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Quinn Morani

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Everything posted by Quinn Morani

  1. Ima Rang wrote: I'm in...But, umm...I have video...and uh...I think it was the fault of the cow. I'm not sure you can sue the cow since it was a voluntary attachment You do have video, which you should post a link to here as evidence. This makes you a witness though, so you can't qualify as a juror.
  2. Breaking news in the legal battle: My impaired Twittering tonight is clearly evidence that I also suffered a concussion in my fall off Lillie's trampoline. I do believe that this, along with the Defamation of Character charge, is making my case more and more solid.
  3. Well, I just came over here to make a post about my "fake" lawsuit with Lillie, and I see that most of the posts related to that conversation have gone missing. I sure hope no one thought that was a serious battle; it was entertainment! Like watching an episode of LA Law or whatever the hot legal show is these days. In any case, the post I was going to make would have said that we needed an impartial jury to weigh the "evidence" and settle the case. I was planning to call on newer posters with no ties to either side to form a jury pool. What better way to get EVERYONE involved in the fun? But alas, it looks like it is not to be. That makes me sad. :smileysad: ETA: On further analysis it appears that the missing lawsuit posts have simply gotten caught in the crossfire as descendants of another conversation that has been deleted in its entirely. I think we're safe to carry on with the faux feud since all lawsuit posts NOT descended from that other conversation still remain. So we need impartial jurors after all. Who's in? I'm calling on the legal counsel for both sides to step in on behalf of their clients and summarize the claims and the evidence to date.
  4. I knew the good times would have to end eventually. I fell off Lillie's trampoline. I hope she has insurance, because I am SO suing her for every last L$!
  5. Dillon Levenque wrote: But mostly I just noticed my post count at 499 and I couldn't think of better place to watch it go to 500. I know it's not an accurate number but it will still be fun to watch the change right here among so many of my friends. :smileyhappy: Congrats on hitting 500 (or now, as I see, 503) posts!
  6. Now that this thread has been returned to its original home here in the "Make Friends" forum, I'd love to see more people step forward with their stories. It's probably apparent to anyone wandering the forums that there are some good friendships between various posters here. And I know that such friendships can make it feel intimidating to jump in, when there is clearly backstory that one knows nothing about. That was certainly my experience during the many months I lurked before finally joining in the conversation. However, this thread is a good place to share some of that backstory. Friendships take root in many ways and in many places, but some of the current forum friendships were seeded by things people have learned about each other in this very thread (as well as its predecessor on the old forum, linked in the OP), and often from people who were otherwise new or infrequent posters. Nothing would make me happier than to see more such camaraderie develop among those who visit here. This thread is, of course, just one of many places in the forum and elsewhere to discover others with whom you may share something in common. But it's a friendly and welcoming stop for anyone who wishes to share a little about themselves, so that others here can get to know you a little better. I personally look forward to getting to know many more people here.
  7. LadyFandango wrote: The cow riding looks like great fun! One question, was there a race and if so, who won? Cheers to all :smileyhappy: No race, but what a great idea! I wish we had thought of that!
  8. There must be something in the water this weekend. Front row: Cali, Ima, Lillie, Gypsy, CiaoBella, Jen, Dee, Maddy, Ange Back row: Theia, Aveline (Maz), Argus, Lexxi, Quinn More photos here: Bunniepaloozah
  9. Here's my egg head from Dillon, and the RL Easter egg I colored at home with my kids yesterday, trying to approximate as closely as possible my SL egg color. :smileyvery-happy:
  10. Dillon Levenque wrote: Well fine. Did it occur to anyone that I might have made eggs for people who weren't there on Friday night? Including, as it happens, the lovely Sylvia? Even though I was dancing at Naz' gig at No Label and had to miss Gypsy's show I would have been only too happy to send Sylvia's egg. That way she wouldn't be the only person in this picture who doesn't look like a complete nut case. :smileyvery-happy: Ahem. I do recall mentioning that Maddy was there and eggless (knowing that you had an egg for Maddy). If someone had responded to that plea, I might have mentioned that Sylvia was there and eggless, too. Just sayin'...
  11. Venus Petrov wrote: I would say that this is what can happen when you make friends anywhere in SL. Excellent point, Venus. So true! I love all the good times that people are able to make together in SL.
  12. Dana Hickman wrote: LOL! Ahh yes, the clinically insane things that tend to happen when skilled second lifers with lots of inventory don't want to get bored. Those nearly always make for the most hilarious times :smileyvery-happy: Isn't that the truth!
  13. Eggheads, cows, trampolines, tossed panties, and Maddy's "condition." The funniest night I've ever had in SL. Here are some preview photos. The full album identifying those present can be found here: Impromptu party at Lillie Woodell's place 4/22/11
  14. Well, dang it. I step out for a rendezvous with a pedicure (taking advantage of our our office closing early today), and Dillon steps in and perfectly captures the essence of the very point I was going to come back and make. Ossian, what you say about your experience with this group illustrates something important about your outlook on life. You could have carried a lot of bitterness for having been scammed, but instead you take learning from it and see the positive ways the experience impacted you. Life's a strange journey sometimes, isn't it? I'm inspired by people who can make peace with the bad and focus on the good. @Dillon, I think this very thread is a case study in the positive effects of unintended consequences.
