but these days I mostly attend events I'm made aware of either here on the forum or through inworld groups I belong to. Do you join groups to make friends? Not specifically to make friends, but getting to know people better in groups has been a nice bonus. Most importantly are these people truly friends or do you consider them acquaintances? Some of both. And the funny thing is, I communicate more with some people not on my friend list than with some people who are!
  19. Ags Falconer wrote: Hey Quinn!! You know me...I hate to miss a good party. Any chance that Lia checked in with some Mother's Ruin yet? I haven't seen Lia around here yet. I hope she'll be back!
  20. Suspiria Finucane wrote: Quinn Morani wrote: If they all look as good as Tem does in his forum avatar pic, I'll be there to watch them get their turn as Lillie's backup singers. :smileyhappy: Zeke who? :smileytongue: Never fear, my belongs to Zeke!
  21. Magnus Brody wrote: Quinn Morani wrote: I haven't personally read it and therefore can't vouch for quality of writing, but there is a self-published novel by Huckleberry Hax titled AFK. I just did a search and here is a link to the free PDF download: AFK novel And here is a review: Review of AFK I've read that and it's a good read. I'm glad to hear from someone who's read it. I downloaded it like a year ago, before Quinn even existed, but I've never made the time to read it. Maybe that's what I should have done during the forum hiatus!
  22. What the *bleep*? Not even any notification or explanation. I have my suspicions about this.
  23. I haven't personally read it and therefore can't vouch for quality of writing, but there is a self-published novel by Huckleberry Hax titled AFK. I just did a search and here is a link to the free PDF download: AFK novel And here is a review: Review of AFK
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