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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. If you're getting some sort of infamous blue circle, you may need to do more than change viewers. That's not normal behavior for any viewer, and it's not a common descrription for a failure here either. Your graphics card may be overheating. That can be expensive, especially if it takes the rest of the machine out with it.
  2. Ther ought to b instructions with the product you bought. They are probably something like "Click on the logs to start the fire" or "Say, 'Burn, baby, burn!' in chat on channel 34 to start the fire." In any case, if you didn't receive instructions, and none were posted on the merchant's store site in Marketplace or in world, you'll have to contact the creator to find out. BTW, flames are a particle effect. Be sure that you have not accidentally set your Maximum Particle Count too low (in Preference >> Graphics -- it should default to 4096) and that you have not accidentally toggled particles OFF with CTRL + Shift + Alt + = .
  3. Just one unlinked prim? llSetScale()
  4. OK, I was wrong. :=X I got curious about your problem, so I tried it myself. The solution has two parts. First, the reason you are generating that error is that you need to apply a normalized rotation in the keyframed motion. We had a question here about the same thing a couple of months ago. I filed Void's verbal one line response away in my mind for "later." So this is later, and I did the math. Here's a quick function that normalizes any rotation: rotation NormRot(rotation Q){ float MagQ = llSqrt(Q.x*Q.x + Q.y*Q.y +Q.z*Q.z + Q.s*Q.s); Q.x = Q.x/MagQ; Q.y = Q.y/MagQ; Q.z = Q.z/MagQ; Q.s = Q.s/MagQ; return Q;} So, in the context of your problem, here's a follower that uses llKeyFramedMotion .... rotation NormRot(rotation Q){ float MagQ = llSqrt(Q.x*Q.x + Q.y*Q.y +Q.z*Q.z + Q.s*Q.s); Q.x = Q.x/MagQ; Q.y = Q.y/MagQ; Q.z = Q.z/MagQ; Q.s = Q.s/MagQ; return Q;} integer gON;default{ state_entry() { llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS, [PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_TYPE, PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_CONVEX]); } touch_start(integer total_number) { gON = !gON; if (gON) { llSay(0,"Switch ON!"); llSensorRepeat("","91b39b5b-13b1-2517-273a-67360b842c02",SCRIPTED,10.0,PI,0.1); //Following my scripted vehicle } else { llSensorRemove(); } } sensor(integer num) { llSetKeyframedMotion([(llDetectedPos(0) - llGetPos()) + <-1.0,0.0,0.2>*llDetectedRot(0), NormRot(llDetectedRot(0)/llGetRot()),0.11],[]); }} I am using the same general formulation that you are for setting up llKeyFramedMotion itself, except that I am calling that normalizing function to get the rotation. ( I am also using llDetectedPos and llDetectedRot instead of going the long route with llGetObjectDetails). The second part of the solution is about getting rid of the jerkiness. As it turns out, that's just a matter of setting the time in llKeyFramedMotion just slightly longer than the time step in your timer (or in my case, in llSensorRepeat). If both of them, in turn are faster than the speed of whatever you are following, the motion is smooth. For the vehicle I was following as a test, I got great results by running llSensorRepeat at 0.1 seconds and llKeyFramedMotion at 0.11.
  5. You're probably not going to be able to get rid of the jerky movement. llSetKeyframedMotion is smooth, but you are running it within a timer event that has to trigger it at each time step, calculate a path, and set it moving again. I suspect that the root of your real problem, though, is that you are running your timer event very fast (0.04 seconds) but the keyframed motion much slower (0.1 seconds). The timer keeps trying to interrupt the keyframed motion before it has finished. You might be able to beat the problem by stopping the keyframed motion at the start of each time step, but I think you'll have better results if the two time scales are better matched. Try slowing down your timer.
  6. It is not possible to change the land texture on a single parcel. Land texture is applied to the entire sim. The only way to get your own parcel to have grass instead of sand is to cover it with a specially-designed scultpy or mesh surface -- like a floor that conforms to the land. You can buy systems for creating a sculpty system like that in Marketplace, but I understand that they are pricey and require some skill to use. Depending on the sim's covenant, you may be able to terraform, within limits, once the landlord gives you that permission. On the mainland, terraforming is restricted to changes of +/- 4m from the surface originally set by the Lindens when they created the sim. On private sims, there is no such restriction, but you still might not be allowed to make changes that the landowner considers "unsightly" or otherwise detrimental to other tenants on the sim.
