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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. Well, the first move is to get a different computer. If your laptop defaults to Low graphics in SL, that's telling you that it really can't do anything very fancy. My guess is that it has a graphics card that was designed for web browsing and normal office applications, not for gaming use. It may even be running on an in-board graphics chip instead of a separate graphics card. Torley's video gives you most of the obvious tips for maximixing performance, so there's not much to add. You'll be able to maximize FPS and texture rezzing time by reducing your draw distance drastically, to 64m or less. That's the single most important thing to do. After that .... Turn off antialiasing. Do not even think about shadows. Avoid using wireless. And don't expect miracles.
  2. Try typing CTRL + R. That's a toggle to turn always running on or off. Unfortunately, it's very easy to type by mistake when you are trying to rebake your avatar to cure a cloudy appearance (Rebake is CTRL + Alt + R).
  3. This can happen sometimes if other people are allowed to rez objects on the parcel, and if their objects force the parcel to go past its allowed prim limit. Normally, they should get a message that says "Failed to rez object because parcel is full." Sometimes, however, the object rezzes and that forces some other object to be returned to its owner. If multiple objects are returned that way, they will appear in Lost & Found as a single coaleseced object rather than as separate items.
  4. You can't use more than 100% of your prim allowance on your land. Time to prioritize. Start taking objects back to inventory to make room for ones you'd rather have out.
  5. That dialog is a fairly innocuous message, in itself, although any command could be used for less than honorable purposes. Whenever a script is designed to change the position or focus of your camera, it has to ask your permission to do it. Most of the time, you don't actually get a permission request, because your permission is granted implicitly if you are wearing or sitting on the object. If you rezzed that same object on the ground and activated it, though, a dialog box would show up. So, what does PERMISSION_TRACK_CAMERA do? All it does, if granted, is allow the object to know where your camera position is at the moment (not what it's looking at, just where it is). A script might want to know that, for example, if it was supposed to keep a hovering toy (a pet dragon, maybe?) at that spot. I can't guess what your newly-discovered object might have been designed to do.
  6. Charolotte Caxton wrote: I went through and unfollowed all of my friends. Tedious, yes. Better way? How bout the default be I am following no one and I get to choose whom I follow. Friends is a cute way of saying contacts, I do not wish to follow all my contacts. I do wish to follow artists and content creators, but because I don't want the embarrassment of having to ask them, complete strangers to me, to be my friend, following them is a good solution, that way, I have them on a sort of list so I can see when they make new stuff without the psychological burden of having to be their friends. I agree, Charolotte. I just had to manually UNfollow 253 people. What a nuisance. The default should be Do Not Follow. My "friends" list includes business contacts, newbies that I greeted once at a help area but never saw again, and real friends (many of whom would be annoyed if I started "following" them). I can't think of even one of them that I want to follow, and it should be my choice to make that decision. I really want a way to UNdo the list of people who are following me now. We are getting a regular stream of people posting to the Answers forum, asking how to get rid of followers, too. All I can do is sympathize.
  7. That all depends on how many other people have also paid for the same level of ads. The only way to find out is to experiment, as you are, and see how long it takes. I have never felt like spending the money myself, but I'd be interested in knowing the answer too. :smileywink:
  8. My profile is my profile. I didn't enter SL with the expectation that it was going to be some sort of facebook lookalike. The profile is my opportunity to let people see who I am. That's it. I don't care to have anyone else mucking around in it, and no, I don't want to see any of my friends' posts.
  9. Maybe (1) The places you want to go don't exist or are at least off line at the moment (2) The places are too full and can't take any more TPs, (3) You are not a member of the group that owns the land, and access is restricted. (4) You are underage, and tryng to enter Moderate or Adult land. (5) You have been banned from that land. (6) You have a firewall that is blocking TCP port 12043. (7) You just have bad luck.
  10. We're going to be seeing that message a lot more frequently in the weeks ahead. That's coming from the Google Translate API, which is the basis for the automatic translation system that is built in to most of the current SL viewers. As you may be aware, Google announced last May that they would be discontinuing free access to their API on December 1, making it only available as a service to clients willing to pay a hefty fee. It's way too expensive for LL to keep using it. After December 1, therefore, our translators (and the common translation HUDs in world, like Simbolic and Universal), will no longer work. In fact, as that date appoaches, the translator is already kicking up error messages under some circumstances. That's what you are seeing.
