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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. This is an ongoing issue, for which there has been a JIRA since last summer >>> Viewer 3.0 Release - Avatar does not appear to be fully connected to inworld grid / major loss of functionality . Most people have apparently been able to cure it by simply changing the DNS setting on their computer from whatever their ISP assigned by default to Google's free public DNS servers. To see how to do that, take look at >>> http://code.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using.html . It's not a very difficult thing to do. Basically, your computer is having a hard time getting a firm connection to the Internet, so this change takes it on a different route through a widely-used, stable set of public servers.
  2. SL's servers have been behaving oddly for the past several days. Like you, I have had trouble with attachments (and other items) being slow to rez or detach. I have also found that some items do not want to save to inventory easily, and that I cannot change the names of scripts or objects in object contents reliably. I do have better luck on quiet sims like Pooley, and I have found that I can usually attach clothing items from inventory with WEAR better than with a double click. The bottom line is that it's not you. It's SL. All I can suggest is that you join me in waiting patiently.
  3. Yes, 1GB is going to be a major problem. Linden Lab recommends a minimum of 2GB of RAM. My guess is that you will not be able to get any of the current generation (V2/V3) of SL viewers to run, so you'll have to use a V1 viewer like Phoenix, Imprudence, or CoolVL. Take a look also at what sort of graphics card you have, if any. Laptops that are designed for office use (word processing, web browsing, etc) commonly use a graphics chip instead of a removable graphics card, which will offer much better rendering performance. It is definitely possible to have a good SL experience with a laptop, but the machines that do it well are built for gaming and are usually at least as pricey as a desktop. Now, for setting up your viewer with Ubuntu ..... If you can do it, you'll find most of what you need to know here >>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Compiling_the_viewer_%28Linux%29 . You might compare those directions with Firestorm's too >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_compiling_firestorm_32bit_ubuntu Even if you are not using Firestorm, their expanation of the steps may help you or your techie understand confusing parts of the LL writeup. Good luck.
  4. ohn wrote: [...] How do you make the code pretty like that, with the colors? Use Firefox as your browser, install Greasemonkey, and then install the add-on called LSL Posting Tool for community.secondlife.com . ETA: Oh,, yes ... and the extension called Stylish
  5. The problem in both scripts is that your script is never seeing the line in state_entry that defines listen_handle. As soon as the script restarts and enters state_entry, it is told to run your user-defined function initialize. That function, in turn, calls the dataserver event to read the notecard. There's no way to get back to state_entry. The point is that you cannot jump in and out of an event. Once you're out, you're out. The solution in this case is easy and is twofold. The quick answer is to take the listen_handle = llListen(listen_channel, base_name, "",""); and put it at the end of your dataserver event, so that it is executed after the notecard is read. The second, longer, answer is to take as much of the stuff you have in user-defined functions and inline it instead. Unless you are calling a function more than four or five times, it's inefficient to make the script jump out of an event to execute the function rather than just doing all the work right there. Your functions are used once, when the script restarts and needs to read the card, so you don't need any user defined functions. Inlining them will also help you avoid problems like the one you just had.
  6. Be very careful if you do as Angel suggests. Many builders economize on prims by using a single prim as the wall for several adjacent rooms. Changing the color of the wall in one of those rooms will change it in all of the rooms that share the same wall. Same thing with textures, so be just as careful if you are applying wallpaper. Remember, of course, that if diaster strikes and you do something irreparable, you can always rez a new copy of your house -- assuming that you have copy perms on it.
  7. According to Kelly Linden's note, which I copied into my last post, the limit for throttling is per account. IMs know no sim boundaries, so it won't matter where they are being sent from. If one account sends too many per 30 minutes, it will be throttled. That's why I suggested that if you expect to be spamming the world with so many IMs that you expect to hit the limit, you should find some way to offload some of them to another account -- an alt or a friend. I believe it's true that IMs sent by an object are counted against the object's owner, for the purposes of this limit. (EDIT: Ah, Yes. See bullet #2 in my first note: "The throttle is not per object, but per owner. Splitting the spamming object into multiple objects will not help unless owned by different people.") There's a good reason for putting a limit like that on IMs. Aside from the fact that mass mailings annoy a lot of people individually, sending that many IMs at once puts a heavy load on the servers. That's one of the many faces of lag in SL. Believe it or not, LL really does try to find ways to reduce lag when they can. Therefore, take my note about having alts send the extra IMs as an answer, but not a recommendation.
  8. Hehehe... This feels like Twitter. Now I am eating lunch.
  9. An animated floor, as in a floor with dance animations built in? The only way to tell if one can be resized is to look and see if you have mod perms on it. If you're buying on Marketplace, look at the ad or contact the creator. If you're buying in world, use your Build Edit tool when you are in the shop and see what perms are set for the next owner. As for measuring the size of your own area, just rez a prim on the ground, stretch it to the size of your parcel boundaries, and look at the prim's dimensions.
  10. You don't. Birthdays happen once in a lifetime.
  11. You have probably read the notes regarding throttling of instant messagee in the LSL wiki, but just in case.... All object IM's are throttled at >2500 per 30mins, per owner, per region in a rolling window. this includes IM's sent after the throttle is in place. [....] The throttle is on all IMs from the object owner. It does not disable all IMs in the region, but does disable all IMs from the owner of the object. The throttle is not per object, but per owner. Splitting the spamming object into multiple objects will not help unless owned by different people. This also means that owning multiple almost too spammy objects will cause you to hit the limit. 2500 IMs in 30 minutes will trigger the block. IMs that are blocked continue to count against the throttle. The IM count must drop below 2500 before any IMs will be delivered. The IM count of the previous window is used to approximate the rolling window. If it is 20% into the current window the IM count will be the current count + 80% of the previous count. This allows us to approximate a rolling average, however it has the behavior that a flood of IMs can have an effect on the throttle for double the window length. This is why in practice the throttle behaves more like 5k in 1hr than 2.5k in 30min. So ..... Have an army of alts manage some of your IMs?