  7. You can change the channel from zero in each of your llSay statements to any other integer you like. That will tell the script to send its chat message on that channel instead. so, for example ... llSay(33, "The owner can say 'help' for instructions."); says its message on channel 33. Thing is, it will only be heard by an object that has a listener on that channel. Avatars can only hear chat on the public chat channel, zero. If you have further scripting questions, the best place to ask is the LSL scrfipting forum. We're always glad to help people who are learning or who have a scripting insight to share.
  8. Here are the most common reasons for credit card failure: The credit card number was entered incorrectly. The billing address was not entered or was entered incorrectly. It should be the same address that appears on your bill. The name on the card was not entered or was not entered as it appears on the card. The credit card is not in the list of accepted payment methods (we currently accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, JCB, Discover, or PayPal). The CVV (3 digits on the back, or 4 digits on the front for AmEx) was not entered or was entered incorrectly. The card is expired, or the expiration date was entered incorrectly. There are no funds available on the credit card to validate it. We send a US$1.00 authorization to ensure that a credit card is valid. This is not a billing, but the card must have at least US$1.00 available on it to pass validation. Your monthly payment limit is reached, and/or your bank is not authorizing any more transactions. The issuing bank has not pre-approved transactions with Linden Research, Inc. Contact the issuing bank to resolve the problem. If you are outside the US, your card may not be set up for international/overseas transactions (this is very common with Visa Electron). If none of the above applies to you, contact your credit card provider to determine the cause. You can also call Linden Lab's billing team directly using the phone numbers on the Billing Support page.
  9. In general, avoid notebooks if you can. As the description on this one says, "Stay current on your email, business contacts, social networking and web browsing.... " It's designed for business and casual use, not for gaming. It has an NVidia graphics chip, not a removeable graphics card, so you will probably need to operate on Low (maybe Medium) qualilty graphics in SL. If you want a portable computer, you'd be better off looking at a gaming-quality laptop. It will be pricier, but you'll get much better performance from it and will enjoy SL much more.
  10. SL viewers use QtWebKit for the internal browser. (Note: The Qt does NOT stand for QuickTime.) NOTE: In order to play Flash format videos (eg YouTube videos), you must have the generic Adobe Flash plugin installed. If you use IE as your web browser and already have Flash, you will need to get the generic Flash plugin; see here. linux users need to have gstreamer installed, with the “bad” plugin set. NOTE: If you experience graphics driver crashes on nVidia cards when viewing Flash media (for example Youtube) both in-world and on a website and/or severe drops in your GPU clock mhz on any card then you will need to disable hardware acceleration on Flash Player. To do this, go to Youtube and Pick any video. Right click the video play area to bring up the options and follow the instructions here. If you use IE as your default browser, some have found that the simplest is to download and install FireFox. Once that's done, use it to visit YouTube and start a video; this will prompt for the Flash plugin to be installed - so install it. Make sure that YouTube videos will now play in FireFox. That should be enough the get Flash working in Firestorm (and other SL viewers).
  11. It may be either underground, very high above the ground, or inside some other object. If it has a script in it, ask the sim owner to use TopScripts to locate it for you (assuming that you know its name). There are also scripted devices that you can use to search for hard-to-find objects. I am proud of my own (see https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Script-Scan/2971481 and https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/PRIM-FINDER-boxed/1564259 ), but you will find other options in Marketplace as well.
  12. I agree with Innula that Builder's Brewery is one of the best places to find good classes. You could also try Caledonian Oxbridge University and NCI. If you open Search and look for Events >> Educational, you should find a list of classes available during the week at those places and others. The best way to learn, however, is to experiment and practice a lot. Find a nice, quiet sandbox, not one of the popular ones, or find a friend with land that you can play on. Don't just focus on your building skills, BTW. Your camera is almost as important. Until you can manipulate your camera easily to see your work quickly from any angle and any distance, building will be a frustrating experience. See http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Camera-point-of-view-controls/ta-p/700047 and the embedded links.