  11. I have been selling women's clothing in SL and in Marketplace for four years, catering largely to a clientele that I think of as somewhere between "business casual" and "everyday." (I also sell a limited line of nightgowns that are, again, not intended to flaunt sexuality but to help you look your best at the end of the day.) I hope to appeal to women who want to appear feminine but not shout their sexuality -- women who are looking for clothes that they would not be ashamed to wear in RL. That's a tough market to define. I have experimented with styles and with ways to display and describe my creations, following a few self-imposed guidelines: (1) I create clothing that I would want to wear myself. If it doesn't look good on me or if I would feel uncomfortable being seen in it, I won't sell it. I'm not really concerned about a niche. SL is a big place, and I'm confident that there are plenty of women out there who share my sense of what looks good. (2) I sell only designs that are my own. No purchased templates, no copies of RL designs. I will use selected textures and sculpty components that I buy from reputable designers in SL, but I prefer to create my own textures and sculpties. I will not use textures from unknown sources on the Internet. (3) I produce new designs when I feel like it, not on demand and not on any schedule. I don't want to be pressuring myself to create "this week's new dress" just because it's this week. To many shops are selling designs that were obviously created simply to have something new on the wall every time a customer walks in. I create when I have something to create. (4) I have tried to be sensitive to what my clothing looks like when it is actually being worn, not just when you are standing still for a photo. It's important to me that a skirt should flow well as you walk and should not fly away as you dance. I watch what happens as a design deforms when I move my arms or twist at the waist. (This is really tough, and I don't always succeed, but at least I try.) (5) I sell all clothing with copy/mod perms and without resize/recolor scripts. I want a client to feel free to adjust her clothes to fit her own body and her own taste. (6) I use myself as the model in all photos, and I try to maintain a constant format in them. That's partly so that the shop conveys a sense of a consistent "brand" but mostly because I think it helps a client to see how my different designs might look on the same person. For the last two years, my photos have all shown me wearing clothing in representative SL settings where you might expect to wear the clothing yourself -- while shopping, dancing, walking through a garden .... (7) Finally -- this is really just me -- I don't sell my creations because I want to make L$. Yes, this is a business and I need to meet expenses. Personally, though, I am selling clothing because I enjoy making it and I want to share it with people who have tastes like mine.
  12. "Block" is the modern term for "mute." I believe it is adopted by current versions of most viewers. Please note that if you block a person or object and then send an IM or notecard to them, you will have automatically UNblocked that person or object.
  13. Here are the most common reasons for credit card failure: The credit card number was entered incorrectly. The billing address was not entered or was entered incorrectly. It should be the same address that appears on your bill. The name on the card was not entered or was not entered as it appears on the card. The credit card is not in the list of accepted payment methods (we currently accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, JCB, Discover, or PayPal). The CVV (3 digits on the back, or 4 digits on the front for AmEx) was not entered or was entered incorrectly. The card is expired, or the expiration date was entered incorrectly. There are no funds available on the credit card to validate it. We send a US$1.00 authorization to ensure that a credit card is valid. This is not a billing, but the card must have at least US$1.00 available on it to pass validation. Your monthly payment limit is reached, and/or your bank is not authorizing any more transactions. The issuing bank has not pre-approved transactions with Linden Research, Inc. Contact the issuing bank to resolve the problem. If you are outside the US, your card may not be set up for international/overseas transactions (this is very common with Visa Electron). If none of the above applies to you, contact your credit card provider to determine the cause. You can also call our billing team directly using the phone numbers on the Billing Support page.
  14. No. You sell a specific parcel or sim. Read the information in this Knowledge Base article and related links carefully before you sell land >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Selling-and-renting-land-to-others/ta-p/700135 . In particular, if you want to sell your land to a specific individual, as oppoosed to putting it on the open market, be very sure that you understand that part of the instructions. Land bots are very quick to buy up reasonably priced land as soon as it comes on the open market.
  15. All Teen Grid accounts should have been moved over to the main grid when the TG closed last January. Unless he deliberately closed his account, it should still be active. The way to find out is simply to try logging in, either to SL itself or to http://secondlife.com, where he should be able to check all the account information on his Dashboard.
  16. Unless your alt has been getting into fights and breaking the TOS, my guess is that he has overdrawn his account and been placed on hold until you pay the bill. Check the account balance to see.
  17. No, you can't preview a sound. And there is a limit to how much you can amplify the sound once it is in world. My own rule is to make the sound in my editing program MUCH louder than I want it to be, without getting it too ragged, and then upload it. You can always make a sound softer in SL. Your other option, of course, is always to do any test uploads to the Aditi (beta) grid, where they don't cost you anything at all.
  18. Look in your inventory's Library >> Textures >> Road Textures folder. Those are the standard ones that you see people using all over SL.