  15. Jo, thanks for sharing your story. I've actually always been curious about what prompted you to start the 1920s Berlin project. I visited your sim once and keep meaning to go back and explore in more depth. I know from your previous posts that you have a passion for history, and I always picture you as a sort of living history expert. I'd love to know more sometime about your vintage lifestyle and the challenges you face living that out in a modern world. I'm captivated by things that represent a simpler time and a simpler lifestyle. Truthfully, sometimes in the rat race of life I think I long for that. But then I realize it means I'd probably have to give up my gadgets, and I realize I'm probably a modern girl after all.
  16. Storm, thank you for the thoughtful housewarming gift in this thread's new home. While I'm not personally fond of eggs, they are appropriate for Easter and I'm very delighted to share them with the other posters here. How kind of you, thanks!
  17. Darrius Gothly wrote: Unfortunately the option to include the body of the message in subscription notification emails does not apply to the emails sent for Private Messages. I just double-checked and didn't see it, but I am male so it might just be "male blindness". Thanks, Darrius. That's exactly it. On emails for thread posts I get the full body. It's only in private messages that I can't figure out how to get the same. If an option for it is there, then I think the blindness toward it must affect males and females equally, because I also double-checked and I can't find it, either.
  18. I am extremely happy to see this thread moved back to the "Make Friends" subforum, and I very much look forward to more stories shared by posters here.
  19. Am I getting email updates every time someone edits their post? I haven't noticed that. I'll have to start paying better attention. However, as long as we're on the subject of email notifications, I have some requests. I know at least the first request has previously been mentioned here in the Community Feedback forum, but I'm going to repeat it. Request #1: Please put the post author in the "From" field of the email notification, the way it was in Jive. I hate seeing every email from every poster on every topic as being from "Community Mailer." If I'm scanning my email looking for a specific post, it's almost impossible to find now without opening every post related to that thread. Request #2: Can we make the thread title a little more prominent in the "Subject" field? For every email notification, the subject line starts with "Second Life Subscription: 1 Update:". That takes up a lot of space. When I'm checking email on a small screen (my iPhone), I can't tell which thread the notification is for until I open the email. It's minor, but I find it a little frustrating. Request #3: Can notifications for forum private messages include the body of the message in the email, or at the very least tell me who the private message is from?
  20. 16 is the join age for SL, but educators can, I think, still create private estates accessible to their 13-15 year old students and to which those students are limited (they can't access other areas of SL outside of the private estate). http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Second_Life_Education/FAQs#I_have_students_that_are_under_18_years_old.3F_Can_I_use_Second_Life.3F ETA: Ah, I see Jonty came back and clarified this as well, while I was busy looking for the above link.
  21. I like the animation. Very subtle. I didn't notice until you pointed it out. I'm viewing it in Firefox 4.0.
  22. I've tried doing a couple of posts from my iPhone and iPad. It's possible using the HTML tab, but a little painful to have to manually type HTML code to even get paragraph breaks. It sort of defeats the convenience of having a mobile device. For what it's worth, the old Jive forum had the same problem. I could only post from the HTML tab.
  23. Dillon Levenque wrote: Sounds like a very cool idea, Dee. And pay no attention to Quinn's bragging. I got moves just as good as hers. I know who's HUD to join, too :smileywink: Since it's a Friday I'll only be able to catch the late shows, but I'll be looking. Hmmpff. We'll see who has the better moves. :smileywink:
  24. Mags Indigo wrote: We (as people) quite often find ourselves doing something which we inherently 'know' to be wrong, that doesn't make us bad people - it makes us imperfect humans. <snip> Better an imperfect human than an unfeeling machine any day in my book. What Mags said. A million percent what Mags said. When I said earlier in this thread that I'm not comfortable imposing my values on others and that I will never judge others for the choices they make, this is what I really meant to say. I just didn't know it. As for the real question Mags is trying to get at, "how people actually 'see' the people they share pixel space with...", I can't reply from the romantic/sexual relationship viewpoint, but I can offer my perspective on my relationships with friends. Aside from the feelings I reserve for Zeke, I feel many of the same emotions in SL that I do in RL. I am touched by caring people. I am inspired by meaningful conversation. I feel compassion for people in tough circumstances. I erupt in laughter at hilarious antics. I let myself be the subject of good-natured ribbing. I care about being a loyal, trustworthy, and trusted friend. The bottom line for me is that I care about the people I spend time with. I can't not do that. I can't separate SL from RL the way some people can. The people I interact with may look like pixels on the screen, but they have real hearts and real minds, and, for me, it would feel callous to ignore that. I could never ignore it.
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