  12. Everything is fine here. The sun is shining, I am about to have breakfast, and the day ahead looks terrific. Thank you for asking.
  13. There are situations where a CPU will go to 100% usage when a viewer is running. This appears to occur most in computer with nVidia video cards - but not only. Another effect that seems to happen with nVidia cards is that the viewer will freeze, seemingly at random, and for varying periods of time. Or it will lock up when you attempt to open profiles or try to search. There are two solutions possible. See here >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=100_cpu
  14. There are few guarantees in life. Linden Lab does not offer technical support service with Basic membership, even over the telephone, so you can only have a chance at getting them to address your problem by upgrading to Premium. If you haven't been able to solve them problem on your own, with help from fellow residents here in the forums and with diligent search in the Knowledge Base and elsewhere, then that sounds like the next step. Only you can decide whether it is worth it. EDIT: I am reading posts in inverse order this morning and have just seen your earlier one. Let me quote my own response to that post here again.... "There are situations where a CPU will go to 100% usage when a viewer is running. This appears to occur most in computer with nVidia video cards - but not only. Another effect that seems to happen with nVidia cards is that the viewer will freeze, seemingly at random, and for varying periods of time. Or it will lock up when you attempt to open profiles or try to search. There are two solutions possible. See here >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=100_cpu "
  15. Perhaps this is a long shot, but look anyway ... If you log in to an all blue screen, check your location (top of your screen), to see if you are near the SIM corner, at 10, 10, 10. If so, you almost certainly have a problem gesture. If that's it, see here >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=gesture_issues
  16. If you're using Firestorm, the equivalent directions to what Angel and Cinn provided are World >> Parcel Details >> General >> Script Info >> Avatar. BTW -- Congratulations on working to get your script count down. 151 is waaaaaay too many to be carrying around. You ought to be able to get it down to 20 or fewer. Good luck.
  17. You've probably done the same search I did, Nyll, and found that we haven't had any other questions about the Huawei router. It sounds as if you have isolated it as your problem, though. You may just have to go buy yourself something more reliable. :smileysad:
  18. I don't know about Ac3d, but in Blender you can see an approximation of the bounding box that your model will have in SL. Typically, the bounding box extends well beyond the visible body of your object whenever you have a tight curve and the program has had to create a smooth surface by interpolating between vertices that are too far apart. To a degree, working within the limits of sculpty geometry, you can beat the problem by moving vertices closer together when they are in an area with sharper changes in curvature. That way, the shape of the bounding box is closer to the same shape as your visible model.
  19. There are no "rules" or professional standards in SL, so you are what you claim to be. That can be a disadvantage if you are a professional and want to build credibility and stand out from the non-professionals, but it's also an invitation for you to help set a standard. There are in-world counseling services for many women's issues, including pregnancy and childbirth. You ought to be able to find some with a simple search, or you can get a head start by visiting HealthInfo Island and perusing the resources that they have. As is the case for most small busineses in SL, you will need to invent your own as you go along, but contacts that you make during this background phase will make it easier to plan. As an afterthought .... You may want to distinguish between midwifery and RL resource services on the one hand and in-world role-play pregnancy/child care on the other hand. The two obviously overlap, but I think you will find that there's a difference in clientele between young RL couples and SL role-players.
  20. I'm afraid that Curious is right. You are working on an old laptop with an old graphics gard and insufficient memory. You will probably only be able to get a V1 codebase viewer like Imprudence or 1.23 to run on it. V2/V3 codebase viewers need a fancier machine.
  21. If you're renting the land, you'll have to ask your landlord to add your friend to the rental group that the land is set to. The landlord may or may not agree.
  22. Allowed = (key)llGetObjectDesc(); LSL is picky that way. :smileywink:
  23. No. The LSL Scripting forum is for people who want to learn how to write scripts or have scripting insights to share with other scripters. We don't give away scripts here, but I can tell you how to write it. Your script will capture any touches in a touch_start event, so in that event you need to detect the avatar who touched. Do that with llDetectedKey. Then you need to test whether that person is the special one you're looking for. Compare llDetectedKey(0) to the UUID of that special person. if (llDetectedKey(0) == special_key) , where you substitute the person's UUID for the variable special_key If the result is TRUE, do one thing. If it's FALSE, do something else. So, study a couple of basic LSL tutorials to get a feel for how that script has to be put together, and look at the LSL wiki for the specific details of how a llDetectedKey function works. If you get stuck, come back here and add to this thread by showing us what you have done.
  24. Your viewer and SL's servers have temporarily lost the ability to talk to each other. Unless there's a problem with the servers (Always check http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ first), it's probably something on your end. So.... (1) Try shutting off your computer, unplugging the router and modem for a couple of minutes, and then plugging them back in and restarting. That simple step may clear up everything (2) Change your DNS settings from whatever your ISP assigns you as a default. Use Google's free public DNS servers instead. Here's how >>> http://code.google.com/speed/public-dns/ (3) If things are STILL messed up, contact your ISP. Maybe they are working on their Internet connections. Mine go down for about 20 minutes once a month or so while they are vacuuming dust out of their servers, or whatever they do. This is not likely to be a firewall issue, unless you have done something recently to change your firewall settings. If you suspect that it might be possible, however, see here for instructions about how to set an exception for your viewer in your firewall software >>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Configure_your_software_firewall
  25. Rolig Loon

    IPad 2

    You ought to be able to use Pocket Metaverse, but you will have limited functionality.
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