  19. Your minimap should never need to be reset. There isn't a way to do it, anyway. Your own client isn' doing any of the work to find people to display. The routines that locate avatars are all in the server code,and that information is sent continuously to every client viewer. IF you are not seeing green dots for avatars that you know are there, I suggest compiling all of your observations and submitting a JIRA report. Just log in to jira.secondlife.com , click the + Create Issue link at the extreme upper right corner of the screen, and fill in the information requested.
  20. What does that mean? Whose feed? What comments? And what are "Loves"? What's really wierd is that I have a mess of asinine "Trends" on my profile from people I have never heard of, I don't have any feed topics (because nobody can post to or follow my feed) and as far as I know I don't have any Loves. So, how in heavens name can I have Trends? And who the heck are these people in MY profile? How do I tell them to get the heck out of it? ETA: I sound more worked up than I really am. I actually ignore that dumb profile for weeks on end and only look at it when a thread like this one reminds me that it exists. Still, it does offend me that it's there, that I have to take proactive steps to maintain my privacy, and that I still have interlopers putting nonsense into it.
  21. A VERY simple recipe for putting a ribbon on a box..... (1) Make a box and texture it with your wrapping paper (2) Make a new prim that is just a tiny bit taller and wider than your box, but rather thin. Give it a pretty color to compliment your box. (3) Slide the new prim into your box so that it effectively cuts it in two. It should look like a ribbon going all around the box. (4) Repeat steps 2 and 3, but rotate THIS new prim 90 degrees, so that it cuts the box at right angles to the first one. Now your box should look like it has ribbons going around it in two directions. (5) Make a cylinder just about as tall as the skinny dimension of your ribbon prims. Hollow it, and stretch it in its X direction so that it's a short, squished tube. Color it ribbon color. (6) Put that new prim on top of the box, where your two ribbon prims cross. (7) Repeat steps 5 and 6 as many times as you have patience (or prim allowance) for, arranging the squished tube prims to look as much like bow loops as you can. (8) Link everything. It's not the prettiest gift box you'll ever make, and it will be primmy if you go overboard. Still, it's a nice start and it may suggest other possibilities. Merry Christmas (or whatever,,,, )
  22. Unfortunately, there's not much we can do except sympathize. This is a user-to-user public forum, and we're all SL residents like you. Abuse Reports are probably not destined to be very effective, but DCMA should be. I'm very surprised to hear that LL hasn't responded quickly to your DCMA filings. They have no choice on those. It's a RL legal matter. They must take down the items in question, at least until the other person files a viable counter-claim. You can pursue the issue in the RL court system. I'm sure that you are more than familiar with the DCMA law and LL's DCMA policy by now, as well as the filing procedure. For the benefit of anyone else who may be reading this thread, though, refer to >>> http://secondlife.com/corporate/dmca.php .
  23. We've had several people asking about using a Toshiba Satellite laptop for SL. The general answer has been that you ought to get low to medium quality performance with it. It's hard to be more specific than that without knowing exactly what model you have and which graphics card (if any) is in it. Models that are running with a built-in chipset are least likely to perform well. Other things to look at include firewall and antivirus settings, either of which may be blocking you from getting in to SL. Again, though, without more information it's impossible to do more than guess. You can add to this post by clicking on the Options link in the upper right corner of your question and selecting EDIT. Please do NOT start a new thread.
  24. To get a record of the individual items in your order, open Marketplace and click the My Marketplace menu at the top of the page. Select My Account >> Order History from the pulldown menu. If you do not receive items within about 24 hours, you should cut and paste the information about a missing item from that Order History and send it in a IM or notecard to the merchant, along with a polite message requesting redelivery. Most merchants are very kind and willing to redeliver. This happens all the time and they are aware of it. Do be patient, though. Not everyone logs in to SL every day or checks their e-mail. If you still haven't heard in another day or two, follow it up with a second polite note and finally, if you STILL haven't heard, file a support ticket at https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ , selecting Marketplace from the pulldown menu. Not that it helps now, but to remember for the future: (1) Don't overuse the shopping cart. It is easily confused if you put more than a couple of things in it. (2) Don't buy things from Marketplace (especially LOTS of things) unless you are in world to receive them at the time. We each have an "in box" that holds IMs, notecards, group notices, group invitations, and anything that is delivered to us if we aren't in world at the time. That "in box" can only hold 25 things, total. If anything else comes in, it isn't saved. It is gone ... poof .... forever. If you have a mess of things delivered from Marketplace and half your friends send you notecards, that in box will be capped and you will never know what happened.
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