  13. Um.... You said YOU created a script? If you got this one off "the wiki", let someone else take the blame. It's not a well-written script at all. There's no need for the jump commands or the returns. Simple ordering of the choices would have done the job. Also, the script opens a new instance of comChannel each time a guest touches it, but it never closes them. That adds lag to the sim and may eventually hit the cap of 65 open listens. There's also no way to remove things from the requests list once the DJ has played them, so the list can get unwieldy. I don't usually like to make massive corrections in someone else's script, but I can't just repeat the simple answer I gave you earlier. Here's an improved version of the script (still not the best, but it takes care of a lot of the problems and inserts your DJ into the permission list): integer DEDICATION_CHANNEL = 98;key DJ = "a822ff2b-ff02-461d-b45d-dcd10a2de0c2"; //Put the DJ's REAL UUID in the quotes hereinteger comHandle;list requests = [];default{ touch_start(integer total_number) { key Av = llDetectedKey(0); if((Av == llGetOwner())||(Av == DJ)) // Here's the answer to your question, BTW { if(llGetListLength(requests) == 0) { llRegionSayTo(Av,0,"No dedications are currently lined up."); } else { llRegionSayTo(Av,0,"----------------- BEGIN REQUESTS ------------------"); integer itra; for(itra=0; itra<llGetListLength(requests); itra+=3) { llRegionSayTo(Av,0,llList2String(requests, itra) + " requested the song: " + llList2String(requests, itra+1)); llRegionSayTo(Av,0,"With the dedication: " + llList2String(requests, itra+2)); if(itra+3<llGetListLength(requests)-1) llRegionSayTo(Av,0,"-------------------------------------------------------"); } llRegionSayTo(Av,0,"------------------ END REQUESTS -------------------"); } } else { comHandle = llListen(DEDICATION_CHANNEL, "", Av, ""); llRegionSayTo(Av,0, "To request the song \"That's Life - Frank Sinatra\" with the dedication \"For my friend Lydia, I love you!\",you would type into the main chat:\n\n/" + (string)DEDICATION_CHANNEL + " That's life - Frank Sinatra%For my friend Lydia, I love you!\n\nThe forward-slash and the number after the slash are important."); } } listen( integer channel, string name, key id, string message ) { llListenRemove(comHandle); requests += (list)name + llList2List(llParseString2List(message, ["%"], [""]), 0, 0) + llList2List(llParseString2List(message, ["%"], [""]), 1, 1); llRegionSayTo(id,0, "Thank you! Your dedication has been stored and will be played at the DJ's convenience."); }}
  14. The way it's set up, IMs that are forwarded to your e-mail are still held in your "in box" until you log in again, so they still count against your 25 cap. That's why you usually find that you still receive IMs after you log in, even if you already saw them in e-mail.
  15. If you are using a V1 - based viewer or an older version of a V2/V3 viewer, you need to disable your automatic translation in Preferences. It no longer works, and will give you an error message if you still have it enabled. If you still want automatic translation, the current versions of V3 and Firestorm offer you the option of including the account number for your subscription to Google's onine translation service (NOT free) or Bing's service (free). If you do not subscribe to one of those services, you need to make that arrangement with them directly -- not through Linden Lab.
  16. IMs and notecards BOTH count against the cap of 25 items or messages that you can receive when you are not in world. As a result, if people send a merchant an IM and a notecard, the merchant's "in box" fills twice as fast, making it even more likely that he will never receive your message.
  17. We'd have to see the script to give you advice about how to change it. If you wrote a test for if(llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner()) or something like that, though, it should be pretty obvious what you need to modify. Just test for the DJ's UUID.
  18. Actually, there is a limit of sorts, and it's been there for years. When a script gives inventory to an avatar, it stalls for 2 seconds. That's an anti-griefer measure, to keep people from spamming with bogus vendor boxes. Often the way around that, as with the throttle limit on IMs that you mentioned, is to have the vendor send its initial gift to several slave vendors, which then split up the mailing list so that they can all be sending at once. Still, my guess is that somebody on your mailing list may have filed an AR, claiming that you were spamming them, so LL shut you down.
  19. The largest you can make is 64 x 64 x 64 meters. To do that, you need current generation viewer (V2/V3, Firestorm, or equivalent level) or a script like this >> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Library/Make-your-own-Megaprims/td-p/1063745
  20. Marigold's right. I can write a simple script with a half dozen lines that can tell me whether you are on line. That's the method that's used in all of the IM mailboxes you see in shops and help areas ... the ones that say "Maria Gomez is ON LINE. Click here to ask a question." You cannot hide your online status in SL. All you can do is make it slightly difficult.
  21. As soon as you launch the viewer that you downloaded and installed, you will appear at the welcome area automatically. Your avatar is the handsome person right in front of you. You will be looking over your own shoulder.
  22. See http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_clean_reinstall . Those instructions are written for Firestorm users, but the same instructions will work for any viewer. The file names may be slightly different, is all.
  23. If you have a question about billing, try Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 LL's Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers * France: 0805.101.490 * Germany: 0800.664.5510 * Japan: 0066.33.132.830 * Portugal: 800.814.450 * Spain: 800.300.560 * UK: 0800.048.4646 * Support is in English Only If you are interested in applying for work, try (415) 243-9000 . There is no number to call for technical support.
  24. changed (integer change){ if (change & CHANGED_LINK) { if(llAvatarOnSitTarget()) { //Mess with my sculpt See changed events in the LSL wiki.
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